Yueshan Xi got up slowly, like an elegant gentleman, with a smile on his face.

"Kaneki-kun, do you like Beethoven?"

Seeing that Kaneki was silent, he immediately looked at Nishio Nishiki on the side.

"Nishio, I don't remember inviting you over, it's very rude to disturb my date with Kaneki-kun.

"Give me back the precious one

!" Nishio Nishiki shouted angrily

, "Unfortunately, that's impossible, this woman is the spice for tonight's dinner, so that Kaneki can taste her in the most delicious state!"

Tsukiyama Xi opened his arms as if introducing a beautiful gift.

"What the hell are you talking about!"

Nishio Nishiki was very angry at the moment, but he didn't dare to make a move.

"To be exact, I want to eat Kaneki at the same time as Kaneki eats her!"

Tsukiyama Xi had a perverted smile on his face, his arms outstretched, and his eyes were extremely reverent.


!" "Perverted!"

Kaneki and Nishio Nishiki said in unison.

"Pervert, Jin Mu-kun, you make me sad like this, I did all this because of you, you have to take responsibility, Jin Mu-kun, you had better recognize the fact that you are very delicious.

Just in an instant, Yueshan Xi came directly to Jin Mu, his eyes were staring at Jin Mu, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Nishio Nishiki shouted, raising his fist and slamming it into Tsukiyama Xi.

But he dodged it sideways, and then kicked it a few meters away.

The seats in the church shattered directly under the impact, and a mouthful of blood spat out from Nishio Nishiki's mouth.

"Nishio Senpai!"

Kaneki hurriedly shouted, but was stopped by Tsukiyama Xi.

"Kaneki-kun, the guy who disturbed our dinner is gone, and then it's our time.

The smile on Yueshan Xi's face made Jin Mu feel a chill, and his eyes couldn't help but open.


Under the bustling city

, a pretty and vigorous figure is shuttling rapidly between high-rise buildings.

Feng Yu, who was in the coffee shop, looked up at the bustling city in the distance.

"Jin Mu Little Angel and Dong Xiang are not in the store... Think about it... It seems that the current plot has developed to the point where Kaneki has been kidnapped by Tsukiyama Xi again

...""When Kaneki and the others come back, it will be time to fight the white pigeon

...""There is no time

...""You must become stronger as soon as possible..."Feng

Yu muttered.

"Although the atmosphere here really makes me reluctant ... The next time it may be time for this store to be destroyed, I'm sorry everyone... I have more important things to do... There are many more people waiting for my return..."

Feng Yu slowly took off his clothes from the coffee shop, put on his own clothes, and was about to leave, but he bumped into Yoshimura Gongzen head-on.

"Are you leaving here?" Fang

Cun's face was still as kind as ever

, Feng Yu nodded

, "Child, pay attention to safety outside, if you are tired, or encounter something that you can't handle, you can come back here, the door of the coffee shop will always be open to you."

"You'll always be waiting for you to come back.

Fangcun Gongshan said.

"I thought I was hiding... I didn't expect to be discovered by the store manager.

Feng Yu smiled bitterly

, the identity of the god of death had obviously been known by Fang Cun Gongshan, but what he said reminded Feng Yu of the taciturn but kind-hearted white-haired old man in another world.

"Master Scales... How come you are still in the other world..."

Feng Yu, who was standing on the top of the building, looked at this bustling city and muttered.

Then it disappeared into the darkness.

"Do you want to pay more attention to his whereabouts

...""No, there are a lot of things hidden in that child's eyes, I can feel the pain in his heart, maybe he deceived us, but he didn't violate the rules of the stable area, on the contrary, he also punished those disobedient meows..."

Maybe Dong Xiang will need his help in the future..."


Soon after

, Dong Xiang and Jin Mu were covered in blood and helped into the coffee shop, but there was a trace of strangeness in the eyes of both sides looking at each other.

"Stupid, let's see if you dare to associate with that pervert of Yueshan Xi next time..."Dong

Xiang said angrily.

Jin Mu felt aggrieved, and there was dodging in his eyes, but when he thought about what Yueshan Xi had said before, it was because of his own reasons that Yueshan Xi did these things.

Imbued Nishio Nishiki's human girlfriend, Guimo,

the guilt in his heart is even worse.

He didn't dare to imagine that a human being would be able to accept a mew as his girlfriend, and that he would also be able to accept Nishio Nishiki eating people.

Endure the pain of gnawing for Nishio Nishiki.

"Perhaps... This is love, isn't it?"

Kaneki sighed in his heart.

"Jingle bell!" The

doorbell shook, and when Dong Xiang and the two entered the house, they saw Fangcun Gongshan standing on the floor-to-ceiling window looking into the distance.

"Store manager, why are you still in the store?" Dong

Xiang asked as he threw Jin Mu onto the sofa.

"Oh, you're back... Just come back safely..."

Fang Mura said in a kind tone.

But Dong Xiang soon noticed something unusual.

"Manager, is there something going on?"

"Feng Yu, that kid left..."

, Yoshimura Kozen said as he looked into the distance, but quickly turned around and grinded a cup of coffee, added some other things to it, and handed it to Kaneki.

"That guy... So weak... Hmph, I'm really looking for death!" Dong

Xiang gritted his teeth and said, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Yoshimura just smiled slightly and didn't say anything.

"Dong Xiang, Jin Mu, remember to clean the sofa, otherwise it won't be good for the guests to see it tomorrow. Then

he left.

"Yes, store manager!"


The next day

was sunny, the streets were full of people, and the coffee shop was calm again, and there was no bad effect on the departure of Feng Yu.

On the contrary

, a new member has been added to the café:

Nishio Nishiki! After this time, Nishio Nishiki has officially become Kaneki's friend.

The two of them, who were together some time ago, are now able to deliver life and death.

In the alley of the dark night

of half a moon

, a man in a black cloak was firmly grasping the red-eyed mew with one hand.

"No... Don't kill me..."

"Lord Death... Please... Don't kill me—

" The man pleaded bitterly, but was met with death!


The skull was split open, and the blood flowed like watermelon juice.

Wind Feather gave him an indifferent look, and then threw the corpse of the meow into the trash can like garbage.

The black figure disappeared into the darkness

, leaving only blood and corpses all over the floor...


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