The year is 1880.

Muzan sat by the swimming pool, drinking juice, lying on a lounge chair, crossing his legs and shaking.

What is comfort!

I have to say that technology has developed really fast in recent years.

Televisions have become popular.

Infinite City is actually much larger than imagined, and Mingnu and Muzan hit it off.

A swimming pool was built directly in Infinite City, and a refrigerator was placed next to it, which was full of frozen drinks, ice cream...

This is called enjoyment!

Then a hot spring was built.

With so many blood ghost arts, isn't it simple to build a hot spring?

In addition, Infinite City is in a different space, it is not too hot or too cold, it is simply heaven!

After this transformation, Infinite City has become a resort in the eyes of all ghosts.

And the Twelve Demon Moons, Xingxian and Yuichi have the right to enter the Infinite City.

Now Maruoka Masahiro, Maruoka Kinko, Asanuma Shizu, and others come here to relax when they are tired.

This makes other ghosts very envious.

Therefore, the competition among the Twelve Demon Moons has become more intense.

However, if you can't beat them, you can't beat them.

So, Muzan has another idea.

For every ghost who fails to challenge the Twelve Demon Moons, Muzan will give them a note.

This is the voucher.

The note records which number they challenged.

When the number reaches two hundred, Muzan will give them a unique opportunity.

Although they don't know what the so-called opportunity will be, the ghosts are very happy.

Maybe it's a simpler way.

They left with hope.

Muzan finished the drink in his hand, grabbed an apple from the table next to him, and left Infinite City while eating it.

Mi Rong is different from other ghosts. When she ate her husband, she gave herself a name - Guhuo Bird.

This represents a break from her miserable life.

However, in the eyes of others, she is still called Mi Rong.

Mi Rong belongs to humans, and Guhuo Bird belongs to ghosts.

What Muzan didn't expect was that Guhuo Bird adopted two little guys - Zhushawan and Yabaha.

The two children originally had a happy family.

But after Zhushawan's father died of illness, her mother became confused and began to beat her.

The gift her parents gave her on her birthday when she was a child became the last warmth.

As for Yabaha, for some reason, his parents disappeared one morning when they left home for work and never came back.

He was picked up by a temple.

But temples are not necessarily holy places where monks live and are separated from the world. They may also be a cover for filth.

Yabaha became a "slave" who cleaned toilets and garbage and was busy every day, and was beaten all day long.

For a year, it was used as a tool to clean up places like cesspools and garbage dumps.

After being rescued by Guhuo Bird, Yaba Yu's cleanliness became more serious due to the stimulation of the past memories.

Even a little dust made him feel as if he had returned to the days of being beaten, cleaning toilets, and sweeping temples.

The dregs in those temples became the food for Guhuo Bird.

Muzan came to Guhuo Bird's mansion, which was also an orphanage.

He saw the short-haired orange-clothed little Zhushawan pulling the green-clothed Yaba Yu, shouting that he wanted to play handball with him.

Yaba Yu was there grabbing his clothes in disgust.

"Play with me, play with me! Play handball!"

"Stay away from me! The dust has stained my clothes!"

"My clothes are not stained at all! Come and play with me!"

"I don't want to play! I want to study!"

"What's the point of studying! Play with me, play with me!"


Many children have grown up and left here, and there are people here to help take care of the children.

But for some reason, they found that their mother didn't seem to age much.

Several children noticed Muzan and looked over curiously.

Sae, who was almost 20 years old, saw Muzan and felt vaguely familiar.

But it had been a long time, and she only met him once at that time, so she didn't remember him.

Guhuo Niao, who was coaxing a three-year-old child in the house, noticed the strangeness of the children outside and looked out of the window.

Then she saw Muzan coming.

He quickly put the child down, coaxed him a few times, and hurried out:

"Master Muzan."

Muzan looked at Zhushawan and Yabaha who were looking at him curiously. The two noticed that Muzan saw them and quickly turned their heads away.

Guhuo Bird looked at the two children, then looked at Muzan:

"What questions do the two of them have?

"Is there a problem?"

"Nothing, do what you should do."

Muzan just noticed the two of them and came to see them by the way. The main purpose was to find Peilang.

He still wanted to confirm his thoughts.

At that time, the owner seemed to have made up his mind. Would he really cooperate with the Demon Slayer Corps?

So some of those who are chasing the Demon Slayer now are his nephews?

Then, Guhuo Bird looked at Master Muzan who ran over inexplicably, took a look, and left inexplicably.

Sure enough, the Demon King's thoughts were not something she could guess.

Relying on the demons that were hidden deep and widely distributed, Muzan quickly found Peilang.

At this time He had just killed a "ghost", which was actually a so-called half-ghost.

He took back the Sun Blade and prepared to leave.

The battles during this period restored his confidence.

The battle with that terrifying ghost almost made him doubt himself. Was he so weak?

He couldn't even break the defense?

How could he kill him?

But facing this kind of ghost, he could kill one with one sword, smoother than chopping melons.

So the difference between ghosts can be so big?

Peilang took back the Sun Blade and saw a civilian hiding behind a stone and leading the way for him.

He waved his hand and smiled, "Don't worry, the evil ghost has been killed by me! It's safe here!"

The civilian was happy when he heard the words and walked out from behind the stone.

He hurried over to check if he was injured:

"You are not injured? It is said that the evil ghost can also turn others into ghosts. I will take you to check it out. "

This civilian is a well-known local businessman.

At first, Peilang thought that he might not believe in ghosts or gods, but he didn't expect that the businessman became very enthusiastic when he heard that he was from the Demon Slayer Corps.

He took him to find the evil ghost without saying a word, and was still worried about his safety after the battle.

A ghost hunter who has always been distrusted by others and driven away by the government has never received such treatment.

I am so moved that I am about to cry!

Peilang followed the businessman to the hospital for a checkup.

Seeing the businessman sighed with relief after seeing the checkup report, I couldn't help but feel that this person is really good.

So worried about him!

Peilang is simply I want to open my heart to you!

They started to talk without reservations, and the two of them seemed to have met too late to talk about anything.

He entertained him for another night. The rich businessman prepared dry food for him on the road, mended the clothes that were torn by the battle, and watched him get on the train all the way.

Looking at the rich businessman standing at the train station, Peilang was very moved.

The Demon Slayer Corps is actually still very popular with others!

He watched the rich businessman wave to him from the train window until the train went away and they could not see each other.

This time when he was on a mission, he felt the warmth.

Watching the train go away, the rich businessman looked behind him and said respectfully:

"Boss, I found out.

It is indeed as you guessed. The martial arts hall he is in is dedicated to training new people for the Demon Slayer Corps from generation to generation.

And their goal is to kill a demon from more than 400 years ago."

Muzan nodded, and in the rich businessman's nervous, happy and a little scared expression, Muzan's nails slowly grew longer and stabbed into his head.

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