The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Muzan did not rashly use the blood demon technique to spy on whether this guy was handsome or not, in case he was found out.

Watching him untie the cloth that bound the Nichirin Sword, revealing the Nichirin Sword inside.

Muzan took the Nichirin Sword and slowly pulled out the blade under the watchful eyes of the swordsmith and Douma.

As Muzan adjusted his breathing, the "color-changing sword" was slowly covered by a layer of azure blue from bottom to top.

He liked Tanjiro's water breathing very much, so he decided to use water breathing in the future, and would no longer change color like in Fujikiyama, becoming more colorful than neon lights.

"It's blue, a very beautiful color..."

The swordsmith sighed, "Good luck to you."

"I thought it would be colorful."

Douma muttered to the side.

Under the mask that he couldn't see, the swordsmith's eyebrows twitched twice. What the hell is colorful!

Do you think the Nichirin Sword is a rainbow sword? !

Show some respect to the Nichirin Sword!

He glared at Douma, stood up angrily, and left with the box on his back.

Douma: What about my sword?

Muzan glanced at him and said, "The swordsmith who forged your sword has come."

Just as Muzan said, another person pushed open the door, stretched his head with a strange mask, and asked:

"Is Xu Wu here?"

Dou Ma hurriedly stood up: "I am!"

"I forged the Sun Blade for Xu Wu," he said, taking off the big wooden box on his back, opening it and untying the cloth straps while saying:

"The Sun Blade is forged with ore from the mountain closest to the sun. This kind of stone is exposed to the sun all year round, without rain or clouds. It absorbs the power of the sun and can kill evil spirits..."

While Muzan was fiddling with the Sun Blade in his hand, he complained in his heart that the Sun Blade is no longer useful for ghosts!

But the half-ghost should still be killed.

Finally, in Dou Ma's somewhat impatient eyes, the swordsmith handed the Sun Blade to Dou Ma.

In the swordsmith's expectant eyes, Dou Ma pulled out the blade.

For a moment, the colorful dazzling colors instantly spread from the handle to the entire blade.

Swordsmith: "???"

What is this colorful, dazzling thing?

I've learned something new...

The Sun Blade can be colorful.

Muzan was also surprised. You are amazing. You can make a rainbow-colored version of the Sun Blade without any breathing skills.

Mary Sue was ecstatic.

It's so raw.

But the next moment, the colorful colors on the blade in Douma's hand began to fade, and then the pale and empty white covered the entire blade.

Unlike the white of Kasumi's Breathing, this white does not give people a good feeling. It is completely empty.

The blade faded quickly, which made Douma's fake smile disappear.

The swordsmith didn't quite know what was going on. He could only scratch his head and leave with the wooden box.

"Xu Xing! Go to Southeast Town!"

"Xu Wu! Go to Southeast Town!"

"Demons have appeared in Southeast Town! Hunt demons!" ×2

Their two crows flew in at the same time and started to shout, Douma looked over with a smile.

He wanted to eat these two noisy crows.

The crow seemed to sense the danger, and looked around vigilantly, but to no avail, it carefully landed on the shoulders of the two "people".

Muzan touched the crow's little head.

"Let's go."

He was quite curious. There were not many demons under his command that had been discovered so far, and most of them were too lazy to "hunt" humans roughly like beasts.

Whether it was exchanging food, killing evil people, or other ways to obtain human flesh, and they didn't have to eat people now.

So what have the Demon Slayer Corps been busy killing all this time?

The condition for becoming a pillar is to kill fifty demons.

So where did it come from?

When the two of them arrived at the place mentioned by the crow, it was already night.

According to the mission description mentioned by the crow, people always go missing at night, and it is suspected that evil spirits are preying on people.

And according to the locals, there are already frequent places.

The most people go missing on the west side of the town.

Muzan and Douma came to the west side of the town together.

Because the economy was not developed at that time, the so-called town was not very big, and the two of them could basically keep the so-called west side of the town under surveillance.

Because of the rumors of ghosts, almost no one dared to go out at night, and only the two of them were left on the dead silent street.

People walking separately.

The sound of Muzan's footsteps echoed in the empty long road, the sound of "da, da, da" was gentle and scary.

Although Muzan ran out to kill ghosts at this time, if someone saw him, they would definitely think that Muzan was the ghost who killed many people.

A slight cold wind blew past, and Muzan suddenly exhaled and grabbed the handle of the Nichirin Sword with one hand.


A black shadow suddenly attacked from the small road on the side, and Muzan drew out the Nichirin Sword almost in an instant.


The long sword easily pierced the attacker's arm.

Under his unbelievable and horrified gaze, Muzan grabbed his neck, raised it high, and laughed:

"It's not a ghost."

"Uh uh uh——"

Being pinched by Muzan's neck, he couldn't breathe, his face turned red, and he struggled desperately to pry open Muzan's palm.

Muzan threw his hand, and he was thrown out hard, hitting the ground with a heavy impact.

Enduring the pain, he quickly got up and ran away without saying a word.

Muzan looked around, there was no one, the crows ran as far as they could because of the battle.

He stepped on the ground and chased after him.

"Hey, you are the so-called cannibal ghost, right?"

The man was startled when he saw Muzan chasing him from behind, but when he saw that the distance was safe enough, he shouted boldly:

"So what?! Aren't you ghost catchers?! If you are not a ghost, get out of here! Killing is illegal!"


Muzan couldn't help laughing.

You really know better than me.

Since it was confirmed that this guy was the murderer, Muzan didn't hesitate, and the speed increased. The man suddenly saw a huge black shadow leaping from behind.

His pupils dilated, and in incredible horror, he turned his head and saw a huge mouth opening towards him.


Help! ! !

Ghost! ! !

Why can't I make a sound? ! !

In the end, the man only saw a huge mouth swallowing him, and then he lost consciousness.

After a few sounds of bones breaking and chewing flesh, Muzan's arm recovered.

At the same time, he also notified Douma that the problem had been solved.

The two of them set off directly without caring that it was already midnight.

When it was about to dawn, the two crows carefully tried to return to the place where they fought, but found that they had already left.

They cackled twice and hurriedly chased after them.

At noon, the tired crows finally found them and landed on their shoulders to rest.

Muzan smiled and touched him.

The crow cackled twice, and it was not known whether it was comfortable or complaining.

After resting enough, the hard-working crow flew away again.

They had to go back to report and bring new tasks.

The crows must be exhausted!

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