"It seems that Muzan pays a lot of attention to me."

Luochuan said in a relaxed tone, but his hand was always on the scabbard.

Kokushibo's strength is different from other upper strings. He has mastered the stripes and the transparent world, and is slightly better than him in terms of status.

Coupled with the unique moon breathing, even Luochuan dare not be careless

"Please be careful with your words when you talk about that adult."


Luo Chuan sneered. He is a human, not a ghost. Is it necessary to add honorifics when calling him"Wuzan"? Ridiculous

"You seem to be very disdainful of what I said. Well, since I have met you, let me help the adults to get rid of you."

Kokushibo stared at Luochuan with three pairs of eyes and said calmly, as if getting rid of Luochuan was just a matter of convenience.

Luochuan curled his lips. This Kokushibo is really arrogant.

Now I guess if I make friends with him, I will probably become a clown. Let's talk about it after a fight.

After thinking about it, Luochuan's body disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, he appeared beside Kokushibo, and the golden arc spread on the Sun Blade.

"call out——"

The moment the Sun Blade slashed down, Kokushibo's figure disappeared, and Luochuan's attack also fell into vain.

Then, Kokushibo's voice sounded behind Luochuan.

""A user of Thunder Breathing? You've mastered the breathing type exceptionally well."

Hearing these words that sounded like instructions, Luochuan narrowed his eyes.

How did Kokushibo disappear just now?

His knife was about to hit him, but Kokushibo seemed to have suddenly merged into space.

Can this speed be achieved by the physical body alone?

No, that's not right. Kokushibo's current state should be the opening of the transparent world.

It is not accurate to say that the transparent world has been opened. Kokushibo does not need to open it like him, but is in the state of the transparent world all the time.

Is this the correct way to use the transparent world?

Since Luochuan mastered the complete transparent world, the sustainable time of opening the transparent world has become longer and longer.

But there is still a long way to go to make the transparent world a normal state like Kokushibo.

""Destroy Killing Luo Needle!"

Luochuan turned around, holding the Sun Wheel Blade with both hands, and unfolded the six-pointed star technique under his feet.

The fighting spirit that belonged to Kokushibo appeared in Luochuan's vision.

Compared with Kokushibo's overwhelming fighting spirit, Douma's fighting spirit was as weak as a baby in front of it.


Facing Luochuan's second attack, Kokushibo did not choose to dodge, and took Luochuan's attack casually.

"Douma didn't lie to Akaza, you really know Akaza's blood demon technique"

""A ghost-like person? Then I can't let you go today."

While blocking Luochuan's attack, Kokushibo said while looking at the technique under Luochuan's feet in surprise.

He thought that Douma said that someone could use Akaza's blood demon technique as a joke to stimulate Akaza, but he didn't expect that Luochuan could really use Akaza's blood demon technique.

""What a coincidence, I didn't want to let you go either."

Luochuan grinned as he looked at Kokushibo who was only a hand away from him.

After opening the Luo needle, Luochuan could already slightly catch the traces of Kokushibo's attack.

Although he still couldn't see clearly, he was not as clueless as the first move.

To put it another way, Kokushibo's current strength is stronger than his, but the strength is limited, and the gap in strength between the two is not unstoppable.

Knowing this, Luochuan was more confident in speaking.

You must know that he has not yet opened the transparency, and his strength has not yet fully erupted.

As he spoke, the Sun Blade in Luochuan's hand changed color instantly, and the golden blade was instantly swallowed by the red gold.

The red-gold flames spread along the tip of the blade and rushed straight to Kokushibo's cheek.

The flames were dodged by Kokushibo without exception.

"With such strength at such a young age, no wonder the adults can't forget him. Are you interested in becoming a ghost? Luochuan"

Luochuan's nose moved slightly, and a scent full of recognition wafted from Kokushibo.

Luochuan was stunned when he smelled this breath. Is this considered recognition of himself?

He hasn't opened up yet? Is it so easy?

But there is no time to think so much. Since Kokushibo has recognized him, now is a good opportunity to make friends with him.

"Becoming a ghost? Interesting." Luo Chuan lowered the Sun Blade in his hand slightly and continued.

"Before that, I have a question for you."

"you say"

"Would you like to be friends with me?"


Luochuan nodded.

Kokushibo was startled. Be friends with him? He is old enough to be Luochuan's great grandfather. Luochuan wants to be friends with him?

And even if we don't look at the age difference, he is a ghost. He has never heard of ghost hunters making friends with ghosts.

Wait, if Luochuan becomes a ghost, with the strength Luochuan just showed, he will definitely be ranked as an upper string. Does the other party mean a friend in this sense?

Kokushibo thought for a while, nodded and said,"I do."

He admires the strong. Luochuan has such strength at such a young age. His future should not be limited by his identity. Serving that adult is his true destiny.


【Successfully added Upper Rank One, Kokushibo as a friend!】

【It is detected that the intimacy between Upper Rank One Kokushibo and the host's friend is just acquainted, and a random reward is obtained】

【Skills acquired: Breath of the Moon, Type 6, Solitary Moon at Night, Infinite (Exquisite)】

【Do you want to choose to fuse the skills now: Moon Breathing Type 6·Eternal Night Lone Moon·Mujian (Masterful)?】


Looking at the reward information on the system panel, Luochuan was a little stunned. Is this it?

Why does it feel easier than Yuhu? ?

Yuhu even praised his pot for being beautiful. Kokushibo agreed as soon as he said it. He really responded to every request?

Moon Breathing Type 6, Luochuan thought about it and it seemed to be the trick used by Kokushibo in the battle against the Wind Pillar, Musashi Mu, in the Infinite Castle.

By launching countless vertical arc slashes, everything around is destroyed.

At that time, this move directly crippled Musashi, which shows its power.

Luochuan was secretly satisfied. In fact, no matter which type of Moon Breathing he drew, it would be a good deal for him.

Because Luochuan now has super comprehension, as long as he masters any type of breathing method, he can easily deduce other types of this breathing method after spending some time.

In other words, Luochuan now masters not only the Moon Breathing Type 6, but all the breathing types of the Moon Breathing.

It's just that the proficiency of other types has to be improved by Luochuan himself, and he can't reach the level of perfection directly like the Type 6.

"So, are you willing to become a ghost now?"

Hei Shibo asked calmly.

He had agreed to Luochuan's request, and now it was Luochuan's turn.

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