Demon Royal Family

Chapter 97 After crossing the hill, I found two monsters

"The two clues of the token are nothing more than the terrain. To understand the terrain, of course you have to stand at a high place."

Ivo flew through the mountains and forests. He chose the hill in the northwest. The hill was three hundred meters high. The woods became sparse as you went up. The top of the mountain was a bare rock platform.

Not many beasts were encountered along the way. After half a day of competition, many beasts had turned into points, and the number dropped quickly. According to Ivo's estimation, it would only take three or four days for all the beasts to be eliminated, including the silver-level beasts.

Silver-level beasts are unbeatable for contestants with an average age of about 17 years old. However, tigers are afraid of packs of wolves. Participants can use their numbers to kill the silver beasts, but this will inevitably cause friction and competition among the teams. , so the points of a silver-level creature are as high as 100.

So far, 10 silver creatures are still alive.

All the way to the top of the hill smoothly, he looked down, and the terrain of the League Forest was displayed three-dimensionally in front of him. He took out a piece of paper and quickly sketched the rough terrain outline of the League Forest on the paper. There was a forest. The area mixed with the canyon looks like a green bird with spread wings, with its head facing north.

"This is the so-called 'migratory bird returning to the north'..." Ivo looked at the claws of the "flying bird area", which is a long and narrow canyon.

After finding one, Ivo felt a little more excited and continued to look for the "jewel-like beard", but found nothing, and there was no corresponding area.

"Looks like you need to go to another hill to find it."

The two hills are in different positions and have different viewing angles.

Ivo put away the map and was about to go down the mountain. Suddenly his scalp went numb and he felt extremely dangerous. His intuition had saved him many times. He rolled over without hesitation. A huge raptor passed by, an eagle like an iron hook. His claws dug into him, causing gravel to scatter everywhere.

Ivo was in shock, secretly afraid that if he hadn't been decisive, he would have almost been shot.

A raptor that looked like it was made of steel was hovering on the top of the mountain. It had a wingspan of ten meters and four claws under its body. This was a rare steel-winged griffon. Its bones and feathers were made of steel.

"Damn, silver-level creature!"

Ivo cursed and ran down the mountain in a panic. Although he could kill the silver-level Flame Lion with the explosion of his three trump cards, it would only hurt both sides. He was unable to deal with the flying beast.

The token clue is a trap that attracts people. The real danger is that it is guarded by silver-level creatures. This is a trap. Ivo gritted his teeth and was extremely angry. The most annoying thing was that he jumped in by himself.

Don't let me know which badass bastard made up the rules! Sooner or later, I will like you one day! What a scam!

Severn III sneezed.

The steel-winged griffon has the advantage of flying, and it keeps swooping and attacking from a high position. Ivosaya runs wildly, with the wind whistling in her ears. The trees behind her are constantly being smashed by the steel-winged griffon's hard body, and the broken wood is flying.

Fortunately, there were woods on this hill that blocked the swooping force of the raptor, and Ivo was able to escape all the way to the foot of the mountain. The steel-winged griffon's range of activities was limited to the top of the mountain, and the pursuit was no longer possible.

Ivo leaned against the tree and gasped for breath, dripping with cold sweat. After scolding the smelly bird a few times, he carefully climbed another hill. Although he knew that there must be silver-level creatures guarding there, Ivo had always been a person who faced difficulties. , besides, he was confident that he could escape.

There was no talking all the way, and when we reached the top of the second hill, there was only the last trace of dusk left, and a beast was sleeping on the rock.

Ivo stayed far away from the beast, walked lightly, and found another clue area before it got dark. It was a stream with many branches, sparkling in the sunlight, like a gem.


Putting away the clues, Ivo tiptoed away without disturbing the sleeping beast. He couldn't help but cheer in a low voice, praising his good luck.

Dusk fades and night falls.

Ivo secretly thought about his next plan. The night is the comrade of the beast. After dark, the roles of the beast and the contestants are reversed. No matter the strong or weak team, they do not want to encounter the elusive beast in the dark, so they will look for it. Set up camp in a safe location.

There is another situation where many teams will be stationed near the eight strongholds. Ivo can guess that there will be a scuffle before dawn. These teams will launch an attack on the strongholds and fortresses to seize the strongholds.

He was alone, and it was convenient to act in the dark. In addition to not being a hindrance, the night could also effectively block the broadcast of the alchemy screen, so he could use some of his methods that could not be exposed.

He was right. In major cities in the kingdom, a large number of spectators went home to rest, and the king and distinguished guests also left the wizard tower. In addition to eating and resting, they also knew that through previous academy leagues, It's usually calm at night, so I only watch the league during the day.

Of course, the mage judges don't get a break.

Ivo thought for a while and decided to find his teammates first on this first night.

However, what Ivo didn't know was that Nafi and the others were in a huge crisis.

Tonight, the stars and moon are dim, the night is dim, the darkness is like a layer of black veil covering the eyes, everything seems blurry, the swaying branches are like shadowy ghosts, and the atmosphere is oppressive and gloomy.

In a woodland, Nafei and four others were surrounded by dozens of people in a fan shape. The light of torches left mottled light and shadow on the four people's solemn faces, and the four people slowly retreated.

The team surrounding the four Nafis was the Royal Academy team. This was a coincidence. The two teams met in the dark, like jungle beasts meeting in a narrow road. However, it seemed that the four Nafis, who were outnumbered, became the prey in Daimari's eyes.

"Miss Nafi, I didn't expect that we would meet again. Destiny is unpredictable. No one can guess who we will meet in the next second, don't you think?" Daimari pretended as always, his smile hinted at coldness, but he didn't Forgetting the sarcastic words Nafi said on the day she dropped out of the Royal Academy, and that Nafi was still nominally the fiancée of the abominable Caesar, Demari was ready to take action on Nafi.

Nafei's face was solemn. The four of them were facing all participating students from the Royal Academy, and there was almost no possibility of winning. She whispered in her heart that something was not good, but despite the critical situation, she still remained calm.

Ender looked scared and his legs were trembling. On the contrary, Barlow and Hades looked indifferent, as if the people being surrounded were not them. Hades was paralyzed as always. He didn't know what fear was, while Barlow didn't care. He always trusts the sword in his hand and looks relaxed.

Daimari said lightly: "It's a pity that Ivo didn't come to participate in the league, otherwise I would have taught him a lesson."

Nafei smiled softly: "Our captain is already in the arena."

Misha's eyes lit up, and she whipped her whip with a snap. Her eyes were filled with fire, "That would be great. I want him to cry for mercy under my whip. I..."

At this moment, Barlow suddenly shouted loudly and took action suddenly. The violent sword energy was like a tornado, sweeping across the entire place, as if a white wind was rising suddenly. The students of the Royal Academy were caught off guard and made defensive postures, using holy light and mana shields. All lit up.


Nafei and others immediately understood and turned around to run away. Ander shouted excitedly: "Brother Barlow, you are the most reliable!"

"You are stupid! Don't talk when you are running away!" Barlow roared, turned around and struck out with another sword. The huge slash was like a mountain collapsing, and many enemies who had just started to pursue were blocked again.

Nafei looked at Barlow in surprise. Although they were both teammates, she didn't know that Barlow was so strong.

Of course Ivo knew.

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