Demon Royal Family

Chapter 72 Alencia’s Blessing (Second Update)

A terrible disease outbreak broke out in Greenshade Town, and now only a ruin is left. The dusty streets are deserted, and the houses covered with vines do their best to show the desolation.

Ivo slowly walked into the ruins of Greenshade Town, and Derpy floated beside him, with a look of reminiscence: "This is the town where I was born. I haven't been back for a long time."

Several huge wild dogs mutated in the plague emerged from the ruins and pounced on Ivo viciously.

Ivo's war hammer stretched forward, and a shock wave that distorted the air spread. Several giant dogs maintained their flying posture and were briefly suspended in the air. The power of the shock exploded in the next second, and the giant dogs flew out like cannonballs, booming. The walls collapsed and dust filled the air.

The degree of mastery of the Highmaul style is getting higher and higher. Ivo has touched the threshold of master-level mastery. Just picking up the warhammer will show an aura as thick as a mountain. No matter how fast or slow the warhammer dances, the hammer head will produce There is a vague pulling force, which is a phenomenon caused by extreme concentration of power.

Continuing forward, we passed a small church.

Xiaodai said in a sad tone: "I will die here."

"Glala..." The sound of bones and joints moving came from the church, and several withered corpses staggered out. The clothes on their bodies were rotten and could not be seen in their original condition. They could only be barely recognized as being decorated by priests. After smelling the breath of living people, several ghouls rushed towards Ivo greedily.

Ivo's expression remained unchanged, he stretched his arms to the maximum extent, his muscles bulged, and he swung the war hammer violently, smashing several zombies dozens of meters away like a baseball. Their whole bodies fell apart and fell to the ground with a crackle.

Time and astrology will affect some corpses, and they will slowly turn into ghouls as time goes by. This world is full of dangers, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive in the wild.

Xiaodai said in a daze: "You knocked the priest uncle away..."

"He's just a dead man now." Ivo shrugged.

After passing the chapel, not far from the next door was Dai Dai's former home. The door was half broken, and the empty doorway was filled with spider webs. From the outside, one could see a withered tree in the yard, with its branches and leaves shriveled and withered, and covered with dust. The color of defeat.

" my home."

Xiaodai's voice trembled, and she floated under the dead tree, wanting to touch the tree that had accompanied her throughout her childhood. However, although Xiaodai was a ghost that could touch entities, she had no sense of touch.

Xiaodai silently retracted his hand and opened his arms to hug the dead tree, as if he wanted to feel the coolness from the hot summer.

Ivo stood silently watching.

"For too many years, I have always wanted to go home. Such a simple wish has not come true until today..." False tears fell from Xiaodai's eyes.

Xiaodai floated into the dusty house, and Ivo pushed aside the cobwebs. The furnishings in the house were all decayed, but Xiaodai was full of memories, and it seemed that what he saw was still the warm little house, where her father and mother accompanied her again. Scene after scene. My mother was busy in the kitchen, smoke was curling up from the kitchen, and my father was doing carpentry work. The sound of sawing wood woke her up from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes and ran to her father with bare feet to complain. Whenever this happened, her father would stop working, hold her in his arms and sit on the rocking chair to play, making her giggle.

Derpy floated in mid-air silently, and Ivo swept away the dust on the ground, sat down and waited.

The day passed slowly, and the afterglow of dusk reflected a dim yellow mottled color inside the house, as if all stories would end like the sun.

Xiaodai woke up from his memories, turned around slowly, and looked at Ivo with eyes of satisfaction and relief, "Ivo, thank you for bringing me back."

"My wish has been fulfilled. I feel the call of the place of return. It's time for me to leave." Xiaodai closed his eyes, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth. Although it was shallow, it was full of sincerity and gratitude.

Ivo sighed, "Goodbye, Derpy."

Starting from her feet, she turned into crystal light dust and dispersed. She opened her eyes and smiled brightly, just like a young flower bud that after a long period of growth finally bloomed into the most beautiful stamen.

"My name is not Derpy, my name is... Elencia."

The last trace of light dust dispersed in the wind, and the bone ring turned into a pile of bone powder.

Ivo touched his heart and murmured: "Elencia, I remember your name."

There was a slight cold feeling on the back of his left hand, and a line of black floral letters like a tattoo slowly emerged, as if imprinted on the back of the hand. This line of letters was Xiaodai's name, Alencia.

This is Elencia's blessing before she disappears - low-level undead affinity.

There was a message in Ivo's mind. He stroked the newly appeared tattoo on the back of his hand and sighed slightly. He said goodbye to a friend, and he felt a little sad.

After leaving the house, several wandering ghouls discovered Ivo, but they did not pounce on him immediately. Instead, they shook their heads and observed in the distance for a while, and then walked away. This is what low-level undead are familiar with. Effect.

Having fulfilled Elencia's wish, Ivo set out to return to the royal capital.

Royal Academy.

Leon looked shocked after reading the newspaper reports about the execution of Khalil Ban.

He and Misha worked hard to hide and escape from Kalilban. Unexpectedly, Kalilban was killed by Ivo, whom they once regarded as a joke. They didn't know how they felt.

Misha looked unhappy, she thought this was definitely a rumor.

Daimari put down the newspaper and asked with some interest: "What is his strength?"

Leon muttered: "During the Blood Scorpion's first raid, the enemy summoned five purgatory demons. He..." Leon told what he saw.

Misha hummed: "Maybe those demons are fakes."

Leon looked at Misha helplessly, wanting to tell him not to lie to himself, but he understood that Misha had such a tough-tongued character.

There was a nonchalant smile on Daimari's lips, "It seems that he is qualified to be taken seriously by me. There are still more than half a year before the academy league. With his strength, he will definitely become a participating student of Hurricane Academy. I will teach him a lesson in the league." Give him a try and let him understand the difference."

"My biggest enemy is that Caesar." Daimari's eyes turned cold. He was originally a high-profile future star of the Royal Academy, but since Caesar from the Gold family joined the academy, he quickly attracted everyone. His attention simply took away the honor of being the first genius that belonged to him.

Demari does not think that he is worse than Caesar. He cannot bear this gap. What he cares about most is honor and reputation. He maintains an elegant and genius style in order to shape his own image. He cares about the opinions of others. In his heart Caesar is the biggest enemy, and Ivo and everything else have to step aside.

"This year's Academy League has attracted the attention of all the nobles. Even His Majesty the King and the Lord Bishop will come to watch in person, as well as the Kingdom's first knight Donald Marquis, Captain of the Golden Kingdom Jameson and other top leaders in the Kingdom. Strong men will also watch, this is my best chance to defeat Caesar in public!" Daimari thought to himself.

In the principal's office of Hurricane Academy, David reported on the training situation. Polanco was shocked and angry at the large number of student casualties, but he had nothing to do. After all, the blood scorpion attack was beyond their control.

According to the contract signed by students when they enroll, if a student dies during training, the college must provide a generous pension to his family. This will make the already poor economy worse. The families of these dead and injured students will also question the college, Poland. Ke has a headache.

The only good news is that the most talented people in the academy are safe, and Ivo also killed Kalilban, and the reputation of Hurricane Academy has also increased.

If Hurricane College can perform well in the college league half a year later and receive royal support and funding, the college will not collapse.

But the Ivo they were optimistic about was still too young. Although his strength was beyond his age, he was three or four years younger than the talented students from other colleges, which was a disadvantage.

According to Polanco's idea, Ivo should be allowed to participate in the next academy league. At that time, Ivo will definitely dominate everyone and can avoid the geniuses known as the "Future of the Kingdom", but the embarrassing thing is that The academy couldn't last that long, so he was in a dilemma.

At this time, David said: "Principal, I suggest inviting Ivo to become a participating student in the college league."

Polanco's eyes widened in surprise. Mapoyaev said that David didn't think highly of Ivo. Was he wrong?

David: "Through this experience, I realized that prejudice had blinded me. I saw his huge potential. I have never seen such a talented student with tenacious willpower, excellent tactical awareness, and profound knowledge." Unfathomable potential…”

"So I think Ivo has enough ability to participate in the academy league, and age is not an obstacle for him!"

David used to be biased against Ivo, but after experience, he was changed by Ivo's outstanding performance and became uncontrollably optimistic about Ivo.

Polanco pondered for a long time and finally nodded, "I'll do as you say."

The return journey was uneventful. After half a month of trekking, Ivo returned to the royal capital.

Arriving at the gate of Hurricane Academy, Nafei, who couldn't hide her graceful figure even in a wizard's robe, stood beside the pillar, waiting for Ivo. She kept smiling gently, but her eyes radiated an evil cold light, "Ivo , several nights, I was awakened by pain from my dreams, should you talk to me about this matter?"

Ivo glanced at the fireball that appeared out of thin air. Without stopping, he walked calmly past Nafi, as if he didn't know Nafi. Instead, Nafei, who was in charge of questioning, was stunned and hurriedly shouted behind him: " Why don’t you answer me?!”

When Ivo heard this, he ran away without saying a word.

Only then did Nafei realize that she had been tricked, and became angry.

"Asshole, don't run!"

Iwosa Yazi ran wildly and laughed wildly: "Chase me, you idiot!"

Nafei gritted her teeth: "When I catch up with you, I will kill you..."

"If you want to have sex, I'll stop right away!" Ivo cheered up.

"I'll blow you up!"

Fireballs rumbled and shot randomly, and the students they encountered along the way tried to avoid them for fear of accidental injury. They watched in stunned silence as the two of them chased each other and fled away.

"Is this...domestic violence?!"

(Transitional Chapter)

Thanks to 2000713 and Jiyue Youzhu for the reward!

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