Demon Royal Family

Chapter 66 The Revenge of the Blood Scorpion and the Discussion of Tunnel Warfare (Third Update)

It only took the thieves a day to clear a large open space around the Blood Scorpion's Nest. The original woods turned into short wooden piles, chopped down trees were piled up randomly, and the ground was full of messy branches and leaves.

The Blood Scorpion's Nest is located deep in the Blade Forest. The woods surrounding the base camp have turned into flat ground. The field of vision is vast and no one can hide. The guerrilla tactics of Ivo and others have also come to an end.

The team was repairing in the outer woods. Ivo was stroking the inscriptions on the war hammer, missing his father in the distance. At this time, Barlow came over, picked his ears and asked: "What are you thinking about?"

Ivo raised his head and smiled, "I'm thinking about my dad."

Barlow sat next to him, looking reminiscing: "I miss my father too, but he has been missing for a long time."

Ivo became curious, "Why did your father disappear?"

"I was only three years old at the time. He went out as usual and then disappeared. I have been looking for him." Barlow sighed: "It's a pity that there are no clues."

"My condolences," Ivo sighed and patted him on the shoulder, "If it doesn't work, just change a father..."

"...Are you speaking human language?" Barlow was speechless.

Knight Deken came over, with a tangled expression on his face as he wanted to speak but was embarrassed. He originally didn't trust Ivo and didn't understand why Madi would give the right to lead the team to a kid, Ivo. In his opinion, this was nonsense. But as Ivo's tactics achieved great results in the past few days, Deken gradually turned from contempt at the beginning to admiration. However, due to his previous doubts and difficulties, he was embarrassed to talk to Ivo.

Hades leaned against the tree and suddenly asked: "Ivo, what should we do next?"


Waiting until dusk, Ander ran over with a happy face, "Mr. Ivo, the tunnel has been opened, leading directly to the inside of the Blood Scorpion's Lair."

Ivo shouted good and stood up: "Get ready, midnight will be the moment for our decisive battle."

"Please wait a moment," Deken quickly stopped despite the embarrassment: "All the thieves group is in the lair. There are two to three hundred people. We only have less than fifty people left. How can we defeat the Blood Scorpion Thieves? Tuan, this is a way to die."

Ivo had a weird look on his face: "I never said I wanted to defeat the thieves group. How can we defeat hundreds of people with just a few of us? You have to be smart."

Deken said in surprise: "Since the thieves clearly know that they cannot be defeated, why are we fighting against the thieves these days?!"

"The guerrillas these days are planning. After they cut down the woods to broaden their horizons, guerrilla tactics can no longer be used. These thieves will relax their tense nerves and have a good night's sleep." Ivo raised the corners of his mouth and smiled like a chicken. Thief, "I just want them to have a good sleep. I'm just preparing for tonight."

"I never thought that such a small number of people could destroy the Blood Scorpions. My goal has always been clear, which is to take revenge and cause huge damage and losses to the thieves group," Ivo said with a determined look, "the four alchemy cannons of the thieves group , is my ultimate goal.”

Little Devil No. 1 has long explored the hiding place of the alchemy cannon. It is in the dry cave opened inside the Blood Scorpion's Nest. The alchemy cannon is huge, and the value of the space items that can hold it is far more than that of the alchemy cannon. Moreover, the alchemy cannon is It needs maintenance, so Ivo can be sure that the alchemical cannon will be hidden in the lair.

The four alchemy cannons are worth tens of millions of benas. The tunnel Ivo prepared in advance is to sneak into the lair at night and blow up their alchemy cannons.

The alchemy cannon of the Blood Scorpion Thieves caused dozens of classmates to die under the cliff. Although Ivo didn't show it on his face, it didn't mean that he didn't hold grudges.

In the silent night, Ivo led the last fifty or so people into the tunnel. The tunnel was narrow and could only accommodate two people walking side by side. Everyone moved forward in a long snake, with Ivo walking at the front.

After walking for more than an hour, we finally reached the end. Above the end, there was the last rock left that had not been moved. Outside was the inside of the Blood Scorpion's Nest.

Ivo turned to look at David behind him with a solemn expression: "Kalilban is the villain who attacked the royal capital. His strength far exceeds ours. It would be best not to alert him. Once he discovers us, we must do the best we can. Bad plan, Teacher David, you must pester him."

David looked stern and nodded heavily.

Ivo was extremely serious and said word by word: "Comrades, the arduous eight-year war of resistance is about to begin!"


"I'm just relaxing, hahaha..."

Ivo took a deep breath and slowly moved the rock away, but the moonlight did not fall as expected. He cautiously stuck his head out to observe. It was a luxurious and huge room, covered with black carpets and thick pear wood covered with red velvet tablecloths. The table is placed in the center. There is a map spread on the table, and some small pieces of art, statues, vases, etc. are placed on the table. On the wall behind the table is a row of weapon racks with various curved weapons hanging on them. The knives had a cold light and were of extraordinary quality. There were bookshelves and a luxurious bed in the corner of the room. An elk head ornament hung on the wall beside the bed. At first glance, this room was not a place where ordinary thieves lived.

Ivo's eyes focused on the scimitars on the weapon rack. Each scimitar's blade was engraved with a name, "Kalilban".

The tunnel exit is Kalilban's bedroom!

"...Ender, come here and I promise not to beat you to death!"

After being warned not to disturb Khalilban, his mother dug a tunnel and the exit was in his bedroom.

What a bloody misfortune!

Ivo secretly searched the room and walked around the room without finding anyone, so he relaxed his vigilance. Fortunately, Kalilban was not in the bedroom. He had gone somewhere late at night.

Ivo grabbed Ander, who was trying to retreat into the tunnel with a guilty conscience. Ender was lifted out by him and stood aside with a smile. "Mr. Ivo, you can only dig tunnels based on your feelings. A slight deviation is unavoidable." of."

Ivo held his forehead and sighed, completely speechless.

It was uncertain when Calilban would return to the bedroom, which brought many variables to the plan, but it also had the advantage that the enemy did not expect them to be bold enough to open a hole in the home of the Blood Scorpion leader.

"That's it. Act quickly. Barlow, you are fighting too loudly. Take a few people to stay in the tunnel and help us return. The others will follow me to destroy the alchemy cannon."

The thieves group put most of their energy outside the base camp. There were not many patrollers in the Blood Scorpion's Nest. Ivo and others sneaked among the wooden houses and wooden villages, and quietly went to the hiding place of the alchemy cannon in the depths, without disturbing them for the time being. anyone.

Ivo had a doubt in his mind. The defense inside the Blood Scorpion's Nest was much looser than expected. It seemed that there was a shortage of manpower. Where was Kalilban?

One hundred blood scorpion thieves followed the leader Kalilban into Liema Town, and walked unabashedly towards the lord's longhouse. The sound of footsteps woke up many sleeping townspeople, and they saw it through the windows. The murderous thieves locked the doors and windows in fear.

Although it was late at night, the Liema Town tavern was still brightly lit. A dozen mercenaries and bounty hunters were drinking, talking, and gambling, and laughed heartily from time to time. The noisy footsteps on the street caught their attention, and they all left their seats and walked out. In the tavern, I saw a large number of Blood Scorpion thieves at a glance. The person walking at the front with an angry face was Calilban, who had a wanted reward of 2 million benas. The eyes of all the bounty hunters and mercenaries were instantly filled with money. symbol, eager to try.

"Everyone, wait a minute and see what they want to do first." A calm mercenary persuaded his companions. Although they coveted the bounty that could be exchanged for Calilban's head, the thieves group had a large number of people. It is coming menacingly, and Kalilban is a storm-level warrior, so bounty hunters need to wait and see.

Outside the lord's longhouse, two guards saw the surging thieves from a distance. They were so frightened that their legs weakened. They stumbled and reported to Ma Di. Ma Di, who was praying silently, was shocked and hurriedly summoned the two men who were still in Liema Town. Ten police officers lowered the door bolts and sealed the castle gate. The security team moved a large number of heavy objects to block the door.

Bang, bang, bang, a huge banging sound was heard. The castle door began to tremble and dust fell. Kalilban even omitted shouting and directly organized thieves to break into the door. The gray and black iron-clad solid wood door bars quickly appeared cracks. , the gate won’t hold up for long.

"The Blood Scorpions must be here to take revenge. These rampant bandits dare to attack the town!" Madi was frightened and angry. He hurriedly wrote several letters for help, tied them in the wooden tube of the carrier pigeon's footsteps, and released the carrier pigeon, preparing to attack several nearby people. The town called for help.

However, just as the pigeon flew out of the castle window, several arrows shot through the wind, accurately piercing the pigeon's body and shooting it down.

"It's over..." Madi was running around anxiously. Twenty guards held weapons and faced the trembling door nervously. Two loyal knights guarded Madi on the left and right, holding the knight's sword. His hands were shaking slightly.

In the room on the second floor, Mary clutched her clothes tightly, feeling scared and worried: "Sister Beris, will we die?"

The cold-faced Bilis treated Mary, who was like a little sister, as if she was a different person. Her smile was warm, she stroked Mary's short hair to reassure the little girl, and said softly: "We won't die."

"Yes." Mary closed her eyes. Bilis was like a big sister, with a temperament that was not afraid of any difficulties, which made her less panicked.

Bilis comforted Mary, went to the second floor window, leaned against the window to hide her figure, took a deep breath, and shouted to the people downstairs: "The Lord of Liema Town has issued a reward and summoned all mercenaries and adventurers in the town. , bounty hunters, please help defend the lord’s longhouse and repel the Blood Scorpion Thieves Group, 200,000 Benas per person!”

The mercenaries who were watching suddenly brightened their eyes.


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