Demon Royal Family

Chapter 62 Differential Treatment (Second Update)

Barlow scratched his transformed cheek and said with slight dissatisfaction: "It's too itchy. It's better to just come in."

Ivo spread his hands: "Because I know it's itchy, so I wear a mask."


"Just average."

There are almost no pedestrians on the town streets at night. Even if you live in a town, you may encounter various dangers at night, such as corpses, undead, wild beasts, etc. Therefore, in the continent of Frigga, every time it gets dark, urban residents will choose to stay In a home with a fireplace, drink wine to keep away the cold.

David shouted: "Safety is the most important thing. It doesn't matter if you endure a little itching. Don't complain anymore. Be careful to attract the attention of thieves."

"...Then don't scratch your face."

David blushed slightly and put down his hand that was quietly scratching.

The lord's longhouse in Liema Town is a small castle with a garden. There is a dark red carpet in front of the castle door, and two guards stand at the door. Ivo and his party walked to the door, and the two guards stopped everyone and asked: "No entry without permission."

Everyone behind them looked at Ivo. Ivo stepped out from the crowd and said in a low voice: "Tell Madi that a friend is here to visit."

The two guards looked at each other and felt that the aura of this group of people did not resemble the civilians who came to complain and complain every day, so one of the guards went in to report.

After waiting for a while at the door of the lord's longhouse, Madi, wearing a bright red aristocratic double-breasted formal suit, hurried out. His expectant eyes looked around the seven people, and finally stopped on Ivo.

Ivo turned his back to everyone, slightly opened his sleeves, and revealed the Ring of Darkness.

A smile suddenly appeared on Madi's face, and he greeted Ivo and others as they walked into the castle door with a warm tone: "It is my honor to receive all of you distinguished guests. Please come in."

Sir David's pupils shrank. He recognized the "Branch Swallow" badge on Madi's chest, which represented his knighthood. He had the same status as himself, but he was so respectful to Ivo.

To be able to please a true nobleman so humbly, is it possible that Ivo's status is much higher than he knows?

Just as they were about to walk into the door, another group of people also came to the lord's longhouse. A woman shouted arrogantly: "Let the lord of Liema Town come out to see us."

Ivo and others looked back, their expressions suddenly turned strange. The other group of people were the royal students.

Ivo did not doubt that the royal students would survive. What made him laugh or cry was that this group of aristocratic children did not seem to notice the thieves' spy group all over the town, so they just walked in with such arrogance that they were mindless.

David couldn't help but glance at Ivo Gao again. Even the royal students didn't notice the spy, but Ivo discovered it and responded quickly. Potential aside, this kind of vision can only be possessed by experienced adventure veterans.

Ivo and others changed their appearance and were not recognized.

Madi looked at Leon and others, wondering: "Who are you?"

Misha said proudly: "I am the third lady of the Hermason family. We encountered a group of thieves and need a place to rest. Prepare a room and food for us quickly."

Leon followed Misha's tone and said, "I am a member of the Xili family."

The children of the nobles reported their family backgrounds one after another. These people were all the children of the powerful people in the royal capital.

Misha kept complaining about the bad behavior of the thieves, as if she regarded Madi as a subordinate, and spoke in a commanding tone: "Your security team is under our command, and I will use the blood of those despicable blood scorpion bandits as my whip." Color it!”

Ivo didn't say much, just faced Madi and gently touched the Ring of Darkness.

Ma Di understood and said to the royal students in a serious tone: "There is no evidence to prove your identity, I doubt it."

Misha was furious and took out the Helmassen family crest from her pocket, "Open your eyes to see clearly."

Madi was indifferent, "Even if you are the children of the palace nobles, I have no obligation to receive you in my territory."

"You, a low-level knight, dare to talk to us like this?!" Misha's voice was sharp: "Do you want to be stripped of the 'Zhizhiyan' medal!"

Ma Di waved his hand: "I still have distinguished guests to receive. If you need food, hot water and beds, I think the hotel in Liema Town can meet your requirements."

Madi turned around, put on a smiling face, walked into the castle with Ivo and others, and left the stunned royal students outside the lord's longhouse.

Misha was furious, "I have never seen such an arrogant little nobleman. I must let my father take off his knighthood!"

Leon's face was gloomy, "What is the identity of those black-robed men who were greeted by the lord, so that a small noble dared to ignore our background!"

Ma Di just said that the people in black robes are distinguished guests, and they actually have a higher status than the children of the palace nobles. How "expensive" are they?

This is the first time that this group of aristocratic children has suffered a loss in status.

"Leon, what should we do now?"

Leon's face looked ugly. He could only swallow this breath and uttered a few words from between his clenched teeth: "Find a hotel!"

Entering the lord's longhouse, Bilis walked beside Ivo with mixed emotions. Along the way, her attitude towards the Hurricane Academy and the Royal Academy were very different. And now, Madi is also doing something different, but the exchange The royal student who was obviously a noble was outclassed by a little-known Ivo. She felt that her brain was not enough.

She couldn't hold back her curiosity and suddenly asked: "What is your identity?"

Everyone's eyes focused on Ivo, except for Hades and the unconscious Mary, with curiosity in their eyes.

"Now, I can't hide it from you anymore..." Ivo sighed: "In the far east, across the endless ocean, there is actually a continent, and I am the only heir to that continent. The existence known as the strongest king!"

"That continent is called Valoran..."

"That's enough," Hades interrupted coldly: "If you don't want to say it, don't say it."

"Ha, you still understand me."

"..." Hades was expressionless.

Under Madi's arrangement, everyone took a hot bath and had a hearty meal. At the dinner table, Bilis and David noticed Madi's eyes frequently looking at Ivo, who was eating silently. I don’t know what it feels like.

They have to rely on Ivo to get their current treatment, and the psychological gap is a bit big.

After eating, everyone rested in the arranged room, and Ivo came to Madi's study.

Ivo stretched out the hand with the ring on it, and Madi knelt down respectfully, kissed the ring, and said with fervent respect in his eyes: "Believer Madi, see the Bishop."

Madi happens to be one of the few dark believers in the Kingdom of Lasces and is Ivo's subordinate. In his eyes, Ivo's identity is equivalent to the spokesperson of the gods. Compared with Ivo, Leon and others' Noble status is completely worthless in his eyes.

Faith is always fanatical.

Ivo said calmly: "How many security forces and weapons do you have at your disposal?"

"I'm telling you, Lord Bishop, there are a total of forty-five members of the Liema Town security team. I have twenty-six personal guards and three loyal knights. There are fine weapons of the Kingdom standard in the warehouse, including swords, spears, and crossbows. Fifty each, eighty pairs of armor, sixteen war horses in the stable, capable of using 800,000 benas, and a dozen magic scrolls."

Ivo was noncommittal.

Madi was a little worried and asked: "Mr. Bishop, are there too few manpower and resources?"

"No," Ivo smiled: "That's enough."

Early the next morning, Ivo summoned everyone to the main hall.

Barlow yawned and said dissatisfied: "Is there anything we can't talk about until noon?"

Ivo knocked on the table and said calmly: "I want to discuss with everyone how to deal with the blood scorpion."

Everyone suddenly became energetic, and Barlow was completely sleepless.

Bilis was startled: "Ivo, I hired you to escort me to Luolong City. Don't take risks against the Blood Scorpion Thieves Group. This will cause unnecessary risks."

"Your suggestion is of great reference value. I will consider it carefully," Ivo smiled slightly, turned his head and continued: "Then let's discuss how to deal with them now."

Bilis gritted her teeth in anger, you must be perfunctory with me!

Ender was worried, "Mr. Ivo, there are too few of us. I think it is safer to escape."

"The appeal is dismissed," Ivo joked, and then said seriously: "Madi can lend us close to eighty well-trained personnel."

David and Bilis were surprised by Madi's responsiveness to Ivo's requests. David frowned and said: "But the thieves group has at least hundreds of members, so we are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers."

Ivo chuckled: "If the battle is about numbers, then why do you need tactics?" He punched the table with a confident look on his face: "We will fight guerrillas with them!"

Although the art of war in this world has the concept of guerrilla warfare, it is only used as an auxiliary tactic for reconnaissance and containment. In most cases, only agile elves pay attention to guerrilla warfare.

After all, there is no sixteen-character guerrilla know-how in this world.

Ender rubbed his hands nervously and carefully raised his objection: "Mr. Ivo, I think it would be better to run away."

Ivo looked unfazed, "I decided to fight back. If you don't want to go, I won't force you."

The Blood Scorpion Thieves Group had hundreds of people, but he could only use dozens of people. The difference in strength was too big. His decision was simply a suicide attempt.

But sometimes, he would rather die than run away. His idea is simple, come and kill me, we are enemies, and the enemy must retaliate.

Dozens of classmates died under gunfire, and he almost fell to death. If this revenge is not avenged, Ivo will not be able to swallow this breath.

You can choose to be a good person, but you must never abandon your desire for revenge.

A good person who has given up the desire for revenge is called a bad person. If you never retaliate against your enemies who hurt you, they will take away from you and get worse.

If you can endure it, endure it; if you can't, punish your enemy to death so that he will never be able to stand up again.

Everyone present suddenly felt that Ivo's aura had changed, as if he had turned into another person with a fierce aura. They looked at each other and finally nodded to join the counterattack.

Logically speaking, the decision-maker for this team should be the strongest mentor David, but no one thought there was anything wrong with accepting Ivo's leadership.

(There will be another update in the evening)

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