Demon Royal Family

Chapter 476 The legal port is coming

Ender's face darkened, "Are you only allowed to attack us and not us to fight back?"

Gatro gritted his teeth, looked at Sessos, and said coldly: "Whose side are you on?!"

Sessos felt a headache, raised his hands and stepped back, "I am neutral and will not help anyone."

Suddenly, a huge gunshot attracted the attention of the three people, and an explosion occurred in a street not far away, turning into a sea of ​​​​fire.

The sailors who stayed on the ship brought out the flame alchemy cannon and fired a hard shot at Troga Port. This shocked a large number of pirates, who thought it was the legal port fleet attacking the pirate port.

Ander took advantage of this opportunity and hurriedly retreated. Gatero came to his senses and chased after two steps. When he realized that he couldn't catch up with Ander, he stopped with a gloomy expression.

The thugs quickly took a boat and left unharmed. Gatreault was completely enraged when he received intelligence that the enemy had safely evacuated.

The enemy is causing trouble in his territory, and he is unable to stop it. The reputation of Port Troga will plummet.

"Dark Predator, Black Crow, wait for me!" Gatro was extremely angry, glared at Sessos, and turned around to leave.

Sessos looked helpless. He knew that his behavior of sitting on the sidelines had aroused Gatro's hatred.

Sethos is not afraid of Gatro, but he is very afraid of the Black Crow. First there was a white lion who was stronger than him, and now there is a shield warrior who can stand up to Gatro. The Black Crow has such a strong He has no doubt that his power will surely occupy a place in the Shark Sea.

Gatro returned to the stronghold and activated the communication badge with a cold expression.

"Gatro?" A man's voice came from the badge.

"Wesley, I want to ask you for help." Gatrow said in a solemn tone.

The legal port alliance is loosely organized. The Shark Sea is divided into three major areas: edge and inner and outer areas. The sea map is subdivided into more than a dozen areas, and each area has at least six adjacent islands.

The Legal Port Alliance has a director representative in each region, and Wesley is the legal port director for the area where Troga Harbor is located.

Wesley's voice was sharper, "What do you want me to do?"

"I need Legal Port to send a fleet to destroy Black Crow Port."

Wesley said with a sinister smile: "Hehehehe, as long as you can afford the price."

"How much do you want."

"Twenty million benas."

Gatro said angrily: "You want too much."

Wesley said slowly: "I'm not as free as you. It's the time when sharks migrate. Shipwrecks are happening everywhere, and some people have witnessed huge sea monsters. I'm very busy. You want me to help you eliminate your opponents. Price It’s certainly higher than usual.”

Gatro knew that the other party was taking advantage of the situation, and his face was uncertain. He snorted coldly: "Okay, 20 million Benas."

"Old rule, pay half first."

"You send someone to Troga to get the money."

"Haha, you are very decisive in giving money this time."

"I have only one request. Within seven days, I want Black Crow Harbor to be destroyed."

"You'll see."

As the regional director of the legal port, Wesley has the power to send troops to exterminate pirates. He and Gatero have colluded very early. Wesley helped Gatero to eliminate his opponents, and Gatero rewarded him. All the money went to Wesley, half of which was used to enrich himself. Nor will it be paid to sailors of legal port warships for expedition. Wesley's business policy is to use the guards belonging to the legal port as his mercenaries, exchanging the lives of sailors for wealth.

After finishing the conversation, Gatero had a playful smile on his lips.

Black Crow had the guts to send people to Troga to cause trouble, which really made him frightened and angry. He decided to face this opponent squarely and spent a huge sum of 20 million Benas, which could at least exchange for more than 20 legal port warships to attack. It must be foolproof.

There are not many forces in the entire Shark Sea that can deal with such a large fleet, and the Dark Predator is certainly not one of them.

Gatero only spent 35 million to destroy a port on Migratory Bird Island. This time he must be sure of success.

After a brief battle with Ender, Gatero affirmed the strength of Black Crow's men.

But no matter how powerful his men are, more than twenty warships firing cannons across the sea can still destroy his port.

As long as the price can be paid, this small privateering group with an unstable foundation will definitely be eliminated.

"A newcomer who opposes me, I will make you understand despair." Gatro sneered.

One day later, a legal port fleet gathered in several ports quietly attacked, aiming directly at Black Crow Port.

Wesley is a thin man with a sinister appearance. He is directing the fleet to move forward with a chart of the specific location of Black Crow Port given to him by Gatero. The fleet has a total of twenty-four escort warships, which are vast and well-armed.

"Black Crow? With a reward of 45 million, Gatero actually goes to war against such a small character?"

Wesley muttered to himself.

A subordinate next to him reminded: "Mr. Director, I heard that the Dark Marauder was the real culprit who defeated the Saint Malo Navy."

"Humph, it's just rumors." Wesley waved his finger and sneered: "Even the large legal ports in the Inner Shark Sea have no way of verifying the truth about the destruction of the Saint Malo Navy. Such rumors circulating in the Outer Shark Sea are just some The self-righteous conjecture of a minor character.”

"But if they dare to build a pirate port, there must be something unusual about it."

Wesley laughed loudly after hearing this, and pointed at the fleet with a wave of his hand, "Black Crow is at best a role in bullying four or five passing warships. Look at our powerful ships and cannons. If Black Crow knows this, he should be ready to escape. Anyway, we only need Destroy Black Crow Port, it doesn’t matter whether you kill him or not.”

"The black crows are only a small problem, the migration of the sharks is more important." Wesley said that at this time of year, the sharks will be restless. If it were not for the sake of money, Wesley would not be willing to sail during this time.

The Legitimate Harbor Fleet's attack was not secretive. Ivo had received the news a long time ago. From the opponent's course, he knew that it was coming for him. After thinking about it for a moment, he understood that this was Gatero's method.

The pirates who stayed at Black Crow Port dispersed within a day and headed towards Troga Port. They did not want to be involved in this battle. No one was optimistic that Black Crow Port could survive this siege.

Ivo summoned the men from Black Crow Harbor.

"Destroying a person's wealth is like killing his parents. Gatro is very determined to kill."

Barlow sneered.

"Twenty-four warships are a little troublesome." Gavin touched his chin, "Our warships are all parked at the Black Bat Island stronghold. It will take four or five days to arrive. The fleet from the legal port will arrive in just two days."

"We have to find a way to deal with it."

"There is nothing to worry about. With the captain's strength, no one can stop him." Tiehu chuckled.

Ivo slapped Tiehu on the back of the head and knocked Tiehu to the ground. "Whenever there is a problem, let the boss take over. Are there any people like you who treat me like a younger brother?"

Tiehu rubbed the back of his head and smiled apologetically. He was originally a rebellious person, but he had no temper at all when facing Ivo.

Everyone was discussing tactics, and the most feasible option was to ambush and engage in boarding battles to give full play to everyone's strength advantage.

"Then it's decided that the Changfeng will serve as a decoy, and the others will wait for the opportunity to dive and climb onto the enemy's deck to start a boarding battle."

Ivo immediately agreed.

The arrival of a legal port may not be an opportunity to establish a deterrent force in the sea of ​​sharks.

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