Demon Royal Family

Chapter 448 If I were the title, would you love me?

Awell said firmly: "Baria has never been a coward. We cannot compromise with those who kill our compatriots. Even if we die, we must bite off a piece of meat!"

The officers were a little ashamed, feeling that they were not as tough as a woman.

Several army staff members looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces, feeling that Awell had lost his cool.

"Your Royal Highness, a message has been sent from Laces and Renault." A communications officer ran over with a carrier pigeon.

Awell immediately took out the letter, read it quickly, and angrily tore it into pieces.

"Your Highness, what did they say?"

Awell said angrily: "They are all cowards. They will retreat after experiencing a failure."

The officers looked at each other and suggested that Awell retreat.

"The other two countries chose to give up, which is too detrimental to us."

"That's right, Princess, you need to be sensible."

Aiweier's face was determined, "Needless to say, immediately organize the equipment and notify other legions to come and join together to hunt down Ivo."

The officers were slandering each other and wanted to kill him? Your Highness the Princess is really not particular about your choice of words. It would be a good thing if people don't come to hunt us down.

"By the way," an officer remembered, "Lasese and Renault just counted the casualties, and we also got a copy."

"How are they?" Aiweier asked casually, but he didn't expect to get an unexpected answer.

"Lasese had 12,000 men, 2,000 were killed, 3,700 were seriously injured, and nearly half were lost."

"Reynold's 15,000 men... lost 5,500 men. They fell into a deep pit and almost all of them died."

Avril was silent, it seemed that Barea's loss was minimal.

The Ice and Snow War Mammoth will deal with Renault, and the Flame Ape King will deal with Lases. Both of these are extremely destructive monsters, and they are not that powerful against the big tree of Baria.

Is this a coincidence... or did Ivo do it on purpose? Avril was a little confused. She didn't want to admit that Ivo showed mercy, and she didn't want to waver in her determination to pursue Ivo.

After the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms were defeated, Ivo and others headed north in the following days. There were no other obstacles during the journey. Only Barea's troops followed closely behind them and did not launch an attack, but followed silently.

"What do they want to do?" Barlow frowned, "Should we drive them away?"

Ivo glanced back. There was a group of scouts following timidly on the mountain road in the distance, and Awell followed further behind with a large army.

"Don't worry about them." Ivo waved his hand.

Ender worried: "If we are followed by them, our position will be exposed."

"It doesn't matter anymore." Ivo glanced, "As long as they enter the Hanye Mountains, they don't dare to follow."

Two months later, the Hanye Mountains were in sight. People who had traveled a long distance settled in the hunter town at the entrance of the Hanye Mountains. Outside the town was a vast snowfield. Across the snowfield, there was a snow forest belonging to the Hanye Mountains, with tall trees. Silently guarding the entrance to the mountains.

The team of thousands of people exceeded the carrying capacity of the hunter town. There were not enough rooms in the hotels and taverns. The hunters who lived on the edge of the Cold Night Mountains all year round had never seen so many people arriving. They all observed the people and prisoners curiously. Their fierce temperament makes hunters afraid to provoke them.

Thousands of people camped on the snowfield, preparing to rest for a day before heading into the mountains.

Although the prisoners were very confident in Ivo's strength, they still couldn't help but murmur in their hearts when faced with Hokuriku's famous life restricted area.

After two months of exposure, the prisoners were sincerely willing to get on the boat with Ivo and fight in the sea. It was not a sense of identity, but that Ivo had drawn a big pie to them, running rampant on the sea, similar to pirates, without laws. The supervision is a very good place for this group of prisoners.

Although the prisoners have fierce personalities, they are very convinced of the strong. Now that they have identified the boss, they will not betray easily. Even if Ivo decided to take them across the "life forbidden area", they did not disobey.

"We're finally here." Ivo said, looking at the Hanye Mountains in the distance.

Barlow looked back and saw the traces of Baria scouts at the entrance of the town in the distance. He said strangely: "They have been chasing us for two months without taking action. I wonder what they are thinking?"

Ivo didn't care, "Maybe Avril is unwilling to accept it, so don't pay attention to her."

He casually activated the summons badge and spoke to Gavin.

"Gavin, how are you doing there?"

Gavin's voice was trembling, "Mr. Ivo, please come back's too cold here..."

Listening to Gavin's stuttering report, the crew members who had been waiting for several months were in a low mood. The hot oil had been exhausted. The bottoms of the six ships had been frozen more than a dozen times. It took a long time to break the ice each time. Fortunately, there were enough other supplies and the crew could persevere. Ivo encouraged them.

"By the way, there is news from the intelligence network that the two teenagers you asked me to find last time have appeared in Kuishang Kingdom."

Ivo raised his eyebrows. He had previously asked Gavin to send people to search for traces of his compatriots Lore and Chat, hoping to save them from Emers. Then he was a little depressed. The Kingdom of Kuishang was located in the south of Hokuriku, and he undoubtedly had no trace of them. After a while, he thought for a while and said: "Let the intelligence network leave some information for them and ask them not to return to the tribe for the time being..."

This is all he can do, there is no time to do more.

The sky had darkened, and Ivo said to everyone: "Have a rest for the night and enter the Cold Night Mountains tomorrow."

The prisoners responded listlessly.

Ten miles away from the hunter town, Aiweier was waiting here with Baria's army, and the scouts sent back the news.

Aiweier frowned and murmured: "They keep going north. Are they going to enter the restricted area of ​​life? It's impossible. No team can conquer that dangerous mountain range."

The officer beside him said: "Your Highness, we should retreat."

Aiweier was indifferent. During the two-month pursuit, she would hear the officers advising her to retreat every day. The soldiers under her command also did not understand why Aiwei was pursuing but delayed in launching an attack, even though they were afraid of fighting the Mimic. The monsters engage in battle, but chasing rather than fighting only confuses them even more, and the officers don't know what Ivel is planning.

Fortunately, although Ivo and others noticed them, they unexpectedly did not stop them from following. The two hostile troops moved in tandem and tacitly agreed not to contact each other, which made the Baria officers sigh in relief.

"It's impossible for them to enter the Cold Night Mountains." Aiweier said firmly.

The officers looked at each other, "Your Highness, what on earth are we going to do?"

Avril pursed her lips and didn't answer. In fact, she was also very confused. Deep down in her heart, she really wanted to chase Ivo, as if just to let Ivo know that she didn't want to admit being defeated by him again. Although she seemed a little willful, Aiweier restrained her desire to attack every time. She knew that she could not let the legion suffer another huge loss, which would shake the foundation of Barria.

Awell's contradictory psychology created a strange situation of only chasing but not fighting.

(I got home a little late, so I won’t be able to finish the second update until early in the morning)

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