Demon Royal Family

Chapter 437 The prisoner who has just emerged from the tiger's den and entered the wolf's

Tiehu led hundreds of prisoners running towards the exit in the dungeon corridor. The corridor was narrow and could only accommodate five people at a time, and the prisoners lined up in a long snake.

Getting closer and closer to the exit of the dungeon, at this moment, a loud noise like a bell broke out outside the dungeon, and there was the sound of houses collapsing. The surrounding walls and cells shook slightly, and dust fell.

"What's going on?" The prisoners slowed down in surprise.

There were footsteps in the corridor in the direction of the exit, and two figures gradually approached. The prisoners stopped and stared at the intruder warily.

Barlow and Ender appeared in front of the prisoners and stopped ten meters apart.

"Sure enough, there was a riot." Barlow frowned.

Ender scratched his hair and said distressedly: "With so many prisoners blocking the way, how can we find the people from the Hurricane Regiment?"

"Just ask," Barlow asked loudly: "Guys from the Hurricane Regiment, step forward and we will take you away."

The prisoners looked at each other, no one moved, and whispered.

"Who are these two people? Why are they in the dungeon?"

"Are they related to the disappearance of the guards?"

"What are the Hurricanes?"

Seeing no one responded, Barlow was a little surprised. He murmured: "Have they been transferred? Is this a trap?"

Ander said worriedly: "Probably not..."

Seeing that the two were talking to each other and blocking the way forward, the prisoner and others became impatient. Tiehu said viciously: "Get out of my way, don't block the way!"

"Boss, don't talk nonsense to them. They must be from the kingdom. Kill them both and let's rush out!" A prisoner said in an excited tone.

"Yes, that's right!"

Prisoners rushed towards the two of them like a tide, and the narrow dungeon corridor was packed to the brim. The endless crowd of people and the two lonely people formed a sharp contrast. It seemed that the two of them would be swallowed up by the sea of ​​people in an instant.

Barlow's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he curled up his arm with a sword, "Don't block the road, that's what I want to say! Since you are not from the Hurricane Regiment, I will kill anyone who blocks the road!"

The prisoners laughed wildly, full of mockery.

"You idiot looking for death!"

"It doesn't even look at how many of us there are!"

Without saying a word, Ender took off the heavy shield from his back, placed it in front of him, and stood silently facing the sea of ​​people.

"Get away!" The strong prisoner at the front waved his shackles and smashed them at Ender.

Ender held the shield in his hand, and the huge heavy shield covered his whole body. His face, which was always laughing and joking, glowed with strong confidence, and he yelled with spring thunder: "Perseverance surges!"

An invisible air flow suddenly spurted out from the edge of the heavy shield, forming a wall of air that twisted the air, completely blocking the corridor where five people were walking in parallel. A team of hundreds of people crashed into the wall of air, making a series of "dong dong" sounds. "Voice. Faced with the impact of hundreds of people, Ander's face turned pale, his legs sank deeply into the floor tiles, and he was pushed back slowly, dragging a ravine on the ground. He shouldered a heavy shield and yelled again: "Absolutely block it." !”

A strange flow of air burst out from his whole body, and the wall of air that was squeezed back suddenly stabilized and became indestructible, and hundreds of prisoners were turned upside down.

All of Ender's battle marks are defensive. The first battle mark is [Absolute Block], the second battle mark is [Surge of Perseverance], and the unknown third battle mark. With the defensive skills he has honed assiduously, Ender can He has become an extremely distinctive shield warrior.

Hundreds of people were actually blocked by him alone. Although the corridor was narrow, there was no denying the fact that one man could block it and ten thousand men could not open it!

Ender, who has always been low-key under the light of Ivo, finally shines with his own edge!

Tiehu fought hard to push aside the crowd and came to the Qi wall, with cyan war patterns radiating all over his body. Tiger head-shaped cyan gas flames burst out from his fists, and he hit the Qi wall like a barrage of arrows, throwing dozens of punches in an instant. However, The blue gas flames continuously exploded on the gas wall, completely unable to shake Ender's [Absolute Block]!

"Who are they?!" Tiehu looked shocked. You must know that even the warden who touched the threshold of the tenth-level strong man could barely fight, but he could not shake the defense of the thin man in front of him? !

The air wall suddenly disappeared, and the prisoners who lost their center of gravity fell to the ground one after another, and got up with shock on their faces. However, Ender had already backed away. His job was to meet the prisoners' first impact. The next job belonged to Ba Mr. Lowe.

The prisoners saw Barlow, who was wearing a lion-hair cloak, stretching out his fingers to caress the sword, and waved it lightly in the direction of the prisoners. It seemed to be very slow, but in fact the sword light was so fast that it became a stagnant line. Imprinted on the retinas of the prisoners.

The white half-moon-shaped sword energy suddenly swept out, urging death fiercely. The floor was lifted open with a roar. Tiehu's heart trembled wildly and he hurriedly got down.

I saw the half-moon-shaped sword energy sweeping past from a distance. Dozens of prisoners who stood up froze in place. Their upper bodies were slowly broken from the waist and fell to the ground, blood gushing out.

In an instant, the dungeon turned into a hellish scene. The rich smell of blood and the shocking red color occupied all the senses of the prisoners.

The surviving prisoners had pale faces and extremely frightened eyes. They called themselves thugs, but the horrific scene in front of them made them clearly aware of their cowardice. Many of them vomited immediately, and some were like little girls. Let out a sharp scream.

Barlow and Ender didn't react much, they just covered their noses to avoid choking on the smell of blood.

"You...who are you?" The vulture, who was lucky enough to escape with his life, said in a trembling tone and looked at the two of them in horror.

Seeing that the prisoners' resistance was defeated by him, Barlow sheathed his sword with some disappointment. Hearing this, he said calmly: "Have you heard of Ivo Harricon? We are his companions."

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent. The prisoners' eyes widened and their teeth chattered.

"Are you... the devil's people?!"

"As bloody and brutal as the rumors..."

"So, the hurricane group they are looking for is the subordinate of that devil?!"

The prisoners all trembled. There was actually someone as cruel as the two people in front of them hidden in the dungeon. When the prisoners thought about it, since they were all under Ivo, the "Hurricane Group" hidden in the dungeon should be as strong as The two people in front of them were equally matched.

Who could that person be? !

Continuous footsteps suddenly sounded, and hundreds of figures walked out from the depths of the dungeon. They were members of the Minotaur Stonehoof and the Hurricane Group.

"Hey, I found you." Barlow's eyes lit up and he said haha.

Stonehoof nodded calmly, "Mr. Barlow, Mr. Ender, long time no see. I know Ivo will not give up on us."

The prisoners were stunned, staring blankly at the hundreds of people who followed Stonehoof in silence.

"They...are the Hurricanes? The devil's subordinates?!"

Barlow took a glance and saw that all the members of the Hurricane Regiment were all beards. He was relieved and said: "Ivo is fighting the enemy outside to delay time. Let's go."

"Wait a minute..." A familiar member of the Hurricane Regiment came out and said, "Maybe this group of prisoners can supplement the leader's power."

Barlow frowned and looked at the member of the Hurricanes, and hesitated: "Have we met before?"

Hearing this, Shiti interjected: "Haha, don't you know the cross axe?"

"Oh - it's you." Ender suddenly realized that Cross Ax was an old comrade during the Northland War and a free mercenary. After the war, he joined the Hurricane Regiment. With his extraordinary strength and outstanding vision, He soon became Stonehoof's right-hand man.

Cross Ax smiled slightly, pointed at the prisoners and said: "There are some people here who are very good, and the leader can use them."

Barlow shrugged, stepped aside, and expressed his attitude with actions, which was equivalent to "You can do whatever you want and I will watch from the side." Anyway, there are so many people to save, so it doesn't hurt to save more. If necessary, the prisoners can be saved. As cannon fodder.

Cross Ax looked at the prisoners, put on a stern look, and said bluntly: "Join us, live! Refuse to join, die!"

The prisoners were immediately speechless. They had no choice. They all had no choice but to board the pirate ship. Excluding the dozens of prisoners who were hacked to death by Barlow's sword, a total of 433 prisoners were coerced to join. Among them, the most powerful ones There are only thirty-one including Iron Tiger and Vulture. Although it was a threat, these prisoners did not dare to have any small thoughts of revenge. At most, they thought of escaping from the dungeon first, and then escaping from this group of people.

The battle outside is still going on, with constant rumblings. Just by listening to the sound, you can imagine how fierce the battle between Ivo, Jameson, and the warden is, and the dungeon is constantly shaking.

Ender scratched his head and said, "Ivo is fighting at the entrance of the dungeon. It's a bit bad for us to rush out."

Shiti shook his head and said: "There are two exits in the dungeon, one is the main entrance, and the other side door is at the end of the women's cell area. Let's leave through the side door!" They are not just living in the dungeon, they have already cleared the dungeon. They had explored the terrain clearly and were just waiting for the day when Ivo came to rescue them to come in handy.

(ps: I suddenly feel that the word "tiger's den" is so dirty!)

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