Demon Royal Family

Chapter 419 The Third Level of Red Spear

Five continents are distributed in the southeast, northwest, and the center of the world is a vast ocean.

Shenwangyang means "the gods also look at the ocean and sigh". Looking around, there is an endless ocean in all directions, with no islands in sight.

There are many special ocean currents in the Pacific Ocean, which are like shortcuts in the sea. However, the ocean currents change from time to time. Identifying the currents in the Ocean Ocean is an important basis for ocean navigation. If you deviate from the ocean currents, you may be lost in the Ocean Ocean forever. .

Due to differences in the speed of ocean currents, tsunamis and whirlpools occur frequently in the Guangyang Ocean, swallowing countless ships.

The cause of the formation of ocean currents has always been a mystery, and there are different opinions.

The Changfeng and the Palatine sailed on a fast ocean current, riding the wind and waves, with the sails fully opened. The ocean current under the ship was obviously different from the surrounding seawater, like a huge dark blue python, twisting its body through the sea.

It is night now, the sky is cloudless, three moons separate the three sides, the bright stars are shining, the rare calm sea reflects the stars, the two ships seem to be sailing on the mirror, no matter how many times I see it, I will admire the nature The wonderful scenery makes you feel like you are among the stars.

It has been a month since he left the Emerald Sea and entered the Divine Ocean. The time has come to the Winter Borean Moon. Unknowingly, he has spent nineteen years in this world. In three months, Ivo will be twenty years old.

"Time flies so fast..." Ivo sighed in a low voice as he leaned against the side of the ship, recalling the experience of the past nineteen years, which was magnificent and full of crises. He walked on the edge of life and death again and again, and finally embarked on this thorny road.

Ender sat aside and wiped his shield, and said casually: "Boss Ivo, do you think Laces will let our people leave the country easily?"

Ivo shook his head, "Of course not. I hold the golden cross in my hand, and my actions represent the Kingdom of Lasaces. They are implicated by me and will be held accountable by many forces. I am afraid that Severn III is currently very anxious and busy. If you want to clear your relationship with me, you would like to cut me into pieces, and you will definitely seize the men I have left in the Harrican defense line as hostages."

Ender looked worried. He placed the polished heavy steel shield at his feet and began to wipe the dark gold arm shield again. "I really don't want to fight with the army of the Kingdom of Lasces. After all, it is our hometown."

In the few years since he left Hokuriku, Ender has experienced a lot of adventures and trials, and is no longer as weak as before. He has formed his own fighting style, a special shield warrior. Ender is equipped with four shields, a silver-gray steel heavy shield used to block heavy blows, a small dark gold arm shield made of tough animal skin mixed with rare metals to supplement defensive holes, and a chain tied to his hand with spikes on the surface. The brown diamond-shaped spiked shield that can be used for attacks, and the most frequently used hand-held thin round shield with very sharp edges. Ender was like a turtle shell, giving even the powerful Barlow a headache.

Ender's thin body is in great contrast to his fighting style. He has fulfilled his original promise and is now able to help a lot. Cooperation is needed to achieve the best effect.

Ivo glanced at Ender and said, "I remember your mother is still in Rasese."

"She's dead." Ender sighed.

Ivo shook his head slightly, and suddenly heard the sound of rumbling water, breaking the silence of the night.

He turned around and saw a huge whirlpool appearing on the sea hundreds of meters away. A black shadow like a giant beast was floating in the whirlpool and swimming quickly towards the Changfeng.

First mate Yamo reacted immediately, sounded the alarm bell, and shouted: "Whirlpool alarm, sea monster is coming!"

The sailors moved skillfully, taking out their ballistae and aiming it at the approaching whirlpool.

Ivo frowned. This was the sixth sea monster he encountered after entering the Divine Ocean. These sea monsters came from the secondary space and were the consequences of the last barrier disappearance incident. The secondary space monsters that descended on the mainland were basically destroyed. Although there are still countless monsters hidden in the sea, which seriously aggravates the danger of the sea, Ivo understands that the sea monsters must have caused great trouble to the coastal countries even if he has not received external intelligence for a long time.

This sea monster is nearly 20 meters in size. It looks like a beetle with more than a dozen tentacles. Its carapace is dark and covered with barbs. It looks very scary. It stirs the sea current with its tentacles and swims, forming a small whirlpool.

"You look really curious." Ivo looked disgusted and said, "Fire!"

The ballista fired a round of attacks. The ballista arrows, which contained powerful kinetic energy, shot through the carapace with difficulty. Only a very shallow part penetrated the sea monster's flesh and blood, causing minimal damage.

While on the desert island in the Emerald Sea, the sailors collected a large amount of wood. The twin boatmen worked day and night to produce three hundred crossbow arrows, consuming half of the wood inventory and all the steel.

Ivo raised his hand to stop the next round of crossbow attacks. He knew that the crossbows couldn't kill this thing, so he simply reduced the consumption of the crossbows.

He was not prepared to wait for the sea monster to approach the ship, so he directly called out Nebuldan, soared into the air and landed on the sea monster's back. He held the red spear and stabbed it into the sea monster's carapace like tofu. Move him.

The beetle sea monster's tentacles rolled back and catapulted toward Ivo on his back.

Ivo took out the cutting shield Onida, which always exuded a pale golden light like a +10 strengthened weapon. He swung it with incredible speed, and the sharp edge of the shield cut off the tip of the incoming tentacle.

The edge of the disaster-level cutting shield Onida is no less sharp than that of Metos who has unlocked the secondary seal.

In the sky, Nebuldan, carrying the God of War guardians, is majestic. The ice-blue dragon body is covered with dark golden ferocious armor, and is full of vague alchemical circuits, adding a sense of mystery. The ice dragon circled in a circle and fell from the sky. It dug its claws down hard and opened up a large piece of carapace on the sea monster's back. The sea monster howled miserably and a large amount of milky white blood spurted out from the cracks in the carapace. The smell was very pungent.

Ivo endured his nausea and squeezed into the body of the insect sea monster with great force. He wielded the Metos to continuously pierce the soft white flesh. The texture of the flesh was also very strange, like pieces of tender tofu, flowing with milky white. blood.

Although the six sea monsters encountered so far are large in size, their strength is average, only silver level, and the third strongest one is only gold level.

After thrusting out hundreds of spears, Ivo finally penetrated the sea monster's body and broke through the carapace from the other side. The beetle sea monster was already dead and its pungent white blood floated on the sea surface.

Ivo covered his nose and said helplessly: "This thing seems inedible." The first five sea monsters became food for the crew, and the beetle sea monster made people lose their appetite at first sight.

The sailors on the ship were accustomed to Ivo's strength, and looked sorry when they heard this.

Ivo shook off the blood stains on the red spear, and the spear shaft suddenly became hot. He was slightly startled, and then he was overjoyed. This meant that the blood energy stored in Metos was finally enough to open the third layer of seals.

The condition for opening the third seal is the lives of five hundred silver creatures, and the long-term goal is finally achieved.

Metos bloomed with scarlet light and changed. The background color was still dark, and the bright red lines became more dense and numerous. The tip of the spear flashed with blood-colored cold light. Just looking at it made your eyes feel sour, and the sharpness became even higher. Floors.

"What is the sealing ability of the third level?" Ivo said to himself, piercing the air with his spear. He felt that the red spear was several times heavier. It could not be lifted by ordinary people, but he could still control it easily with his strength.

The red spear was turned upside down and pierced into the flesh of the sea monster. The tip of the spear flashed slightly, and a stream of blood-red energy followed the tip of the spear and entered Ivo's arm.

A burst of heat came from his arms, and he felt warm inside his body, regaining some energy and strength.

After experiments, Ivo quickly understood the ability of Metos to unblock the third layer. As long as Metos penetrates the enemy's flesh and blood, it will automatically swallow a trace of life force and give it back to the owner, replenishing the consumed physical strength and increasing the speed of self-healing. This ability It's called [Blood Return].

Ivo grinned, feeling satisfied. [Blood Return] can greatly increase his ability to continue fighting, which is equivalent to a blood-sucking effect, and the vitality consumed each time is divided into two parts. Red Spear absorbs one of them, so that there is no need to terminate the creature. In order to absorb blood energy, it can speed up the release of the next level seal.

As soon as he sensed it, his face suddenly turned bitter. The conditions for unlocking the last level of Motos were to swallow the life force of a thousand golden creatures, and the conditions became increasingly stringent.

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