Demon Royal Family

Chapter 410 Those who get off the boat die!

Yamo only saw Ivo unhurriedly taking out the sailor's scimitar from his waist, and with casual steps, he slit the throats of the three people with one knife. It seemed that he was not attacked by accident at all.

At this moment, among hundreds of raiders, a dozen powerful auras rose into the sky. Just looking at it from a distance, Yamo felt his throat was dry and his legs were weak, as if he was facing the glare of a beast. His subordinates were even more unbearable, and Dao Zi was even frightened and fell to the ground.

However, Ivo, who was surrounded by hundreds of people in the center, did not even waver in his eyes, as if these dozen powerful breaths were not as good as the breeze blowing on his face to him.

Tis dragged the spear and shouted loudly, the voice echoed throughout the dock, "blasphemer Ivo Harricon, don't even think about escaping Odin's continent!"

Ivo Harricon!

This name was like a thunderbolt, splitting open the confused hearts of the innocent people on the pier. They looked at the calm Ivo in the field with a look of shock.

Is this the legendary apostate, destroyer, and unparalleled heretic? !

There was an eerie silence on the pier, and then panic broke out. Everyone hurriedly stayed away. The crowd was so crowded that it even caused a stampede, but no one could care about it. They just wanted to stay away from the legendary devil.

Yamo's eyes widened, his whole body seemed to be shaking, and he looked in disbelief.

"The captain is...Ivo Harricon!"

The figure in the crimson captain's uniform seemed to have suddenly grown into a mountain in their eyes, and the mysterious power penetrated into the hearts of the sailors. Yamo's men were frightened and almost wet their pants.

Yamo regretted so much that he wanted to slap himself. He realized that he was so wrong. No wonder the captain didn't care about their bad reputation when recruiting sailors. Compared with Ivo's crimes, they were worse than sheep. pure! Before, they had even dreamed of plundering Ivo, but now Yamo was so frightened that he almost died!

That is a world-class thug who is the enemy of everyone! Kill ten of them without blinking an eye!

Not to mention the shock in the hearts of the ten sailors in Yamo, Ivo had no time to take care of this group of new men. He looked around at the hundreds of people surrounding the dock. They were marching in an orderly manner, showing the military style. At first glance, they were Odin's pursuers. Tis, who was holding a spear, walked steadily. He was the commander of this group of Odin soldiers. There was a special connection between fellow warriors. Ivo could sense that Tis's life essence was strong and rich, as strong as a furnace fire. He had already begun to escape. A mortal with monster-like physical fitness, in other words, a power close to level ten, and a peak storm level warrior.

In addition to hundreds of Odin's soldiers, twelve night watchmen watched eagerly from the side.

Ivo raised his eyebrows, and casually deflected the seven or eight slashes that came at the same time. The power condensed along the muscles and bones of his legs, and he kicked out like a swift shadow. He kicked a soldier with such force that he was like a cannonball. Kicked away, a 20 to 30 meter empty road was created in the crowd. At least a dozen soldiers were hit with broken muscles and fractures. The soldiers who were kicked away were even limp and turned into mud, and the bones in their bodies were shattered into slag.

With the Mimic bloodline and level 9 warrior level, Ivo's strength has reached an astonishing level. Any soldier exposed to the aftermath of his attack will suffer fractures at the least. No one within five meters of Ivo can stand firm. In three seconds, a vacuum area was formed.

The tyrannical body constantly pumps out powerful power, the physical strength is as strong as a giant dragon, and the endurance is enough to sustain low-intensity fighting for days and nights. The number of people is almost meaningless to Ivo. This is a step into the tenth level and above. sign of life.

An ordinary iron sailor's scimitar became a murder weapon in Ivo's hands. The figures were cut in half one after another. The fractures were as smooth as a mirror, and blood would often gush out after a few seconds.

Power is speed!

Ivo's knife was so fast that only a glimmer of cold light could be seen!

Blood poured down like a pour, and the bright red color on the ground formed a strong contrast with the pale and horrified faces of the soldiers.

Tisi's heart was palpitating and he shouted hurriedly: "Implement the second plan and use alchemical explosive bombs!"

The soldiers surrounding Ivo were relieved and dispersed, leaving an open space within fifty meters. The open space was filled with corpses, stained red with blood, and it was like a slaughterhouse-like scene. In less than five minutes, there was Nearly a hundred people died under Ivo's sword, and the killing efficiency was simply terrifying. An important reason was that Ivo's power was too great and could often cause splash damage.

The soldiers were frightened, and nearly a hundred of them died without causing even a trace of damage. The disparity in strength was simply disappointing. Fortunately, Commander Tis was prepared.

Ivo frowned in the middle of the clearing. He saw half of the soldiers taking out dark alchemical bombs from their arms, more than two hundred of them.

"Blow him up!" Tisi roared.

The soldiers responded with a bang, throwing explosive bombs into the open space one after another, and two hundred explosive bombs fell like a rain curtain.

Ivo's eyes flashed. The power of two hundred explosive bombs was very frightening, enough to cause damage to him, but only if they hit him. He can explode and jump twenty to thirty meters to avoid the center of the explosion, but in this way the entire dock will bear the brunt of the explosion damage, which is enough to blow the entire dock into pieces. Lutland Port will be affected, and the port will probably be destroyed.

"In order to kill me, you don't even care about accidental damage. You are really using any means." Ivo shook his head and simply did not dodge. He used the eternal iceberg to jump into the air and face the bomb directly.


A mushroom cloud exploded in mid-air, and the roaring sound of the explosion almost deafened the eardrums of the soldiers present. The shock wave of the explosion turned into strong winds, raising large amounts of smoke and dust, and the aftermath even made the sea surface turbulent.

Ivo withstood most of the bombs, but a small number of bombs still exploded at the pier, causing huge damage. Bricks and stones flew everywhere, many innocent people were killed, and several houses collapsed.

The soldiers covered their ears and choked, looking expectantly at the black smoke-filled ruins.

"Did it kill him?"

"He must be dead. Those were two hundred alchemical explosive bombs."

"Even a giant dragon would be injured."

Yamo and the sailors' hearts were in their throats, secretly hoping that Ivo would be killed in this terrible explosion. They were afraid of Ivo's evil reputation and did not dare to be his crew.

Without saying a word, the twelve night watchmen rushed directly into the smoke, preparing to take advantage of the opportunity and kill Ivo, who in their eyes must be injured.

"Buzz!" A dark red stream of light lit up in the smoke, and the trembling sound of the metal weapon was like a long bell. The smoke suddenly exploded, and the night watchmen flew backwards, with shocked expressions frozen on their faces, and their hearts were poked out. A big hole with bloody flesh, too dead to die.

Ivo, carrying Mettus on one shoulder, appeared in front of everyone. His crimson captain's suit was blown to tatters, and the three-cornered hat on his head flew to no one knows where. However, he was unscathed and grinned coldly. Smiling, he said calmly: "This explosion is powerful enough. It will make me feel good to do it again."

The soldiers were horrified.

"It's impossible, it's okay!"

"There are no injuries at all!"

The imperial soldiers were frightened and despaired, feeling that it was impossible to capture Ivo, the legendary heretic.

Tisi's heart sank to the bottom, and he knew that today would be very unlucky. He gritted his teeth. Even if he was about to die, he could not let such a terrifying enemy go to the sea. He shouted: "Execute the third plan and destroy his ship!"

More than a hundred of the surviving soldiers separated and fought towards the Changfeng docked at the dock.

The ten people in Yamo were so frightened that they hurriedly tried to jump into the sea.

"We are not the same as Ivo Harricon!"

"Let's get off the boat quickly!"

"Jump into the sea quickly!"

Just as the ten sailors were about to jump into the sea, the red spear was like a dark red meteor, spanning a distance of several hundred meters, piercing the chest of the knife who could not dodge, and nailing the knife to the mast.

The knife was instantly killed, and he died with his head tilted, with unwillingness and fear still on his face.

Yamo and the other sailors were frightened. They turned their heads to look at Ivo mechanically, with frightened eyes.

Ivo took back the hand that threw Metos and said calmly: "Those who get off the boat will die!"

Yamo collapsed to the ground, his crotch felt hot, and he was really frightened to pee this time.

Ivo's indifferent look, which regarded human life as nothing, was deeply imprinted in his heart and turned into the deepest fear. A sentence flashed in Yamo's heart, "Don't get off the pirate ship easily."

Yamo was on the verge of tears, his greed had killed people. Who would have thought that the captain they were targeting would suddenly transform into the most terrifying heretic in the world. Isn't this a lie?

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