Demon Royal Family

Chapter 41 The Dark Eye’s Magic Stick Mission

"Three belts and one!"


"I'll explode too!"

"Hey, Barlow, four identical cards are called a bomb. It's not a bomb if you play four cards together."

"Tsk, that's really troublesome."

"What's wrong with this rule?!"

"I-I'll throw a pair of fives."

"Yes 8."

"Then I have a pair of patterns!"

"Barlow...that's called the King of Pairs. This is also a bomb. You just use this to hit the Pair of 8s?!"

"Why are there two bombs again? Are you kidding me?"


"Now four, now two, you are really kidding me! Do you want to fight?!" He lifted the table and drew his sword in one breath.

" # ¥\u0026%*(*\u0026"

The three people playing cards started fighting again. Hades passed by the door, dodging the flying sword energy with an expressionless face, and walked away slowly.

After finally tidying up the dormitory, Ivo was chewing balsamic grass and betel nut in the corridor with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Lord Son of the Devil."

Ivo's eyes were dazzled when Paro suddenly appeared in front of him and said respectfully: "The church has a task for me, and I need to leave for a while."

"What mission?" Ivo asked curiously.

Paro hesitated for a moment, then thought of Ivo's identity and no longer concealed it: "The demon statue at the headquarters has sensed the new believers in the Kingdom of Lasces and needs me to recruit new members."

It sounded interesting, and Ivo's eyes lit up: "Then can I go too?"

"My lord is the son of the devil, so of course we can go together. The location is in Gray Rat Town, eighty miles north of Lasces City."

"Then I'll go and have a look too."

Squirrel Town is a canyon town, built under barren hills, filled with wind and sand, and exuding a barren atmosphere everywhere.

Two men covered in black hooded robes and wearing white masks with only their eyes exposed slowly walked into this small town with few pedestrians on the streets. Their faces and figures were tightly covered. It was Ivo and Paro.

Ivo looked around, "There don't seem to be many men in this town."

Paro pointed to a brown-red mountain peak in the distance: "That's the Sharp Knife Ridge. There is a vein of silver ore. It is said that one thousand pounds of silver ore can produce one gram of mithril. Mithril has excellent magical adaptability and is the first choice for enchantment." One of the materials is that Squirrel Town is a mining town, and most of the men were recruited by the mayor to work as mining coolies."

Ivo glanced sideways: "You know a lot."

"The Eye of Darkness will conduct an investigation before absorbing new believers to prevent it from being a trap by the Holy See."

In a remote low house in Squirrel Town, a wrinkled old man knelt in a strange array drawn with charcoal, surrounded by several animal hearts, bat wings and goat horns.

This is a folk method of sacrificing demons. It is considered a heretical act by the Holy Court and will be severely punished once discovered.

It is said that this sacrificial method needs to last for thirteen days to be effective. This is already the thirteenth day of the old man's sacrificial ceremony. With excitement and fear, he clasped his hands in front of his lips and murmured a prayer that he could succeed.

Bang, the door of the low house was pushed open, and the old man was startled. When he turned around and saw that it was his 16-year-old daughter Judy, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then said angrily: "Judy, I told you You are not allowed to disturb me while I am performing sacrifices!”

Judy has lavender shoulder-length hair tied into a ponytail with white cloth. She is good-looking and has a beauty mark on the corner of her mouth. Although she is 16 years old, her figure has begun to take shape. She is wearing a tight-fitting leather armor and leather boots. , there is a white wrapper under the leather armor, which restrains her pert breasts to facilitate movement. She carries slender double swords on her back, dressed in a heroic female warrior costume.

Judy said angrily: "Father, how could you sell your soul to the devil? The priest in the church said that devils are all frauds."

The wrinkles on his father's face became deeper, and he sighed deeply: "The mayor forced your brother to become a coolie. The Knife Mine is a real hell on earth. You can't survive there for two weeks. Now only the devil can save your brother."

Judy stamped her foot and said angrily: "I am already an elite warrior. I can save my brother by myself."

There was a knock on the door. Old Ford hurriedly packed up the sacrificial things. Judy opened the door with a vigilant look on her face. Standing outside the door were two men in white masks and black robes, shrouded in shadow.

Judy's inner vigilance became even higher, "Who are you?"

Ivo said in a hoarse voice: "Who brought the call of the devil? Who left behind a thousand years of hope? Who longed for the power of the devil? Who fell into despair? Who..."

Judy and Old Ford opened their mouths, looking confused. Paro coughed softly, interrupting the self-centered Ivo: "Sir, we usually introduce ourselves first."

"I told you earlier... Ahem, we are members of the Church of the Dark Eye, and the devil is our common totem. Who is calling us?"

Old Ford was instantly excited and said incoherently: "I, it's me, I'm really here... I hope you can help me!"

Ivo said hoarsely: "We are the messengers of the devil, and we will only provide help to devout believers."

Judy on the side suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute, I can't believe you, who knows if you are fake!"

Judy didn't believe that the demonic rituals spread among the people could really summon demon messengers. She thought that someone must have accidentally obtained the information about her father's sacrifice to demons and wanted to deceive them. She had never heard of the name "The Church of the Dark Eye". .

Ivo looked at Judy and continued to pretend to be a magician: "Girl, what do you have to do to believe it?"

"Take off your hood and mask first, so that I can see your appearance clearly." Judy said decisively.


Judy suddenly drew her sword and held a sword flower in her hand. The sword was placed on Ivo's shoulder. She said with a threat: "Then I can only do it myself."

The little girls have quite explosive tempers.

Ivo laughed dumbly. The next moment after Judy finished speaking, Paro next to him almost condensed into a substantial murderous aura and attacked the girl. He could not tolerate anyone threatening Ivo's safety.

In Judy's senses, another silent man in black suddenly became taller, occupying all the sight, blocking out the sky and the sun. Endless oppression and fear surged into her heart, as if she had turned into a trembling animal. The little white rabbit faced a bloodthirsty jungle cheetah. Her proud elite warrior strength was not worth mentioning under the terrifying pressure.

Judy's face turned pale, and her legs were so weak that she almost fell down. She couldn't hold the sword in her hand, and the sword fell to the ground with a clang.

Paro put away his murderous intent, and Judy stepped back, gasping for air, and looked at the two men in black robes who she thought were liars in horror. At this time, she felt that both of them were full of mystery, especially the ones they had just emitted. The murderous man in black robe seems to be following Ivo's lead. Doesn't that mean that the man in black robe who keeps talking is more powerful?

She was secretly afraid that she dared to threaten such a powerful being. Fortunately, the two of them didn't seem to be angry.

"Now, you believe it." Ivo mentally scored 82 points for this wave of pretense, and rewarded himself with the remaining 18 points in the form of 666.

Old Ford hurriedly asked the two of them to sit down. Judy's face turned red and white, picked up the sword, and stood aside to stare at the two of them.

Ivo stepped into the role and began to communicate with Old Ford, "Believer, what makes you call us in despair?"

Old Ford sighed: "Alas, since the mayor was changed four years ago, adult men in Squirrel Town will be forcibly recruited by the mayor to work as miners in the Sharp Knife Mine. The overseers of the Sharp Knife Mine are a group of bullies and borers. During the forced recruitment period, After the end, less than half of the men could return to the town alive. My son Bruce was drafted two weeks ago. I'm afraid..."

Ivo took the portrait handed over to him. The person in the painting was none other than Old Ford's son. He had brown hair and thin cheeks, and looked like he was suffering from chronic malnutrition.

"Bruce used the money he saved to support Judy's warrior training at the warrior association in the town."

Judy on the side gritted her teeth and nodded silently.

Paro nodded and took out the devil's faith contract parchment, "As long as you sign your name on the contract, you will never betray the devil's faith, and we will help you rescue Bruce."

"I, I sign." Old Ford tremblingly picked up the pen. Judy immediately stopped her father and glared at Ivo and Ivo. Although she was afraid of their unfathomable strength, she could not just watch her father sell his soul: " I will save my brother by myself, you can’t exchange your soul with the devil!”

The scene was at a stalemate. Judy refused to agree to Old Ford signing the contract. Ivo smiled: "In this case, we can rescue your son first and advance our assistance. No matter whether it succeeds or not, we will force you to sign the contract."

The faith contract has long since expired under the black hands of Demacia, and no one in the Eye of Darkness has discovered it yet. Naturally, Ivo doesn't care about the so-called "contract constraints."

Regardless of his daughter's obstruction, Old Ford said in surprise: "I am grateful for the generosity of the two adults."

Ivo and Paro looked at each other and turned to leave the old Ford house. Judy looked at their backs and bit her lips tightly. She knew that once these two "devil messengers" rescued Bruce, they would not betray their father again. With the power they had just shown, he and his father were unable to resist.

"No, I can't let my father fall into the arms of the devil!" Judy said with a firm expression, "We must notify the priest in the church to eliminate these two heretics!"

"But..." Judy clenched her fists: "They want to save my brother. If I notify the church now, it will be difficult for me to save my brother with my own strength."

Judy made a decision. She went to hide near the Sharp Knife Mine one step ahead. If the two "devil messengers" really rescued her brother, she would immediately notify the church and let the priests deal with these two people, so that her brother could be freed. Getting out of trouble can also prevent his father from becoming a heretic.

She secretly admired her wit.

In the church in Squirrel Town, a team of eight people, all wearing silver armor, entered the back hall. They were all greeted respectfully by the priests of the church.

The official name of the Holy Court is the "Court of the Gods". Its doctrine is based on the four major systems of belief in the order of the gods. It brings together the believers of all gods and is a behemoth-like organization.

The Holy See has established churches in all civilized biological forces on the five continents. Priests are the most junior positions and are missionaries who spread doctrines.

The Holy See does not force the people to believe in specific gods. The Holy See is based on the traditional beliefs of each region (of course it must belong to one of the four major divine systems on the side of Order), and then sends priests who also believe in the local gods, which has won the hearts of the people.

In addition to the Abraham Continent, the believers of the four major gods are distributed on the other four continents. Frigga believes in the Northern God System, Muir believes in the Celestial God System, Odin Continent believes in the Odin God System, and Carthage believes in the Natural God System.

This team of silver-armored knights has many names, including the "night watchmen" who guard the dawn, the "bell ringers" who sound the death knell for heretics, the "holy silver dagger" in the hands of the gods...

In the Inquisition, their official name is "Knights Templar".

The duty of the Templars is to eliminate heretics, detect areas suspected of being haunted by dark forces, hide in the darkness, and protect the purity of the faith from infringement.

This small group of Templar Knights wore silver-white temple armor, with a red, white, and blue skirt sewn on the waist of the armor. The skirt covered their legs and had the "scepter" of the Holy See embroidered on it. The emblem, this is the standard armor of the Templars. It is exquisitely made and has outstanding defensive power. It uses the special craftsmanship of the Holy See. It exudes a faint aura of holiness and has strong resistance to the undead and evil creatures.

Seven of them wore white gloves, their faces were obscured by parrot-beak helmets, and they looked like elite knights.

The captain at the head did not wear a helmet, his expression was stern, his armor was more exquisite and complicated, and he was wearing a red cloak.

The Templars are divided into four classes. The number of heretics is the merit book of the Templars. The senior Templars can order the lower ones. The highest level is the "Black Robe Grand Judgment", which can only be promoted by the Pope. The "Red Archbishop", the "White Archpriest" and the "High Priest of the Holy Word" are on the same level and are giant figures.

This team of Templar Knights is a second-level "Judge" leading seven junior "White Gloves". They have just completed a mission to scout the ruins and passed by for repairs.

"Today we have a day of rest in Squirrel Town. We will arrive at Lasces City at noon tomorrow and transfer the 'key' we brought from the ancient ruins to Lasces Cathedral. They will organize manpower to explore the never-before-seen land. There may be clues to the whereabouts of the missing Cardinal in the ruins that have been visited by people."


A brass-colored disc lay quietly in the package of the captain of the adjudicator. On the surface of the disc, there was a clear notch - "Augusta".

(Anyone remember this guy? His name appeared once.)

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