Demon Royal Family

Chapter 33 Give me three years (modified)

Nobles can be roughly divided into three types. One type relies on the title of nobility to show off their power and act arrogantly. Mag and Elson belong to this category.

A kind of person who is well-educated, well-educated in conversation and behavior, and can treat others kindly even when facing civilians. Nafi falls into this category.

Another type is arrogant and ignores civilians who are not qualified to talk to them. They are not arrogant, but the gap caused by status and indifference will exclude ordinary people from the circle. Most nobles fall into this category when facing civilians. . Although they do not deliberately despise the common people, they do not deliberately restrain their pride.

Daimari's temporary intention to tease Ivo was also based on the third mentality. He accidentally saw Ivo passing by and remembered the incident in Bird Town mentioned by Mag, so he suddenly wanted to tease Ivo. This was not because he held a grudge. Just because of the excitement.

In the final analysis, this kind of mentality is a contempt from the heart, and does not treat civilians as equal "human beings". It is like seeing a wild dog when walking on the street, and always whistles a few times to tease it unconsciously.

Nafi defended Ivo: "Principal Mai Xibo, there must be a misunderstanding here."

Principal Mai Xibo shook his head, "Nafei, your servant has no self-awareness as a servant. I think he should be taught etiquette by the butler at Lynches Manor for a few years before returning to school."

Daimari wore a mask-like smile, as if sincerely admonishing: "The behavior of a follower represents the face of a noble. Miss Nafi, with all due respect, your follower will only embarrass you."

Ivo looked unkind. Demari was a genius at the Royal Academy and the grandson of Principal Mai Xibo. The two of them were in cahoots with each other.

Principal Mai Xibo picked on Ivo's shortcomings in a dissatisfied tone. Nafi pursed her lips tightly and was unable to interrupt. Her beautiful eyes looked at Ivo from time to time, revealing concern and apology.

Ivo was silent. Principal Mai Xibo did not see the apology gesture that he imagined Ivo should have. He frowned, feeling that he had wasted too much time on a trainee, and said: "Damari, your knight today." Are you done with your training? Your time should not be wasted on useless arguments."

Ivo snorted coldly: "Did Mari have an extra head or an extra arm, so his time is more valuable than mine?"

Principal Mai Xibo said in a serious tone to Ivo: "Sharp-tongued! Although you have a little talent, it's nothing more than that. Most of the students in the Royal Academy have more potential than you. I don't know where your arrogance comes from. Why? You are lucky to have joined the Royal Academy. With a character like yours, without the guidance of the academy, your future will be very limited."

Ivo suddenly felt disgusted. The people here exuded a sense of superiority, thinking that they were elites and superior to others, so they casually lectured others in a scolding tone, which reminded Ivo of what happened to him when he was in junior high school in his previous life. The teacher was Don't shy away from commenting on your shortcomings in front of students, and use an experienced tone to arbitrarily judge the students' future.

Very annoying!

who do you think You Are? !

Do you really think sarcastic words can determine other people's futures? !

"My future is not what you can imagine." Ivo's tone was firm but he made a decision: "Mr. Principal, who sees people from the corner of his eye, I don't need your high-quality teachings that boast of cultivating countless elites. I have decided to withdraw from the Royal Academy. Three years later, I will let you know how I, who in your eyes have a 'limited future', overturned the talented students you are proud of. You are not qualified to comment on my future!"

Principal Mai Xibo was angry: "What do you mean?"

Ivo turned and left: "Three years later, I will challenge the entire Royal Academy by myself!"

"And you, Daimari, wait for me to come to you!"

Daimari is the most eye-catching genius in the knight department. He is already a Level 3 Glory Knight at the age of 17. Holy Light is a rare dual attribute. Most students are optimistic that Daimari will join the "King's Spear" Knights in the future. , that is the king's personal guard.

Daimari graduated three years later and became a graduate of the Royal Academy, plated with gold, and Ivo wanted to beat him up before he graduated!

"Arrogant! Ignorant!" Principal Mai Xibo trembled with anger, shouted angrily, and scolded Nafei: "If he were my follower, I would send him to the gallows!"

Daimari made things difficult for Nafi with a mocking tone: "Miss Nafi, do your subordinates still regard you as their master?"

The aristocratic students present whispered, looking like they were joking. In their view, Ivo's arrogant words were like bubbles in the sun, just innocent fantasies that could be broken. Ivo was Nafi's retainer. This kind of Ridiculous behavior can only embarrass Nafi.

They didn't know that Ivo was only a "follower" in name only.

Nafei's reaction was beyond the expectations of everyone present. She saluted respectfully to Principal Mai Xibo and said in a plain but decisive tone: "Your Majesty the Marquis, I think the Royal Academy is not suitable for me to study. Please allow me to withdraw from school."

Principal Mai Xibo suddenly changed his expression, his eyes were stunned: "What are you..."

"I hope to learn true etiquette, rather than a sense of superiority." Nafi's words were slightly sarcastic. Once she finished speaking, she didn't stay long and left with Ivo's back.

The students present looked in disbelief. Is Nafi supporting a subordinate? ! What was so special about that retinue named Ivo that it could make the eldest daughter of a marquis give up the teachings of the Royal Academy and turn against Principal Mai Xibo and many noble students present.

Why on earth is he? !

Principal Mai Xibo couldn't control his anger. "The college is not short of two arrogant young people. I want to see how Marquis Linches gives me an explanation!" He strode to the office, preparing to write a letter to question Talper.

"I want to see how that little retinue will 'challenge' us in three years!" Misha's temper was the most violent. The holy light fluctuated violently, and the surrounding lawns quickly turned yellow. Leon laughed and said: "It's just a show of force. , I bet he won’t even have the guts to step into the Royal Academy in three years’ time.”

Daimari didn't take Ivo's challenge to heart at all. It was just a gesture of the weak and the strong, and the so-called three-year battle was just a joke in his opinion.

It is true that Ivo was a level 1 warrior when he was only ten years old, but in the eyes of these noble youths, warriors are the least promising profession. Everyone's physical potential is determined by fate when they are born. Warriors are the most common profession and the most common. A profession that is not taken seriously because the upper limit has long been determined.

There are many level 16 legendary knights and sword masters in history, but the number of legendary warriors is less than one-tenth of the two. Even if it can be traced back to the hometown of warriors, Stianbada, there are not many legendary warriors.

So in the eyes of these people, although Ivo was surprised to reach level 1 warrior at the age of ten, it was not enough to make them think that Ivo was a genius.

The threshold is low, the upper limit is also low, and the future is slim... This is the prejudice of noble elite geniuses against warriors, so most nobles are not warriors.

To take a step back, even though Ivo has strong physical potential, he is an unprecedented warrior genius.

But potential is always potential, not strength after all. Sometimes, age is also a strength.

You are young, so you are not strong enough. You are young, so you will be bullied. You are young, so you do not have as much as older people.

It was the same in the previous life. Which of the so-called qualifications and connections didn’t take time to build up?

Taking a step back, are geniuses who die young rare?

Not every genius will be taken seriously.

Three years later, Daimari will be at least a level 5 glory knight, and Ivo will be a level 3 warrior at most. The gap is too big, and Daimari can't even raise the interest to take him seriously.

Stepping out of the gate of the Royal Academy, Ivo took out balm and tobacco and chewed it. The smell of tobacco took away the stuffy feeling in his chest. He was really unhappy about being scolded in a preaching manner just now, but after making a decision, he I feel much more relaxed.

No matter how contemptuous the attitudes of these people are now, he will personally break the sense of superiority of these noble students in three years. Once he decides on something, Ivo will not give up easily.

No matter what decision you make, you need to be held accountable, unless it is a lie.

Ivo has always followed through on his decision.

Buddha competes for a stick of incense, and people compete for a breath.

There were footsteps behind him. Ivo turned around and met Nafei's eyes, and asked in surprise: "Why did you come out?"

Na Fei combed her hair, turned her eyes and stared at the flowers beside the road, as if there was something noteworthy there, and said: "I am a wizard. I learn everything by myself. Only by following you, a willful contractor, can I feel at ease." ."

"...Are you reluctant to leave me?" Ivo was surprised and unsure.

Nafei made a move and looked at Ivo with a smile. Although her smile was gentle, it made Ivo feel extremely dangerous: "You say it again?"

Ivo looked at the faintly formed fireball and thunder, swallowed his saliva, and immediately bowed: "I'm so sorry to cause you trouble! It's such an honor for me to be able to breathe the same air as you!"

A good man does not fight with women, a real man can bend and stretch...

Nafei was amused and withdrew her magic power. She looked as natural as if the threat just now was just an illusion and asked softly: "What do you want to do?"

"If you want to attack them, you have to do it thoroughly," Ivo said with a look. "If a student from the worst academy in Las Vegas provokes the Royal Academy, will it be remembered more deeply?"

Nafei covered her mouth and chuckled: "You really have a bad character. The worst academy in Las Vegas City should be the Hurricane Academy in the civilian area."

Um? It sounds familiar, so forget it.

That’s it!

Lynches Manor.

After Talper read the letter from the president of the Royal Academy, he did not get angry. Instead, he picked up his pen and wrote a reply: "Dear President MacIber, I already know the matter. Since this is the choice of young people, we old people We should learn to respect it. I think such a small issue should not appear in the letter of the great Marquis..."

He casually wrote some prevarication, not thinking about how angry Marquis Macibel was when he received the reply. Talper touched his chin and murmured: "It is really arrogant to challenge the entire Royal Academy, but since I am pregnant, even Cohen admired me. A warrior’s talent may not be impossible.”

Although the nobles were biased against warriors, Talper preferred to trust the elder Cohn's judgment.

With the existence of the contract, Nafi's choice to drop out of school with Ivo did not surprise Talper.

Helmassen's pressure has been shared by Gold, making him no longer fanatical about marriage and becoming more tolerant of Ivo. Ivo's potential has determined his attitude towards wooing him, and Ivo has not refused these days. With his win over, Talper already regarded Ivo as half a member of the Lynches family in his heart.

Although Talper is a gloomy marquis, Talper ranks among the best among the nobles of the Kingdom of Lassese in terms of his persistence in protecting his shortcomings and maintaining the dignity of his family.

Of course, that's if he didn't know that Ivo had interfered with his plan...

(When writing this chapter, I thought of corporate interviewers...)

Thanks to Gong Bao Ding Ding, Yi Yi Crazy, and the endless clouds in the world for the reward.

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