Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 031, The Legend of the Ghost Ship Blood Eater Murder Case (25)

031, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (25)

The idiot's hand, let go.

He has already got the answer he wants, so the next step is to put this puzzle in the room that is almost about to take shape, and present the truth of the matter completely... in front of him.

But... there is one last question.


It is indeed a magic, but it is a magic that makes people really hard to think through.

Why... did you do that?

What are the benefits of this?

After doing these things, can that person be able to completely get rid of the suspect? It's not. Is it more convenient to do so? Obviously not.

He really couldn't think of the reason that the man wanted to do this. It included two keys, using two seal formations to lock the two doors, forming the answer to the double secret room.

The idiot held his head, sat on the chair next to him, thinking desperately. Because time is running out, if this continues, it is very likely that a great danger will really be encountered. Before that danger is really formed and has a real effect, the idiot must understand everything that happened here as soon as possible. . Then, we can make the most appropriate countermeasures based on what happened

The magician looked at the idiot. Originally, he wanted to escape. But after witnessing the idiot's contemplation, he thought for a while, and he came to the idiot and sat down.

"That... don't worry. Anyway, as long as we all gather in everything, the blood eater should not attack us anymore..."


The idiotic indifference made Krause a little embarrassed. After thinking for a while, he suddenly took out a stack of playing cards from his arms, spread it out slightly on his palm, and smiled: "In such troubles, why not come and see my little magic. By the way, Mr. Kennedy. Believe it or not, these cards of mine are all living creatures~~~ They listen to me very much and will automatically act according to my wishes."


"Don't believe it? Then, you can choose one of these cards, but don't let me see it. After you see it yourself, just remember it."

Krause put all the cards back up, letting the idiot choose. After the idiot has picked one, look at it clearly.


Krause and other idiots picked up the cards, smiled, closed the remaining cards, reached out and took the cards in the hands of the idiots, and placed them at the top. Then, he started cutting cards extremely smoothly. It wasn't until after nearly twenty times that I let go.

"Well, now, I don't know where the card just now went. In this world, only you know the correct suit and number of the card, right?"

Krause shook his head, raised the cut card, turned his back to himself, and slowly opened it with both hands.

"Now, you can see the entire card. Naturally, you can also see where the card you chose was in. But do you know? Besides you, the card you just knew you was selected. One of them. And, these cards still listen to me. Mr. Kennedy, do you know what this means?"

Krause smiled mysteriously, squeezed the card and opened his hands again. At the same time, his mouth also began to mutter words——

"Come on, my faithful servant. Follow my orders, stand out from your companions, obey my orders... obey my orders"

At this moment, something strange happened. Among these cards, the card of spades was automatically and slowly rose from all the cards. Although the speed is slow, it is indeed rising automatically.

"Haha good boy, it's you"

Krause put the cards together, grabbed the card and yanked it out and placed it in front of the idiot.

"Mr. Krause of spades, this is the card just now, right?"


Unfortunately, the opposite of Krause's enthusiasm is the idiot's as usual cold field.

Krause smiled, smiled... Gradually, the joyful smile turned into a dry smile. In the end, he finally felt that he would be like a fool any longer. He slowly put away the playing cards, glanced at the idiot, and said--

"I know, my magic is really meaningless... this kind of trick is nothing. Just now, the top card on the whole card is 7 of hearts. Although it looks like this card and other cards from the front It’s no different, but the suit behind it is slightly different. Then, your card is placed on the 7 of Hearts, no matter how I cut it, in the end, I just have to face the card with my back and find the 7 of Hearts with a slightly different pattern. The card on the top is definitely your choice. As for letting it rise by itself... it's behind it, gently touching it with your fingers to lift it up..."


"...Sure enough... I really don't have any talent. I'm just a useless little magician in my life. I can never get ahead.

Just when Krauzer was completely defeated and stood up to run in tears, the idiot suddenly spit out such a sentence--

"very funny."


"I mean, it's very interesting." He propped his chin and said slowly, "Whether it is the big magic of the corpse transfer in the double secret room or your little magic. There is an interesting side to it."

After receiving the compliment, Krause smiled again. He sat down again and started showing off--

"Well... In fact, the magic seems to make people feel interesting. But you don't know, the process of practice is not that interesting. In order to show the magical side to the audience, we magicians secretly want Practice non-stop, practice for a long time"


"The technique is second. The key is how to control the field. How to divert the audience's attention. In other words, let you think that you will leave too much attention in the most important places, and let the really important places avoid you. Sight."

Krause raised the king of spades again, handed it to the idiot, and said with a smile: "It's like this little magic. The audience will remember the cards in their hands when they reach the ground. It's very laborious, and they may even look at it over and over again. , For the most critical 7 of Hearts on the top of the whole card, I would never take another glance or ask for inspection. In fact, what I was looking for in the magic process was not spades at all. It's a 7 of hearts. This is the shift of attention, which is different from the focus of our magicians and audiences."

Attention shift...?

At that moment, the idiot seemed to have suddenly thought of something. He raised his head abruptly, and began to pick up all the puzzles in his mind once again, and make collages again.

Secret rooms, blood loss, legends, ghosts, a corpse a day, strange knocks, walnut killing...

All of this began to boil down in the mind of the idiot and ended up in the end...

"This... is the answer?"

Even the idiot was shocked by the only possibility that could be thought of in his mind, so he couldn't help but said it...

"The answer? What answer?"

Krause put away the poker, his expression puzzled.

However, the idiot did not say anything. Because if the answer that I can conceive in my mind is the final "true"...

Well, it is really a fact that must be buried and must not be made public...


It was late at night.

The storm outside seems to have eased a lot.

However, the stopped shaking of the ship did not bring any peace of mind to the people on board. Because in "Legend of the Demon Sea", once the storm stops, then the ghost ship...will come out to greet them and be called one of the ghost fleet...

The remnant electric light brightened the sky in the distance. The idiot returned to Walnut's room and saw Xingli, bread and walnut still here. Although Hu Tao's mental state still hasn't been able to restore the previous sunshine, at least, she has become much quieter, shrinking in the corner, and not moving.

"The storm... is going to pass..."

Walnut finally finished listening to Xingli's story about the ghost ship. She was naturally afraid of such things and shrank in the corner tightly wrapped in the quilt.

"So... this ship... finally... finally..."

Xingli quickly came to comfort him and said, "Princess, please don't worry. After all, it's just a legendary story, and it can't be true. And when I think about it carefully, what happened around us is not 100% equal to the legend~ ~~ The first missing person was not on the ship, but on the train. The second was sexually assaulted, which is different from the legend. The third, there is no sealed gate in the legend. So, This may be completely coincidental~~~"

The idiot came over and sat down slowly at the table. Bun immediately ran over and jumped on his lap, enjoying the peace of mind.

Walnut is still very scared. It seems that her steady spirit will not last long. But when the idiot is thinking about whether to tell all the facts in order to stabilize Walnut's mood...

"It's really is you"

Suddenly, there was a sound of fighting outside the door accompanied by shouts, as well as the clash of ping-pong blades.

After Xing Li heard it, he and the idiot immediately stuck to the door. After the two nodded to each other, the idiot opened a gap in the door slightly. From the crack in the door, it is clear that Andrew is holding a big knife in his hand, while Oulge is holding the dagger in his hand. There were scars on each of the two people. Obviously, it was them who were fighting.

"what happened?"

Taelan poked her head out of her room, but after seeing the two combatants, her expression changed and she immediately walked out and yelled. And Krauzer, who heard the clash of the blades, also poked his head out from there, looking at this side carefully.

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