Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 043

The poison expanded in an instant, and even the Wenba Moyou" was surprised at your revenge.

The idiot raised his head, looked at the black sky, and continued: "In the end, although the girl died. She also succeeded in avenging her. In addition, women use their lower body as a storage space. Transporting drugs. It's illegal Objects. There are countless smuggled objects. Some professional female killers even hide the folding knife in their lower body when approaching the target to cope with the **** inspection by the target's men.

"In this. In the world. There are always more ways to kill than you think. You never know, when you will be killed by the other party.

Xuetong smiled: "So, this is the reason why you never touch a woman's body that you don't know clearly?"

"Hahaha, fun! For you. Even making love is a life-threatening activity?! Good, fun! You are really careful! After hearing what you said today, I would like to know which woman in the future I can get your trust. Let you touch her body? Hahaha, I really think it’s fun to think about it.”

"Human Kid

Blood-colored pupils emerged from under the chains, looking at the idiot with tasteless eyes.

"I look forward to it

rain. Pattered down.

These gloomy rains washed the dark town, on the gray streets, on the umbrella, on the red hair

The idiot held the umbrella and looked at Esther standing in front of him in the rain coldly. The girl squeezed her skirt tightly with her hands, her expression of disdain for anything was now extremely surprised. Her face was pale, against her red hair.

The idiot looked at her and the rain made crackling noises on his umbrella.

Esther stood in the rain, letting the rain attack the body that hadn't fully grown.

"You" said to buy me "So "there is no meaning"?"

I said from the beginning that what I want to buy is your life. "

The voice under the umbrella was cold, without any emotion.

Esther was surprised at first, but then gradually turned into mockery. She laughed and said: "Are you an idiot?! How can anyone sell their lives in this world?! You are simply joking."

The coldness under the umbrella has always been maintained, and it seems that Esther would have expected such a reaction, and said coldly

"I'm not kidding

"Without a password, you can't withdraw money

"Playing the code, paying your life

"And you"

The idiot slowly raised his head and looked directly at the girl in front of him.

"Definitely, will approve of this deal

rain. It gets bigger and bigger.

Esther's pupils shrank and gritted his teeth, looking at the idiot with an expression full of anger. But at this moment, she was speechless. Faced with such cold eyes. She found that everything about herself "seems to be under the control of these eyes!"

She watched, watched,

Finally, lower your head.

Under the rain, two tears rolled slowly from her cheeks,

"You buy me" I actually prefer you to me"

She covered her face, her figure choked. But even so, the eyes under the umbrella did not have the slightest wave, and they were as calm as ice.

"Now I know." It turns out that there is really a terrifying person like you in this world. Then I knew that it was really lucky to be able to serve you in bed and sleep with you.

Without answering, the idiot closed his eyes and turned around.

The girl behind him was crying and slowly followed.

One after another, they walked to a destination that had been decided long ago. Just before Esther’s cabin, the idiot stopped and took a handkerchief from his arms, without looking at it, and handed it to Esther behind him.

Esther took the handkerchief, but tears fell again. She sobbed, and finally stopped her tears. After wiping the tears from his face with a handkerchief, he walked into the house.

In the room, the old woman sits in a wheelchair. Hands. Knitting a sweater.

When the mother saw her daughter coming back wet, she quickly put down the needle and thread in her hand, pushed the wheelchair over, and asked with concern what most mothers in the world would ask:

"Este?! Why are you getting wet? Quickly, take off your clothes quickly, or you should catch a cold."

However, facing her mother’s tenderness, Esther lowered her head and did not speak until her mother came to her with difficulty,

She lifted her foot.

Step on a woman's wheelchair.


Kicked out.


The wheelchair backed up and hit the wall.

The idiot outside the room listened to this voice silently. The look in your eyes is even icer than the rain

"Este? You, you

"Don't come near me, old poor and disabled

as a. Mother, she may never imagine that one day her daughter would treat herself like this.

Esther raised her head and looked at her mother's eyes with contempt. She seemed to be looking at a rubbish. He akimbo, his neck tilted to the side, smiling.

"Este,"? "

"I warn you, don't call me so close in the future. Otherwise, would it be a headache for others to think that we know each other?"

Esther flicked her hair and looked at her mother with disgust in her eyes. She stabbed and sat down on a clean chair, and took out a magic crystal card from her arms. Throw it on the table.

"Here you are, this thatch is my benefit to you

Although a woman doesn't recognize the nature of this magic crystal card, she also knows that this card is handled by rich people.

Right now, startled.

"This, this is...?!"

"Hmph, so you are an old fellow who is so scumbag, I will tell you honestly today. I was taken up by a rich man."

Esther raised one leg, fingers around her red hair, and continued to say in a mocking tone.

"The man who took care of me is super rich. This 80,000 Sura is a gift for me. I am not dead, I came today to tell you. The man who took care of me doesn't want to see my relatives all day long. Run to him, so this 80,000 is considered as the benefit of severing the mother-child relationship between us. In the future, don’t come to me if you have anything to do, don’t come to me if you have anything to do. Don’t run over and say you are my mother if you meet occasionally on the street. The daughter can't afford to lose this person".

The mother's body was trembling, her eyes shifted from the magic crystal card on the table to her daughter with an air of expression, and then to the magic crystal card",

She did not speak.

As a mother, she suddenly found out. He didn't even have the power to speak.

Only two tears, silently, flowed from her eyes."

Outside the window, thunder roared.

Esther stood up with a smile on her face, looking forward to a new life.

She didn't care about the one behind. The old woman who had severed the relationship, stepped out of the room instead. He came to the idiot very cleanly. Smiling

She smiled."




In the sound of the pouring rain, the girl lay on the chest of the person who was keeping her, tears like the rain, endless,

Cry enough, then you must make the final preparations.

The idiot took Esther back to the tree house. Seeing it, Mi Li immediately brought a towel for the idiot to wipe. The idiot glanced at her, took it, wiped it twice, and handed it back. Mili took another towel and handed it to Esther, and took her back to her house to wipe her body.

The idiot was sitting on a stool, holding a small wooden comb in his hand. The rain outside the window may be cold enough, but it is definitely not as biting and cold as the floating black crystals here.

The little girl with green hair emerged from the wall, looking at the back of the idiot with some fear. The Duran branches in the room were all shrunk to the corner at this moment, afraid to move. The little girl cringedly took a few sneak glances and finally couldn't help it. She shrank back in fear and emerged from Mili's room.

She pulled Mi Li's clothes in fear, and pointed at the tree door. Of course Mili knew what she was afraid of. After helping Esther to dry her clothes, she gently hugged the little girl and shrank in the corner together.

Esther walked to the tree and vine door and looked at the back of the idiot outside through the gap between the tree and vine.

There, black crystals are floating in mid-air,

The black death breath filled the entire space.

That is no longer where humans are. It's just like,


Esther took a deep breath and dared not look anymore. She bit her lip lightly and turned around, as if seeking belonging, she also squatted to the corner where Mili and the green-haired girl were. Pale. After seeing her naked, Mi Li shivered somewhat coldly. Pass her clothes to her and pull up the weeds on the ground. Packed them all three girls together.

"He," terrible"

It took a long time for Esther to tremble and utter this sentence.

The little green-haired girl raised her head and glanced at Esther, then nodded repeatedly.

"Although I don't know who you are", the two of you "dared to live with such a terrible person,"? .

Esther turned her head and swallowed.

Mili thought for a while, then shook her head gently, and said, "Miss, maybe now. Your Majesty, he is really terrible. But it's because someone moved his only relative.

ECH is closed.

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