Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story Sixth year story 012 Territorial and sovereignty issues

Liuhan stove. In the room, the ancient carvings warmed up, and I scooped out the water with ease, and the guard was burning. At the same time, the tree-vine door opened, and the walnuts that had been wiped out were surrounded by the big towel, and walked out embarrassingly.

The idiot glanced at her and poured a cup of hot water in front of her. Walnut was really cold too, so he picked up the hot water and poured it down. The idiot saw that she was drinking well, and gave her another glass. The second time she drank much more slowly, taking sips and sips. At the same time, looking up at the idiot from time to time, it seems to be watching his reaction.

five minutes,

ten minutes,,

fifteen minutes,,

Twenty minutes later, the princess finally couldn't help it, and asked, "You, why don't you ask me what's wrong!"

Is it because of being forced to speak first? Or is it because the idiot hasn't said a word since then? Walnut's tone was very angry, as if he had lost something, all dissatisfied.

The idiot remained silent and looked at her. If the princess wanted to speak, she would naturally say that she didn't need to ask herself at all. If she doesn't want to say it, even if you put a knife against her neck, she won't say a word.

"You" you bully me! "Well, you always like to bully me so much! Why! You are so gentle to other girls, you treat Xingli respectfully to her. To me, you are so cold to me!" Why! You hate it! Oh, I hate you! ! ! "


He was scolded for nothing, and the idiot frowned slightly, which seemed incomprehensible. However, in order not to let the princess continue to cry like this, it seemed that he had to respond.

"What's your business

Idiot indifference is a habit." Walnut also knows that it is wishful thinking to ask this idiot to sneer himself. Walnut pursed his mouth, hummed and turned his head away, before pretending to be indifferent, and then said: "Idiot, come today to give you a chance to become famous, do you not? "

Without thinking, the idiot shook his head immediately. This shook his head also made the walnut's joyful heart extinguished by cold water before it ignited and turned to ashes.

"Why? Idiot, I'm a princess! I give you the opportunity to make you famous, and let you show your face in front of everyone, why don't you!"

, Famous, can you eat it as a meal? .

"you,"! "

Walnut is really mad. Not seeing him for such a long time, this guy jumped with anger as soon as he met. Can you be famous for eating? Why eat as a meal? There are so many people in these circles who want to become famous, so why is this idiot just an insulator, rejecting all opportunities to become famous?

Walnut looked at the serious-looking boy in front of him, eager to get angry, but didn't know where to send it. He wouldn't hurt at all if he cursed at him, but if he wanted to hit him, he couldn't hit him. Just suffocating like this, his face turned red.

, Wanbi North

"Anyway, are you a stag person?!"

The idiot lowered his head and thought. Someone used to call themselves a stag, but to be strictly speaking, they seem to have not registered their household registration in Fengchuansha. No, there is no household registration in SENAG, and neither of my parents has done this for themselves. So strictly speaking of the Bucks' laws, he is a non-existent person and has nothing to do with the Bucks. Not to mention what Buckman is it?

However, Walnut obviously doesn't think so. She pulled the towel around her chest, perhaps because the chest was too flat, so the towel always slid down.

"Well, let me put it another way, do you want to live well in the wind and sand?".

An idiot can answer this point immediately. Therefore, he nodded immediately.

"Hey, very good!" Walnut showed a rare triumphant smile and continued, "For these two days, the two uncles from the dead country have been ruling the king in front of the father, relying on being from the great empire. Isn't it amazing? They have been entangled with "what, mine, etc." I don't know the details. Anyway, they are doing it there. They pester father every day, from morning to night! "

The shadow ball quietly floated behind the idiot, and Mi Li's voice sounded extremely quietly: "Your Majesty" is about an area called Desa in the original black dragon. This area of ​​40,000 square kilometers belongs to the territory of a minority of small human beings. There are abundant conductive stones here, and it has always belonged to the sovereignty of the kingdom of death.

"Ten years ago, the ethnic minorities in the Desa region demanded independence from the Sumian nation and launched a war of independence because of the oppression of the Sumian nation. However, the conditions of the war were unsatisfactory and were soon forcibly suppressed by the Sumian nation. That kind of short stature. When the race was about to be annihilated, it sent a special envoy to ask me for help, and on condition that it agreed to be merged into the territory of the Black Dragon, it requested me to send troops to strengthen

"I have sent troops. In the joint battle with the local ethnic minorities, I finally repelled the army of the Sumian Nation. Since then, the Desa area has also been officially incorporated into the territory of the Black Dragon. But this matter has never been true. I admit it and say that it was the land I forcibly invaded and seized, so I always created conflicts on the borders of the Desa area. However, due to the unfamiliarity of the terrain, the army of the Kingdom of Death was not able to go too deep. This is the case It has been deadlocked, and it has been the case for ten years

"Now that the Black Dragon has been annexed by the Bucks, the issue of Desa District has been put on the schedule of the Kingdom of Death again, right?"

Territorial issues have always been sensitive issues. After Mili whispered, the idiot also got a general idea. Annihilation also sneered and said, "Interesting. What if someone else comes to ask for territory? Will our king of stags hand over the territory so easily? Even though, the opponent is the First Empire."

The idiot of the purpose of the envoy of Death Mianguo that has been circulating since the end of last year is now known. But he still didn't know what it had to do with his own fame and whether he could live here or not.

Walnut took a sip of water again and said, "These two uncles are really arrogant in the past two days! Although they didn't say it clearly, they were not very friendly. It seems that as long as we don't return the mines or anything to them, Want us to look good! Idiot, you say, is this angry?"

The idiot is noncommittal, waiting for Walnut to speak directly.

Walnut pulled the towel that was a little slid again, and shook the two small chestnut tails while holding the water glass, and said

"The father asked the ministers when he let the two uncles rest, but it was probably because of the great power of the dead country. Many of the subjects advocated returning the land to them! Father is locked all day. Eyebrows, I don’t know if it’s okay or not, I’m impatient to see it!” If you want to know what’s going on, please log in to the muscles, there are more chapters, support the author, support the original reading!

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