
How long have they slept?

How come when they woke up, the school was dead?

The witcher masters wiped their faces and rubbed their eyes.

Looking around, there was no fire.

Looking up at the window, the sky was clear and no dragons flew by.

No, even if there were dragons invading, it would only increase the chief's record.

The witcher masters turned around.

The chief's face was still gloomy and solemn.

The masters knew that he was not a joker.

Is the Wolf School really going to end?

But why? It can't be just because they slept for a while, right?

The witcher masters looked at each other, their eyes passed through Aylin, and then passed through White, who was old and difficult to get along with, and looked at Vesemir, the only one who was not sleepy.

Vesemir's scalp was numb by the eyes that suddenly focused on him.

Although he knew nothing, he shook his head solemnly in order not to lose face in front of his apprentice.


A commotion broke out.

"What's going on, Vesemir? Did some monster appear? Is it an evil god?"

The masters who had just woken up were really panicked. They were at a loss and asked questions one after another.

As expected of the masters, they snored loudly, and even shouted in panic.


A steady and heavy voice sounded, and everyone calmed down.

"The Wolf School is going to be destroyed, but not now, and it's not that there is no room for recovery."

Hearing the chief's still steady tone, the demon hunter masters looked at each other.

After a moment of silence, Dante hit the nail on the head and pointed directly to the core.

"Who is our enemy?"

The chief shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and said:

"It's not clear yet."

The demon hunter masters were a little confused.

How could it be destroyed if they didn't know the enemy?

Is the chief confused?

Dent scratched his head and asked, "Where did you get the information? I learned that the Wolf School was going to be destroyed."

As he spoke, Dante seemed to remember something and secretly glanced at the darkness in the corner.

"It is related to Vera, but the direct information is not from her."

The chief saw Dante's little action, glanced at Aylin vaguely, and said:

"This is a prophetic dream. Kaer Morhen will be captured by mobs and wizards, and only one in ten demon hunters of the Wolf School will survive this war."

"Which prophet had the prophetic dream?" White asked hurriedly.

The chief shook his head, stared at White, and said:

"The prophet did not want to reveal his name, but the signs of the prophetic dream have already occurred."


White was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a light flashed, and said:

"Is it King Haxor of Kaedwen?"

"What?" Everyone exclaimed, and their hearts sank suddenly.

Being hated by the king of the country where the school is located is more despairing than a dragon attack.

On the one hand,

The Ancient Sea Fortress is in Kaedwen, and the Blue Mountains are difficult to cross.

Almost all the daily necessities in Kaer Morhen are purchased from the surrounding villages.

Although the demon hunters in the Ancient Sea Fortress are familiar with the villagers, if the King of Kaedwen issues an order, the local nobles will not resist the king because of a group of demon hunters.

The king doesn't even have to take action, and the demon hunters can't stay in Kaer Morhen anymore.

On the other hand,

The demon hunters are strong, but their strength and weapons are all aimed at monsters.

Facing a fully armored, well-trained, and highly skilled knight.

One against three is still a fight, but one against ten, a team of a hundred?

Not to mention the huge number of militias.

How can the fifty or sixty demon hunters of the Wolf School fight against it?


The Wolf School is just a place where a group of demon hunters gather together for warmth.

When the disaster comes, how many people will have the will to fight, and how many people are willing to stay.

In the end, with the selection method of the Demon Hunter Trial, how many Demon Hunters really have feelings for Kaer Morhen?

Once the war breaks out, the end of being defeated one by one can be predicted without a prophetic dream.

"Things are not that bad..."

The determined Demon Hunter Masters were all depressed because of a piece of news. Seeing this, the Chief couldn't help but sigh.

The Demon Hunter Masters looked up at the words, with hope in their eyes.

The Chief pondered for a moment.

He told the king about sending Ban Ade the wizard as a messenger to spy on the defense of Kaer Morhen with the wizard discovered by Arlin.

The Demon Hunters looked at each other again.

"So the enemy is not even just the glutton, but also the Ban Ade Wizard Academy?"

Dante said the thoughts in his mind thoughtfully.

The faces of the Demon Hunter Masters became darker.

A king alone can easily destroy the Ancient Sea Fortress, not to mention the addition of dozens of wizards. How can they fight back?

The chief was silent. He actually couldn't figure out the crux of all this.

The sorceress just returned to Kaermohen yesterday and hadn't had time to think about it, but she wasn't very nervous.

In the Wolf School, she only cares about Aylin. If it doesn't work, she can just take him away by teleporting.

With her around, there's no place in the world that can't be reached. Who dares to attack Aylin?

"If that's the case, why doesn't the king attack directly?"

"The king's army plus the wizard's spells should be enough to easily destroy Kaermohen. What are they hesitating about?"

When everyone was confused, Ailin suddenly asked.

Everyone looked at the newly promoted Demon Hunter Master at the same time.

Suddenly realized.

Yes, if it is so easy to destroy us all, why wait.

The chief heard the words and suddenly remembered the letter sent a few days ago. He glanced at Ailin and said:

"By the way, during the spring equinox, Haxo will hold a contest for apprentices of the Wolf School and the Cat School, and invited me to discuss the matter of destroying the elves."

"Before, he has repeatedly tested my attitude towards elves."

"He seems to want us to include long ears in the hunting list of the Wolf School?"

Apprentice fighting competition?

Apprentices who have not passed the Green Grass and Mountain Trials will definitely not be able to leave Kaer Morhen, so the apprentices refer to me and Hughes?

Among the crowd, only Ailin was personally concerned and focused on the competition.

Others thought that the key was the elves and ignored the first half of the chief's words.

After all, an apprentice competition can't reveal anything.

It may just be a trap or an excuse of the king.

Vesemir thought of something, looked at Arlin thoughtfully, and asked;

"Dante, when you just came back, didn't you also talk about the war between Haxor and Long Ears?"

Dante was stunned for a moment and said:

"Yes... yes, Haxor declared war on Long Ears on the grounds that the elves stole his jewelry."

"And on the way back, I also met the king's guards and wizards-it should be Ban Ade's wizards, they seem to be looking for someone."

After a pause, Dante asked doubtfully:

"But what does the war between the Big Stomach King and Long Ears have to do with our current predicament?"

"Could he hope that our Wolf School witchers would serve as militia for him?"

"Wouldn't we die faster?"

"What's more..."

Dante stopped talking and looked around.

The witcher masters understood and thought of this sentence at the same time.

The Wolf School adheres to neutrality.

This is their creed, an oath that even death cannot change, and the most profound lesson left by the Demon Hunter Cult.

They cannot follow Haxo's instructions and hunt elves.

Therefore, the conflict with Haxo seems to be unreconcilable.

The meeting was deadlocked again.

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Thanks to book friends "20211106215729648", "Wu Yihang", and "James Xiao Xiaogui" for their rewards

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