Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 9 Ailin is a good kid

When the cold essence slid into the esophagus, Ailin was pleasantly surprised to find that the abnormality of the muscles in his body was significantly reduced.

The heat flow, which was warmer than the last time he used it, quickly spread from the stomach to the whole body.

In a trance, Ailin felt like he was soaking in a slightly hot spring, and he almost made a sound.

After the warm current disappeared from his body, the pain and numbness in his muscles also disappeared directly.

Heart essence can also promote the absorption of "lunch"!

Ailin, who was troubled by the strange mushroom soup, almost exclaimed.

During these ten days, the apprentices' daily schedule was to attend classes in the morning and absorb potions in the afternoon and evening.

If there was enough essence, Ailin could free up at least two-thirds of his time.

Open the character panel.

[Attributes: Strength 5.5 (+0.2), Agility 5.6 (+0.2), Constitution 6.2 (+0.6), Perception 7.9 (+0.7), Mystery 3.5 (+0.2)]

The total attribute was also directly increased by 1.9.

The value is almost double what Ailin expected.

"I suddenly like water ghosts a little bit." Ailin sighed in his heart.

Take a deep breath and slowly calm down the excitement.

After the attribute suddenly improved, the senses of the demon hunter became extremely sensitive.

Ailin, who gradually calmed down, captured a lot of information in the dormitory.

The sweat caused by pain, the continuous painful gasps, the low roar suppressed in the depths of the throat...

The creaking sound of the wooden bed board smashed against the cold and hard wall.

Except for him, everyone in the dormitory was suffering.

Thinking that the other apprentices were children under the age of 13, the joy of harvest instantly dropped a lot.

An idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Should I share the essence with them?

Ailin sighed and silently apologized in his heart.

If you are poor, you can only take care of yourself, and if you are rich, you can help the world.

He is not qualified to help the world.

At least not now.


It was late autumn.

The demon hunters who went out to travel returned one after another. They had to return to Kaer Morhen to spend the winter before the snow closed the mountain.

From the moment the first demon hunter returned to Kaer Morhen, a bonfire would be lit on the two-person high fireplace in the castle hall.

The lively banquet would continue from morning to night.

Until the spring equinox came and the ice and snow melted.

After saying goodbye to the apprentices, Vesemir came to the castle hall.

As soon as he entered the door, the hot air mixed with the noisy voices hit him in the face.

More than 20 demon hunters sat around the dining table, bragging to each other about what they had seen and heard in the past year.

Sitting down at random, Vesemir took the beer cup handed over by his companion and drank a big sip.


He let out a long breath of enjoyment.

Vesemir looked sideways at the companion who handed over the wine and casually started a topic:

"Dante, I heard that our king has declared war on the long ears again."

Dante just returned to Kaer Morhen today, and the demon hunters on their way back always deliberately collected some intelligence.

"Declaration of war? It's just looting at most," the demon hunter Dante shook his head, took a bite of bread, and then said, "And your information is outdated. The war with less than a hundred people ended two months ago."

"I am taking apprentices this year and have not left Kaer Morhen. The news of the declaration of war was told to me by Leto."

Vesemir shrugged and asked:

"Tell me in detail what you know?"

"What?" Dante asked curiously, "Is there an old lover in your long ears?"

Vesemir's face darkened: "Just tell me if I ask you! Don't talk about other things."

Dante smacked his lips regretfully without finding out any gossip:

"War, war, which year has there been no war?"

"The nobles blew the horn, and the mud legs ran forward with sticks."

"The melee is over, only the king and the ghouls can eat their fill."

"No, no, no, the ghouls may be able to fill their stomachs, but the big eaters may not be?" Leto walked over with a wine jug.

"Big Eater" is the "elegant name" of King Haxor of Kaedwen among the people.


Dante filled his glass and said thoughtfully:

"Haxor's behavior is very strange. He said he declared war on the long ears, but the excuse he found was that the elves stole his jewelry."

"Excuse?" Vesemir asked curiously, "Don't you think this is true?"

Dante nodded and continued to explain:

"No matter who stole the jewelry, just issue a wanted notice."

"Don't you think it's weird to declare war on a race in this way?"

"And on the way back to Kaer Morhen, I met the king's guards. They seemed to be looking for someone."

Leto asked tentatively: "Are you sure it's Haxor's guards? Don't they never leave the royal court?"

"Black unicorn cloak with yellow background, I won't make a mistake." Dante continued, "and I saw three wizards in the team."

Hearing this, Vesemir and Leto looked at each other.

Leto said, "That's really strange, but since they were looking for someone, didn't they ask you to help?"

The most important part of a demon hunter hunting a monster is to find the traces of the monster based on the few and incomplete clues.

Footprints, bloodstains, smells, as long as there are clues, they can't escape the demon hunter's keen senses.

In the long run, every demon hunter is a natural detective.

"Not only did they not ask, but they seemed to be avoiding me on purpose." Dante scratched his head in annoyance, "I always feel that something is wrong here, but I just can't figure it out."

Seeing that Dante was depressed because of the topic he casually brought up, Vesemir comforted him with some guilt:

"If you can't think of it, don't think about it."

"After all, this is a conflict between the elves and the King of Kaedwen, and it has nothing to do with our Wolf School."

"We strictly adhere to neutrality."

Dante nodded and took a sip of wine.

However, his frowning brows made it easy for people to see that he had not let go of this issue.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, Leto raised his glass and said:

"Don't talk about politics when you eat."

"Let's change to an interesting topic."

Vesemir nodded in agreement, and then noticed Leto's playful smile.

His heart skipped a beat, and Vesemir felt that things were not simple.

"What interesting thing?" Dante asked curiously.

"Vesemir lost his Elsa to an apprentice." Even with Vesemir's master skills, he still couldn't shut Leto up.

Dante asked hesitantly: "Elsa? The silver sword worth more than 10,000 orens?"

"17,325 orens. Yes, it's the sword you thought of."

"What! Vesemir, is this true?"

Dante was so surprised that he shouted out loud.

His loud voice attracted attention even in the noisy hall.

At the table, the attention of other demon hunters was attracted.

At this time, Vesemir's face was as black as charcoal in the fireplace.

As if he had expected something, Vesemir did not reply, but raised his wine glass high to cover his eyes.

"Hahaha, it's true, I tell you..." After laughing, Leto told what happened in the morning.

There were also a few demon hunters who had witnessed it with their own eyes, and they laughed and filled in the gaps.

With the ups and downs of the plot.

The demon hunters who were a little further away also pricked up their ears and slowly stopped talking.

Soon, only Leto's voice was left in the hall.

"... That's roughly what happened."

Leto finished the story with exaggeration and drank a sip of beer to moisten his throat.

The silence at the table lasted only a few seconds, and then it boiled like boiling water.

Among the demon hunters, there were those who admired the apprentice's strength, those who confirmed the price of the silver sword, and those who kindly teased Vesemir...

Of course, there were also those who were interested in the Demon Hunter's Eye.

It was a pity that none of the demon hunters at the table liked to visit the library, so naturally no one could answer.

"Although I don't know what the Demon Hunter's Eye is, it seems that you didn't lose unfairly." Dante patted Vesemir on the shoulder and comforted him.

Vesemir sighed, as if he had figured something out, and drank the beer in the glass in one gulp.

After wiping off the wine foam on his beard, Vesemir thought for a moment and nodded in acknowledgment:

"He is skilled in swordsmanship, smart, and can remain calm and rational when frustrated."

"Alin is a good kid!"

"I really deserved to lose."

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