Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 81 Ancient Ritual


He didn't realize it when he used the Ice Spear Curse alone before, but Aelin felt particularly ashamed when he screamed "Crack" in public.

Especially when I saw the twisted expressions of the demon hunters and sorceresses around me who wanted to laugh but were embarrassed.


Where are Hughes, Bunter and Fred?

Aren't they back long ago?

Aelin stopped his spell and looked around.

When everyone saw Ailin stop the incantation, they thought he had failed in reciting the incantation. They were about to comfort him when they suddenly heard Ailin ask:

"Where are Hughes, Bunter and Fred?"

"They should come back before me!"


The master demon hunters slapped their right hands to their foreheads almost simultaneously, then turned around and ran towards a thick tree behind them.

Because of the tense situation with the sorceress and because they were curious about what Aylin was carrying, the demon hunters had forgotten that there were three apprentices tied to the tree.

Vesemir was the closest and the fastest, so he was the first to reach the tree.

His face turned red with embarrassment.

After all, Hughes and the others were his apprentices, so it was really inappropriate to forget them all like this.

Avoiding the resentful glances of Hughes and others, Vesemir untied the rope.

After Hughes and the others took off the cotton cloth from their mouths, they looked at the demon hunter masters in front of them who were lowering their heads and laughing, and didn't care anymore.

After saying "Humph", they all ran towards Aylin and jumped around him.

"Ai Lin, I knew you would be fine."

Hughes was the first to speak, and was also the first to expose him.

"I don't know who it is, but my eyes are so red that I'm about to cry. I want to run back to save Aylin. Do you want me to tell you that Aylin still needs us to save him?"

"Bunt! Aren't you looking back too?"

"I...I just followed you out of habit, subconsciously..."

The familiar chirping sound filled the environment around Ailin, making it lively and noisy.

But at this time, he only felt warm in his heart, as if he was soaking in a hot spring.

Vera on the side was supporting her right elbow with her left wrist and her chin with her right hand, just watching a few little people laughing and playing.

A gentle smile appeared on her delicate and pretty face involuntarily.

Noisy and noisy, the three of them suddenly stopped at the head of the old spearhead and the water ghost king at the same time.

Hughes couldn't help but look at Aylin with admiration, and said excitedly: "Aylin, you are so awesome. When I left the cave, I really thought I would never see you again. I didn't expect you to turn the old spear head on." Killed."

Bunt and Fred also looked at Aylin with the same eyes.

Just looking at Old Spearhead from a distance, their bodies couldn't stop trembling.

But Aelin not only killed the Cyclops, he even killed the Ice King who looked almost powerful.

"As expected of Aylin, a born demon hunter!"

Bunt thought to himself. He turned his head and looked at the master demon hunters around him. Suddenly an idea came to him and he said:

"Aelin, are you also a master demon hunter now?"

Bunt's words made the master demon hunters look at each other, and at this time they also reacted.

It seems that they no longer need to worry about whether to grant Aelin the title of Master Demon Hunter.

Old Spearhead's head alone is enough, not to mention the head of the Ice King.

As for the hunting method of Aelin's fisherman's profit.

Most master demon hunters use similar methods when hunting large monsters.

Sometimes they even used poison, a method that was dishonorable in the eyes of the nobles.

Therefore, Aylin's hunting method not only does not diminish his glory, but makes them appreciate him even more.

after all,

Being able to seize opportunities and turn danger into safety when life is threatened is a rare talent in itself.

Even more rare than hunting large monsters head-on.

However, even though they recognized it in their hearts, the master demon hunters only exchanged glances with each other and did not reply verbally to Bunt's words.

Bunt glanced at several master demon hunters and saw that they had no response. He was only disappointed for a few seconds, and then joined in the admiration for Aylin's great achievements.

Aylin naturally noticed this scene, but he was not as disappointed as Bunt.

As early as the heads of the Water Ghost King and Old Spearhead fell to the ground, the honor of the Master Demon Hunter had already fallen on him.

But what he didn't notice was that the sorceress, who looked like an outsider, had a gentler curve in her mouth.

No matter how exciting the exchange was, it would not last long with seven or eight adults watching.

After recovering from the anger of being bound, Hughes and the others slowly closed their mouths when they saw others surrounding them.

"Ai Lin, continue to show us!"

When Leto saw that they had finished expressing their emotions, he reminded them.

Hughes and the others stepped back consciously and looked at Aylin expectantly.

Although they had been tied to the other side of the big tree, the sharp senses of the demon hunters prevented them from missing what just happened.

Aylin nodded upon hearing this and mobilized the magic power in his body again.


Along with the chanting of the strange mantra, fluorescent blue light converged on the right palm.

In a moment, an ice spear as thick as a thumb formed, and his right hand pointed at the big tree where Hughes and the others were bound.


The ice spear hit the big tree in the blink of an eye.

The thick tree surrounded by the two people was directly pierced by the ice spear, revealing a small hole where Killer Lake could be seen.

Since Arlin started to chant the spell, Vera gradually changed from being careless at the beginning to being serious and happy at the moment.

The reason is very simple.

She felt the magic power around Arlin gathering and decreasing regularly, which is a characteristic of casting spells.

The magic sign of the demon hunter consumes the magic power of the mutant organs in their bodies, which will not produce this phenomenon.

"When did Arlin have the ability to cast spells?"

This is the only thought in her heart at the moment. As her own child, the sorceress has no idea how many times she has tested Arlin's talent.

The result every time is that he has no talent for casting spells.

However, because there are outsiders around, the sorceress is surprised but did not ask directly.

The other demon hunters were shocked.

Is this a spell or a magic sign?


Since Arlin can use it, it should be a magic sign!


Can they learn it?

Long-range attack has always been the shortcoming of demon hunters. Although they will also prepare a long-range crossbow, it is obviously not as useful as their own magic signs.

Moreover, in special situations, external things often do not work.

Of course, the most important thing is that although the Ice Spear Spell has a chanting time, it is only a few seconds.

Although the lethality will be weakened when facing monsters, it is still very considerable.

Thinking of this, the demon hunter masters all focused their fiery eyes on Aylin.

"Aylin, is your Ice Spear Spell a spell or a seal? Can we learn it? What is the price?"

The demon hunter masters may still be a little reserved. Seeing such an outstanding effect, Leto turned his head and asked directly.

After thinking for a moment, Aylin smiled and said:

"You can use it as a seal."

"No price, just help me move the bodies of the Ice King and the old spearhead to Kaer Morhen."

"Master Vesemir also has this condition."

Although part of the magic power of the Ice Spear Spell skill comes from the outside world.

But most of it comes from the mutant organs in the body, so ordinary demon hunters can naturally learn it.

Hearing this, the demon hunter masters looked at Aylin with more fiery eyes.

Especially when they recalled the effect of the Ice Spear Curse when Arlin told them about hunting the old spearhead and the Ice King, their eager eyes almost ignited Arlin.

But Arlin just pretended not to see it.

Want to get something for free?

Where can such a good thing come from?

He is just an ordinary demon hunter, not the head of the school, so there is no need to selflessly devote to unfamiliar people.

So many experiences in his previous life have made him deeply aware of it.

Selflessness regardless of the object does not get respect, but endless demands.

Fortunately, the demon hunter masters saw Arlin's look and understood it, and did not ask for it by relying on their seniority.

After all,

Demon hunters have to collect rewards even if the client is poor after completing the commission.

Arlin's approach is very demon hunter.

Since he is willing to teach Leto and Vesemir, this matter is just a matter of profit distribution.

So, they all looked at the head of the Wolf School.

"I will discuss the Ice Spear Curse with Aylin tomorrow."

The chief nodded and passed the topic.

Then he looked at the sky and walked to Aylin.

The expressions of the other demon hunters also became serious at the same time.

They formed a circle, surrounding several apprentices and the chief in the middle.

Following that,

the chief took out Aylin's school badge, pierced the sharp wolf fangs with his right thumb, and drew a blood mark on Aylin's forehead.

Then he walked to the next apprentice and drew the blood mark as well.

The other demon hunters present also smeared the blood from their thumbs on Aylin's foreheads one by one.

This seems to be an ancient tradition of wolf demon hunters.

But Aylin has never seen this ceremony in the game.

During the whole ceremony, no one spoke, and even everyone's expressions were solemn.

The demon hunters seemed to be attending someone's funeral, and also like witnessing the birth of a newborn.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, or if this ceremony really worked.

After the chief smeared the blood, the dense dark clouds dispersed.

The golden skylight shines on the demon hunters, casting shadows on the snow.

Light and darkness intertwine at this moment.

After all the demon hunters smeared their blood, the chief shouted:

"The sun is setting, and the wolf pack of Kaer Morhen has added new blood today."

"Let's bring the good news back to the Ancient Sea Fortress, light a bonfire, and don't go home until we are drunk!"

"Aye! Aye! Aye!"

The demon hunters patted their chests rhythmically and responded with the vast and ancient tune:

"Light a bonfire, don't go home until you are drunk!"

"Light a bonfire, don't go home until you are drunk!"


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