Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 62 Little Mist Demon

"Wherever there is thick fog, there may be little fog monsters."

"If there is no fog, the little fog demon can also create or summon thick fog by itself."

"Dense fog not only allows the little fog demon to hide, but is also his weapon. They manipulate the fog to make travelers lonely, unable to see the road, and unable to hear the sound..."

Aylin recalled reading "The Little Mist Demon and the Lost Traveler" in the library a few days ago.

While swimming in the direction of the sound, he murmured in his mouth.

For monsters like the Little Mist Demon, Vesemir only had a passing knowledge of monstrosities.

“If you encounter thick fog, remember to turn back and stay away.”

This was the only advice the Master Witcher gave.

After all, this kind of monster has nothing to do with the demon hunter apprentices who have not yet completed the mountain trial.

During the journey after the mountain trial, the traveling mentor of the demon hunter apprentices will teach them the characteristics of common and uncommon monsters bit by bit.

It's a pity that reality is not what Vesemir thought.

This kind of monster also appeared in the high mountain trial, and seriously threatened the lives of the apprentices.


Aylin walked out of the lake and stepped onto the wet grass.

Faint white light penetrated through the thick fog and penetrated from about thirty to forty meters in front of him.

A thin boy, about the same age as Aylin, squatted in the bushes, seemingly trapped.

" me..."

As the distance got closer, the sound coming from the other side became more and more tempting.

Even Aylin couldn't control himself.

At this moment.


The demon hunter's apprentice's chest shook slightly, and a sense of coolness poured directly into his mind, making his spirit clear for a while.

The inexplicable sense of trust generated by the temptation in my heart suddenly disappeared.

"It's a mirage!"

Aelin was familiar with this kind of spiritual connection.

I just didn't expect that this kind of spiritual connection could actually resist the temptation of magic.


Not just that.

As the demon hunter's apprentice's spirit completely connected with the mirage bead.

The blue cat pupils dilated and contracted, and the illusion thirty or forty meters away suddenly faded.

A figure with dirty and gray skin squatted in the position of the little boy before.

"It is indeed the little mist demon!"

Looking at the slender figure hiding in the dark with a ferocious face and sharp claws, Aylin was in no hurry to go and solve it.

He pulled out Elsa, took out the "Zombie Oil" from the inventory, and spread the blood-red oily mucus evenly on the sword.

Following the rapid flow of magic power in the body, the thumb and index finger were slightly bent, and a triangle was drawn in front of the body.

Seal of Quen.

Golden light flashed on the brown leather armor.

After the mysterious attribute was greatly improved, the thickness of the shield was at least nearly doubled compared to before.

With the shield and sword oil ready, the little mist demon still stood there waiting for its prey to step into the trap.

Unfortunately, this had no effect at all on Aylin, who saw through its tricks.

"Pa tap~ tap tap~"

With steady footsteps, Aylin pretended to be confused.

The silver sword in his right hand hangs down weakly, but it can be grasped at any time. The silver sword body reflects light red light.

It looks particularly weird under the thick fog.

"Pa tap~ tap tap~"

The ferocious face of the little mist demon gradually came closer.

Saliva flowed from the corners of the dark and yellowish mouth, and the two sharp claws were shaking, ready to move.

After getting closer, the strange human-like posture and pale skin of the little mist demon can't help but make people feel a little creepy.

The demon hunter apprentice was almost there, and the monster just stretched its claws.

"Damn monster, you're pretty patient."

Aylin cursed secretly in his mind, and secretly held Elsa tightly with his right hand.

The next moment, when the demon hunter apprentice came within three steps of the monster, Aylin grasped the silver sword with both hands.

Charge forward, spin, chop.


A light red light flashed.

The huge head fell from the slender body.

The sharp claws reacted only after the head moved, waving randomly in the air, but the demon hunter apprentice sidestepped and dodged.

The battle was so easy that Aelin felt like he had wasted a bottle of corpse-eating creature oil.

"Is this the joy of knowing information in advance when a witcher is hunting?"

The demon hunter apprentice couldn't help but clicked his tongue and sighed in his heart.


Aylin suddenly felt that something was missing.



Why haven't the reviews for Demon Hunter's Notes come out yet?


At this moment, the sound of wind blowing bushes suddenly came from behind him.

The apprentice witcher was alert for a moment, but it was already too late.


A force suddenly hit him from the back, and the sound of breaking glass was heard.

Quen's shield is broken!

Aylin had no time to care about the mud on the ground. He followed the push and rolled to his feet, flowing magic power again.

Golden light flashed.

The Witcher Apprentice's leather armor is once again equipped with a Quen shield.

At this time Aylin also saw the culprit.

Blue eyes, gray skin, bald head, slim body.

It’s the second little mist demon!

"Damn it, where did this little mist monster come from?"

"Is there a third one?"

Due to the unknown situation, the apprentice demon hunter did not take advantage of the situation when the little mist demon was pushed away by the force of Quen's shield breaking and lost its center of gravity to launch an attack.

Instead, he was alert and quickly looked around, carefully observing the woods and bushes that looked strange and eerie due to the thick fog.

Ailin found that except for a half-man-high bush near the place where the little fog demon fell, which showed signs of being trampled, there was nothing unusual in other places.

He was not attacked again.


"There should be only this one left."


Why didn't I find it before?

The demon hunter apprentice thought he was not a careless person.

Before preparing to kill the first little fog demon, he used the mirage bead to carefully observe the surroundings.

It was because he saw only one monster after careful observation that the demon hunter apprentice dared to pretend to hunt.

Otherwise, how could he just give his back to an unknown enemy without any defense.

Ailin was instantly confused, but the next moment his doubts were answered.


The little fog demon that was shaken to the ground by the broken shield turned into mist and dissipated after getting up, merging into the surrounding thick fog.

Even when Ailin used the Mirage Pearl to sense, he could not detect any abnormality.

"This skill similar to the mist transformation does not seem to be an illusion!" he thought.

So the Mirage Pearl is ineffective for this?

Or is this still an illusion, but it is beyond the perception ability of the Mirage Pearl?

While thinking, the demon hunter apprentice quickly raised his sword in the middle, protecting himself and carefully observing the flow of the thick fog.

Sure enough, under the demon hunter's keen senses, a small piece of fog moved abnormally fast.

"It's there!"

With a loud shout in his heart, Ailin stomped on the ground suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the abnormal thick fog.

Spin and chop!

The silver sword flashing red light cut through the white fog in the blink of an eye.

Strangely, Elsa didn't cut anything, as if it was just an ordinary fog.

"Damn, this must not be an illusion!"

The demon hunter apprentice's heart sank slightly, and he was about to retreat and dodge, but suddenly heard a scream.


The fog that was cut by the silver sword, in the blink of an eye, condensed into the appearance of a little fog monster again.

And after the monster appeared, the gray flesh on the hideous face was twisted, and it seemed to be in great pain.

The slender body was also trembling, a little unbalanced.

Seeing this, the demon hunter's eyes suddenly lit up.

Holding the sword with both hands, he bent over and rushed forward.


The blade of the silver sword pierced into the throat of the little fog monster in the blink of an eye.

Three or two steps, circling the monster.

The smelly blood splashed on Ailin's face in an instant.


[Monster "Little Fog Monster" crusade! ]

[Reward settlement:...]

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Crab Crab!!!

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