Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 37 Ailin, dead?

The moment he was locked in the eyes of the Water Ghost King, the strong killing intent made the demon hunter apprentice feel like he was in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

A chill penetrated from the tailbone directly to the scalp.

However, what surprised Aylin, who was nervous and alert, was that this huge monster like a mountain of meat did not rush directly towards Vesemir or Aylin.

Instead, he tilted his head abnormally, as if he was taking stock of his surroundings.

"Aelin, there's something wrong with this monster!" Vesemir approached Aelin calmly, "You should pay more attention in a moment. If the situation is slightly wrong, look for an opportunity to escape..."


Before Vesemir finished speaking, he heard the Water Ghost King roar again.

A blue light film suddenly appeared on the monster's powerful muscles.


The witcher master's school insignia beeped loudly enough for Arryn to hear it.

"Is this a magic... shield?" Aylin asked with some uncertainty.

Aside from the color, this blue light film is very similar to the pattern of Quen's shield.

But how is this possible?

Vesemir's face was serious and he did not answer the apprentice's questions immediately, paying close attention to every move of the Water Ghost King.


The water ghost king's bloody mouth opened and closed slightly.

A low and clear roar came from it, like some mantra was being chanted.

Gradually, flickering light blue spots appeared from the void and quickly converged on this huge creature.

The fins, which were so red that they oozed blood, breathed and flickered rhythmically.

Aylin was stunned for a moment.

Regular rhythm, chanting that affects the magic of the environment...

What is it doing?

Sing magic?

The demon hunter apprentice looked blankly at the huge body and powerful muscles of the humanoid Water Ghost King...

When placed on any creature, it has the size of a standard melee template.

Then you told me that it was actually a mage?

in addition.

Aren't water ghosts without intelligence?

Even the Yaksi Mind Sigil is ineffective against this kind of monster.

How can such a pure chaotic monster master such highly regulated magic?

Could it be that the Water Ghost King and the Water Ghost are not the same race, but just a new species called the Water Ghost King?

Suddenly, a lot of doubts emerged in his mind.

"Ai Lin, protect yourself!"

Seeing the strange behavior of the Water Ghost King, Vesemir's expression changed drastically. After leaving a warning, he quickly rushed towards the monster that was preparing to attack.

Whether it's magic or not, the most important thing in a battle is to interrupt the enemy's intentions.

Since the monster seems to want to accumulate magic power, it must not be allowed to succeed.

Aylin did not stay where he was. He took one step behind Vesemir and rushed towards the Water Ghost King.


After taking a few steps forward, Aylin suddenly stopped and followed closely around the monster, running irregularly.

But no matter how irregular his movements were, the Water Ghost King's eyes were firmly focused on him.

Aelin was locked.

"Aelin, be careful!"

Vesemir also discovered this, but he had already rushed in front of the Water Ghost King and had no time to turn back and rescue him.

Simply stimulate the mutated organs in the body to the maximum extent and squeeze out as much magic power as possible.

Seal of Alder!

Violent waves of thought erupted from the master demon hunter's palm, and even the air was distorted where his right palm was facing.

He wanted to use the seal to interrupt the monster's next attack.

Excellent on-the-spot reaction.

It's a pity that the huge monster remained unmoved, ignoring the surging shock wave and still accumulating energy.

Sure enough, the wave of thought that distorted the air only caused the blue light film to flicker.

Seeing this, Vesemir's expression suddenly changed, he turned his head suddenly, and shouted loudly to the demon hunter apprentice:

"Aelin, run!"

The hairs all over Ailin's body stood up and he ran towards the cave entrance with all his strength.

The flame ignited by the master witcher has not yet been extinguished, but the apprentice witcher can no longer care so much.

His strong sense of danger told him that if he could not avoid the blow from the Water Ghost King, he would have no choice but to die.

While his footsteps continued, Aylin summoned the Demon Hunting Notes with his mind. Regardless of the fact that Quen could only absorb physical damage and could not resist magic, he added some Quen Signs like crazy.

【bite! Your skills: Kun’s Seal LV1 has been upgraded to Kun’s Seal LV3 (0/2500)]

【bite! Your level has been upgraded to level 10 and you have gained 1 special skill point]

Faced with a life and death crisis, Aylin no longer cared about saving small experience beads.

If the seal is not upgraded to LV3, the demon hunting notes indicate that the mystery value must be greater than 10 points to upgrade from LV3 to LV4.

Aylin couldn't wait to spend all the little experience beads.

The magic power in the body flows instantly, the thumb and index finger are slightly bent, and a triangle is drawn in front of the body.

Seal of Quen.


A clear cry.

A pale golden light flashed across the brown leather armor.

After leveling up to Lv3, Aylin felt that the release time of Quinn's seal had been reduced by at least half.

It used to take about 10 seconds to successfully form the seal, but now it has been reduced to at least 5 seconds.

The structure of the shield has also been heavily optimized.

Not only the color of the shield changed from an almost transparent light yellow to a translucent light gold.

The protective effect of the shield has at least doubled. The physical shield that could only absorb two heavy blows from the water ghost has now been increased to at least six times.

And also added a new structure.

This structure makes the shield explode outward after being broken, generating a powerful shock wave in an instant.

However, because the demon hunter apprentice's mystery value is still too low.

The current shock wave can only push away monsters of the weight of the water ghost at most.

The cave entrance is very close to Aylin, and he can see the bright sunlight shining into the cave.

"Hope is right in front of us."

Aylin cheered himself up, but there was a thick and heavy haze in his heart.

The water ghost king who can chant magic must be wise. Will it really watch Aylin and escape from the cave easily?

"It's less than ten meters away!"

Aylin can clearly see the cracks on the edge of the cave entrance due to the earthquake.


A clear sound came from behind.

It was like the frozen lake surface in the severe winter suddenly cracked.


Aylin had not yet had time to shift his sight from the stone wall to the water ghost king.

With the biting cold, the strong wind from an unknown direction hit him, making him shiver instantly.

The demon hunter apprentice turned his head suddenly.

What came into view was not the huge body of the Water Ghost King, but a huge ice cone shining with blue light.

Before he could react.


The huge ice cone pierced the demon hunter apprentice's chest without any hindrance and stuck heavily into the ground.

A big hole was instantly punched out on the hard slate ground.

The rock shattered into powder, and the ice cone also exploded into countless ice crystals shining with blue light in an instant, filling the entire cave in an instant.

For a moment, it seemed that a glowing snow fell in the cave.

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