Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 305 Can my apprentice cheat me a second time?

The apprentices discussed in a low voice, but none of Aelin, Vesemir, or Aristor was a master witcher, and none of them had a perception attribute lower than fifty.

A flying insect passing by in the sky can be accurately located, let alone a conversation between apprentices.

Aylin didn't say anything after hearing this, but Aristo's eyebrows moved first.

Which one is stronger, him or Aylin?

To be honest, he was also very curious about this question.

There are many examples within the school where the strength of older demon hunters cannot match that of talented newcomers.

But the newcomers in those examples are already quite old.

At least it is impossible to catch up with a master demon hunter half a year after passing the Green Grass Trial.

And Aristo is actually aware of Aylin's strength.

The battle in which he became the master of the demon hunter was a coincidence, and it can even be said that there was a bit of luck.

after all.

If an Ice King hadn't suddenly appeared, it would have been almost impossible for Aylin to kill Old Spearhead.

Of course this is not easy either.

At least Aristo put himself in his shoes. At the age of thirteen, he certainly did not have the courage or ability to do this.

What's more, at that time, Aylin had already been gifted in creating highly practical magic props and potions such as the Water Ghost Whistle and the Killer Whale.

So Aylin was promoted to Master Demon Hunter, and he was convinced.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have agreed to be the deputy leader of a child in that demon-hunting regiment.

However, he is convinced. In terms of strength, Aristo always felt a sense of dislocation when he listened to Vesemir's story just now.

Great gryphons, demon spirits, and the Wild Hunt...

Are these monsters really something that Aelin, a demon hunter who has just passed the mountain trial for half a year, can deal with?

You know, even with Aristo's current strength, it would be difficult to deal with a big griffon, still in that unprepared situation.

Even if Aelin is assisted by Vesemir and Mary, that can explain some problems.

Not to mention fighting hundreds of monsters, it is said that he even hunted a large monster monster on his own that was more powerful than a Cyclops.

If he hadn't been familiar with Vesemir, and the nobles of Elland had granted him the knighthood of Arryn, Aristo would have felt that Vesemir was lying.


Aristo is indeed very curious about Aylin's strength and how many rounds he can go under him.


The more important point is.

He had been training with children for the first half of the year, and he hadn't experienced a close battle in a long time.

He knew the strength of Vesemir and the other demon hunter masters in Kaer Morhen, and the routines of one move and another, even with the addition of sigils, could no longer bring him any freshness.

Now listening to Vesemir's description, Aelin's strength seems to be pretty good.

Seeing Hunter Xin's joy, they couldn't hold back the fighting spirit in their hearts...


"When I put it forward like this, I am suspected of bullying the smaller ones..." Aristo hesitated, "And if the scene is too ugly in the end, it will not be good for the development of the demon-hunting army..."

Although his temper has always been a bit irritable and irritable, he is not a reckless man who just draws his sword and cuts.

Besides, at such an old age, he still knows the simple weighing of pros and cons.

"How about forget it..." he thought to himself.

At this moment, Vesemir's encouraging voice suddenly came to his ears:

"Aelin, do you want to compete with Aristo?"


The entire castle hall instantly became quiet again.

The apprentices all looked at Aylin who was sipping the thirty-year-old Dongzhidong wine with burning eyes, hoping that he would agree immediately.

Only Aristo turned his head sharply and looked at Vesemir in surprise, whose face was flushed from drinking.

How could any master cheat his apprentice like this?

Aylin competed with him, no matter whether he was serious or not, as long as he lost, it would be harmful but not beneficial.

As for winning…

He is older than Vesemir, and his strength ranks among the top among the master demon hunters.

How could he lose?

"Vesemir, you are drunk!" Aristo's voice rang in the silent castle hall.

"Are you scared?" Vesemir glanced sideways at him, looked at Aylin, and asked again, "How are you, Aylin?"

Aristo frowned and remained silent.

He didn't know why Vesemir, who had been holding Arryn in his arms just now, wanted to dig a big hole for his apprentice.

Could it be that he really thought Aylin could beat him?

Thinking of this, an inexplicable anger surged into my heart.

He glared at Vesemir, resisting the urge to punch him as there were still apprentices around.

Aristo turned his head and looked at the childish Master Demon Hunter who had put down his wine glass, thinking about how to give Aylin a step down.

I don’t know why I thought of the stories Vesemir just told me again.

Suddenly nothing could be said.

For a moment, I simultaneously wished he would refuse, but also longed to accept.

In full view.

Aylin put down his wine glass and looked at Aristo, whose blue cat eyes were full of burning fighting spirit.

"If I could have the honor of asking Master Aristo for advice..." he said softly, "of course I would be happy to ask for it!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the entire castle hall seemed to suddenly boil.

The apprentices burst into an astonishing noise, looking at their leader...or future leader with intense eyes, their faces full of excitement.

"Hahaha~" Vesemir laughed and poured the wine in the cup into his mouth.

"Answer me, Aristor, are you afraid?" Vesemir shouted.


The wooden cup hit the oak table hard.

The blood-red wine splashed from the cup, and the mellow aroma filled the air, making people feel elegant and intoxicated.

"Am I afraid?" Veins loomed on Aristo's forehead. "When I hunted royal pterodactyls and became a master witcher, you were still wetting the bed! How dare you say that I am afraid?"

Vesemir looked embarrassed.

It's not because Aristo's scolding was too harsh, but because what he said was true.

More accurate.

Aristo had even seen the map of the northern continent that he drew on his sheets in the middle of the night...

Long life is not good at all.

No matter how old you are, there are still people alive who remember the embarrassing things you did when you were young.

And from time to time, on certain occasions, it will give you a hard blow.

Vesemir pretended not to care and glanced around with squinted eyes, especially "unintentionally" scanning Aylin's face, and breathed a sigh of relief.


Aristo was still rational despite his rage and did not elaborate on this.

Aylin and other apprentices probably only thought he was insulting someone out of necessity and did not take him seriously.

In panic, Vesemir laughed dryly, not daring to irritate Aristo any more, lowering his head and pretending to taste the wine.

Anyway, his goal has been achieved.

"Hmph~" Seeing Vesemir lower his head, Aristo snorted coldly, then suppressed his emotions and looked at Aylin.

Ask for advice...

This excuse is not bad, and it can be considered as leaving some room.

"He is a smart boy, and..." Aristo looked at Aylin's warlike eyes, "and he is as warlike as when I was young..."

Think of this.

Aristor couldn't help but glared at Vesemir again, causing him to silently turn sideways and lower his head at an even wider angle.

Such a child is suitable for him to teach!

Does Vesemir, a guy who still wets the bed even at the age of seven or eight, deserve such a good traveling apprentice?

"Then let's have a good fight!"

As soon as Aristo finished speaking, the apprentices jumped up from their seats with joy.

"Don't throw bread into the sky!" Aristo roared to maintain order. "Whoever dares to waste a drop of stew, I will punish him by polishing the entire steel sword of Kaer Morhen until it shines!"

Amidst the roar of the deputy leader, the apprentices sat down and ate bread and stew.

But even if it was suppressed by the roar.

They didn't settle down just yet. Their eyes were always lingering on Aylin, and they excitedly discussed in low voices, Aristo and Aylin...

Which one is stronger!

The apprentices finished their lunch quickly.

Vesemir, as if he wanted to take revenge on someone, just made all five bottles of the East in just ten minutes.

If it were placed in the previous life, if so much red wine had been poured into it, most ordinary people would have been drunk and unconscious, and even those with poor physical health might have been in danger of death.

But the witcher is very resistant to alcohol, so there will naturally be no problems.

Looking at Vesemir's expression, Aylin felt that he was still a little unsatisfied and wanted to drink five more bottles.

However, the east of the east itself will not bring any danger, and it is difficult to say the factors other than the east of the east.

Aristo's fists placed on the oak table were clenched tightly, with veins bulging out.

The two dark golden cat pupils glared angrily.

It made Aelin almost think that before his battle with Aristor, Vesemir would fight his opponent to the death.

After finishing lunch and leaving the castle hall, Aylin, Aristo and Vesemir arrived at the apprentice training ground surrounded by shouting apprentices.

That's right.

It was the place where Vesemir gave them a practical lesson on killing water ghosts, the place where the Demon Hunting Notes was activated, and the place where Vesemir lost Elsa...

Coming to this place again and dueling Aristo, Aylin felt deeply.


Vesemir's feelings are obviously not weaker than Aylin's.

This can be seen from the way his eyes wander behind Aylin from time to time.

But then again.

The Gilnar silver sword that Vesemir is currently using, which has killed a red dragon, a green dragon and a dozen high-level vampires, is obviously more precious than Elsa.


He never expressed his intention to redeem Elsa's life.

It's just that this sword obviously means something different to Vesemir, and he has come to this place that means something extraordinary to both of them. There will even be a duel next...

Then Vesemir suddenly had a thought in his mind, turned his head to look at Aristor, and said with interest:

"Aristo, do you dare to make a bet?"

Aristor squinted at Vesemir, who had cheated him out of several bottles of East of the East, and looked at Vesemir with a red face:

"What are you planning again?"

Vesemir laughed a few times and said:

"Didn't you lose just now? I'll give you a chance to win back..."

"I didn't lose just now," Aristo interrupted angrily, "the five bottles of wine were for the good stories you told."

"Absolutely." Vesemir didn't care that his words were interrupted and pressed down the brim of his black wide-brimmed hat. "In the next duel between you and Aylin, as long as you win, I will give you five bottles of old rules, otherwise you will Give me five more bottles.”

Aristo raised his eyebrows and glanced at Aylin.

"Is he bribing me because he's worried that I'll tell you all about his embarrassing things?" he thought.

"Sure!" He said without hesitation, without adding the restriction of the duel.


Whether it was a simple sword duel or an unlimited duel close to actual combat, he didn't think he would lose.

Vesemir's mouth curled up when he saw this.

As he expected, Aristo, the reckless man, was very arrogant.

Vesemir admitted that he couldn't beat Aristo, and that Arryn, who had lost to him, certainly couldn't beat him in swordsmanship and magic signs.

But Arryn had potions.

He still remembered the scene of Arryn drinking the red and blue potions in the library of the Temple of Meliteli.

There was no time to react.

In a trance, the wooden stick in his hand was knocked away.

He didn't think Aristo had the ability to resist such an attack, even though Aristo was much stronger than him.

This had almost nothing to do with personal swordsmanship and strength, that was another unknown level of power.

Of course.

Vesemir proposed this duel not for a few bottles of wine, but just came up with it after arriving at this familiar place.

It's just a detail.

More importantly...

A team can only have one leader.

In the Demon Hunting Corps, even if Arestor himself has no intention of seizing power, as a demon hunter master with far more experience than Arryn, his presence is too strong.

Besides, although Arestor himself is upright and impeccable in character.

But he is irritable, irritable, and arrogant, and it is impossible for him to completely obey Arryn's arrangements.

If the priorities are not divided in advance and he is allowed to truly see Arryn's strength, conflicts will inevitably arise in the next few months of coexistence.

In the end, it is estimated that the priorities will be divided by force.

It is better to do it in advance, which is better for Arryn, Arestor himself, and even the school.

As for whether it is a bit despicable to use the blizzard potion and the giant ghoul decoction, and whether Arestor will be convinced...

After all, demon hunters are not knights.

Any means that can "kill" the enemy is a good means, no matter how despicable it is.

Even in a normal duel.

What's more.

Being able to create a miraculous potion like blizzard is also a strength of Aylin.

On the contrary.

In an unlimited duel, not allowing him to use potions is despicable and shameless.

Regarding this point.

Vesemir believes in Aristo's character.

"It's just a pity..." Vesemir glanced at the excited apprentices around him, and curled his lips, "Aristo not only lost an adult, but also lost five bottles of aged East of the East..."

"This is really tragic!"


"It can't be that he is the only demon hunter master in the Wolf School who has been cheated by Aylin."

Aristo didn't know Vesemir's psychological activities. Seeing that the apprentices were standing and Aylin was ready, he asked:

"Sword duel, unlimited duel, which one do you choose?"

In Vesemir's expectant eyes, Aylin naturally chose "unlimited duel", which made him nod with satisfaction.

But then.

Seeing Aylin unload the reagent bag on his waist and not taking a bottle of potion...

Vesemir felt bad.

Watching Aylin walk towards the training ground.

Staring absentmindedly at the beautifully carved silver sword scabbard, Vesemir seemed to have returned to the late autumn of that year, when he was praised by everyone...

It seemed that he was... going to be tricked by his apprentice again...

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