Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 302 Do you want to be the chief?

Unlike the bright and sunny illusion in the morning, it was cloudy in the Ancient Sea Fortress today.

Due to the high altitude, the gray and gloomy clouds were floating 20 to 30 meters above the head.

It seemed that some god in charge of weather had specially spread a few dark clouds to block the sunlight above the castle.

It made the already empty Kaer Morhen gloomy and dark like a ghost town.

Walking on the brick road to the chief's residence, Aylin's expression was not very good, and his mood was not very good.

It was not because he was interrupted when he was excited to test the evolved Mirage Pearl, but Vesemir's facial expression at this time made him feel a little bad, as if something bad had happened.

But what could happen in Kaer Morhen, the witcher's own territory?

Thinking of Vesemir reporting his itinerary to the chief yesterday...

Could it be that the chief rejected the invitation of Duke Mason's Migration School?

But this doesn't seem to be a sad face, right?

Pushing open the main castle door with Vesemir, Aylin couldn't help asking, "What's wrong, Master Vesemir?"

"You don't look very happy today..."

Vesemir's footsteps into the main castle hall paused, and he hesitated for a few seconds for some reason. He tilted his head to look at Aylin and continued to move forward.

"Nothing..." He shook his head gently.

"Don't worry, it's my own problem..." After a pause, Vesemir may have thought of something, patted Aylin's shoulder again, and explained:

"When I talked to Chief Soi about this experience yesterday, he praised you as the future of the Wolf School."

"This is a very high evaluation. I have never heard the chief praise anyone like this."

"So don't worry, I'm not looking for you because of your canonization in Elland."

Aylin was silent after hearing this.

Ever since Vesemir revealed to him that Chief Soi was a great noble, he really didn't worry about his canonization.

If he hadn't mentioned it at this time, Aylin would have almost forgotten about it.

But Vesemir's own question...

What he wanted to know was why the witcher master had such a sad face so early in the morning...

Aylin sighed in his heart.

However, seeing that Vesemir seemed to be avoiding the question, he thought about it and didn't ask any more questions.

There are only so many people in Kaer Morhen now, there will always be a chance to know.

The top floor of the castle where Chief Soi is located is not far from the south tower.

Entering the castle hall and going up a few stairs, it will soon arrive.

"Knock knock knock~"

Vesemir knocked on the door and opened the wooden door directly.

As soon as Aylin walked into the room, he found that Vesemir was still standing at the door and had no intention of coming in, so he asked in surprise:

"Aren't you going in?"

Vesemir shook his head: "I have other things to do."

There are not many people in Kaer Morhen, what can happen?

Aylin suddenly felt a little uneasy.

He thought that he was called to discuss the invitation of Duke Mason's Migration School.

After all, Vesemir had been looking up information in the library of the temple at that time, and he had not spent as much time with Duke Mason and High Priest Ianna as he did.

But it seems that there is no need to avoid Vesemir for such things, right?

Or is it really as he said...

Does the Demon Hunter Master really have other things to do in this empty Ancient Sea Fortress?


The wooden door was closed.

Erin, who had never been alone with the Chief, twisted his neck a little uncomfortably and turned to look into the room.

This is a reception room, very large, with a floor height of about six or seven meters, and an area about the same size as the apprentice training ground under the south tower.

Large rattan chairs, long tables, dim candles.

The Chief was not in the reception room at this time, so Erin found a rattan chair to sit down and looked around.

Opposite the wooden door was an iron door, leading to the trophy corridor of the Demon Hunter Master's meeting room.

Erin still remembered that a ferocious dragon head was hung on the iron door of the meeting room.

However, the dragon's might could not be felt from this position of the wooden door, probably because it was obscured.

To be honest.

When I passed the trophy corridor at that time, I was very shocked.

You can say that.

The heads of werewolves, vampires, deer-headed demons, forest spirits, great griffins and even high-level vampires...

Even if we don't talk about the dragon, every head of the monster in there can be called a name.

It made Aylin, who had just become a master demon hunter, want to point at the chief and shout:

"A real man should be like this!"

"Damn, damn, damn~"

At this time, a heavy footstep suddenly came from behind the wooden door in the conference room.

Looking in the direction of the sound.


The wooden door opened.

Aylin stood up and was about to say hello to his boss.

Unexpectedly, in the dim candlelight, the chief walked in and suddenly said:

"Do you want to be the chief?"

As soon as this was said, Aylin was shocked.

What's going on?

You, a demon hunter master, can also read minds?

But when he looked up in horror, he was stunned for a moment.

When he first saw him, his long black hair was a little dark, and a little silver could be seen at the roots.

The gray cat's eyes seemed to hide the snow that never melts in the Blue Mountains, but for some reason, they seemed to be more turbid and tired.

But after not seeing him for more than a month, Grandmaster Soi looked like a decadent middle-aged man who had suddenly aged ten years.

What happened?

Ailin stared at the backbone of the Wolf School in surprise, his mind full of question marks.

And asking him if he wanted to be the chief at this time seemed... a bit ominous!

"Chief, are you...are you okay?" he asked carefully.

The chief cannot have any problems at this time.

If something happens to him, not only will Ailin's hard work in the first half of the year be wasted, but it is also hard to say what will happen if the school is in turmoil due to the covetousness of foreign enemies.

"It's okay." Suo Yi smiled gently, pointed to the wicker chair under Aylin, and motioned for him to sit down.


The chief sat on the wicker chair opposite. He did not raise the question of whether he wanted to be the chief, but simply exchanged greetings and compliments.

It was probably similar to the process before his leader assigned him a rigorous task in his previous life.

However, this made Aylin relieved.


This is the normal process. As soon as I start asking people if they want to usurp the throne, I would almost be scared out of my mind if I didn't have a heart attack.

Although Aelin's total attributes now exceed Vesemir's.

But at that time, Ben Ade could still remember the sight of the chief dealing with six or seven water ghost kings and giant swamp fairies at the same time with ease.

The skillful method of cutting demons into sticks cannot even be judged by the level of attributes.

Ailin doubted that when his attributes reached the level of the chief, he would be able to deal with a few monsters that could use magic shields only with swordsmanship, and still be as fluent as the chief.

"Vesemir told me yesterday about Duke Elland Mason's invitation. What do you think?"

The real drama is here.

Ayling immediately sat upright, considered his words for a while, and said:

"The invitation from Duke Mason should still be credible, as well as Ianna from the Meliteli Temple..."

"No..." the chief shook his head and interrupted, "I'm not asking whether Mason's invitation is trustworthy or whether Ianna welcomes it..."

"But you..."

The chief's gentle expression suddenly became serious, and he looked seriously at Aylin's blue cat eyes:

"Do you think the Wolf School should leave Kaer Morhen and Kaedwen?"

Ruoyouruowuo's pressure spreads faintly from the most powerful man in the Wolf School.

The demon hunter seemed to have returned to the afternoon a few months ago when he proposed to use the magic potion formula to replace the authority of the leader of the demon hunting legion in Vera's alchemy room.

But the sense of oppression at this moment is much weaker than that then.

Aylin doesn't know whether this is because he has become stronger, or whether the Chief is as his face shows...

Suddenly old.

Shake the disrespectful thoughts from your mind.

Aylin looked at the chief's serious expression and couldn't tell whether he agreed or disagreed after observing it for several seconds.

Recalling the original question "Do you want to be the chief?", Aylin thought about it:

"It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. Being hated by Ben Ard and the royal nobles in Kaedwen, there will always be trouble."

"But moving to Ireland you won't have that problem."

"At least now the nobles of Elland and the priests of the temple need us to deal with the monsters that may exist around Elland."

"To that end, they will also shield us from any evil coming from Kaedwen or elsewhere."

After observing the chief's expression, Aylin saw that there was no reaction and continued:

"The mortality rate in various trials has been reduced, the new magic sword oil formula and seal are popularized, and the demon hunting army has also just achieved good results in terms of the system..."

"The most important thing for witchers now is time."

"As long as there is time, the school will develop rapidly."

“Therefore, there may be some problems, but the benefits of moving the school to Elland should still outweigh the disadvantages.”

"At least that's what I think now." After a pause, Aylin added another disclaimer.

Just say it.

The chief lost his momentum, smiled gently, and nodded:

"Relocation is indeed a good idea for the current Wolf School..."

As soon as this sentence came out.

Aylin, who is experienced in cattle and horses, knows the chief's position.

If you really agree with what he said, you would not use the word "current" at this time, so it will definitely be followed by...

"But not Elland."

Sure enough, there is a but... Aylin thought to himself.

But just when he thought that the chief was going to give him a list of one, two, three, deny him, suppress him, let him understand his status, and then find other points to praise him, give him some benefits to stabilize him, and achieve success in the workplace. During the PUA process.

The chief was silent for a while, then suddenly stood up from his seat and walked slowly to the window.

The sky outside the window is still cloudy and the clouds are very low.

When the chief walked over, a gray cloud happened to block his view.

But he didn't look back, as if what he wanted to see was not the blocked sky and mountains.

But something older, longer-lasting, and more influential.

"Human beings cannot be trusted." He stared at the hazy clouds and said suddenly, "All the promises and contracts of short-lived species will one day be torn up."

"The elves have suffered this painful lesson, the dwarves have also suffered, the former Demon Hunter Order and..."

"...and the current Wolf School."

"Ai Lin, you must always remember this." The chief turned back, his gray eyes shining with an indescribable light, "Especially when you become a leader of the immortal species..."

Ailin was stunned when he heard this.


This seems to be different from the PUA rhetoric he imagined.

And wasn’t the Chief’s character in the past always the kind of knight who protected humanity?

What kind of stimulation was this?

Or was he originally like this, just pretending to be great and upright in the past?

in addition……

This tone... Listening to this tone, Aylin always felt weird, as if something was wrong.

"Remember, Aylin?" the chief asked again.

"Remember." The demon hunter immediately recovered and replied.

The chief nodded, walked to the desk, picked up a map on the table, unfolded it, and motioned for Aylin to come closer.

"Elland is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and only one side is passable. The school moved there. Demon hunters going up and down the mountain can only enter through Elland..."

"And most of the other places in the Mahakam Mountains where fortresses can be built are occupied by dwarves..."

The chief pointed at the terrain around Elland on the map.

While explaining the reasons why Elland was not suitable for moving schools, he carefully explained to Ellin the various important factors needed to build a fortress based on the mountains and rivers of the Mahakam Mountains.

As he listened, the chief explained in great detail the advantages and disadvantages of the types of stone and wood used to build the fortress, as well as the protective advantages and disadvantages of various fortress designs.

Aelin felt that the chief really wanted to teach him, a demon hunter who had been practicing for half a year, how to build a fortress from scratch in one day.

This has nothing to do with the PUA talk he just had in mind.

Chief... Chief seems to be serious...

He seems to really want to pass the ball to him...

But why?

The witcher is sterile, so he is definitely not a "prince".

Although he has done a lot of things in the past six months and has made a small contribution to the school.

But have other master witchers done less?

They have contributed to the school for hundreds of years!

Is it possible that because of his high talent, he can offset everything that other master demon hunters have done in the past?

The Wolf School is a little simpler than the outside world, but when it comes to their respective interests, it will definitely be very difficult for such a young newcomer to take over.

Would the chief be willing to pay such a price for a stranger?

The witcher felt a little unreliable.

From time traveling to now, he has actually never met the chief a few times, probably less than ten times.

He is more willing to believe that this is an ancient new PUA method in the magical world.

But even so.

He still tried his best to absorb everything the chief said, even the placement and orientation of the catapult and bed crossbow, such details.

Knowledge is very precious in such an era, and the more you can learn, the better.

What's more, after the attributes involving the brain such as perception and mystery are improved, it is really fast to remember things. Basically, after the chief has said a sentence, he can remember everything.

But I don’t know if it’s a pity or not.

When the chief told him about this knowledge, there was no clue to trigger the knowledge skills of Demon Hunter's Notes, and he did not give him a chance to activate an Architecture LV1.


The chief, who had poured out all his fortification knowledge, looked away from the dark map drawn with charcoal and looked at Aylin.

Aylin nodded: "I roughly remember everything."

Then he suddenly remembered that just now, the chief had said, "Relocation is indeed a good idea for the current Wolf School..." and asked:

"Chief, which place do you think is suitable for the school to move?"

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