For breakfast, fresh hot milk, hard-boiled eggs and fluffy croissants with raspberry jam.

Simple, yet incredibly satisfying.

Okay, actually this kind of breakfast is not that simple.

At least in this world of poor supplies, most people only eat two meals a day.

Aelin, Vesemir, Vera, Mary, Yennefer, Ianna and Lysa were a group of eight people who gathered around a long table and ate to their heart's content.

What made them even more satisfied was the news that Aylin had successfully removed the curse.

"Next, don't you plan to visit the capital of Temeria? Vizima is only a day's journey from Elland."

Ianna put down the plate, took out the silk cloth and wiped her mouth.

Vesemir glanced at Vera and saw that she had no intention of talking, so he took the initiative and said, "No, Kaer Morhen still has many things waiting for us."

Then after a pause, he said with sincere gratitude:

"I have to thank the high priest and the Meriteli Temple for their help after so many days."

"The Wolf School will remember this kindness."

Although so many things happened in the middle, whether it was Aelin's evil god's curse or collecting the files of the Wild Hunt, the Meriteri Temple was open to convenience.

Even if there is a relationship with Ms. Vera, it is very rare.

In this era that is becoming increasingly unfriendly to witchers, a little kindness is like a candle that lights up the darkness, preventing witchers who are dedicated to the path of glory from getting lost in indifference, discrimination and betrayal.

What's more, Meriteli Temple is so helpful.

"I'm sorry..." Ianna waved her hand with a smile and looked at Aylin, "If it weren't for Sir Aylin, Elland would have suffered greater damage this time, and the temple would have suffered heavy losses. "

"We should be grateful to the Wolf School."

"High Priest Yianna, just call me Aylin." Aylin corrected helplessly.

Ianna still likes to tease people so much. She deliberately pauses and emphasizes on "Jazz", as if she is teasing a child.

"Okay, okay~" Ianna smiled cheerfully, "Then you also have to call me Ianna, so that we can be even."

This tone is still teasing a child...

Aylin shook his head and did not reply.

Ianna didn't care about this, she looked at Vesemir again:

"Please consider Mason's suggestion. With the support of Meriteri Temple and the Temerian royal family, the Wolf School can avoid a lot of trouble after moving here."

After the Master Demon Hunter was silent for two seconds, he solemnly said:

"I will express the goodwill of the Temple of Meritelli and Duke Mason to Grand Master Soi, but..."

"After all, the relocation of a school of thought is a major event, and I'm afraid it won't be decided in a short time."

"I know..." Ianna nodded slightly, "But it's better to decide as soon as possible. As far as I know, Kaedwen has been very chaotic recently and seems to have some bad signs towards the witchers."

When Vesemir heard this, he immediately sat up straight and asked with a serious face, "Can you tell me in detail?"

After arriving in Elland, he had been staying in the temple to look for news about the Wild Hunt, but the information was blocked.

Nothing is known about what happened in the northern continent.

Yianna lowered her head and pondered, organized her words and said:

"This was mentioned by Mason when I was chatting with him some time ago."

"After the tragic death of Kaedwen's former king, there have been two theories about the cause of his death..."

"First, Ben Ad conspired to assassinate their king. However, due to the unclear motive and the influence of wizards in Kaedwen, even if the new king seemed dissatisfied with this, he was suppressed by Kaedwen's noble council. Come down."

"After the news of Aedirn's raid on Ben Green came out some time ago, this speculation almost completely disappeared."

"Another theory is that the demon hunters of the Cat School accepted the commission and assassinated Haxor."

"What does this have to do with the Wolf School?" Vesemir looked at Ianna in confusion upon hearing this.

Ianna looked at Vesemir sympathetically and shook her head:

"Originally, it didn't matter, but... um... some of the slanderous rumors about demon hunters seem to have been adapted in Kaedwen and spread on a large scale."

"The people of Kaedwen's hatred of the Cat School is gradually spreading to the entire witcher community."

Hear this.

Vesemir and Aylin looked at each other and frowned.

"This is not a good sign, so you must make it clear to Grandmaster Soi and make a decision as soon as possible." Ianna reminded seriously.

"Being next to the Temple of Meriteri isn't a bad thing, is it?"

"And Duke Mason needs you very much now. The sooner you arrive, the greater the support he will receive."

"If you hesitate for too long, not only will the preferential treatment be weakened, but many things may happen unexpectedly."

"We are not young anymore."

Vesemir's expression was solemn.

He could hear there was something in Ianna's words.

Duke Mason is the leader of the relocation of the Wolf School, but judging from Ianna's tone, Duke Mason's heir and Duke Mason seem to have different views on the relocation of the Wolf School.

There was silence for a long time.

Vesemir stood up and solemnly thanked:

"I will make it clear to Grandmaster Soi. Thank you, High Priest Yianna."

Whether the Wolf School moved to Elland and lived next to the Meriteli Temple actually had little to do with Ianna or even the Meriteli Temple.

It may even do more harm than good.

Of course, the temple and Elland can be protected by the demon hunters, but if there is danger, it would not be the Meliteli Temple's turn to fight. They are protected by the city of Elland.

But the disadvantages are obvious.

Ianna is so active in getting the Wolf School to relocate. Once it happens, she will definitely offend the enemies of the Wolf School.

It might even offend the next Duke of Elland.

The favor owed by the Wolf School is very heavy.

"I'm not here for your Wolf School," Ianna waved her hand and looked at Aylin, "I like this kid Aylin very much. If you can move here, I can visit him often and see him."

"But Kaer Morhen is just too far away..."

Vesemir was startled when he heard this. He looked at Ianna and found that she was serious. He couldn't help but look at Aelin subconsciously.

Why is Aelin so popular everywhere?

In Kaer Morhen, he was accepted as an apprentice by the legendary Vera...

When you go to Elland, you can actually be loved by the high priest of Meriteli Temple?

Is it possible that Aylin still has Night Demon blood? Specially attracting women who have high positions, power and lots of money?

"What's wrong?"

Aylin touched the corners of his mouth uncomfortably as Vesemir stared at him, thinking that the milk stains had not been wiped clean.

"Nothing." Vesemir turned his gaze.

Aylin wiped his mouth again strangely, and then looked at Ianna:

"Aunt Ianna, no matter whether the Wolf School moves to Elland or not in the future, I will come over to see you every year when I go down the mountain."

When Ianna heard this, her eyes suddenly narrowed with laughter.

Every texture on the face has been carved with a kind flavor by time.

But the next second.

She suddenly straightened her face again and said seriously:

"What did you call me?"

Aylin was startled when he saw this. Although he didn't understand why the high priest was so entangled in this title, he still corrected him helplessly:

"I know, Ianna."

"Very well, good boy."

At the long table, everyone chatted for a while, then cleared away the plates, put them away, and left the temple's large dining room.

After Aelin, Vera, Vesemir and Mary took the horses out of the stables, it was time to leave.


An orange portal appeared in the open grassland.

Just as Aylin and his party were about to enter the portal, Lysa who came to see them off was stunned for a moment, then suddenly ran out and stopped them in front of them.

"Wait!" she yelled.

Everyone stopped and looked at her suspiciously.

"What's wrong?" Aylin asked.

Lysa, who was being stared at by everyone, especially Vera, who was "coldly" stared at, nervously grabbed the hem of her skirt:

"While changing the dressing for a wounded knight of the Guards yesterday afternoon, I heard him talking to his colleagues who came to visit that he wanted to give you... you a surprise today..."

"So can we wait until we leave Elland and then teleport away?"


Aylin was stunned for a moment.

He could tell that Lysa was telling him this.

So Aylin turned his head and glanced at Vera.


Another snap of fingers.

"Then wait until you leave Elland before teleporting." Vera said.

"Thank you, Ms. Vera!" Lesa thanked her repeatedly.

After leaving the temple, everyone got on their horses.

Yennefer was naturally pulled onto the saddle by Mary. Lysa's eyes wandered between Vera and Aelin for a few times. After hesitating for a second, she walked to the mare Carrot.

"Aelin, can you take me with you?"

The words fell.

Immediately, the eyes of everyone, even Ianna who was standing at the door, inadvertently focused on Aylin.

Under the gaze of everyone, the witcher glanced at Mary carefully, but still could not bear to refuse the little priest on this occasion.


Aylin grabbed her boneless little hand with his right hand and exerted a little force, and the little priest sat lightly in front of the demon hunter.

It was completely different from the smell of blood on the carriage yesterday.

A very light, vague fragrance of daisies floated faintly onto the demon hunter's face, causing him to move back slightly unnaturally.

"Thank you~" the little priest whispered after sitting firmly.

The bright sunshine shines through the slits in the dense branches and leaves, and the light spots reflect the white back of the neck.

The earlobes are also red.


He wasn't the only one with something unnatural about the horse.

The huge stone statue of Meriteri watched this somewhat charming scene silently but lovingly.

The atmosphere at the temple entrance was a little strange.

"Ahem~" Vesemir carefully glanced at Mary who had her head lowered and couldn't see her face clearly, coughed twice and said: "Let's leave Elland as soon as possible so that we can return to Kaer Morhen as soon as possible. ”

"There are still many things waiting for us to do."

"Aren't you going, Ianna?" Vera turned her head and looked at the high priest who was waving goodbye.

"No..." the high priest shook his head, "I'm old and can't stand the jolting of horses, and..."

She looked at Ai Lin kindly, who turned around: "Didn't Ai Lin already say that he would come to see me often? Isn't that right, Ai Lin?"

Aylin nodded vigorously: "I will come to see you often."

"What a good boy!"

Vera, who couldn't tell her age from her appearance, listened to the conversation between the two and stared blankly at the aging face she had raised for a long time.

She seems to be trying to find that young figure who is sometimes naughty, sometimes crying, sometimes warm and sensible, and is following her...

But couldn't find it anywhere.

With the lifespan of an ordinary human being, the wrinkled old man in front of him is really going to die.

And because of some minor conflicts, I haven't seen her in the past ten years.

Does she have another ten years?

Thinking of this, the sorceress suddenly felt empty in her heart and extremely panicked.

"I will come to see you often." Vera took a deep breath and said softly.

Ianna was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the sorceress's face that had not changed in the slightest for hundreds of years, and then smiled heartily.

"I'll wait for you here."

"Always here."

"Da da da~"

Horse hooves trampled on the stone road.

His hands were wrapped around the fragrant body and he was pulling the reins.

The closer he got to the gate of Elland, the more Aylin felt his heart pounding.

He finally understood why in previous costume TV dramas, riding a horse together was always used to hint at the emotions between men and women.

It seemed that he was hugging the young priest stiffly.

But actually.

The faint fragrance of daisies lingered around him, and the horse swayed gently, but it seemed that he was tightly hugged by this unsettling woman's body fragrance.

"I have to say something..." Aelin thought.


As soon as the demon hunter's words came out, he felt the girl in his arms tremble, and her soft hair dangled on the tip of his nose.

The fragrance of daisies is stronger.

Aylin quickly ran out of words to find something to say: "Do you know what surprises the Guards Knights have prepared?"

"No... I don't know..." the voice of the girl in her arms was weak and trembling, "They didn't say anything yesterday, but they should be able to see it soon, right?"


This is nonsense.

But the question Aylin asked was also nonsense, so he could only reply "Oh" and end the conversation.

The awkward silence seemed to return to the horseback.

But the next second.

As if she suddenly remembered something, the girl took out a piece of letter paper from her chest and handed it to Aylin:

"These are other nobles that my aunt found out who may be hostile to the Wolf School."

Under the sharp senses of the demon hunter, the letter paper smelled rich.

The demon hunter paused with his outstretched fingers before taking the carefully folded chiffon paper.

After unfolding it, it turned out to be a personal name, and compared to last time, there were also a few lines of beautiful characters at the end.

Look closely at the past.

These are all possible disputes between these nobles and demon hunters, and they even describe their spheres of influence.

"Thank you." Aylin said softly.

"As long as I can help you." Lysa's voice was very low, and she only said a few words, and the white back of her neck became even more pink.

"It helped a lot." Aylin smiled and was about to say a few more thanks.

At this time.

Vera and Vesemir in front of them suddenly pulled the reins and stopped their horses.

"What's wrong?"

Aelin looked up curiously and asked.

Wait for Vera and Vesemir to get out of the way:

"Perhaps you are the only one who can take this road next."

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