Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 291: Divine Communication [Meritaly]

How to kill the Wild Hunt?

This is a difficult question to answer.

The Red Cavalry can freely fly in the air, releasing spells from top to bottom that can destroy a large city.

Not to mention ordinary people and demon hunters, even senior warlocks can not fly into the sky.

This is a huge gap that is difficult to cross.

It is equivalent to the war in the previous life, when one side has the advantage of air and space, and can come and go as it pleases.

The other side can only hold a steel spear, ride a horse, and wait for the illusory opportunity on the ground.

So Ailin has no doubt about the background story of Ain El conquering the worlds in the original book and the game in the previous life.

If all these worlds are like the world of demon hunters.

It is simply a dimensionality reduction attack, and one hits and one is silent.

Instead, he felt that in the game, relying only on a few demon hunters and sorceresses, the Wild Hunt gave up their advantage in the sky and landed to fight a group of "primitive" magic swords...

They even lost, and no Ain El escaped...

It was as outrageous as being given a mentally retarded aura.

But Aylin did not expect that in reality, when facing him, the Wild Hunt would be so irrational.

Therefore, how to deal with the Wild Hunt is almost an unsolvable problem at present.

The solution Aylin could think of was to use the attraction of the Ardges Gate to them, find a narrow place, and lure them to land and fight on foot.

Not to mention whether the Ain El who conquered the worlds and experienced wars would really be so arrogant...'s really hard to say, but it should be possible at the beginning.

But Ain El is not just a few people, and it will definitely be difficult to work after one or two temptations.

What's more.

If they really landed, can they be destroyed?

The witcher recalled the tragic scenes of Flotsam and Elland on May Day, and sighed in his heart.

"How to kill the Wild Hunt, we can't answer this now..." Vesemir's voice sounded.

"It can't be answered now?" The old duke caught the key words.

"Yes." The witcher master glanced at Aylin and considered his words, "Your Excellency should know that we witchers have many schools..."

The old duke nodded.

"In Nilfgaard, the witchers have a branch of the Viper School. The purpose of its grandmaster Iva Evil Eye to establish the Viper School is to destroy the Wild Hunt."

"And when Grandmaster Iva was performing the witcher mutation, his eyes mutated. It is said that he can see the Wild Hunt wreaking havoc in the worlds."

"Therefore, when we are about to leave Flotsam, we asked someone to go to Nilfgaard to invite Grandmaster Iva to meet."

Vesemir told the truth.

The old duke was silent for a while after hearing this.

He has been fighting on the battlefield for half his life and has seen all kinds of cruel and bloody scenes.

The mental will is as strong as iron.

But at this moment, they all feel a little powerless.

Wild Hunt...

The most orthodox and powerful Wolf School among the demon hunters is powerless to do anything about this.

A demon hunter school that he has never heard of and is far away in Nilfgaard, can it really deal with those damn monsters?

As for what Vesemir said, the purpose of establishing the so-called Viper School is to destroy the Wild Hunt...

But then what?

So many years have passed, have they destroyed it?

Why did the Wild Hunt still come to his country to wreak havoc and harm his country and people?

Seeing the old duke silent, Vesemir could roughly guess his thoughts.

To be honest.

When Ailin proposed to invite Ivar Evil Eye, he did not believe that the rumored "madman" really had a way to deal with the Wild Hunt.

In fact, even now, he did not believe it.

But apart from this, what else can they do?

Seeing that the old duke's face was not very good, Vesemir was about to speak and make up some words to boost his confidence.

After all.

It is indeed not easy to find allies who share the same hatred and fight against the Wild Hunt.

"Okay, I can wait," the old duke suddenly said, "Even if you can't invite that Ivar Evil Eye, I can send someone to Nilfgaard in the name of the Temeria royal family..."

Everyone looked up almost at the same time and looked at him in surprise.

"I don't have many years left to live," the old duke looked at Vesemir and Arryn fiercely, "I have only one wish for the rest of my life..."

"I want to let everyone know what a cruel end it will be if they invade the territory under the White Iris without reason..."

"Whether it is human or not, even if it is called a disaster and regarded as an unstoppable natural disaster..."

"I will take that shitty Wild Hunt who doesn't know what the hell it is..."

" be buried with me."


The sound of lightning and thunder broke through the barrier of the air and suddenly entered the wide room.

The candlelight shook violently in the howling wind.

At this time

Ailin felt the old duke's gaze, and suddenly fixed it on his eyes, as if waiting for his answer.

"You will get what you want." The witcher looked straight into those dark brown eyes, "No matter how difficult it is, the Wild Hunt will die!"

"Very good!" The old duke tapped the ground with his cane and stood up, "If there is anything I can help you with..."

Then he turned his head and called out "Pablo".

"Your Excellency the Duke." A middle-aged attendant in simple clothes came out respectfully from the corner.

"Even if I'm not in Elland, you can always find him in the castle." The old duke looked at Aylin.

Aylin and Vesemir nodded gently.


The old duke glanced around and waved his hand:

"Okay, Ianna stay, the others can leave."


After the witcher and the sorceress left, the old duke looked at the servants and guards around him and waved his hand again.

"You go out too."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Duke."

After a while.


The door was closed.

Only the old duke and Ianna were left in the room.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he did not speak to the high priest of the Temple of Meliteli.

He walked gently to the window and stared at the heavy rain, lightning and thunder outside the window.

The whole room was silent for a long time.

"The Black Death, the intersection of the celestial spheres, the Dark Sun Curse..." The old duke did not look back, and his deep voice seemed to be talking to himself, "And the Wild Hunt..."

"I, this world is going to be in chaos again, isn't it?"

Ianna looked at the window.

The once majestic and strong man, even if he straightened his back, was still hunched and old.

"You already have the answer in your heart, don't you?" She sighed, "Besides..."

"Is there any day in this world that is not in chaos?"


After leaving the city gate tower, everyone went their separate ways.

Vesemir, Vera and Mary went straight back to the temple, while Lysa walked towards the city of Elland with an umbrella.

Mary, there was a group of patients waiting for dressing changes and care in the Elland market square.

As for Arlin...

He followed the captain of the guards, Arthur, to the home of a famous court painter in Elland named "Ledo Ras".

As a time traveler, he is also a demon hunter of the Wolf School.

The title of knight is just a good reputation for him, and the demon hunters don't value it as much as the residents of this world.


Although Arthur was very enthusiastic about accepting Arryn as a member of the Elland Knights, he did his best to arrange every step of the knighting ceremony for him perfectly.

But family crests are meaningless to demon hunters who have lost their fertility or have reproductive isolation from ordinary humans.


For the family crest and flag, the demon hunters casually chose the ferocious wolf head pattern of the school emblem to show their identity.

Then, under the strong advice of Redo Ras and Arthur, they chose the black background of the Temeria crest as the background color.

It is worth mentioning.

Both Arthur and Redo Ras tried their best to hope that Arryn could add a white iris pattern to the crest.

However, the demon hunter refused without hesitation.

What a joke.

Even if the head of the school is really the heir to the Duke of Toussaint, the earl, who is at the top of the list, ahead of Arryn.

But it was too much to paint the white iris of Temeria on the family crest and flag.

Arthur did not insist too much under the strong rejection of the witcher, but his face was full of regret.

He was busy with the affairs related to the title for most of the day, and he didn't even have time to eat lunch.

It was almost finished until it was getting dark.

"Wait, Aylin, there is something I haven't given you yet."

The witcher and Arthur found a tavern to have dinner. After saying goodbye to the middle-aged knight, they were about to return to the temple.

Suddenly, Arthur pulled him back.

The witcher watched him take out a familiar leather slip from his chest and handed it over.

"This is a thank you from Duke Mason." Arthur smiled.

The witcher took the leather slip with a special texture, opened it, and took a breath of cold air instantly.

This is indeed a deposit slip from Vivaldi Bank, but it is filled with a full 20,000 Auren that the witcher has never seen before.

Even if he had to share it with Vesemir and Lady Vera, it was still a huge sum.

Counting the more than 3,000 orens that invited him to "participate" in the May Festival carnival before the festival.

He had received nearly 10,000 orens from the old duke alone.

This did not include the money for purchasing the ghost oil.

Originally, Ailin thought that the knighthood in the morning was all the reward from the old duke.

After all, although the value of the knighthood is difficult to measure, it is indeed very precious.

Moreover, after being granted the knighthood, a sword, a shield decorated with the knight's emblem, spurs, and a cloak made of gorgeous cloth or satin will also be given.

In terms of conversion, even the value of the physical object may be 3,000 orens.

Not to mention this title of knighthood.

How many wealthy businessmen are willing to pay tens of thousands of orens, but cannot get it.

After all, taking this step is like stepping into the circle of the nobility, not only changing the class, but also having the possibility of going further.

This is not all.

"The thanks from Master Vesemir and Ms. Vera have been delivered by someone else. This is yours." Arthur added.


Ailin was stunned.

Damn! All 20,000 orens are mine?

Duke Mason's thanks were really simple, yet generous and amiable.

"Duke Mason is so generous!" The demon hunter sighed after coming back to his senses from the huge amount, and did not intend to refuse.

After all.

Although this thanks was too heavy, he did do a lot for May Day.

"Duke Mason has always been very generous to those who are talented and have made contributions to Elland and Temeria."

Arthur twitched the corner of his mouth and made it clear for the umpteenth time today.


Aylin, who only wanted to be a loyal witcher master of the Wolf School, could only pretend to be ignorant of Arthur's intention to win him over and completely succumb to the old Duke, and sincerely thanked:

"Duke Mason's generosity is astounding. Please give my thanks to the Duke."

"I will." Arthur heard Aylin's hidden meaning, nodded regretfully, sighed, said goodbye and left.

After watching Arthur's back go away, Aylin walked towards the temple.

When he reached the junction of the temple area and the lower city area, he went around to the outside of the city gate by accident.

The rain stopped.

A golden iridescence hung in the blue sky.

The ground was filled with muddy puddles.

far away.

Under the sunset.

The man holding the umbrella had left and was sitting on his knees in the mud, but the figure of the orphaned man was as usual.

Like a stubborn stone.

The witcher's steps moved, and his instinctive sympathy made him want to do something.

But after taking a few steps, he slowly stopped again.

He thought for a while, turned around and walked to the city gate guards, leaving a hundred orens behind and asking them to watch over him for a while.

Walk away.

Returning to the temple, Aylin did not go to find anyone else, but went directly back to the icon room.

Looking at the kind but slightly dilapidated statue of the Three Saints in the darkness, he stood quietly for a long time before taking a deep breath and breaking free from his inexplicable emotions.

Aylin touched the deposit receipt placed on his chest.

The old Duke was determined to take revenge on the Wild Hunt.

Without taking the initiative to fight for it as Ianna had planned before May Day, he would naturally gain the strongest ally.

This is an ideal development that the witchers could not even imagine before coming to Elland.

Of course, the price was unexpectedly high, although the price was not paid by him.

Duke Mason, the mysterious Kun family and Voruta family, and Ivar Evil Eye whose attitude is unknown...

The alliance against the Wild Hunt expanded rapidly in just a few dozen days.

There are rumors in the original novels and games in the past life that the coming of the Wild Hunt will bring hoarfrost that will destroy the world.

So no matter for Aylin, the school, or all the intelligent creatures in this world.

Fighting against the expansion of the Wild Hunt's power is a good thing.

"This is undoubtedly a good thing!" Aylin emphasized as he looked at the hard stone sculpture.

The three saints remained silent.

Just smile kindly and gently.

It's like mocking, but also like pity.

After the witcher was silent for a long time, he sat back on the ground a little lonely.

After a long time.

When the sun completely set and the icon chamber fell into complete darkness, the demon hunter seemed to suddenly come to life and remembered his plan for tonight.

With a thought, he opened the Demon Hunting Notes.

"Ding! Do you want to spend 100 experience beads to communicate with [Meritali]?"

"Warning: There may be extremely high risks in encountering gods. Please use it with caution!!!"

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