Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 282 Elland's Funeral

[Monster Group "One-Eyed Ghost Demon Spirit" Level 73 Crusade! 】

[Reward settlement: Defeat the enemy, basic rating D, leapfrog kill +3-C, decapitation deterrence +3-B, main task +3-A, defeating more with less +3-S,]

[Final rating: S (reward*3)]

[Trophy obtained: One-eyed ghost spirit's purification spirit*3, experience beads*45, one-eyed ghost spirit's treasure chest*18, monster spirit's purification spirit*630, monster spirit's treasure box*18]

[Main mission completed: Ghost’s revenge carnival (eliminate demon spirits 1614/1614)]

[Reward: Communicate into dreams]

As a large amount of information poured in, there was a constant buzzing in my mind.

However, the demon hunter was used to this. He scanned the crusade reviews and rewards and felt ecstatic.

Not to mention anything else, this triple S-level reward directly allowed Ailin to achieve the freedom of the demon spirit's purifying spirit.

After using the purification spirits of the two demon spirits, the perception will be increased by one point.

Aylin gained 315 points of perception this time.

Even if there is an upper limit on the amount that an individual can take, it is enough to increase the strength of those around him by a small level.

And the perception attribute is very important for both witchers and warlocks.

"There is also the purification spirit of the one-eyed ghost spirit. My strength is not much lower than that of Vesemir. Maybe I can directly surpass him this time!"

The witcher was a little eager to give it a try.

But after all, there are too many people here, so it’s better to wait until everything settles down and return to Meriteli Temple before improving.

Thinking of the temple, the witcher remembered that he had previously opened five gold treasure chests in succession in the sanctuary.

"This time the treasure chest must be opened in Meriteri's temple. In addition, the task assigned by the goddess Meriteri has been completed. The 'Evil God's Gaze' attached to her body should also be removed..." Ai Lin thought. think.

Although the main cause of this disaster is those damn Wild Hunts.

But Goddess Meliteri should not let him destroy those Ain El before she is willing to get rid of the "Evil God's Gaze" for him...

That shouldn't be the case, right?

Shaking his head to get rid of the negative speculations in his mind, the demon hunter was about to focus his attention on the reward of the main mission - trance into dreams.

Let’s take a look at the usefulness of this seemingly high-level skill.

"Da da da~"

The sound of horse hooves came from behind, and Ailin put away the demon hunting notes with a thought.

"114..." Vesemir didn't slow down even after approaching, and immediately reported a number.

Hearing this, the demon hunter sheathed his sword helplessly: "110, you won, Vesemir."

Balmer failed to kill as much as he imagined, but it still had a big impact on his hunting mentality.

So in the end, after quickly and slowly adjusting his mentality, he still killed four fewer demon spirits than Vesemir.

After feeling that Balmer was hiding in the scabbard, there had been no movement since he hunted the one-eyed ghost. Aylin couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

How arrogant...

Is this looking down on monsters like demon spirits?

"Hahaha~" Vesemir laughed and patted his shoulder hard, confirming, "You are also very powerful."

Feeling the strength on his shoulders, Aylin shook his head slightly.

Vesemir's triumphant look was like that of a child who had won the kindergarten water gun shooting competition.

At this time.

The knights of the guard and the demon hunting army, who had been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield, gradually cheered in unison after a period of commotion.

"King of Cinco de Mayo!"

"King of Cinco de Mayo!"

At the same time, Aylin's keen hearing also heard some interesting noises in the cheers.

"Why are everyone cheering for the May King? I have been counting just now. Master Vesemir has obviously killed more demons than Master Aylin. Could it be that I counted wrong?" A guard knight asked doubtfully.

"Did you really count?" Another guard knight sounded surprised.

"Didn't you count?" The knight's tone was even more shocked.

When another guard knight heard this, he was silent for a moment and then said: "It doesn't matter! Although Master Vesemir is very powerful, even if he wins, it will only be Kaer Morhen Vesemir's victory!"

"Master Aylin is our May King in Elland! Who do you help, yourself or outsiders?"

After the knight paused for a second, he suddenly realized: "Of course he is one of his own!"

"That's right!" Another knight said matter-of-factly, "Then what are you waiting for? Shout quickly!!!"


"Oh...Cinco de Mayo King! Victory!"

"King of Cinco de Mayo! Victory!"

A simple logic question:

It is known that Aelin's perception is 47 points, and Vesemir's perception is 70 points.

Question: Can Vesemir hear the sounds that Arryn can hear?

Aylin turned his head to look at Vesemir, whose smile gradually became stiff.

Obviously, the answer to this logic question requires no thinking at all...

Avoiding Vesemir's resentful eyes, Aylin suggested nonchalantly:

"Go back now?"

After Vesemir helplessly glanced at the crowd who were cheering happily, a smile appeared on his face again.

"Of course, let's go."

Then the two demon hunters tucked their legs under the horse's belly and galloped in the direction of Elland.

"King of Cinco de Mayo! Victory!"

"King of Cinco de Mayo! Victory!"

As the distance grew closer, the crowd's cheers grew louder and more excited.

The climax was reached after the witcher turned over and dismounted.

With the acquiescence and even connivance of Arthur and Sarah, a group of strong men in gray and black armor swarmed up while Aylin dismounted.

Cheering, he picked up the demon hunter and threw him into the sky.

Thrown back and forth many times.


The reason why they only cheered for Aelin was not just because of the joke-like status of King of May Day.

Half a month ago, he rescued their lord, Duke Mason, and the knight's robe from a large group of ghouls and giant ghouls...

The ghost oil refined day and night shines brightly today, and it can almost be said that it directly saved Elland...

And that one-eyed ghost spirit...

It makes people shudder when they look at it from a distance, as if they were gods, but they were directly destroyed by Master Aylin alone...

So many factors add up.

Aelin has done so much for Elland and their homeland.

Perhaps only "hero", a title that is so ancient and even trite in today's contemptuous era, can be worthy of what he has done for Elland today.

Vesemir sat on the horse, crossing his arms and watching this scene with a smile on his lips.

"On behalf of Airland and Duke Mason, I would like to express my highest gratitude to you." Arthur pulled the reins and approached quietly, solemnly saying to Vesemir.

Perhaps he didn't want to chill the hero who also risked his life to save their homeland because of the different treatment by the soldiers.

"I will truthfully report the incident to the Duke..." Arthur continued

"No need," Vesemir waved his hand to interrupt, but did not look back, "Some rewards are no longer important to people of my age."

"When you report, try to hide me as much as possible. Aylin is the one who needs this reputation the most."

Hearing this, Arthur looked up at Vesemir in surprise.

In those dark golden cat eyes, apart from a proud and gratified smile, there was a figure being pushed to the highest place by everyone in the soft firelight.

See this.

The middle-aged knight was thoughtful. After a moment of silence, he nodded: "I understand."

Not far away.

Mary stood in the empty darkness, her big bright eyes moving up and down along with the figure of the witcher.

"What are you thinking about?" A cold female voice came from behind.

Mary knew whose voice it was.

She just didn't know why, but she didn't want to look away at this moment, or even wanted to please like usual.

After hearing the question, she just stood quietly, watching and thinking.

I don't know how long it took before I whispered something with unknown meaning:

"He is very close to me, yet very far away..."

When the sorceress heard this, she was silent for a long time before sighing.

She put her hands on Mary's shoulders: "It's okay, take your time."

There is no banquet in the world that never comes to an end.

The cheers for victory only lasted for a few minutes, with screams and cries coming from Elland City from time to time.

When Arryn falls from the sky, everyone must face the next battle.


When they looked back, they saw the young lives of the May Day carnival dying early in the wilderness.

Silence replaced the cheers.

Sadness replaced joy.

"Leave five teams of people to transport these... children back to the city. Don't let the corpse-eating creatures contaminate the corpses."

Sara sighed and ordered to her soldiers.

Immediately, dozens of black-armored soldiers left the team and began to sort out the young corpses on the road.

"Move gently, maybe there are still people waiting for them in the city..." Arthur added.

As soon as this sentence came out.

The joy of victory no longer remains in the hearts of everyone.

Move forward in silence.

Step over the bloody corpse, step over the frightened young face, step over Elland's dead future.

Once you step into the city gate, it's a new hell.

Where it enters the eye.

The flowers that originally decorated the entire city like a fairyland fell into mud and were covered in blood and dust.

Cries and sobs replaced laughter and cheers.

The incomplete buildings were on fire, mutilated corpses lay on the cold ground, and ordinary people kneeled lifelessly in front of the ruins and corpses...

They are alive, but more like dead people than the corpses on the ground.

It was okay for Vesemir and Vera. After all, they came out of Elland after the disaster.

Aylin and Mary, who had been marching and reveling outside the city, were really stunned when they saw this scene.

There is a sense of conflict between beautiful flowers one second and blood and minced meat the next.

The contrast is strong.

As for everyone else.

Everyone in the Guards Knights and Demon Hunter Army had red eyes, not sure whether it was anger or sadness.

Or maybe both.

after all.

Erin and Mary just weren't used to it.

But many of the people who died on this day were known to the knights of the Guards and the demon-hunting army, and they might even be their relatives.

"Damn Wild Hunt!" Aelin couldn't help but cursed.

"Wild Hunt?" Arthur, who had been near the witcher, heard this and looked at Aylin with red eyes.

Not only Arthur, but also many knights and demon hunters around him also looked at him after hearing Aylin's words.

"What does Wild Hunt mean?" Sara came over and asked.

The demon hunter was stunned for a moment and said truthfully:

"At the end of the May Day parade, I saw knights riding skeleton horses flying through the sky."

"The 'meteor' that hit Elland was released from the scepters in their hands..."

Everyone was stunned for two seconds.

"Isn't the Wild Hunt a myth to scare children?" Sarah couldn't believe it.

Didn't they know about the floating port?

The demon hunter was startled.

But then he came to his senses.

In this era, information spreads very slowly.

It is not even necessarily spread according to spatial distance.

For example, the information that the floating port was attacked by the Wild Hunt.

As the Duke of Elland, Mason only knew about it half a month ago, and it had been more than ten days since the incident.

And it was from Vizima, the capital of Temeria, that he learned about it after the king issued an order.

But the straight-line distance between the floating port and Elland is much farther than that from Vizima.

This is because Elland is a mountain city.

The floating port is almost impossible to enter from land because of the wilderness forest.

Therefore, only merchants who travel by ship will enter the floating port, and merchants who leave the floating port will naturally leave by ship and will not pass through Elland.

Now it has been nearly a month.

There may be some news in the tavern in Elland, but it should have just been passed on.

The Demon Hunters and the Guards Knights are both elite, not as free as the city guards.

It is understandable that they are not aware of this.


After the demon hunter glanced at Vesemir, he told what happened in the floating port.

After hearing this.

The eyes of the demon hunters and the guards knights were red as if they were about to drip blood, and the crowd was furious.

"These sons of bitches!" Sarah cursed.

Arthur took a deep breath, raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said: "Finish the current work first, appease the people, and when Elland is stable, Lord Mason will have his own say."

The tone of the middle-aged knight was as calm as ever.

However, the demon hunter could feel the strong anger from it, as if it was about to turn into a raging fire.


Everyone continued to walk into the city.

There were more and more living and dead people on the street, and the scene became more and more horrible.

Every second was refreshing everyone's cognitive limit.

For the first time, Ailin knew that people could die in so many ways.

Being crushed to death, burned to death, blown to death, trampled to death, frozen to death by ice clusters...

The only thing in common was that all the corpses whose faces could be seen had very painful expressions.

Horrible and terrifying.


Stepping on the sticky dark red blood pool under the feet, smelling the strong smell of blood and burnt odor.

Not only did Mary not bear it many times, she retched from time to time.

Even Ailin, who had seen many bloody scenes, had a churning stomach and was extremely uncomfortable.

That is, the demon hunter has a high degree of control over the body, so it did not show.

Many of the demon hunters and guards who were tough guys and not afraid of death cried while walking, and their lips trembled.

Today is the funeral of the entire Elland.

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