Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 280 Please make way

"Bibo Bibo~"

The dead branches and wood in the bonfire burned, making a sound.

For a moment.

Ailin was thinking hard, and he didn't notice anything.

Vesemir felt a little embarrassed when he heard this lifelike roar.

It was as if he had returned to the Killer Lake and showed the other witcher masters of the Wolf School the results of practicing the "Quack Quack" Ice Spear Curse.

"Cough~" The witcher master coughed lightly and said carefully.

"Could it be just the scream of the monster before death?"

Ailin didn't think so.

When the flames burning on the monster's body turned from green to orange, the anger and jealousy of the living in the single eye, such emotions belonging to normal ghost creatures, obviously disappeared.

Instead, there was confusion, and an extremely urgent desire, and even...

The witcher carefully pondered the last look.

There was even a hint of redemption in it.

With just one eye, it can convey such complex emotions. How can the words it urgently shouted at that time be just meaningless screams before death?

"It must want to tell me something, but I just can't understand it?" The witcher was sure.

Vesemir didn't understand Aylin's entanglement at the moment, but seeing that he was so sure, he also became serious and was about to concentrate on analyzing it.


A green light suddenly appeared beside the witcher master.


Amid the horrifying screams, Vesemir skillfully turned it into green fireworks.

"Don't think about it." The witcher master patted Aylin on the shoulder, "Although I don't know what kind of monster this ghost is, it is most likely a wizard who was killed in the Falgar Rebellion. I don't know what kind of transformation he made to his body and soul..."

"Even if there is any meaning hidden in the monster's last roar, it is probably some regretful and hateful last words."

"Let's solve Elland's troubles first, and talk about the rest later..."

The witcher nodded when he heard it.

Although the noise of the intersection of the celestial spheres was too small, Vesemir misunderstood the source of the monster.

But he was right.

Protecting Elland is the most important thing now.

As for the strange last words...

"Hunting Mission: Spirit I" has been completed, unlocking the intersection of the celestial spheres leading to a certain spirit world. At worst, there is still "Hunting Mission: Spirit II"...

As long as the problem of the Wild Hunt is solved, there will always be a chance.

As long as the Wild Hunt is solved...

"It's so easy to say..."

Thinking of this, the demon hunter shook his head and sighed.

He took a deep look at the city of Elland in the distance, which was on fire.

Then his eyes moved down.

Because the one-eyed monster was dead, except for the spirits that were close to him, most of the other spirits had begun to turn back slowly.

Continue to float towards Elland at a slow speed and unwaveringly.

It has to be said.

Although it didn't take Aylin a few minutes to solve the one-eyed monster.

But its roar bought Aylin and Elland a lot of time.

Those demons were almost floating to the position where they just appeared.

The originally tense time was suddenly much more abundant.

While observing the battle situation, Ailin took out a bottle of white honey and cat's eye from the reagent bag.

He drank it in order.


The rapidly beating heart and the swelling pain in the temples that seemed to explode suddenly dissipated.

At this moment.


There was an explosion.

The dazzling flames bloomed at the end of the green monster tide.

About 70 or 80 meters away from Ailin and Vesemir, there was a burning area with a length and width of two meters.

It seemed to want to stop the demon spirit tide from rushing towards them.


The demons in the burning area screamed loudly, but the speed of advancement did not slow down much. The most important thing was that none of them turned into green fireworks and disappeared.

The one who was most seriously injured only had his spirit body slightly transparent.


The anxious shout was accompanied by the rapid sound of horse hooves.

The demon hunter looked in the direction of the sound.


The horse hadn't stopped yet.

In the jumping firelight, a slender and petite figure was about to fall off the horse's back.

But with a stumble, the hand didn't hold on tightly for some reason.


With a cry of surprise, the figure fell down all of a sudden.

After the demon hunter drank the cat's eye potion, it was the time when his perception was the most acute. "Shua shua" took two steps forward and caught it.

The soft and plump body fell into his arms.

The fragrance of citrus instantly drove away the stench of the demon spirit.

"Why are you here? Do you know how dangerous this is..."

Ailin gently put Mary down and wanted to scold her.

But with the help of the firelight, he saw that the girl's pretty face was pale and there were fine beads of sweat on her forehead.

This scolding was immediately unable to be uttered.

He recognized the spell just now.

It was the flash of fire.

It was the most powerful, the most painful and the most dangerous fire magic when casting.

If the fire magic is not well controlled, it will not only bring great pain, but also may cause the caster to self-immolate.

Mary, who has only learned fire magic for less than a month, cannot have a deep control of fire magic.

To a girl who endured severe pain and ignored her own life to save you...

Who can bear to say harsh words?

"I'll go inform the Demon Hunters and the Royal Guards that you're safe... They're all about to engage in battle with the demons."

Vesemir glanced at the two of them with a smile, and ran towards the warhorse that Arlin had left not far away.

This made Mary's pale, sickly cheeks flush.

But she didn't loosen her arms, but leaned her face against the Demon Hunter's chest and hugged him tighter.

It was as if she was afraid that if she let go, she would lose him.

"Uh~" Vesemir rode back on his horse, looked at the scene and hesitated for a second, and whispered, "You'd better hurry up, there's plenty of time after this is over..."

Then, without waiting for a reply, he rode his horse and quickly eliminated several demons nearby, and then galloped towards the Royal Guards and the Demon Hunters.

As soon as Vesemir said this, Mary let go of her hand instantly.

Her whole face was flushed.

"I'll take you back first."

The witcher turned over and jumped onto the warhorse that Mary rode, then stretched out his hand to pull her up.

"Sorry!" The girl whispered after she sat on the horse.

The witcher sniffed the orange on the tip of his nose and chuckled, shaking his head: "You're not wrong."

"But please have more confidence in me next time."

"Yeah." The girl nodded shyly, "I know."


"Mayday King!"

"Mayday Queen!"

The witcher drove Mary back to the magic ceremony, and the returning witcher army cheered as if they were welcoming the real king and queen.

This made Ailin stunned and a little at a loss.

Mary's whole body turned red.

The girl's smooth and delicate skin was hot where the two touched.

As soon as they arrived.

Mary got off the horse immediately, not daring to look at Ailin's face, and ran to the magic ceremony, staring at the circle triangle of the ritual array.

As if she could see flowers from it.

When Arlin saw this scene, he was a little amused.

Sometimes he was unrestrained, like a hot flame that could melt steel, and sometimes he suddenly became restrained, like a mimosa.

Mary is a good girl, but it's a pity...

Thinking of the targeting of some nobles and Ban Ade wizards in Kaedwen, as well as the Wild Hunt who occasionally threw bombs from overhead, the witcher sighed:

"This world is full of dangers..."

"When can people settle down..."

At this time.

"Da Da Da~"

The neat sound of horse hooves interrupted the witcher's feelings.

He tilted his head to look.

Behind Vesemir, the guard knights galloped over.

When the witcher master approached, Arlin gestured with a puzzled look.

Vesemir glanced behind him and said:

"Although the demons all drifted far away in the opposite direction of Elland due to the cry of the one-eyed monster, at the same time, the guard knights... our attraction to the demons has also disappeared..."

Arlin understood.

The hatred of the demon tide has been reset.

Without the ghost oil, the guards knights could not attract many "followers" of the demons.

"The Demon Hunters still have ghost oil, we can still fight..."

"Yes, we only need a bottle of ghost oil, and we can continue to destroy those damn monsters..."

Although Vesemir's words were very subtle, the guards knights heard that they were useless and clamored to fight again.

Even Arthur, the officer of the guards knights, did not speak, but he stared at Vesemir and did not stop the restlessness of his knights.

"No need!"

Vesemir interrupted them expressionlessly.

He looked back at the demon tide and estimated the distance.

He glanced at the ritual array under Vera, which was full of things and there were almost no useful gaps.

"Ms. Vera's ceremony will be ready soon, and I and Erin can go."

"But, Erin..." Arthur thought of the tall one-eyed monster, looked at the demon hunter in awe, and paused for a second, "Didn't Master Erin just go through a big battle? Do you still have strength left?"

Vesemir looked at Erin after hearing this.

Erin nodded: "Don't worry, I'm not injured."

Not only was he not injured, to be honest, he wasn't even satisfied yet.

Balmer was too strong.

The demon hunter actually only slashed three times, and the one-eyed monster, which still had no name, died.

It took a little longer to follow the red footprints of [Demon Hunter], but even so, the whole process was less than five minutes.


The demon hunter glanced, his eyes were in the corner.

[Hunting Mission: Demon Spirit II (Kill Demon Spirit 0/300)]

For some reason, he had been thinking about the one-eyed monster since just now, and always felt that its last roars were very important.

If the celestial spheres meet, the demon spirits cannot summon similar monsters, and he will have to slowly accumulate this hunting mission to kill demon spirits.

Demon spirits are actually not easy to find.

So he has to take advantage of this opportunity to kill more.

"But with so many demon spirits, it's still too dangerous for you two!" Arthur tried to persuade him again.

The guards behind him also responded.

Vesemir pulled the reins to straighten the horse and waved his hand:

"Night is not a battlefield for you. Enough people died tonight. There is no need to sacrifice more in vain."

Ailin squeezed the horse's belly, and while he was level with the witcher master, he also glanced at the guards knights, and then couldn't help but sigh.

The master witcher was right.

Although they had counted carefully, the queue of Guards Knights was now one-third shorter than the original one.

In other words, at least fifty people died in the battle just now.

More than 70% of them died due to terrain and darkness.

The knights of the guard looked at each other when they heard this.

Feeling down.

The people who live together day and night...

We were training together this morning, complaining that the quartermaster added water to the milk for breakfast, and that the May Day holiday, which only happens once a year, was canceled...

Now, no more...

And I will never see you again...

"Their sacrifices are all worthwhile, just and glorious..." Arthur stared at Vesemir, his face flushed and his voice was high-pitched, "They protected their homeland from monsters and defended their Relatives and master..."

"The long golden oak table in Cliff's kingdom will be filled with mellow wine for them!"

"They will also be watching us in the Kingdom of God, watching our glory and vileness, timidity and bravery, victory and defeat..."

"But hiding behind allies and children..."

Child... Aylin was stunned when he heard the keyword and looked at the Guards Knight.

The child among allies and children, referring to him?

"This is shameful. The leaders of the Kingdom of God, our Lord, and our relatives will surely be shamed by this..."

Vesemir was silent when he heard the words, but he sat upright involuntarily.

Arthur was watched by everyone, and after seeing Vesemir's discomfort, he seemed to feel that his tone was a bit too sharp.

After taking a deep breath to adjust his mentality, he said:

"Elland is our home, and it is our duty to protect her, but you..."

"We are demon hunters, demon hunters of the Wolf School, and we make a living by doing this." Vesemir smiled helplessly and glanced at Aylin, "Besides, I may not be able to beat what you are talking about. That child..."

Arthur's voice froze when he heard these words, but his expression was firm, stubborn and stubborn.

It seems to be saying...

Children are children.

Even if he can't fight, no matter how strong he is, he's still just a kid who can fight.

The knights of the guard behind Arthur also clenched their swords at this moment, holding their heads high and chests high, full of fighting spirit.

It seemed as if their robes were really watching them from somewhere.

at the same time.

There was also a commotion in the demon hunting army on the side. It was Sarah urging the soldiers to collect all the ghost oil quickly and not to hinder the friendly forces.

Seeing this, Vesemir could only shake his head helplessly:

"There's really nothing we can do about you stubborn horseback riding iron cans."

Arthur, who had always been indifferent, twitched his lips when he heard this, and sat on his horse with his head held high.

He seemed ready to join his fallen robes in a glorious charge, drinking wine at the golden oak table.

to be honest.

Arthur's words were not rational, but there was something in his inflammatory speech.

Not only were the knights of the guard ready to die, but Vesemir tightened his grip on the reins and was eager to give it a try.

Even Aylin was a little excited by this atmosphere.

I immediately wanted to chop something.

But at this moment.

A cold female voice sounded.

"Knight, Demon Hunter..."

"Trouble...please give in..."

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