Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 277: The Celestial Sphere Meets the Demonic Spirit

Chapter 277 The intersection of heaven and earth - demon spirits

Life is full of ups and downs.

Sarah had never realized this so deeply.

When he was worried about the effect of ghost oil.

As soon as the knights of the guard encountered the wave of demon spirits, they became overwhelming and induced a large group of demon spirits to chase them.

When he was worried about the safety of the two demon hunters.

However, Masters Vesemir and Aylin used their riding and sword skills far beyond those of professional soldiers, and ignited a green flame that was no less than a hundred knights of the Guard.

The tide of demon spirits was completely stopped.

But when he was rejoicing, thinking that there would be no problems until the ceremony was completed.

The situation took a turn for the worse again.

First, the knights of the Guards ran out of ghost oil in advance, and then because of insufficient horsepower, the demon spirits bit their tails.


In an instant, the original advantage was exhausted.

The wave of demon spirits pressed forward in a big way.

Looking at the figure that was bitten tightly by those damn demon spirits, but resolutely left.

Sarah couldn't help but clenched her fists, veins popped out on her forehead, and stared at the robes who were only a hundred meters away from him.

He seemed to see Arthur shaking his head vigorously at him.

At this time.

A demon-hunting soldier wearing black armor walked over.

"Sir Sarah, the two hundred ghost oils have been put away. Now..." The soldier glanced at the knights of the guard who turned back, pulling the reins, "Do you still need to send it to the knights of the guard?"

Sarah looked at the wave of demon spirits that were approaching, and the front end was only about 300 meters away.

Then he looked at the knights of the guard who were galloping into the distance on their tired horses.

There was a long silence.

"No need." Sarah shook her head, "Pass out the ghost oil again, and then get the brothers ready. It's our turn soon."

The soldier looked back at the demon spirit that was getting closer and closer, feeling the growing chill brought by the evening wind, and then stared at the brightly lit Elland behind Sara.

No words were spoken.

He just bowed deeply and then walked through the various teams to deliver orders.

For a moment.

The appearance of the entire demon-hunting army suddenly changed.

The murderous aura seemed to frighten Ye Feng to a standstill.

Mary, who was helping Vera, noticed the change in the surrounding atmosphere, raised her head and asked anxiously:

"Teacher, how long will it take?"

"Almost..." Vera did not raise her head, her tone was indifferent.

But looking at the always calm and elegant instructor, at this moment when the temperature is getting lower and lower, he is wiping the sweat on his forehead every few seconds.

Mary knew her mentor had done his best.

So although she didn't get an accurate time, she was too embarrassed to bother her anymore.

The ceremony had been arranged to the core, and there were fewer and fewer things Mary could do to help.

Most of the time he could only stand aside blankly, staring at the ceremony arranged by Vera and thinking wildly.

Pretend that she is useful, that she is important, that she is buying time for everyone...

Although she knew that she could only deceive herself.

"If only I had not chosen alchemy after I left Aretusa and was chosen by Ms. Vera." Mary bit her lower lip anxiously.

"Whether it is studying the changes of elements or delving into the mysteries of rituals, it is hundreds of times more useful than alchemy at this time."

She stared at Vera's movements.

The increasingly complete ritual array on the ground seemed to be mocking her, belittling her, and berating her at every arc...

This made Mary anxious. At the same time, she couldn't help but look up at the war horses placed by the demon-hunting army.

But the next second.

She resisted the urge to ride after Aylin again.

Every ghost creature has almost the highest resistance to spells.

Only the most difficult fire element spells can achieve good results.


In the past half month, she had only learned three fire element spells, and none of them were able to ride undisturbed on a bumpy horseback while casting spells.

Therefore, Mary knew that even if she rode up to catch up with Aylin, it would be useless. Instead, she would delay him and distract him.

"I'm really useless..."

Mary couldn't help but lament in her heart.

There was a sudden commotion from the demon hunting army ahead, interrupting Mary, causing her to subconsciously raise her head and look in the direction of the demon spirits.

Although the knights of the Guards have turned back and walked a certain distance, they can clearly see...

Because of this turmoil, many of the demon spirits attracted by them were captured again by the increasingly approaching demon hunting army and the aura of Elland's creatures.

Moreover, the number of demon spirits that broke away from the pursuit of the Guards Knights continued to increase.

The speed of the wave of demon spirits swarming towards Elland is slowly accelerating.

But at this moment, a black spot suddenly rushed in front of the queue of Guards Knights.

"It's Master Vesemir!"

Mary squinted her eyes and looked carefully for a while before she recognized it.

He wielded a blue silver sword.

In the blink of an eye, three or four green sparks ignited on the left wing of the demon spirit wave.

Many demon spirits who had escaped from the battle were attracted again and followed behind the guard knights.

The speed of the demon spirit tide slowed down again.

The situation changes again.

The demon hunting army in front of them all let out a sigh of relief.

Although I feel sorry for my comrades to say this, these infantrymen are different from the knights of the guard who can run away whenever they want.

Once the demon spirits press on, they will have no choice but to risk their lives to stop them.

And with the number of demon spirits...

Nine deaths and no life.


Seeing their comrades lead the demons away again and slow down the speed of the demon tide, they all breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

They were not afraid of death and were willing to sacrifice their lives for the Duke and Elland.

But who wouldn't want to live well if they could avoid death?

Mary looked at Vesemir for a long time and suddenly thought of a question.

"Where's Erin?"

Vesemir ran to support the Knights of the Guards, so Erin...

Thinking of this, Mary stood up involuntarily and anxiously looked around in the darkness in the distance.

Then the next second.

"Da Da Da~"

The sound of galloping horses rang out.

Erin, carrying two swords on his back, suddenly broke through the darkness and appeared at the forefront of the demon tide.


There was a bang.

The green tide seemed to hit the hardest reef.

The waves rose suddenly.

It was as if the tide had suddenly returned.

Dozens of demons were instantly smashed into the sky, and slammed into the middle of the demon tide, creating a large black gap.

It was like a large reef suddenly stood in the middle of the green tide.

"Is the power of this Alder seal much stronger than at the beginning..."

Mary was stunned.

"Da Da Da~"

The sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer.

Ailin rode a black warhorse and made a big circle in front of the demon hunters, and the closest point was less than 20 meters away.

Many soldiers in black armor even saw a face more childish than their children and a pair of cold and ruthless blue eyes under the illumination of the campfire.

But this was only a moment.

The next moment.

He once again charged at the green tide of demons.

A single-handed charge!

He was overestimating his own strength but was fearless, just like a small boat fighting the sea.

Seeing this shocking scene, the demon hunters suddenly fell silent for a few seconds, and then a strong commotion broke out.

"Cliff is above... this demon hunter... this demon hunter..."

"The May Day King of Elland..."

"Blue Death, this is the Blue Death..."


Countless chaotic and fragmented voices slowly gathered into a warm shout:

"Victory! Victory!"

The morale of the demon hunters was greatly boosted, but when Mary saw this scene, she seemed to fall into an ice cave.

She pinched her chest with her right hand, and didn't even notice that her lips were bitten and bleeding.

"What happened, Mary?" Vera asked.

Only then did Mary come back to her senses, her mouth full of rust.

She licked her lips, looked at Vera who was still concentrating on arranging the ceremony, hesitated for several seconds, and then carefully described the scene she had just seen.

After listening to Mary's description, Vera froze slightly, and then continued to arrange the ceremony.

"It's almost done... it's almost done... it's only a little while longer... it'll be done soon..."

A vague murmur entered Mary's ears.

She looked up at the demon hunter who cast the Alda sign again and knocked away a large number of demons, and couldn't help biting the wound on her lip again.

"It must be okay... it must be okay... it must be okay..."

"It must be okay..."


"Da Da Da~"

Amid the sound of horse hooves, green sparks burned out behind the black warhorse.

As the horse's back rose and fell.

Two small groups of demons merged in the middle of the demon tide.

The green lanterns gathered and illuminated the demon hunter's face.

The messy hair was blown by the strong wind, the blue veins around the temples and eye sockets were faintly visible, and the whole face was slightly pale like a dead person.

This was a manifestation of the intense toxicity of the ghoul decoction.

The poison that would kill ordinary people if they drank a drop was a good medicine for the demon hunter to improve their strength in a short time.

"All potions that can improve physical fitness, strength, agility, etc. in a short period of time are harmful to the human body..."

"If it is not necessary, try...try not to take too much..."

For some reason, in the whistling wind in his ears, the demon hunter suddenly remembered the memory of taking the blizzard potion and being discovered by the little priest.

He remembered that before that.

Lisa was still jumping in the garden in front of the statue, humming a ballad about Sleeping Beauty.

"I don't know if the Temple of Meliteli has been attacked by the magic of the Wild Hunt..."

The demon hunter sighed softly.

The idea moved.

"Main quest: [Ghost's Revenge Carnival] Eliminate the demon spirit (576/1614)"

Then he continued to look down.

[Hunting quest: Demon Spirit I (Kill Demon Spirit 96/100)]

"Are there still four missing?" The demon hunter muttered, turning his head and glancing back.

After losing one third, the number of demon spirits looked much sparser.

And most of them were attracted by the Guard Knights led by Vesemir and him.

The whole is in the shape of a bull head with two horns, one large and one small.

Vesemir is at the tip of the big horn, and Arlin is at the small horn.

There are about 400 more still floating towards the direction of the Demon Hunters, but because of the attraction of both sides, although not as fast as in its heyday, the speed has slowed down a lot.

And with the Demon Hunters, as long as Arlin and Vesemir can stabilize these two "horns".

There is basically no problem.

The key is...

Can they stabilize it?

The demon hunter couldn't help but sigh.


Amid the screams, three more demons turned into green fireworks.

[Hunting Mission: Demon I (Kill Demons 99/100)]

If possible, he really didn't want to complete this mission now.



When he approached the Demon Hunters, he had a distant look at the ritual that Vera was setting up.

Although it was not feasible to ask him to help, with his LV5 ritual learning and the magic ritual, it was still possible to roughly estimate the time it would take to complete the ritual.

It was faster than expected, but it would still take at least half an hour.

Vesemir and the Elland Guard Knights, although they had held back a large number of demons, many lights behind them left the horn one after another and returned to the demon tide.

And what about behind him?

As long as he stopped hunting, it wouldn't be long before the demons in the small horn would return to the tide.

Then the speed of the demon tide would increase.

This was the future that Aylin could foresee.

So, this hunting mission...

He...had to do it.

"There are still three bottles of ghost spirits..."

"As long as we destroy the monsters summoned by the intersection of the celestial spheres as quickly as possible, there is still a chance!"

The demon hunter encouraged himself.

Then he squeezed his legs and the warhorse under his crotch and began to speed up.

He had to stay as far away from Elland as possible without the demon spirits leaving on a large scale, so as to avoid the huge vibration caused by the intersection of the celestial spheres affecting Vera's arrangement ceremony.

"Da Da Da~"

The warhorse galloped.

Ailin soon came to a small earthen slope with a bonfire.

Here, in the carnival route, the demon spirit tide can be clearly seen, about 500 to 600 meters away.

Many demon spirits in the "little horns" he attracted have begun to leave, so he can't go any further.


As soon as he pulled the reins, the warhorse stopped and neighed.

After getting off the horse.

The demon hunter first drank a bottle of white honey to eliminate the effects and toxicity of the cat's eye and giant ghoul decoction on his body.

Then he drank another bottle of Giant Ghoul Decoction, and then put the Blizzard Potion in the most convenient position in the reagent bag.

Although the effect of the previous bottle of Giant Ghoul Decoction was still a long time away from ending.

But there was no other way.

The toxicity of the Giant Ghoul Decoction plus the toxicity of the Blizzard Potion was already the limit that Ailin could bear.

In order to eliminate the toxicity of the cat's eye and use the blizzard, he had to do this.


The demon hunter threw all the dead branches and wood blocks prepared for the carnival parade from the bonfire into the bonfire.

Then he pinched an Igni seal.

The dim bonfire suddenly lit up.


After thinking for two seconds, the demon hunter breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't find any other problems.

A prepared demon hunter is invincible.

If it weren't for the uncertainty of the intersection of the celestial spheres, he even wanted to place two Arden magic traps where the monster appeared.

At this time.

A demon disappeared from the place 20 meters away from the demon hunter.

The demon hunter didn't care.

After glimpsing a green light appearing on the right rear side, he ducked to avoid the swung sword.

Immediately afterwards.

He stomped his right foot on the ground, turned around, and chopped!

A blue light flashed.

With a "hiss", the demon spirit suddenly turned into a green firework.

[Ding! Hunting mission completed: Demon Spirit I (kill demon spirit 100/100)]

[Get reward: small experience beads * 4000, monster illustration - demon spirit]

[Ding, hunting mission: Demon Spirit II (kill demon spirit 0/300) has been activated, do you accept it? ]

After accepting the mission, the demon hunter took a deep breath and adjusted his state to the best.

Observing that the nearest demon spirit was not far away from him, it would take at least ten minutes to catch up...

Alin held Elsa tightly in his hand, glanced at Vesemir, and then looked at the two small black dots behind the demon hunters.

The next second.

[Ding! The Monster Encyclopedia "Demon Spirit" has been unlocked. The "Demon Spirit" will appear in 54 seconds after the celestial intersection, please be prepared! 】

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