Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 268 Vesemir's Little Note

The library of the Temple of Meriteri is not just a slightly larger room in the castle like Kaer Morhen's, but an entire three-story building.

The tall gray granite exterior wall is solemn and solemn.

The green ivy and the purple flowers blooming on it make this solemnity less cold and closer to the world.

And the biggest difference compared to Kaer Morhen's library is...

There are people here.

Lots and lots of people!

Many girls, women and old women in gray temple dresses were walking around without saying a word or in a hurry.

Seeing the only demon hunter in the crowd who was carrying two swords, they just looked at him strangely and at most nodded in greeting, but did not come to talk to him.

Be polite and restrained.

In a trance.

The witcher seemed to have returned to the library of the university in his previous life, and now it was time to get up early to grab a seat for the final exam.


Even compared with the library in the previous life, this so-called "library" is only a little smaller in size.

But the atmosphere of reverence for knowledge may be even more so.

After all, the Meliteli Temple specializes in herbal medicine, medicine, and midwifery...

Most of the knowledge in the library carries the weight and responsibility, inheritance and sacrifice of life and death.

This atmosphere even made the witcher involuntarily use the superb steps of the Cat School.

He walked silently to an old woman sitting at the door of the library who was in charge of registration, and asked in a low voice:

"Hello, have you seen Master Vesemir...a demon hunter who also carries two swords?"

The old woman raised her eyebrows and glanced at him like the old dean in her previous life.

Then the index finger of his right hand pointed to the sky, and three more fingers were extended.

The witcher nodded, murmured his thanks, and walked towards the wooden stairs of the library.

"Dong dong dong~"

The further you go up, the fewer people there are in the library.

When we arrived on the third floor, there was even another old lady sitting in the narrow doorway dozing off, seemingly preventing other people from entering.

If you want to go in, you must ask her to step aside.


With Aylin's skills, whether it was a front flip or a back flip, he could sneak in silently.

There are even magical props "Ye Color" given by the Elf Princess that can make you invisible, small mist beads, and the mist of the little mist demon's hand bones...

In a flash of thought.

The demon hunter then thought of no fewer than ten ways to sneak in quietly.

He then looked up at the inner room, and after finding no trace of the master witcher, he chose the most unpretentious one.


The boards beneath my feet groaned.

The wrinkles at the corners of the old grandma's eyes were squeezed, but she did not wake up.


After coughing twice more, the wrinkles on the old grandma's face relaxed, but she still didn't open her eyes:

"Herbal medicine identification and commonly used pharmaceutical formulas are on the first floor..."

"Medical books, classic cases and diagnostic evidence are on the second floor, and problems encountered during childbirth are also classified on the second floor..."

"The third floor is not for children like you. You should learn more skills to make a living while you are still young, so that you will not starve to death after you leave the temple..."

The old mama talked to herself for a long time, which made the demon hunter stunned for a while, and he didn't open his eyes the whole time.

A familiar road.

Out of politeness, the witcher wanted to wait until she finished.

But he didn't expect that the old nanny's voice gradually became quieter as she spoke, her head gradually tilted to the side, and she was about to fall asleep again.

In desperation, the demon hunter could only interrupt:

"Hello, I'm here to see Master Vesemir. Is he here now?"

The old nanny half-opened one eye, her gaze moved from the demon hunter's eyes to the two swords carried behind him, and then she moved the chair to one side and said:

"Go all the way along this road. The old files are all near the big window sill..."

"Thank you." The demon hunter nodded gently and then passed by her.


I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

When the witcher passed by the old woman, he seemed to hear her sigh quietly.

But when Aylin turned his head when he heard the sound, he saw that the old woman had closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

It was as if the sigh was just his imagination.

"Is it because I was disturbed from my nap?" The demon hunter's intuition was not that simple.

But the old woman had fallen into a deep sleep.

The witcher stared silently at the spot for a few seconds. She hunched her slightly tilted back, then turned her head to look for traces of Vesemir.

"Da da da~"

The sound of footsteps moved through the empty room.

A slightly low echo shook the dust from the old bookshelf.

The light is slightly dim.

There was a faint smell of decaying wood in the air.

It fits the feel of an old library.

As the witcher walked, he looked at the dusty books on the shelves on both sides.

After walking past a few bookshelves, he knew why the trainee priests, pharmacists and doctors in the temple were not allowed on the third floor.

"A List of Death Counts in the Amavit Rebellion", "Common Causes of Death from the Black Death", "A Look at the Root Causes of Peasant Revolts Caused by the Falga Rebellion"...

Amavit is the son of the current king of Temeria. His affair with the earl's wife was killed, triggering a riot among the kingdom's nobles.

The Black Death may seem like just a disease, but in fact, even the witchers have heard of the atrocities that the nobles committed against the civilians out of panic during the Black Death epidemic...

Burning people alive and burying them are only the mildest parts of it.

As for the last one...

You don't need to read the content, just the name will tell you what kind of book this is...

There is no doubt.

Most of the books stored on the third floor are banned books, the kind that will be beheaded or hanged if they are found by the nobles.

Of course.

The later you go, the fewer such banned books there are.

It's not because the content is not so taboo.

It's mainly because the time is relatively ancient, and many people like Amavit, who are related to the parties, have died within several generations.

For example.

On the bookshelves further back, there are many realistic records of human betrayal, massacre, conspiracy and atrocities against the elves.

This may cause an uproar at the time, but now...


It's a long, long way from the glorious era of Ain Sheedi...


The third floor of the library is not small, but not big either.

Even though the witcher was browsing the volumes on the bookshelf, he soon heard the rustling of leaves in the wind and looked up to see the light from the window shining into the dim library.

And a witcher with a long shadow cast by the light.

"It's Vesemir..."

The witcher master was surrounded by a pile of books, and there was a hill of extinguished candles not far away.

I think these days, he has been searching for traces of the Wild Hunt on sheepskin and paper with these candles. .

"Da Da Da~"

Accompanied by faint footsteps, the back is getting closer and closer.

Then suddenly, Ailin realized a problem.

It was so close that he didn't hear the "swish" sound of turning pages, so...

Using the skills of the two-handed sword of the cat school in three or two steps, he approached silently but quickly.


Carefully bypass the scattered piles of books.

Sure enough.

The witcher master was leaning on the wooden chair with his head tilted.

A thick leather book that looked heavy was spread out on his knees.

To be honest.

This is a very difficult sleeping position to maintain.

Those who do not have the physical fitness of the witcher master and do not have a certain level of meditation cannot do this.

"It is said that mature witchers use meditation instead of sleep?"

Ailin glanced at Vesemir's face covered by a black wide-brimmed hat and shook his head helplessly.

Then he turned his head.

Opposite the witcher master was a wide-open floor-to-ceiling balcony, and the bright spring light and warm wind quietly slipped in from outside.

This is indeed a good place to fall asleep in spring.

The sun is bright, the spring breeze is warm, and it is quiet and undisturbed...

Even Ailin was infected and yawned, wanting to have a good sleep.

Take a deep breath to dispel the sleepiness and cheer up.

The witcher did not rush to wake up Vesemir, but lowered his head to look at the piles of books in front of the witcher master.


The witcher sighed in his heart, bent down, and picked up a piece of paper from the ground under the candlestick.

There were a bunch of book lists and page numbers written on it, such as...

"White Ship - Delivering Friendship or Spreading War?" 121 pages

"The Sin Under the Pure Appearance of Ion Sheedy" 31 pages, 93 pages

"Conjunctions and Spirals" 167 pages

"Notes of a Wild Hunt Researcher" full book

"Tales of Ghost Knight" full book


There were more than 30 books with names and page numbers.

The witcher glanced and saw three piles of thick books that were obviously neater than other small books. Adding the time it took to sort these books out of the huge collection room, Aylin knew with a little mental calculation...

Even with the help of Nenneke and Lysa, Vesemir must have been flipping through and sorting files day and night in the past few days to select these 30 books from so many books and mark the page numbers.

If so.

Vesemir was definitely not being lazy...

Erin, who had wrongly blamed the witcher master, sighed softly and looked at the black wide-brimmed hat with some guilt.

How tired must one be to not even be able to restore energy through meditation?

He thought about it.

The effect of the new potion did not have to be tested today.


The witcher did not intend to disturb Vesemir, and stood up to return to the sanctuary to continue refining the moon dust and ghost oil.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

The black wide-brimmed hat fell with a vibration and was gently caught by a hand full of calluses and scars.

Without the hat to block the sun, the witcher master raised his other hand to block it.

After the bloodshot amber cat pupils expanded and contracted twice, he vaguely saw the young witcher standing in front of him.

"... Uh... Ai... Lin..." Vesemir rubbed his eyes, "Erin!"


Vesemir immediately stood up with the black wide-brimmed hat.

The chair he was sitting on was lifted up by inertia, and the two legs of the chair hit the ground with a loud noise.

"I am... am I asleep?"

Vesemir looked around in a daze.

Aelin saw that the witcher master was still a little sleepy, and said softly:

"Rest for a while, Master Vesemir, the Wild Hunt file is not so urgent..."

Vesemir wiped his face, woke up a little, raised his hand and interrupted:

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"I didn't sleep for seven days and seven nights to hunt a griffin before. It's only been a few days now, I was just careless."

"If we work harder, we can finish it before May Day and it won't affect our planned schedule."

"By the way," he looked up at the young witcher, "Why are you here? Don't you need to learn the ritual from Ianna?"

Alin sighed in his heart when he heard this.

The heavy dark circles under your eyes are not as hard as your mouth, Master Vesemir...

But when he looked at the expression on Vesemir's face, he knew that he couldn't convince this stubborn old man, so he told him the truth about the possible accidents on May Day.

Then when the witcher master was thinking, Alin thought of the purpose of coming here today, tilted his head to look at the bright sunshine outside the window, and invited:

"Master Vesemir, it seems that we haven't competed in swordsmanship since leaving Kaer Morhen..."

The voice was not finished.

Vesemir raised his eyebrows as if he had caught the key words, and looked up at the young witcher:

"You were not so keen on sword fighting in the past, what happened today?"

Alin smiled, patted the reagent bag on his waist, and said:

"I have newly brewed two potions..."

New potions? ! !

Before he finished speaking, he was pulled by the excited Vesemir by the wrist and walked towards the stairs.

"Let's go!"

"I know there is a very secluded place in the temple, which is very suitable for sword fighting."

Alin, who was led by the excited witcher master, had no choice but to follow him outside.


When he was about to reach the stairs, Vesemir slowed down his pace, let go of Alin's wrist, and quietly walked out from the gap next to the sleeping old lady.

He also raised his index finger to his lips, signaling Alin not to speak and to walk lightly.

Followed closely.

It was not until he left the library that he finally relaxed as if he had avoided some monster.

"Master Vesemir, who was that old lady just now?" Aylin looked back at the third floor of the library, which was covered by shadows and vines, and asked curiously.

Vesemir paused for a moment as he walked quickly forward, and said:

"That was the previous high priest of the Temple of Meliteli."

The high priest before Ianna?

The demon hunter was stunned.

Isn't the high priest of the Temple of Meliteli a lifetime position?


Why did the previous high priest of the temple sigh at him?

Was it intentional or unintentional?

Just as Aylin was thinking about whether there was any deep meaning in the sigh of the old lady, Vesemir, who was walking in front of him, suddenly stopped.

"We're here!" he said.

So close?

The young demon hunter looked up and found that they were now in an open space behind the library hidden by trees.

Looking up, he could see the balcony with the door wide open on the third floor.




Aylin looked over in the direction of the sound.

Vesemir picked up two straight branches about 1.5 meters long from the ground.

He drew his sword and cut off the broken branches and vines, then threw one to Aylin.

"Come on, Master Aylin."

"Let me see how much you have improved in the past six months..."

The young demon hunter subconsciously took the stick and was stunned.

Instead of using a real sword, use a stick?

What kind of game is this?

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