Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 263: Is Yennefer disgusted?

The warm sunshine of spring.

Green grass and colorful flowers can be seen everywhere in the temple...

Thick and tall trees cast shadows, and the waterfalls bring refreshing smoke.

There are also ancient and solemn palaces, but they are full of life decorated with lilac flowers and vines...

As the god of harvest and the mother of all things.

The view inside the Temple of Meliteli is stunning.

The demon hunter carrying two swords stepped on the gravel road, smelling the faint fragrance of flowers, but he did not pay attention to the scenery in front of him at all.

He is thinking.

If something unexpected happens during Cinco de Mayo, what might go wrong.

"Without a doubt, the ritual is the most likely to go wrong..." the witcher thought.

According to what Ianna described yesterday.

There are two rituals that play a role in Cinco de Mayo.

One is an exorcism ritual to drive away monsters and beasts, and the other is a ritual to use the power of the goddess Meriteri to appease ghosts.

"The former started yesterday, and the festival is just the end."


"The most likely problematic aspect is the wyvern urine used in the apotropaic ritual."

"If there is something wrong with this thing, when civilians revel in the wild on the festival day, some monsters will be attracted, which will definitely cause a disaster."

"But as long as the urine is real, a wyvern with no natural enemies is indeed a very safe choice."


"This has nothing to do with me. Ianna and the old Duke will definitely lead people to review it in the next few days, and even arrange a few more exorcism rituals along the parade."

"Even if someone deliberately sabotages the ceremony, the old Duke will definitely increase the frequency of patrol inspections in the past few days after being reminded..."

"As for the second ritual..." The demon hunter frowned and thought for a while.

Elland's May Day carnival is famous throughout the northern continent, and many people come here every time.

Even Mary, Vera's little coolie, had clamored to stay until after May when she first came to the city.

One can imagine.

Such ceremonies must have been held for many years.

Logically speaking, it is very stable.

Now the old Duke will definitely send additional manpower, and the probability of problems is very low.


"If something goes wrong, it must be a big problem!"

The demon hunter thought carefully:

"This ritual itself is used to save, or to eliminate, humans who died due to wars and plagues, and those who were unwilling to turn into monsters..."

"The biggest hidden danger is those restless and easily stimulated demon spirits..."

Thinking of what Ianna mentioned yesterday, the number of humans who died near Elland in recent years.

Ailin couldn't help but shudder.

to be honest.

Yesterday, when he heard that there were demon spirits everywhere in the wilds of Elland, he once coveted the demon spirits' purifying spirits.

But after a moment's thought, he gave up on this dangerous idea.

When monsters are really weak, swarms of them will make them happy.

This is the case with ordinary monsters.

And the demon spirits who can teleport behind them at any time and have a probability of possessing skills in life...

For Aylin, facing more than five at one time is much more dangerous than facing one big gryphon.

even if……

He possesses ghost oil, three swords and one demon spirit...


The witcher shook his head violently to banish a frightening image from his mind.

"Don't think about what the old Duke and Ianna do. I have to prepare some more ghost oil in the past few days just in case."

He had a strong premonition.

Something is bound to go wrong with the rituals on Cinco de Mayo.

Although he doesn't know...

When the nobles of Meliteli Temple and Elland were on alert at the same time, where did the crisis come from...

"Magic is chaos, art, and science."

“It’s a curse, it’s a blessing, it’s progress.”

"Everything depends on the person using magic, how it is used, and for what purpose."

"And magic is everywhere, all around us, within reach..."

As soon as they approached Vera's residence, Mary's voice came loudly, and at the same time there was the voice of the little monster:

"Sister Mary, you said that magic can really make people look good. Is this true?"

"Of course it's true," Mary said. "As long as you study hard, appearance is the easiest thing to change."

"With the anti-aging potion, it is not difficult for sorceresses to stay young forever..."

"Yeah, yeah, I will definitely learn magic!" The little monster's young and hoarse voice was very firm.

"Hahaha," Mary smiled heartily, "I believe in you, you are very talented..."

"Okay, now let's continue to look at this etching and see how to extend the fingers. Pay attention to the instruction arrows above and the runes explaining the specific methods..."

"Vort, caelme. Ys, veloe..."

Listening to Mary's teaching voice, the witcher stopped after turning a corner.

Not far away.

The entrance to Vera's residence.

Mary was wearing a long gray priest's dress and was sitting on a chair, holding a small dumpling wrapped in black cloth, pointing at a book and teaching word by word.

The bulges and depressions of the black cloth, along with the jerky pronunciation, echoed Mary's voice.

You can tell.

The little monster and Mary get along very well.

Moreover, the little monster who was originally illiterate also learned very quickly, and soon he started to learn the ancient language.

"Except when Kaer Morhen taught me alchemy, Mary seemed to teach everyone very quickly..."

"The demon hunter apprentices of the Demon Hunter Corps have learned several magic potion formulas and ice spear techniques in just one or two months..."

Aylin was not in a hurry to interrupt.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Mary let the little monster practice his spell-casting gestures before stepping forward.

"Da da da~"

The deliberately exposed steps made the two of them look out of the courtyard at the same time.

The little monster was covered in black cloth so his expression could not be seen. He just tightened the cloth around his face.

When Mary recognized the identity of the person, she didn't know what she thought of, and her face suddenly turned red.

"Aylin, why are you here? Are you here to see Ms. Vera?" Mary hugged the little monster back to the ground and greeted him. "She left in the morning to deal with the production of corpse-eating bio-oil, and arranged for people to work with Duke Mason. Let’s negotiate the price of the potion. We won’t be back until at least tomorrow…”

Isn't Vera here...?

The witcher paused.

But it doesn't matter, the basic ingredients for the potion Blizzard are all in the icon room.

"I'm here to find you." Aylin shook his head.

Mary was stunned for a moment. Before she could say anything, she heard the witcher continue:

"Do you have the portable crucibles and other alchemical equipment?"

"I want to borrow it..."

Before the demon hunter finished speaking, a hint of inexplicable disappointment gently scratched her heart.

But soon, she suppressed the vague emotions in her heart, showed a smile, and said:

"Wait for me for a while, I'll go to the inner room to get it..."

Then he hurried towards the house.

But when she reached the door, she suddenly remembered something.

Hasn't Aelin been learning rituals from the temple's high priest?

It seems that you don’t need magic potions to learn the ritual, unless...


Mary's throat felt a little dry.

She turned around stiffly like a rusty door bolt and asked:

"Have you come up with a new recipe again?"


The demon hunter's beautiful cat eyes blinked and nodded lightly:

"I went out yesterday and killed a giant ghoul. I gained some insights and came up with a few recipes..."

Some insights...a few recipes...

Mary: "?"

Her already big eyes widened by three points in an instant, and she looked at the demon hunter in disbelief.

Is this human language?

Is there any connection between killing giant ghouls and potion recipes?

I have never heard of an alchemist creating an alchemical formula this way.

But think about it.

The last time Aylin created the alchemy formula, he thought of it while riding a horse and walking.

It seems reasonable?


A strong sense of frustration replaced the inexplicable emotion just now, occupying Mary's entire mind.

She didn't even fully learn the recipe Aylin taught her last time, but he actually created a new recipe...

How can this make sense?

Although this is also because in the past few days, I have been learning fire magic from Vera, and at the same time I have to teach Yennefer how to get started with magic.

But is she... really a genius?

Is she really talented in alchemy?

She seems to never be able to catch up with Aylin, no matter in every aspect...

That’s right!

Mary had an idea.

The last time Aelin came up with the formula was after killing the monster...

Is it possible...

"Is it possible that the methods taught by the instructor and the book are wrong?"

"Is hunting monsters the right way to create alchemical recipes?"

"The most powerful alchemist must be the most powerful monster hunter!"

The more I thought about Mary, the more I felt that this must be the real answer.

After all, even Vera had killed countless monsters.

"Mary? 伱...are you okay?"

Watching the girl sometimes lament, sometimes feel lonely, sometimes excited... her expressions change rapidly.

The witcher felt inexplicably timid.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll get you the crucible..."

After Mary came back to her senses, she felt Aylin's eyes suddenly turn red, and she trotted into the house.

"Da da da~"

The sound of tiny footsteps faded away.

At this time.

Suddenly, Ayrin and Yennefer were the only two people left in the courtyard.

to be honest.

Although logically speaking, Aylin was the one who adopted the little monster.

But actually.

Due to talent and gender.

Mary's relationship with her was the closest, while Aylin's usual contact was very little.

after all.

Although Yennefer was famous in her previous life, he liked the role very much.

But just after the novelty of meeting "celebrities" and collecting "SSRs" passed.

To Aelin, Yennefer is actually more of a poor person who was rejected and abused by her father.

Just a child who doesn't like to talk, but is so sensible that it's heartbreaking.

So when they were alone, Aylin didn't know what to say.

There was silence for a few seconds.

The demon hunter looked at the little monster who was tightly covering his body with black cloth, motionless like a black statue, and asked as softly as possible:

"How is life in the temple?"


"Is magic difficult to learn?"


"Don't be afraid if you encounter any problems, just ask Ms. Vera directly. Although she looks cold, she is still very nice..."


Okay, end of topic.

The witcher scratched his head slightly embarrassed.

It could be seen that the little monster, completely shrouded in black cloth, didn't seem to want to talk to him.

He coughed twice, looked at Vera's residence knowingly, and stopped talking.


At this time, Mary also walked out of the house carrying a big bag and rescued him.

"Ai... Aylin," Mary took a few breaths and said, "I have put the crucible, alchemy pen, and other things you may need in my bag."

"Thank you, Mary." The witcher thanked him softly and took the big leather bag.

"Actually, you can also make alchemy here," Mary smiled after hearing Aylin's thanks. "The instructor has also arranged an alchemy room here, which is exactly the same as the one in Kaer Morhen."

"But there are not many types of magic materials in reserve..."

"What are they?" Aylin asked curiously.

If he had all the materials, there was really no need for him to go back and do it. After all, it was the goddess's sanctuary.

"You have refined sword oil, magic potions, and the alchemy bomb called Bei Feng..." Mary plucked her fingers, "There are all the materials required for these recipes, but these are the only ones left..."

If the overlap is not high, then you still have to go back and refine it... Aylin shook his head.


"Is there both bear fat and flea tape?" he asked.

"There are quite a few of them," Mary recalled for a moment and asked curiously, "Do you want to refine ghost oil?"


You want to refine ghost oil...

Aelin thought.

Ghost oil is very simple.

On the way here, he had already taught Mary.

As for Aylin.

Moon dust is also a powerful weapon against demon spirits.

After refining Blizzard, he planned to concentrate on refining a few more Moon Dust, just in case.

After sorting out his words, the witcher told Mary about last night's "dream", the high priest's reaction this morning, and his own speculations.

"Isn't there any way to get rid of that evil god's curse?"

After listening to Aylin's statement, Mary asked worriedly.

"It's not clear yet," Aylin smiled gently and comforted, "but it should be solved on May Day..."

"Eh~" Mary sighed softly, a little disappointed, "I didn't expect that something unexpected would happen during the May Festival in Elland..."


Mary looked seriously into Aylin's eyes and said:

"I can't help with anything else, but I will try my best to refine ghost oil in the past few days..."

"When my mentor comes back, I will tell her about this matter. Maybe she will have other ideas..."

Aylin nodded and was about to leave when he saw the little monster.

He thought for a while and said:

"By the way, I would like to ask if Ms. Vera can send Yennefer and Royce back to Kaer Morhen..."

"Although this is the temple of the goddess, but..."

The demon hunter paused:

"Kaer Morhen is safer now."

"You'd better..."

"I want to stay here," Mary interrupted, "I can protect myself, and don't you still need someone to refine the ghost oil?"

"But..." She glanced at the little monster, "I will talk to my mentor about this."

Aylin could only nod when he heard this.

He took one more look at the little monster, then picked up the big bag and left.

Wait until the witcher's back disappears from sight.

Mary looked down at Yennefer and asked:

"Are you afraid of Aelin?"

The black cloth moved.

Mary knew she was shaking her head and asked curiously:

"Then why don't you say goodbye to him?"

"I see that you didn't even say a few words to him when he was here..."

The black cloth man shrank his body and was silent for a few seconds before saying:

"I'm not afraid of him..."

"I just... I just don't want to talk to him like this anymore..."

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