Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 260: The only way to survive is to eat soft rice

A family?

The witcher was stunned.

Ianna was Vera's adopted daughter, and he had only learned alchemy with the sorceress for a few days, which seemed a bit far-fetched.

But he looked at Ianna's meaningful eyes and did not deny it.

No matter what, being regarded as a family by the high priest of a positive god sect would not be a bad thing...

Of course, he did not shamelessly agree, but just nodded vaguely, thanked her again, and skipped this section.

It was already dark.

Ianna and Aylin did not talk for a few words, and then walked into the temple.

"Let's go, good boy, fill your stomach first, and then I will take you to find Vera and Vesemir..."


The work and rest of the witcher world is different from the previous life. Although it was just night, there were no people walking in the temple.

Or it can be said that only fixed places are crowded.

For example, places specially used for delivery.

After all, life does not choose the time to be born.

Under the crackling light of the torches on the roadside, a few priests in a hurry also walked towards that place. When they saw Ianna, they just nodded and left.

However, although there were few pedestrians, it was not as quiet as other places at night.

At least with the keen perception of the demon hunter, he could hear anxious calls and lively cries from time to time.

It made people feel inexplicably at ease and comfortable.

When they walked to the cafeteria, it was already past meal time and there was no one inside.

However, the demon hunter who followed the high priest of the temple would definitely not be hungry.

He watched Ianna tinkering in the inner room, heating a small pot of milk and frying a few eggs.

Then he took out a basket of bread from somewhere.

When Ianna was busy, the demon hunter was naturally embarrassed to rest, but he was rejected several times when he wanted to help.

Watching Ianna skillfully frying eggs and heating milk, and thinking of the "family" just now, the demon hunter inexplicably had the illusion that they were really relatives.

After coming back to his senses, he could only sigh in his heart that the priest of the goddess Meliteli lived up to her reputation and was really friendly.

Ianna brought the fried eggs and hot milk sprinkled with a little salt to the table and said:

"We came back too late, so we can only fill our stomachs with simple food."

"It's already very good." The witcher gently put down the basket of bread in his hand and shook his head.


There is salt, oil, eggs, milk and bread.

Although this meal is not rich, it is already a luxury in this world of scarcity.

Especially after drinking a big bowl of steaming milk, the warm heat radiates from the stomach, as if driving away the fatigue of the day.

At least on the journey without Mary, Arlin and Vesemir mostly took dry food to fill their stomachs.

Hearing the words of the witcher, Ianna looked at Arlin's cat eyes for some reason and suddenly sighed and gently rubbed his hair.

There was a complex taste in her eyes that the witcher could not read.

Leaving the cafeteria, the witcher followed Ianna to find Vera.

Speaking of which, since the sorceress suddenly took out a lot of materials and left for some reason that day, he had not seen the sorceress and Mary for three or four days.

Vesemir came here yesterday with Lysa who was delivering food.

These days, he has been searching for books about the Wild Hunt in the temple collection with Nenneke and Lysa.

However, due to the huge volume, Nenneke and Lysa are priests after all, and they still have temple affairs to deal with.

So far, several people have only selected books that may have related content and have not officially started reading.

"What is Ms. Vera doing these days?" Walking on the secluded gravel path, the witcher looked at Ianna curiously.

Ianna thought for a few seconds and said:

"When I saw her yesterday, she seemed to be teaching Margarita and Yennefer..."

Vera teaches Mary and the little monster?

Isn't it Mary who teaches the little monster?

Alin was a little strange.

When he was in Kaer Morhen, every time he went to the alchemy room.

Mary was either lying on the table in a coma, or struggling to make potions, and rarely in the third state.

The scene of Ms. Vera teaching Mary like a normal teacher has never appeared.

However, seeing that Ianna thought for a long time, it was known that she didn't know the situation, so the witcher didn't ask any more questions.


"... Be especially careful when introducing fire magic, not only because the fire element is the most violent and difficult to control among the four basic elements that make up chaos magic..."

"...Moreover, any fire spell will cause far more pain than other magic in the process of absorbing magic due to the leakage of magic..."

"And this can easily cause inexperienced spellcasters to lose control of magic and cause self-immolation."

"This is also the reason why Aretuza only teaches a harmless illumination spell to get started with fire spells, and prohibits the use of this spell in the academy..."

The witcher caught Vera's voice from a distance.

It sounded like the sorceress was really giving a class, and she was teaching the most dangerous fire spell.

This was not a class that a little monster could learn.

When he got closer, Ailin suddenly felt the temperature of his body increase a lot, as if he was close to a stove.

After Vera's voice stopped, Mary's spell chanting came.


Wait until the Witcher and Ianna turn a corner.

A scorching light illuminated the night.

Follow closely.


This ball of light fell on the ground and instantly expanded into a sea of ​​burning fire that was almost two meters long and wide.

Wave after wave of heat heated the air to the point of distortion, and Ailin, who was at least a hundred meters away, felt like he was in the scorching summer noon.

The power is amazing.

However, the witcher used the light of the sea of ​​​​fire to see Mary after the spell was cast, her face was so pale that she looked sickly.

He frowned, pursed his lips, and had beads of sweat on his forehead.

It was very painful to watch.

After nearly half a minute, he snorted twice and regained his breath.

Vera looked at Mary's look and shook her head unsatisfied:

"You have to get used to this feeling, get used to the pain of flames burning your blood vessels, otherwise you will never be able to use the Flare Technique freely, let alone other more powerful spells..."

"With your level of magic power, fire magic is the fastest way to improve combat. There is no other way..."

"I understand, mentor." Mary breathed again, wiped her sweat, and seemed to be preparing to do it again.

At this time.

The roar of the fire gradually died down, and both sorceresses heard the hum of the witcher's school insignia.

"Ai Lin, why are you here?" Vera asked in surprise, "Are you lacking any materials?"

The demon hunter was embarrassed when he heard this.

Could it be that he came here only because he was short of materials?

Seeing Vera raising her hand as if to snap her fingers, the demon hunter quickly shook his head and stopped:

"It's not a lack of materials, it's not a lack of materials, there's something I want to ask you..."

Then tell Vera everything that happened today.

"Two hundred thousand orens is indeed less..." The sorceress nodded, "Based on the value of corpse-eating oil, anything less than one million is considered cheap."


"Are you really going to sell the formula?"

Ailin's heart moved when he heard this.

From the time the old Duke made the bid to the time he came back, he had been thinking about this issue.

He is not short of money.

The Wolf School is not lacking for the time being.

Therefore, he naturally does not want to sell a formula like corpse-eating biological oil that can bring him a steady stream of profits.

But there is a problem.

There are less than a hundred demon hunters of the Wolf School, and they can't make much money just selling potions if they have the formula stuck in their hands.

Perhaps even if the old duke placed the order, they could not complete it, and instead offended the big benefactor.

What's more, they are demon hunters, not alchemists. It is impossible for them to spend their time refining medicine instead of hunting demons for such a small amount of money.

This will make the corpse-eating creature oil not only fail to strengthen the school, but also greatly weaken it.

Hiring civilians is even more impossible.

Let’s not talk about the issue of leaking secrets or not.

In this world of demon hunters where the nobles are still illiterate, cultivating civilians who can process sword oil would cost a lot of money and take a long time.

As for working with the old Duke...

If only the formula is yours, the place and people are provided by the nobles, and you still want to share the money in a partnership like a company in the previous life...

That can only be said to underestimate the appetite of these nobles.

So after a short period of thinking, the witcher failed to come up with a suitable method.

"Ms. Vera, do you think it would be better to keep the formula?"

Aylin asked tentatively, and then expressed all his concerns.

But before Vera could speak, Mary made a surprised sound beside her.

"Ai Lin, why do you want to sell formulas?"

"Doesn't the mentor have several alchemy workshops?"

"The potions used by students of Arethusa are basically produced in this workshop."

How many alchemy workshops?

It is also the designated partner of Aretusa, the only school for warlock girls in the northern continent.

The witcher looked at Vera in surprise.

He knew that the sorceress was rich, but he didn't expect to be so rich.


The witcher recalled.

No wonder that in Kaer Morhen, no matter what material she wanted, the sorceress could teleport it with a snap of her fingers.

A few days ago, I also summoned a lot of magic materials in the icon room with a snap of my fingers...

That's right...

This person who sells magic potions, can he have less magic materials?

The sorceress nodded and said:

"If you believe me, I can arrange for some people to produce potions..."

Seeing Aylin's expression was a little confused, he paused and explained:

"I thought you didn't want to spread the magic potion you created and only teach it to the demon hunters of the Wolf School, so I didn't mention this matter..."

"If you want to entrust us to produce, I can not... um... only charge 1% of the employment fee..."

One percent...

Isn't this working for him for nothing?

The witcher felt a little confused.

"Then the old Duke..." Aylin asked.

"I will arrange for him to discuss the purchase price and quantity. They are all experienced businessmen..."

This moment.

The witcher discovered a serious problem.

It seemed like he was thinking so much for nothing.

The only thing he had to do from beginning to end was to hug Ms. Vera's thigh...

That alone is enough.


Why is the sorceress so nice to him?

After being together for such a long time, it is difficult for the witcher to doubt whether Vera has ulterior motives or hidden malice.

But such selfless dedication.

It seems that simply using what she called "investment" or the overflowing maternal love that Aylin thought the sorceress could not have children.

It's a bit difficult to explain.

"Why are you so good to me?" Aylin hesitated for a second and asked.

The sorceress was stunned for a moment and restrained her smile:

"Why not?"

"You are the child of miracles, the child of miracles destined to save the world..." Maybe Mary was there, this sentence rang in the mind of the demon hunter.

He didn't quite believe this reason, but seeing that the sorceress was unwilling to say, he didn't ask further.

Instead, he lowered his head and pondered for a while, and said:

"Ten percent... Ten percent commission, one percent is too little..."

"Okay, okay," Vera did not refuse, smiled gently, and said: "All up to you."


After the matter of the corpse-eating biological oil was resolved, Aylin naturally had no need to go to Vesemir.

Seeing that Vera and Mary were interested in what happened today, they told everything along the way.

Ianna added a few words from time to time, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Until the demon hunter suddenly remembered the scene he saw when he came here, and asked Mary curiously:

"Why did you suddenly think of learning fire magic?"

Even he knew that Mary's original ambition was to become an alchemist like Vera.

There was no reason to learn such a painful and dangerous spell.

He didn't think he was charming enough to change the ambition of a talented female sorceress.

That was too self-conceited.

But Mary didn't expect that after hearing his question, her sweet smile with two cute canine teeth suddenly stopped.

After glaring at him, she snorted lightly and turned her head away as if she was sulking.

This made Ailin stunned for a moment, as if he had come to his senses.

But before he could think clearly.

In Ianna's "hahaha" laughter, Vera rolled her eyes at her, and then said cheerfully:

"Mary, this is for..."

Before she finished her words.

Mary didn't know where the courage came from, and she boldly interrupted the female sorceress, shouting "No! No! No!" repeatedly.

Then, at lightning speed, he pushed Ailin out of the courtyard.

"Don't listen to the teacher's nonsense! I'm not doing this for you!" Mary said with a red face as Ianna laughed louder and louder.

Vera hasn't mentioned the part after "for" yet...

Ailin thought.

But looking at the burning color on the girl's cheeks, he was worried that this sentence would really explode once he said it.

So he closed his mouth wisely and nodded.

This made Mary feel a little lost, and her heart was more confused and restless than the fire element mixed with chaotic magic.

She was silent for a while, not knowing what to say next.

The moon is full tonight.

The moonlight is like water, pouring into the courtyard, dotted with silver and white on the gravel ground.

Mary counted the white dots on the ground, trying to express some of her feelings, but after organizing her words, she blurted out another sentence:

"Wild Hunt... Can we really defeat the Wild Hunt?"

"I asked my mentor, and even she couldn't cast such powerful magic without chanting..."

"I don't think any wizard can release it now..."

"And such a Wild Hunt is just one of the large group of Skeleton Knights. I... I..."

"We can definitely defeat them." The demon hunter said firmly.

Mary looked at Aylin.

Suddenly she realized that the little demon hunter, who was almost as tall as her, had grown so tall in just half a year that she could only look up at him.

The moonlight was reflected in the cat's eyes, as if the full moon was lying on the clear sea.

The night wind brought a faint smell of blood, which made people feel trust and peace of mind inexplicably.

"I know..." Mary closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She didn't seem to need to say anything else.

"Go back now?" She looked at the courtyard with lights flashing in the dark.

The witcher thought about it and shook his head.

"No, it's getting late. I have to go back to the icon room. Tell Madam Vera and Sister Ianna for me."

Mary nodded and looked at Aylin again. Seeing that there was nothing else to do, she turned around and walked back.

Not far away.

She suddenly heard the witcher's voice behind her.

He said "thank you".

Then he said "take care of yourself and get some rest".


The girl's face suddenly showed a smile more beautiful than the moonlight.

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