Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 257 He is dead!


Hearing Aylin's words, Ianna was stunned, looked at the old Duke who came over, and laughed kindly.

"It's okay, it's just a few wolves..."

Then, she took Aylin's hand and came to the clearing.

Salt, chalk, magic dust, and two small jars of yellow liquid surround a stand supported by three logs.

Noticing Aylin's gaze resting on the jar of liquid, Ianna explained with a smile:

"That's wyvern urine."

"This is a simple exorcism ritual used to drive away beasts and monsters. The core of the ritual is the urine of the flying dragon."

As Ianna explained, she drew circles on the ground with chalk.

Aylin squatted aside and carefully observed Ianna's movements.

"The entire ritual is to diffuse the smell of urine and amplify the special magical fluctuations belonging to the flying dragon contained in it..."

He understands this.

Just like wild beasts, they mark their territory with urine.


"Does it have to be the urine of a wyvern?" he asked curiously.

Realizing that Aylin had noticed the key part, Ianna nodded with satisfaction:

"Of course not. I used the urine of the flying dragon this time just because the magic material in the old Duke's warehouse has the best effect. After all, the flying dragon is born with a hint of dragon pressure."

"As long as it is a material with strong monster smell and magical properties, it will be fine, but be careful..."

Yianna paused and emphasized:

"Urine, feces, or other body secretions can be used, but remember not to use blood..."

"Moreover, you also need to understand the distribution of local monsters. If there are natural enemies of the main monster, it will be easy to attract the natural enemies..."

Hearing this, Aylin's eyebrows moved.

So after selecting the ritual materials, this exorcism ritual can also be turned into a "devil-baiting incense"?

For him, this seems to be more effective than the exorcism ritual!

Ordinary demon hunters may not dare to use it, fearing that it will attract some monsters that cannot be dealt with.

But he's not afraid.

The curse of the evil god is about to be lifted. With the strength of the monsters in the demon hunter world and his spatial skills, even if he can't defeat them, he can still see that the situation is bad and leave.

This exorcism ritual is simply a magical tool for killing monsters!

"Originally, according to the schedule, you will study tomorrow, but since today is a coincidence, let's study it in advance..."

After the ritual circle was drawn, it seemed that we had reached a difficult point, and Ianna stopped laughing and joking:

"Look carefully, the following is the difficulty of the whole ceremony..."

After hearing this, Aylin was immediately focused on every small movement of Ianna, and did not notice a guard coming from the direction where he killed the wolves.

The guard walked up to the old duke who was standing upright, and whispered to the old duke about the condition of the eight wolf corpses.

A long while.

The old Duke waved his hand.

The guard bowed and returned to the team.

Eight wolves were naturally not enough to surprise the well-informed old Duke, but they were certainly not something that a demon hunter who had just passed the trial could handle.

And judging from the death of the wolves, even experienced demon hunters would find it difficult to solve it so easily.


It is unclear whether this demon hunter named Aylin is as strong as a master demon hunter, but at least he is not weak.


Even now he didn't fully accept Blue Death's statement.

Having spent his life fighting for Temeria and serving as minister of the Vizima court for more than ten years, he never believed rumors when it came to seeing people, only his own eyes.

What's more, Ianna insisted on taking the demon hunter with her when setting off.

What could this mean?

So he had to confirm it himself.


It was also because the news from the Warlock Advisor was too legendary.

The demon hunter who just passed the trial killed four large monsters and saved the city of wizards - Ben Ade...

The legendary heroes who destroyed evil gods for mankind were nothing more than that.

Worse than the tales concocted by bards...

An hour later.


The wolf emblem trembles.

Under the bright spring sun, the ritual circle flashed an undetectable white light.

A strong fishy smell came from the magic circle, making Aylin's nose shrug unconsciously:

"There are still about ten days until May Day, is it okay to start the ceremony so early?" he asked curiously.

Ianna smoothed her hair, which was a little messy due to the ceremony, and said:

"It takes time for the smell and magic wave to spread, and the monsters also need time to escape, so it is just right to set up a magic circle at this time."

That makes sense... Aelin nodded.

"Let's go, there are still four places to decorate..." The old Duke looked at the sky while walking towards the carriage.

Yianna and Aelin followed.

I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck.

Ceremonies were arranged in three places one after another, and no one in the car encountered any monsters.

I don’t know if his models were intimidated by the size of the fleet.

After all, ghouls are not as brainless as water ghosts.

They even know how to coordinate attacks like a pack of wolves, knowing how to surround, flank, and attack from behind.

To this.

In addition to Aylin himself who felt a little pity, Ianna and Duke Mason were also a little disappointed and even a little confused.

Because of the past few years.

Although there are not many zombies attacking the carriage every year and they are not strong, almost every one of the last three locations will encounter such a wave of attacks.

But this year, there was not a single zombie.

However, the main purpose of this trip is to arrange the ceremony for the May Festival in the near future.

So although it is a bit strange, it is a good thing after all, and they can't deliberately cause trouble for monsters.

After arranging the second ceremony, the caravan stopped for lunch.

Ailin also had a big meal with Ianna.

Beef stew with red wine, grilled bone-in steak, apple pie, baked pudding...

There is also fruit wine that is of unknown brand but very expensive at first glance.

Although there were no monsters attacking, Ailin did not do nothing except eating.

Except for the second ceremony, which was still completed by Ianna, the remaining two ceremonies were completed by Ailin alone.

This made the old duke a little dumbfounded, and he tried to find an opportunity to ask Ianna twice whether she had taught Ailin the ceremony in advance.

Then he received the loud boasting and ridicule of the high priest.

It also made the witcher realize once again the high status of the Meliteli Church in the northern continent, at least in the Temeria region.

"Wheel~ Wheel~"

The carriage continued to move towards the final destination.

The sun shone on the black carriage, making the carriage warm, which was the most suitable temperature for enjoying spring sleepiness.

In fact, there were indeed people in the carriage who closed their eyes to rest.

After all, the old duke and Ianna were not young anymore. After being tired from the journey, they closed their eyes and leaned on the soft cushions.

In fact, the witcher was very curious all the way.

The high priest was fine, but he needed to arrange the ceremony.

The old duke had no role, so why did he follow all the way?

And even if he had to arrange the ceremony, the difficulty of the exorcism ceremony could reach the ritual study level 4, but Ailin didn't believe that there were no other priests in the temple except the high priest who could arrange it.

The high priest looked seventy or eighty years old, and the old duke looked even older.

Why didn't anyone stop him?

Listening to the sound of the wheels, Ailin was bored and carefully looked at the two old men with their eyes closed.

At this moment.

The accident that several people had been waiting for came.


The noise was very small after being weakened by the carriage, but it was still captured by the sharp hearing of the demon hunter.

He instinctively looked at the carved iron door of the carriage.

The next second.

Continuous whistles and commotions came from the front and back of the carriage.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The door of the carriage was knocked.

The driver, who always spoke calmly, rarely had some tremors in his tone.

"My Lord... Duke, hold the handrail, a large group of ghouls suddenly rushed over from the woods next to you..."

At the same time.

"Be careful of the ghouls!"

"Be alert!!! Protect My Lord Duke!!!"

The knights' sharp shouts were intermittently transmitted into the carriage.

"How can you be so panicked!" The old duke glared, cursed, and asked, "Tell me clearly, how many are there in a large group?"

Alin was concentrating on listening to the noise outside.

He found that after the old duke's curse, not only did the driver's heartbeat stabilize, but even the sound of the horses of several knights around him became much more orderly.

"I can't see clearly, Your Excellency."

"After those ghouls rushed out of the woods, they were all covered by lush weeds. Now I can only see something in the grass behind the convoy..."

"But there are at least... there are also twenty..."

"About thirty, and there is a big guy hiding in the middle..." Ailin opened his eyes to interrupt, then stood up and looked at the old duke with a tense face, "Don't stop the convoy, wait for me at the last location..."

"After dealing with the ghouls behind, I will catch up with you."

As soon as the two sentences were finished.

Ailin immediately opened the door of the carriage.

Then he paused for a moment, took out two bottles of corpse-eating biological oil from the reagent bag on his waist, and handed them to the astonished driver in front of the carriage:

"Corpse-eating biological oil, it doesn't need to be silver, it will be useful if applied to weapons..."

Then, without waiting for the reaction of the old duke and Ianna, he gently grabbed with his right hand, turned over and jumped onto the carriage.

In the carriage.

The old duke held the black cane tightly with both hands, and only came back to his senses after a light "dong" sound came from above his head.

After being stunned for a moment, he looked at Ianna who was pulling open the black velvet curtains and looking out:

"Is this kid ordering me?"

Ianna laughed and nodded solemnly:

"Yes, he is ordering you!"

"The stinky boy who just grew hair on his mouth is very courageous!" After the old duke cursed loudly, he paused and asked solemnly:

"Can he handle thirty ghouls?"

Ianna's laughter paused.

If the monsters are really weak, they will be happy to be in groups.

Every northerner has heard this proverb.

Thirty ghouls, and on such a plain...

Even a senior witcher master like Vesemir may not be able to deal with it.

Even from Arryn's tone, there is another big guy.

Ianna has never seen Arryn take action, and like the old duke, she has heard the news from others.

Her heart was originally calm, but after being asked by the old duke, she thought about it.

Suddenly, she became a little uncertain and worried.

Not only because he is Vera's child, but also because she really likes this talented and hardworking child during these few days of getting along.

If she encounters danger because of her spur-of-the-moment invitation...

She doesn't know how she should face Vera and herself at that time...

"Since you have heard the number of monsters and actively asked for a fight, it must be fine!"

The old duke's sudden self-questioning and self-answering made Ianna stunned for a moment.

But before she could speak, the coachman held up two bottles of dark red potion outside the half-open carriage door and asked:

"My Lord Duke, these two bottles..."

"Do what Master Ailin tells you to do, and then give one bottle to Arthur..." The old duke's expression became serious, and he glanced at the sheathed long sword on the coachman's waist, and ordered:

"Also... tell the guards behind not to worry about those ghouls, follow the carriage forward, someone will deal with them..."

"Yes, my Lord Duke!" The coachman paused, raised his head and saluted, and gently closed the carriage door.

At this time


A light sound suddenly came from above the heads of the old duke and Ianna, and the whole carriage seemed to bounce at this moment.

Then the whole carriage seemed to be slightly bumpy because of the weight of one less person.

Hearing the exclamations of the knights behind him, the old duke was silent for a few seconds and looked at Ianna with a worried face.

"It will be fine!" he said.


Three minutes ago.

The demon hunter grabbed the edge of the carriage and stretched his right arm.

The next second.


With a light sound, he jumped lightly and squatted on the carriage.

The wind was howling.

The grass under the sun was like the sea, raising green waves in the wind.

Climbing high and looking far.

The demon hunter immediately saw the disgusting gray-brown figure in the grass.

The closest one was less than two meters away from the knight at the end of the team, almost within reach.

To save the team from more than thirty ghouls, it would definitely not be feasible to rush over recklessly.

"We must first solve the crisis of the caravan." The demon hunter made a strategy.


The whistling wind silenced the mysterious chanting of the spell.

An ice spear as thick as a baby's arm and half a meter long flashed a sharp ice-blue cold light.

It appeared in Aylin's palm within two seconds.

Immediately afterwards.

[Demon Hunting]

At this time.

The ghoul closest to the caravan jumped suddenly, jumped out of the bushes, bared its bloody mouth and rushed towards the knight at the end of the team at lightning speed.

Although the knight was well-trained, his horse was galloping forward.

He could not attack the ghoul immediately, and could only wave his sword in panic, watching the hideous face getting closer and closer to him.

He even felt that he could smell his own stinking death breath.

But the next moment.


The blue ice spear cut through the air, with the temperature that froze the soul, and almost instantly shot into the mouth of the ghoul.

It was nailed to the soft ground.


The knight who escaped from the scythe of the god of death turned his head while gasping for breath.

A pair of cat eyes as blue as the ice spear seemed to be staring at him.

The eyes that seemed to be indifferent to life like a god almost made his heart skip a beat, and were firmly imprinted in his mind.

Before he could recover from the shock.

The next second.


Another spear of the god of death, with a chilling sound, quickly enlarged in his pupils.

The knight's mind was instantly blank.

It seemed that at this moment...

He was already dead...

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