Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 254 What wolf won’t eat the sheep at its fingertips?

[Name: Water Divination]

[Type: Magic Ritual]

[Requirement: Ritual LV2]

[Materials: Water*1, Fifth Element*2, White Myrtle Petals*2, Pearl*2, Moon Fragment*1, Berberkan Fruit*1]

[Function: Look at a body of water and briefly see an event that happened in the past two days or is happening now.

Watch past events, Ritual Difficulty LV2

Observe events that are happening now, Ritual Difficulty LV5.

Whether viewing past or current events, you must fight against the influence of the participants in the event. ]

[Note: Is the expensiveness your problem, or the problem of water divination? ]

Fifth Element, Pearl, Moon Fragment...

Pearl alone costs at least 500 Orens per piece.

Although Moon Fragment is not a real Moon Fragment, it is just a precious mineral.

But because of its clear and full feminine characteristics in mysticism, the market price of one piece is about 700 Orens.

The Chief had this item in the materials he exchanged with Ban Ade, so he remembered it very clearly.

All in all, it takes almost 3,000 orens to complete a water divination ceremony.

Even Ianna, the high priest of the Temple of Meliteli and the most noble person in the entire northern continent, couldn't help showing a distressed expression on his face when he saw Vera snap her fingers and take out these materials and let Aylin make them.

Her original plan was to let Aylin use magic messages and water divination, two rituals that are easy but very practical, to arouse his interest.

Then continue to practice the relatively low-cost ritual of the purification ritual to master the basic techniques and connotations of Ianna's ritual.

Unexpectedly, Vera took out all the materials for magic messages and water divination without hesitation.

As if they had been prepared long ago.

Of course.

Aylin wanted to refuse, but Vera's icy expression made him feel cold in his heart.

As if he was facing a natural enemy, he instinctively did not dare to refuse.

As for the result of the ritual.

In addition to obtaining a bottle of dog oil in the purification ritual.

Vera put the perfect gem with the magic message on it on her neck.

Water Divination Aelin wanted to call out the scene of the Wild Hunt galloping across the sky two days ago, but it only caused two waves on the water surface and failed.

He could only change the target in time with the help of Vera and Ianna, reflecting the large ice cluster in the floating port trading market.

In general.

Compared with the "Ritual: Flesh Giant" which only requires blood, flesh and bones, the ritual taught by Ianna is safer and more practical, but the required materials are expensive.

So Aelin's previous ideas still have some problems.

Except for the purification ritual, which is cheap and suitable for dissemination.

For the other two rituals, few demon hunters of the Wolf School can afford them for the time being, and they have no popularization value.

However, for the school and his demon hunting corps, this kind of ritual that is expensive but easy and safe is a perfect match.

For example.

Magical messages are very suitable for group actions, including but not limited to reconnaissance, exploration of underground ruins and other actions.

As for water divination, its uses are more extensive. Ailin can think of more than ten kinds now.

More importantly.

Rituals are not skills.

Although they cannot be upgraded or enhanced.

But they also will not increase Ailin's character level. No matter how many rituals he learns here, the rewards for hunting monsters will not be reduced.

It is a perfect match with the Demon Hunter's Notes!

"Da Da Da~"

The crisp footsteps came from the corridor, interrupting Ailin's thinking.

The next second.

The demon hunter's nose twitched.

The slightly sour aroma of tomato stew mixed with the sweet grain aroma of butter bread came from the corridor.

It stimulated the demon hunter's keen sense of smell.


Ailin's stomach, which had been busy all morning, suddenly growled.

The empty statue hall was suddenly filled with loud bowel sounds.

The demon hunter blushed.

"Okay, the morning is over, you can have lunch first!"

Ianna smiled and handed the ritual debris collected by the demon hunter to Nenneke who came with Lysa.

After taking the basket of lunch from the young priest, Aylin glanced at the three holy statues of the goddess.

"Uh...Is it disrespectful for the ladies to eat in front of the holy statues like this?"

Because of the sudden situation in the morning, I was absent-minded and didn't notice this.

At this time, being watched by the young girl, pregnant woman and old woman, Aylin felt a little uncomfortable.

Ianna, Nenneke and Lysa all laughed when they heard this.

"Lady Meliteli is the mother of all things," Lysa smiled with her hand covering her mouth, "Do you feel disrespectful to your mother when you eat in front of her, Aylin?"

As soon as the young priest finished speaking.

The entire holy statue hall seemed to be frozen.

At first, Lysa took the ritual debris normally, but when Nenneke gently poked her lower back, she reacted.

"Sorry... I forgot about you... I didn't mean it..."

The little priest apologized in a flustered manner.

"It's okay..." The demon hunter smiled, "I'm used to it!"

He really didn't care.

After all, he has been alone for more than 30 years, and he is no longer the child who is overly sensitive at every turn.

The little priest confirmed for a long time, and found that he really didn't care, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time.


A snap of fingers.

On the other side, two large shelves suddenly appeared, with a large number of magic materials neatly arranged.

Among them, there were even extremely expensive materials such as pearls and mithril.

The magic glow was intertwined.

The magic power fluctuations of the Holy Icon Hall instantly made the school badge on the chest of the demon hunter buzz continuously.

Vera suddenly turned around, with her back to the demon hunter and facing the magic materials:

"I have other things to do these days, so I won't come."

"Ianna, when practicing, if there are any materials you need, just take them from here..."

The sorceress left without saying hello to others.

Among the few people left, except Ianna, they all looked at each other blankly.

After a few seconds of silence, Lisa asked carefully:

"Is it because of me?"

Ianna gently patted the little priest's shoulder and said softly:

"Good boy, it has nothing to do with you..."

Then she looked at the demon hunter who was also confused, sighed softly in her heart, and nodded slightly.

She also left.

Leaving the sanctuary and walking into the garden.

Not far away, Ianna saw Vera.

She was staring at a bright red carnation.

After Ianna approached, she stared at the sorceress for a long time before she said with some gloating:

"I thought you would cry..."

"I just feel a little uncomfortable..." The sorceress did not look back.

She looked at the blood-red, layered and bent petals and repeated:

"It's just a little uncomfortable..."

Ianna had never seen Vera like this.

Weird, brave, mean, vengeful...

She had seen many faces of Vera, but she had never seen this one.

So lost, so exhausted and evasive...

This made Ianna suddenly jealous of the boy in the sanctuary who was less than one-sixth of her age.


Only a little.

She took a deep breath, silently recited the lady's prayer, and calmed down the emotions that shouldn't be in her heart.

Then, she said:

"Really not going to tell him?"

There was a long silence.

Vera retracted her gaze from the petals and stared into Ianna's eyes.


She shook her head firmly.

Ianna looked at Vera's expressionless face and sighed helplessly again:

"Don't worry, I won't tell him."


Three days later in the morning.


"Not bad... not bad..." Ianna retracted her right hand and nodded with satisfaction, "I can no longer find the energy of the evil god in your body."

"But just in case, you still have to stay here for seven days before leaving..."

The warm current in the body gradually disappeared, and Ailin confirmed it again with some regret.

The wolf emblem could not see the energy that Ianna called divine power.


"Don't worry, Sister Ianna," he said jokingly after opening his eyes, "How can I bear to leave before I finish learning all your rituals?"

"I wish I could stay a few more days..."

"Hahaha~" Hearing this, Ianna laughed a few times and touched Ailin's hair kindly:

"A few days ago, Sister and you were joking."

"As long as you want to learn, you can learn here for as many days as you want. Even if you don't go back to Kaer Morhen, Sister can still support you..."

Then... it's not necessary...

Alin thought.

There are still many things waiting for him in the Ancient Sea Fortress...

"What a pity..."

Ianna changed her tone and stroked Ailin's hair, saying with some regret:

"It's a pity that there are not many rituals you can learn here, Sister."

"With the learning speed of your little monster, it is estimated that it will not take a few days for Sister to empty her..."


There are not many rituals to learn?

Ailin was stunned when he heard this and looked at the ritual book in Ianna's arms.

In addition to learning three rituals at once on the first morning.

On average, he learned a ritual in half a day these days, and it was slower and slower as time went on.

Even if he spent thirteen experience beads on the first night to upgrade his ritual skills to LV5, it would still be the same.

Or, if he hadn't upgraded his ritual skills to LV5, he wouldn't have been so fast.

After all.

It's not learning rituals that takes time, but arranging them.

Yesterday, he learned a large ritual, and it took him half a day just to arrange and process the materials and complete a basic ritual array.

Of course.

The array called Life Ritual, which can increase the healing ability by a percentage, is indeed worth such a long time.

So the number of rituals that Ailin learned in these three days was actually less than double digits.

"Is Mammy exhausted so quickly?" Ailin asked in surprise.

Ianna didn't get angry either. She spread out the book in her arms and pointed to a ritual in the book:

"Do you want to learn this ritual?"

Of course...

Ailin was about to say this, but when he saw the name of the ritual, his face suddenly turned red.

On the ancient yellowed parchment, it was written "Pregnancy Ceremony".

"And this..."

Ianna turned another page.

This time it was "Normal Birth Ceremony".

"The following ceremony is quite suitable for you..." Ianna turned another page, "But you are not old enough, and..."

She smiled wickedly: "I heard that you demon hunters don't seem to need a ceremony to liven up the fun..."

Written on the forehead of the book was a name that looked like a potion - "Stag's Blood".

After Aylin glanced at it, he stroked his forehead helplessly:

"Aunt Ianna, stop teasing me..."

After getting to know the high priest these days, Aylin found that Ianna was a kind and gentle grandmother.

He is gentle and considerate, and has no secrets when teaching rituals.

But at the same time, she likes to tease him like this from time to time, which is somewhat of a bad taste.

"Hahaha~" Ianna laughed twice more after hearing Aylin's words, and then stared at the blue cat eyes for a long time.

Seeing him dodge with numbness, he asked:

"What's the matter, Aunt Ianna, what's the matter?"

Yianna shook her head and sighed:

"If it weren't for your eyes, I sometimes really doubt whether you are a demon hunter..."

Aylin was stunned, and before he could answer, he heard Ianna continue:

"Which demon hunter of your age didn't go around looking for women when he first came down from the mountain..."

"If it weren't for the fact that little demon hunters at this time often don't have money, they would like to live in the pink tavern every day..."

"Just like your mentor Vesemir, there are still rumors in Elrand about the ridiculous things he did when he first became a demon hunter..."

"And you..."

Yianna looked Aylin up and down, smacked her lips, and said:

"How can a wolf not even eat the lamb that is brought to its mouth..."

The witcher was speechless for a moment.

After a few seconds of silence, he forcibly changed the topic and said:

"So is this kind of ritual the next thing?"

Hearing this, Yianna looked at Aylin pitifully, then sighed and said:

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, relax appropriately and combine work with rest is the right way..."


Aylin suddenly couldn't hold himself any longer.

The high priest of Zhengshen, his elder, seemed to be hinting at him to let him vent his stress through...?

Ianna seemed to see what the witcher was thinking, and pointed at the icon of the girl and the pregnant woman:

"Unlike the serious Cliff, Lady is the goddess of fertility..."

"Facing one's own desires is worthy of encouragement in the teachings of women..."

"Aunt Ianna, let's talk about the ceremony..." Aylin felt that he could not convince the high priest, so he chose to change the topic again.

This time Yianna did not expand further, but sighed again and said "Cherish the people in front of you", and then said seriously:

"After all, I am the high priest of the Meliteli Temple. Many rituals are related to pregnancy and harvest..."

"So although there are still some rituals you can learn, there really aren't many anymore."

Aylin nodded and breathed a sigh of relief:

"In that case, Sister Yianna, just leave the rest of the ceremony to me!"

"Okay, okay," Ianna heard the witcher's urging, ruffled his hair hard, and sighed softly:

"I really owe you..."


The witcher holding his hair caught the key word.

But before he could ask questions.

"Da da da~"

The sound of hurried footsteps suddenly came from outside the corridor.

"A little lamb is coming..."

Ianna's ears twitched and she glanced at the witcher.

The next second.

Lysa appeared at a trot.

"What's wrong, Lysa?"

"High Priest, the old Duke is eager to find you..."

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