Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 241: Wild Hunt's Thoughts

"Alin, what do you think?" Vesemir tilted his head and asked seriously.

The attitude of the demon hunter master to humbly listen to the opinions of a 14 or 15-year-old child made the dwarves John Kramer and Ernesto feel a little strange.

Although they all knew that this 14 or 15-year-old child was also a demon hunter master.

But such a picture really gave people a very strong sense of contrast.

Especially the blackbeard dwarf.

As a close friend of Vesemir and having adventured together in the northern continent, he understood Vesemir's stubborn character too deeply.

It was hard to imagine that he would listen to a child, especially this child was Vesemir's own apprentice.

At least for the sake of their own prestige, the dwarf blacksmiths would not let their apprentices express different opinions in front of outsiders.

Facing everyone's gaze, Aylin organized his words and said:

"Master Vesemir is right. We know nothing about the Wild Hunt now. If we rush to chase it, we will definitely get nothing."

"But there are people in this world who know about the Wild Hunt..."

"Are you talking about the Viper School?" Ernesto had a flash of inspiration.

Aylin nodded and said:

"To be precise, it is the Grand Master of the Viper School, Iva Evil Eye."

"You mean to ask Grand Master Iva Evil Eye to come and deal with the Wild Hunt?" Vesemir felt that this idea was a little unreliable. "The Grand Master has not left Nilfgaard for nearly a hundred years. Are you sure he will come?"

In the master group of the Wolf School, he was not responsible for communicating with other schools.

But he had also heard some rumors about the Viper School.

Although this school was indeed established because of the original intention of the school founder Iva Evil Eye to eliminate the Wild Hunt.

But in recent years, there have been many rumors from Nilfgaard that the Viper School has fallen to the level of accepting assassination commissions like the dregs of the Cat School.

So Vesemir expressed doubts about whether this school and Ivar the Evil Eye still adhere to their original intentions.

"If they knew that we really saw the Wild Hunt, Grand Master Ivar would definitely come..."

Alin also knew Vesemir's concerns.

However, the assassination of the King of the Viper School in the previous life was a major event throughout the main line of the second generation game.

Because of his interest, Alin once specially collected information about the Viper School.

Vesemir only knew that the Evil Eye of the Grand Master of the Viper School could see the Wild Hunt, but he didn't know that this was not something he could see, but something he had to see.

In the official setting.

Ivar the Evil Eye's eyes could not help but keep seeing the bloody scenes of the Wild Hunt's ghost knights looting, slaughtering and conquering.

Those ghost knights were his obsession.

Even Vesemir might not know this.

Ivar the Evil Eye even had a conflict with Anahad, the founder of the Bear School, because of the Wild Hunt.

Ivar betrayed Anahad.

He almost killed him.

How could such an Ivar the Evil Eye not come after knowing the exact news of the Wild Hunt?

However, there was no way for Aylin to say what he was thinking, and the existing reasons were not enough to convince Vesemir.

So Aylin changed his statement:

"Even if Grandmaster Ivar didn't come, he would definitely send a few demon hunters from the Viper School to send the relevant research on the Wild Hunt."

"Besides, it is not realistic to expect Grandmaster Ivar to solve the Wild Hunt alone."

"I would rather let him teach us how to deal with the Wild Hunt..."

"Dwarf's beard! You want to deal with the Wild Hunt?" The black-bearded dwarf shouted in surprise.

Seeing the huge ice cluster like a city gate, and even learning from the scholars of the Bull Castle that such a spell was just cast by the Wild Hunt at will.

He had never heard of a warlock who could do this.

Where did this foolish boy get the courage to actually fight against that legendary monster?

"We have to fight against it..." Arlin shook his head, "The Wild Hunt has already appeared. Instead of relying on luck and not encountering these monsters, it is better to find a way to solve this trouble."

Vesemir heard this and looked at the expression of the young witcher. His eyebrows moved, as if he had realized something.

But he didn't speak.

Mary was about to speak but stopped.

The dwarf and Ernesto looked at each other and immediately stood in awe.

"I didn't expect that you are young and have such a good idea." The dwarf praised.

"I didn't expect that you would be willing to do this for the mother and daughter." Ernesto also sighed, "I always thought that witchers were emotionless..."

Arlin heard this and opened his mouth but didn't have time to speak.

"Only the demon hunters of the Bear School will lose their emotions due to mutation!" Blackbeard glanced at him, "I, a dwarf who runs a tavern, know this, and you are a professor of mysticism in Niubao."

Ernesto was not angry either, he laughed and explained:

"My research direction is not demon hunters, but the connection between ancient myths and legends in mysticism..."

Vesemir, who was dizzy, interrupted quickly:

"Then, who will inform the Viper School of the news of the Wild Hunt?"

After speaking.

Everyone looked at Ernesto at the same time.

"Okay, okay, I will go to Nilfgaard to send a letter to the Viper School." Ernesto shook his head helplessly.

"Hahaha, of course you, you were going to go anyway!" The dwarf laughed.

After explaining to the mother and daughter upstairs, except for Mary who looked a little unhappy, the faces of others were much relieved.

"However, I have to wait until my journey to Nilfgaard is over..." Ernesto added with a smile, "This was an appointment made before coming here."

"That's natural." Vesemir nodded.

At this time, the dwarf brought a large barrel of beer from behind the bar, poured a glass for everyone at the table, including Aylin and Mary, and asked curiously:

"By the way, where are you planning to go on this trip?"

"Thank you~" Ernesto took the beer, took a sip, and said casually: "Ban Ade from Kaedwen..."

"I have a project that requires some information, and only Henry Gedimidis, the dean of Ban Ade College, has it. It cannot be borrowed."

"So I can only go there and watch it before coming back..."

Before he finished speaking, Ernesto noticed that everyone at the table was looking at him with strange eyes.

He subconsciously touched his face and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The dwarf's beard!" Blackbeard looked at Ernesto as if he were looking at a dead person. "Fortunately, I asked this question. Don't you know that the king of Kaedwen died in Ben Ard?"

"Huh?" Ernesto put down his glass in confusion.

"Hakthoor, the Big Eater, died at the intersection of the celestial spheres in Ben Ad," Blackbeard glanced at him pitifully and added, "When he died, Vesemir and Aylin were at the scene, and they saw it with their own eyes. See."

"Aelin should have been awarded the title of Master Demon Hunter because he killed two large monsters in Ben Ad, right?"

The accurate information made him stroke his thick beard proudly, and after looking at Vesemir, he looked at Aylin.

Ailin smiled cooperatively and said nothing.

"Wait..." Ernesto felt like his mind was in a mess.

How come the king of Kaedwen died inexplicably, and died at his destination.

There is also the intersection of the celestial sphere...

Didn’t that disappear hundreds of years ago?

What on earth is this dwarf talking about?

Seeing that his eyes were blank and clean, Vesemir kindly told him the ordinary version of the death of the king.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Ernesto slapped the table with gleaming eyes and said excitedly:

"That's even more important!"

"The intersection of the celestial spheres... That is a convergence of the celestial spheres that has never happened in a hundred years..."

"Dwarf's beard! Are you crazy?" Ernesto's fanatical look made Blackbeard take a sip of beer to suppress his shock. "The king died on the territory of those damn wizards..."

"You know right away that that kind of place must be very dangerous. How dare you go there?"

Ernesto took a sip of beer and shook it:

"What do I, a foreign scholar, fear?"

"The internal political struggle in Kaedwen will never affect me..."


Ernesto paused excitedly:

"The intersection of the heaven and earth has not happened for hundreds of years. Now the wizards seem to have found a way for the heaven and earth to meet."

"A little danger is nothing."

Aylin looked at Ernesto's expression of "I will die if I hear the truth in the morning", then glanced at Vesemir, and interrupted his illusion:

"I also advise you not to go to Ban Ade..."

"Why?" Ernesto and the dwarf both looked over curiously.

"Because of the war..." Vesemir sighed and continued, "Aedirn is sending troops to Kaedwen."

"We came from Vengerberg. That city has been under martial law due to the upcoming war..."

"A few days ago, the guards in the city were catching armed homeless people and mercenaries, so what you are encountering now is not political risk..."

The table suddenly became quiet.

The cold wind pouring in from outside the half-missed door seemed to carry the bloody and rusty smell of war at the moment.

Ernesto and the dwarf looked at each other.

The next second, the occult professor from Niubu understood what was happening, and his face instantly turned pale.

If you are caught as a young man in the war, you will really have a narrow escape!

He took a shuddering sip of beer and muttered:

"Yes, those monsters also flew eastward."

"I had forgotten that wherever there is a wild hunt, there is a war..."

The dwarf sighed, patted his shoulder gently, held up the wine barrel and gave him another glass:

"At least you know now, don't you? Good luck, human boy!"

Ernesto nodded, took another sip of beer, looked at Aylin and Vesemir gratefully, stood up and said solemnly:

"Master Vesemir, Master Aylin, I owe you a favor..."

The two demon hunters waved their hands and said nothing.

"You do owe them a big favor..." the dwarf said in a rough voice as he patted Ernesto's back hard, "So go to Nilfgaard quickly and invite the Grand Master of the Viper School over. "

Ernesto nodded vigorously and said: "I will find a caravan to go to Nilfgaard tomorrow..."


Ernesto suddenly looked at Vesemir and Aylin and asked pleadingly:

"Can I tell the caravan people about the war?"

"They took great care of me along the way..."

Vesemir and Aylin nodded: "Of course it's no problem."

After receiving a positive answer, Ernesto apologized and hurried out.

Looking at Professor Niu Bao's hurried away figure, the dwarf sighed softly:

"War...war...human beings always like war..."

"It seems that the blood will never stop flowing until it is clean."

The rough face of the dwarf was rarely melancholy, as if he had thought of something.

He took a big sip of wine, and then sighed:

"The cause of the last war was the affair between the prince of Temeria and the wife of the count..."

"Vesemir, what excuse did humans find to kill their own kind this time?"

Vesemir was silent for a few seconds.

Thinking of the hateful eyes of Trick Quinn, the deputy commander of the Knights of Aedirn before leaving Vengerberg, he also took a sip of wine and sighed:

"It seems to be revenge."

"Revenge..." the dwarf repeated in a low voice, smacking his lips, "What a good excuse!"


Because of the news of the war, the fine wine that Blackbeard was proud of seemed to have lost its taste.


Vesemir, Arryn and Mary helped the dwarf clean up the tavern while they were not clean.

In the process, the unconscious woman also woke up.

She walked down in a daze, her face as pale as a dead person.

After hearing Alin's idea, the whole person became a little angry and kept saying thank you.

Because her husband died, the woman had some savings, but she had no source of income and didn't want to leave the floating port.

The dwarves hired her as a kitchen helper in the tavern to do some odd jobs.

Several people also knew her name-Fula Duli.

In the ancient language, this means little lily.

I think the woman's family background is not low.

However, she seemed reluctant to talk about the past, so several people didn't ask much.

After helping the dwarves clean up the tavern and eating dinner, Ernesto also came back.

He brought back a piece of news that surprised the witcher.

Considering the war between Aedirn and Kaedwen, the caravan is ready to return.

They will set off tomorrow morning, and the next destination is Bayerli Most in Temeria.

It is only two or three hours away from Elland.

Ernesto knew that the witcher wanted to go to Elland, so he helped them contact the location on the ship and paid for it.

This will save the three of them from having to look for a boat tomorrow.

After dinner, the two witchers and Mary walked back to their rooms.

Mary's room was on the outermost side, so she went back first.

Vesemir followed Arryn to his room.


The door closed.

After taking a quick look at the layout of the room, Vesemir suddenly asked in a low voice:


"Do you have any other ideas about the Wild Hunt?"

He asked himself that he knew Arryn a little.

In the Wild Hunt, which had little to do with witchers and the Wolf School, Arryn was involved too much.

The young witcher looked out the window after hearing this.

The sky was full of stars.

But under that seemingly peaceful and calm night sky.

War was brewing.

The evil hunter rode a skeleton horse to spread disaster...

Arryn sighed and said:

"Master Vesemir, it's not that I have ideas about the Wild Hunt."

"It's that the Wild Hunt...has ideas about me!"

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