Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 238: The Iron Knight Flying in the Sky and the Ominous Skeleton Soldiers


Ad Kalai Royal City.

The tired but excited new king of Kaedwen sat on a large oak chair in the study.

"I didn't expect the process of discussing the succession ceremony today would be so smooth. I thought those old guys would cause some trouble..."

Rado muttered to himself, leaning comfortably on the chair.


"It will be a week later, my father's funeral, and... my succession ceremony."

"I hope everything goes well..."

"But in a few days, the teacher will be here, and he will definitely have a way to solve the problem I encountered..."

Just as Rado was imagining how to make his people rich and Kaedwen strong in the future.

The servant Felice hurried into the study, making Rado frown.

However, thinking of Phyllis's former loyalty and the possible gazes from other parties, he still suppressed his dissatisfaction and asked kindly:

"What happened?"

"Why are you so flustered?"

Phyllis took a deep breath and said:

"The caravan from Wengerburg sent a message that they were attacked by a big griffin..."


Before Phyllis finished speaking, Rado suddenly stood up from his seat.

Crossing the oak table, he walked towards Phyllis and asked anxiously:

"What about the teacher? How is the teacher!"

The new king's attitude scared Phyllis:

"Mr. Dieter is fine..."

Rado breathed a sigh of relief instantly, and found that he was a little emotional. After coughing twice, he asked curiously:

"The Great Griffin?"

"If I remember correctly, the Great Griffin is the most powerful large monster besides the dragon..."

"How were they rescued?"

Phyllis hesitated for a second before saying:

"Because... because of two demon hunters from the Wolf School..."

"Master Demon Hunter Vesemir and the new Demon Hunter Master Ailin, who is known as the 'Blue Death'..."

Rado's expression was complicated when he heard this.

These two demon hunters were closely related to the death of his father.

In theory, he should hate them.

After all.

Since the sad news came back, countless people every day have comforted him and made excuses for the wizard of Ban Ade.

The most common excuse is the previous king's tendency to eliminate the Wolf School. As the biggest beneficiary of the king's death, the Wolf School cannot escape suspicion.

But such words...

There are so many mistakes that even they themselves don't believe it.

How can they deceive his eyes and ears?

Rado is even grateful to the Wolf School's demon hunters from the bottom of his heart.

It was they who killed those monsters and avenged his father.

It's a pity...

The current situation does not allow him to pay them in person.


He will depose Ben Ade, the court wizard, and re-establish the position of the monster consultant in the court.

After all.

No matter what, the neutral Wolf School is a hundred times better than the insidious and cunning wizard who stretches his claws to places where they shouldn't.


Rado's mouth curled.

This day is not far away.

Wait for the teacher to arrive, wait for him to ascend the throne, and completely control Kaedwen.

He will let those freaks in Ban Ade know what will happen if they plot against a king!

Just as Rado was imagining the miserable situation of the wizards...

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The knock on the door interrupted Rado's reverie.

"Your Highness, Duke Donato is here to see you."

The guard's announcement came from outside the door.


It's so late, what is that old man doing here now?

Rado frowned, feeling a little bad.

But Donato is one of the most noble nobles in Ade Kalai after all, and he has a distant relative relationship with him, so it is impossible not to meet him.


He took a deep breath and said:

"Come in!"


The door of the room was opened.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The solid wooden cane knocked slowly on the ground, whether intentionally or unintentionally, it matched the frequency of Rado's heartbeat.

It was very irritating.

Rado tried to relax his frown, looked at the hunched old man, and asked with some dissatisfaction:

"Duke Donato, it's so late, can't we talk about it tomorrow?"

Donato shook his head and retorted:

"National affairs can't wait until tomorrow."

Although it was a national affair, Duke Donato's tone was not hurried.

But Rado could only hold it in now, and didn't say anything, waiting for his next words.


Donato knocked the ground with his cane:

"Your Highness, the war is coming!"

After Duke Donato finished speaking, the whole study was silent for a few seconds.

"What? War?"

Rado frowned as if he had just come to his senses:

"Where is the war?"

"From Aedirn, my child," Donato shook his head helplessly, "I thought you should have known it, but I didn't expect..."

Donato's condescending attitude made Rado clench his fists in anger, and veins on his forehead were visible.

But before he could ask more questions.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

Donato, who had only stopped for a moment, had already walked out of the study room with his cane, saying:

"Since Your Highness doesn't know the news yet, think about it carefully first!"

"I'll come and discuss it with Your Highness tomorrow."


The door was closed.

The study was quiet for a long time.

The air was so oppressive that it seemed to freeze.

Phyllis and other attendants and guards lowered their heads, not daring to look at King Rado, who was about to take the throne, for fear of offending him.


A loud explosion.

The scrolls and ink on the oak table were thrown to the ground by the furious Rado.

"Damn old man!"

"How dare you humiliate me like this!!!"

Rado cursed.

"Your Majesty..." Seeing this, Phyllis tried to comfort him.

But Rado didn't expect that he would stare at him with red eyes and asked loudly:


"Why did I know such a big thing from a damn old man?"


"Where is my intelligence department?"

As an attendant who has served two generations, Phyllis knew that the king was angry and didn't care about his questioning.

He just stammered, seeming a little embarrassed.

"Tell me! Where are our intelligence officers?" Rado asked angrily.

Phyllis had no choice but to say:

"Since the previous king took the throne, the intelligence officers of the court are generally wizards..."

"Their magic has an innate advantage in collecting intelligence..."


Rado's face darkened when he heard this.

No wonder...

No wonder he was the last one to know...

Donato, the old man, actually gave him a warning here...


Rado's thoughts moved.

Isn't the court wizard of Aedir also a wizard of Ben Ade?

"Did Mr. Dieter's letter say that the great griffin attacked them?" Rado suddenly asked.

Phyllis was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said:

"Alin... uh... Master Ailin found the meat of the great griffin and a smelly seductive fragrance from the goods of the caravan..."

"But because they left in a hurry, they didn't find the culprit..."

Rado's heart sank completely.

No need to think about it.

It must be those wizards who did it.

Fortunately, Mr. Dieter met the two demon hunters.


Rado shook his head and cleared his mind.

The most important thing now is to confirm the threat of war from Aedirn.

After taking a deep breath, Rado looked at Phyllis and asked:

"Phyllis, go check if the news of Aedirn's war is true?"

Phyllis looked at the new king with a frown worriedly.

Without asking him how to get the news from the wizards, he bowed and turned away.

"You all go out too..."

Rado waved his hand.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The servants and guards in the study seemed to be relieved at the same time and left one after another.


The door was closed.

The study was completely quiet.

Only Rado was left staring at the dark night outside the window.

"No wonder the succession ceremony was discussed so smoothly today..."

Rado sighed faintly.

"Ban Ade's wizards are everywhere!"

Although Felice was asked to confirm the news.

But Rado knew that since Donato dared to say it, the threat of war from Aedirn must be true.

With the current situation in Kaedwen, facing the threat of Aedirn...

It is bound to lose!


[Your Highness, please think about it carefully, I will come again tomorrow! 】

Donato's words echoed in Rado's mind.

Think about it carefully...

"What are you thinking about?" Rado sneered, "Think about whether you should put aside the hatred of killing your father and compromise with Ban Ade?"

The voice was not finished.

Dite, caravan, court wizard, Aedirn, war, intelligence, Donato...

Countless information was gathered in his mind, and Rado suddenly thought of a possibility, and his face turned pale.

Will it be...Will this war be started by Ban Ade's conspiracy?

In silence.

The more Rado thought about it, the greater the possibility.


He felt like a prey caught in a spider web. The more he struggled, the more he was tied up and it was difficult to breathe.

Looking up at the dark sky covered by dark clouds, Rado murmured to somewhere:


"What should I do now?"


On the other side.

After leaving Vengerberg, Alin, Vesemir and Mary headed all the way to Elland.

Due to the changes in the situation in Kaedwen that the war might bring.

In the past few days, the three of them did not accept any commissions except sleeping, and even rested mostly in the suburbs camping.

It was very hard and torturous.


Even Mary did not complain.

So it only took four days for everyone to arrive at the border between Temeria and Aedir - the floating port.

This is a port located in the Pontar Valley, built along the upper reaches of the river, surrounded by impassable wilderness forests.

The three-member team of Vesemir also hired a few fishermen in the previous village to paddle them and the horses over in a small boat.

After getting off the boat and giving the fishermen their rewards, Vesemir looked around the port.

Although it was surrounded by wild forests with few people, the floating port was particularly prosperous because many trade routes in the north intersected here.

Even many merchants' bulk transactions end here.

"Although it's still early, even if we get to Elland today, the city gate will definitely be closed."

"So we'll rest here for one night and find a caravan heading to Elland tomorrow. We should be there before noon tomorrow."

Vesemir led the horse and looked at Alin and Mary, who were covered in mud.

The two people who were in a mess naturally had no objection.

Especially Mary, it was the first time in her life that she rode for four consecutive days.

Now I just feel that my whole body is like sour black bread, which is unbearable.

"Let's go, Uncle Vesemir, let's find an inn!"

Mary urged.

Vesemir nodded and led the way with the horse in front.

He has been to Fugang many times, and he can find a place to stay with his eyes closed.

But it's different from other towns.

Because most of the people who come and go are male merchants and guards, Fugang actually has no inn, only a large tavern-Blackbeard Tavern.


As soon as the name was heard, it was known that this was a tavern opened by a dwarf.

It was afternoon.

Lunch was over, and the night drinking carnival had not yet begun, so there were not many people in the tavern.

A dwarf with a long black beard stood behind the bar, bored and lowered his head to wipe the chipped wine glass with a piece of linen.

Several hot human waitresses were leaning against each other, dozing off at the tables and chairs, generously revealing the crisscrossing and majestic ravines.

"Welcome, guest, are you staying in the hotel or eating and drinking..."

Hearing the sound of the tavern door opening and closing, the dwarf did not look up and said the welcome words skillfully.

"Blackbeard, don't you recognize me now?"

A teasing voice came from the door, causing the dwarf to suddenly stop what he was doing and look up at the visitor.

"Vesemir?!!" The dwarf's deep voice suddenly sounded, "Hahaha, when did you come here, you damn old bastard?"

"Don't harm my new beautiful maid this time..."

Although there are many dirty words in the words, judging from the exaggerated arc of the dwarf's mouth.

He was really happy to see Vesemir.

Vesemir, with a bright smile on his face, was also very happy, but after hearing the dwarf's words, his expression froze.

"Hmm... cough cough..."

He interrupted with coughs and signaled with his eyes to Aelin and Mary on both sides of him.

The dwarf obviously noticed it, and his eyes swept over the two young but embarrassed faces. After tacitly stopping, he asked curiously:

"Who are these two?"

But before Vesemir raised his head to show off.

After seeing Aelin's blue cat eyes, the dwarf suddenly narrowed his eyes:

"This is Aelin, the new master of the Wolf School, who is called the 'Blue Death' by Ben Ade?"

"Hmm? How do you know?" Vesemir asked curiously.

"Hahaha~" The dwarf stroked his shiny black beard and laughed heartily, "Vesemir, where do you think you are now?"

"This is Blackbeard's tavern."

"As long as it is news from the northern continent, no matter where it comes from, it will reach my ears within a week."

"I knew three days ago that the Big Eater died in the territory of those damn wizards of Ban Ade..."

Vesemir smacked his lips.

The demon hunter master, whose skill called "showing off" was interrupted by the dwarf, was a little unhappy and was about to step forward to say a few words.

Outside the tavern, there was a sudden commotion for some reason, interrupting him.

"What's wrong?"

Vesemir looked at the dwarf curiously, thinking that there was some activity in the floating port recently.

But seeing that the dwarf was also confused, he immediately felt something was wrong.



The wolf emblems on the chests of Vesemir and Arlin buzzed.

At the same time, they also concentrated on listening to the commotion outside.

Someone was shouting:

"Iron Knights flying in the sky..."

"Ominous Skeleton Soldiers..."


"Wild Hunt!"

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