Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 235 The Demon Hunter Who Changed the Future

Mary stroked her long golden hair and continued:

"Kaer Morhen is far away in the Blue Mountains, and few people go there."

"Even if the battle between Kaedwen and Aedirn is fierce, what does it matter?"

"Can the armies of the two countries fight all the way to the Blue Mountains?"

After hearing this, Vesemir glanced at Arryn and asked:

"Arryn, do you think it matters?"

Arryn sighed deeply and lowered his head to ponder.

Although he didn't know the situation in the Kaedwen court, it was obvious from Dieter, the royal tutor who was suspected of being murdered by the wizard conspiracy.

The prince who lost his father should not trust the nobles in the country who were suspected of colluding with the wizards.

And he was more willing to trust a tutor from Toussaint who had no power.

Therefore, the new king and the wizards and nobles of Ban Ade's line had at least a gap, and there might even be a hatred relationship.

This was caused by Arryn.

He was also very satisfied with the political turmoil caused by the mutual hatred between the two major enemies of the Wolf School in Kaedwen - wizards and the royal family.

The longer this tit-for-tat situation lasts, the more beneficial it is to the Wolf School.


Once there is a powerful external enemy, it will be completely different.

Whether it is because of the family feud or because of Aedir's ambition to expand.

As long as Aedir takes action.

Kaedwen will almost certainly stop the internal fighting for a short time. The new king, who has been unstable due to the death of his father, will need the support of powerful domestic forces even more.

Especially Ban Ade, who has powerful magic power and huge aristocratic power.


The kind Rado mentioned by Vesemir will face a problem.

In the face of the danger of national destruction, is it compromise or revenge?

If compromised...

Ailin thought of Thomas More's face that was somewhat deformed by hatred, and sighed again.

So how could it have nothing to do with the Wolf School?

The fierce battlefield certainly could not affect the Ancient Sea Fortress, but the key is whether this war will really happen. It is very important to the Wolf School.

Or rather.

Can the intensity of the war really make the enemies of the Wolf School turn their eyes away and ignore the demon hunter far away in the Blue Mountains?


A snap of fingers interrupted his thoughts.

After the light red barrier was broken, it rose again.

After all, Mary is not a complete body yet, and her proficiency in the soundproof barrier is not enough.

"Erin, what do you think?" Vesemir encouraged when he saw the young demon hunter looking up.


Erin spoke out his analysis.

The more he spoke, the more amazed Vesemir's face became, and Mary's expression became more and more serious.

After Erin finished speaking his rough thoughts, Vesemir took a deep breath and thought:

"Is politics also a talent?"

Now he is more convinced that Ms. Vera must have given Erin special training.


He glanced at the confused Mary.

But why would Ms. Vera only teach Erin?

After thinking for a few seconds, Vesemir asked:

"So, do you think Rado... the new king will compromise?"

"I don't know," Arryn shook his head, "I don't know how much he cares about his father's death?"

"Is he impulsive, reckless, or hesitant and indecisive..."

"It's even more unclear how much power he can mobilize now, and how many military nobles are willing to listen to his orders..."

"There are too many variables..."

"Then do you think we can do something?" Vesemir asked.

Arryn was silent for a moment and shook his head again.

There are no witchers from the Wolf School serving in the courts of Kaedwen and Aedirn, although Vesemir and other witcher masters know some nobles.

But most of them are just simple commissioned transactions.

You pay money, I pay my life.

Simple and direct.

Maybe there are also life-saving graces, but according to the habits of ordinary witchers, they often ask for rewards on the spot.

They may even take away the other party's offspring with the law of accidents...

With the original mortality rate of demon hunters, the grace of saving lives may even turn into a blood feud of killing children.

As for what the three of them can do in the face of the general trend?

Is it possible to open a celestial sphere intersection in Vengerberg?

Alin rejected this idea in his heart.

"Let's send the news back to Kaer Morhen first. Maybe the chief and Ms. Vera can do something with this news..."


Alin paused, and then said: "When we meet the King of Aedirn, we will respond immediately..."

"But I think there should be no hope, and it may cause trouble..."

"Master Vesemir, what do you think?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Vesemir sighed:

"Let's do this first, just like you said, respond immediately..."

After nodding, Alin looked at Mary: "Do you have a way to contact Ms. Vera like a lovebird?"

Mary shook her head in embarrassment:

"The mind projection spell is very complicated, and I don't know it now..."

"Then I can only go back as soon as possible." Alin touched his chin.

Kaer Morhen is at a very high altitude, and no pigeons can fly up there.

There is a special pigeon station in the village at the foot of the mountain, but the relationship between Aedirn and the demon hunters is not very good, and there is no special pigeon route between Vengerberg and the two places.

"War takes time. Even if there will be trouble in the Ancient Sea Fortress, there is no need to rush for one or two days." Vesemir comforted, "We will go to Elland after collecting the bounty."

"The lord there has a good relationship with us. We can borrow the carrier pigeon."

"This is the only way." Aelin nodded.


After a few more words of small talk, Vesemir went into the room to look after the little monster and her brother.

After Mary explored and found a special bathroom, she happily closed the door and prepared to take a bath.

As for Aelin.

He was leaning against the windowsill, frowning and looking out.

He had just solved Haxor, which aroused conflicts and hatred among the enemies.

Another Aedirn appeared, almost making his previous efforts go to waste.

The time that was originally gained because of the death of the king now seemed to be uncertain again.

Aelin suddenly felt that this world was like a Möbius strip. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how he moved forward, it seemed that he would always return to the original position.

It was as if fate had already arranged everything, and all the efforts of mortals were vain.

Outside the window, the spring is bright, and the newly sprouted buds of the trees are green and full of vitality.

But the haze of war is looming, and murderous intentions are quietly lurking.


The world has changed because of me.

If it weren't for me, Chief Soi would have died in Ban Ade, as would Hughes, Bont, and Fred.

And Francesca...

She found her mother because of herself.

Shadia escaped from the wizard and Haxor and sent her child to Kaer Morhen.

Ain El and others may become the most loyal allies of the Wolf School.

Oh, right.

And Haxor...

If he dies, will the doubtful Kaedwen be stronger than when he first crossed over?

And he...

Attributes, skills, potions, spells, rituals...

He is more than ten times stronger than a few months ago.

The death rate of the trial is almost zero, and with the Demon Hunting Corps...

The Wolf School will only get stronger!

Even the change of Aedirn sending troops was completely because of him...

The more he thought, the brighter Ailin's eyes looked out the window.

I can win.

I will definitely win!



The door of the room was knocked gently.

Ailin, who was sitting on the sofa, got up and opened the door.

Standing at the door was Jacob.

"Master Ailin, this is the material you want." He handed Ailin a bulging paper bag.

Open it and take a look.

Dog oil, white hibiscus petals and cypress stem fruit...

"Thank you, the quality of the materials is very good," Ailin nodded with satisfaction, took it with one hand, and was about to take out the purse with the other hand.

"No need, Master Ailin." Jacob smiled and refused, "Just think of it as a little good karma for the shop."

Ailin was stunned for a moment, but did not refuse.

"Thank you then."

"As long as you are satisfied." Seeing Ailin accept it, Jacob smiled even more brightly.

"I won't disturb you."

Jacob nodded and left.


Alin closed the door and smelled a burst of orange fragrance when he turned back.

"Have the ingredients for the potion arrived?"

Mary came out of the room after taking a shower and took the paper bag from Alin with expectation.

Her heart felt like a cat was scratching her along the way. She was always curious about what the formula Alin had figured out on the road was and what effect it would have.

"Dog oil, white hibiscus petals and cypress stem fruit..." Mary opened the bag, "Are you going to make sword oil?"

Mary, who had mastered many of Alin's formulas, had a general idea of ​​his potion refining system.

The base of the potion was dwarven liquor.

The base of the sword oil was dog oil.

The heart extract only needed the heart of the monster.

Of course.

It would be particularly difficult.

Thinking of the days when she made the water ghost heart extract day and night in the burnt and smelly environment, Mary shuddered all over.

Think about it now.

Ever since Arlin appeared in her and Vera's world, she, who was originally left alone by her mentor, suddenly became inexplicably busy.

Ms. Vera's love was also divided.


There wasn't much in the first place...

"What's wrong, did you catch a cold in the shower?" Arlin asked with concern, but was glared at by Mary.

It's all because of this demon hunter!

Mary gnashed her teeth in her heart.

What's wrong with him... Arlin scratched his head in confusion, and then answered Mary's question:

"A sword oil, a potion..."

"What?" Mary was stunned for a moment while holding the bag, and instantly turned her head to look at Arlin, "You came up with two formulas along the way?"

"The sword oil was obtained on the way."

"The other potion formula was obtained in Kaer Morhen, but it was always missing a key point..."

Arlin said truthfully.

"Oh, that's it..."

Mary looked at Arlin's nonchalant look, as if creating a formula was as easy as eating and drinking water, and suddenly felt a little powerless.

The anger in my heart came inexplicably, and then disappeared inexplicably.


After a light snort, Mary took out the crucible and other simple alchemical tools from the room.


Vesemir also heard the movement outside the door and walked out with the little monster wrapped in cloth and her brother.

The two little people seemed to have accepted the fact that they were sold by their father, or Yennefer really knew how to take care of children and comforted her brother very well.

"Are you going to start refining a new potion?"

Vesemir also came over to help with expectation.

Like Mary.

He was also very curious about the formula that Aylin came up with on the way, whether it was useful and what kind of effect it had.

With the concerted efforts of the three people, they quickly set up the crucible on the stone table in the living room.

"First, refine the sword oil. Similar to the ghoul oil and ghost oil, this is a mixed animal oil that specifically restrains monsters like griffins..."

While Aylin used magic to soak the white hibiscus petals, he explained to Vesemir and Mary how to refine the mixed animal oil.

It is not difficult to make the mixed animal oil that only requires Alchemy LV1.

In fact, all sword oils are not difficult. Basically, you just need to soak, boil, and simmer.

The most technical steps are at the beginning, using magic to process the materials and stimulate the magic nodes and circuits hidden in the plants.

Even the materials used are some cheap plants that can be found everywhere.

For example, the dandelion of the ghoul oil, the flea of ​​the ghost oil, and the white hibiscus petals in Alin's hand.

It is very easy to obtain, and even if you need to buy it, it is very cheap, and any demon hunter can easily obtain it.

The preparation is simple and the materials are easy to obtain, but the effect is particularly prominent.

It seems that after thousands of tempers, only the simplest and most essential parts are left.

Every time Alin uses it, he will be curious about how such a child's play formula was created.


A large pot of viscous oil with amber bubbles came out of the pot.

This is six parts of mixed animal oil.

"You... have made it now?" Mary came back to her senses when she saw him bottling it, and asked in surprise.

"Yes." Alin nodded.

After filling the sword oil, he gave three bottles to Vesemir, and then handed his own bottle to Mary.

Mary used the unique method of alchemists to sense it.

The faint magical aura was different from the ghoul oil, but very similar.

It was obviously a successful product.

Although they had not tried it yet, with the precedents of ghoul oil and ghost oil, Vesemir and Mary had no doubts about its effect.

Vesemir was fine. After receiving the mixed animal oil, he was happy.

But Mary felt a trance in her brain.

She knew the simple preparation method and she had refined ghoul oil.

Her trance and shock were just because of Aylin's understatement...

He came up with a formula that could be refined with two raw materials while riding a horse on the road, and he knew the effect of the formula without testing...

It was as if this formula existed.

But Mary was very sure that this was a brand new alchemy system.

"Is this the real alchemy genius?" Mary stared at the young demon hunter.

She felt that Aylin's talent was even deeper and more moving than his beautiful sapphire eyes.

After refining a pot of mixed animal oil, Ailin saw that there were still a lot of materials left, so he taught Vesemir and Mary to refine a pot each.

Except that Mary was a little dazed for some reason during the refining process and almost failed and was scolded by Ailin.

Both times of refining were successful, and Mary and Vesemir learned it at once.

The two little ones also squatted aside and listened quietly, and I don’t know if they can understand.

After teaching the mixed animal oil, Ailin was about to take out the cypress stem fruit and the swamp witch mutation inducer.

At this time.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The door of the room was suddenly knocked.

Vesemir glanced at the dark sky outside, muttered strangely, and went to open the door.


Outside the door was Trick, the deputy leader of the Knights of King Aedirn.

It was to come to notify the time of the audience with the king... Vesemir knew it in his heart.

After talking with Ailin, he had been thinking about persuading the King of Aedirn, so he was looking forward to this audience.

But I didn't expect...

"Sorry, Master Vesemir."

Trick's face looked a little ugly:

"I'm afraid... you won't be able to see the king!"

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