Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 228 What is a killer whale?

"My name is Dieter, Dieter from Toussaint, currently a tutor..."


Vesemir thought.

Being a tutor is not an ordinary profession in the northern continent, and ordinary people cannot afford one.

Vesemir carefully observed Dieter in front of him.

He is handsome, has a good temperament, is well-spoken, and comes from Toussaint, the country of knights...

To be able to hire such a person as a tutor, he must be a wealthy nobleman.

Tutors of great nobles generally do more than just teach.

They often participate in local government decisions, and even have a much higher status than ordinary minor nobles in the local area because they are close to the great nobles or future heirs.

Vesemir made his decision.

However, given his status, there was no need to deliberately flatter him. He winked at Aylin and asked him to come over, then patiently listened to Dieter's intention.

After briefly introducing himself, Dieter glanced around and suddenly noticed the wolf emblem on Vesemir's chest, and said in awe:

"It turns out that you are a demon hunter from the Wolf School. No wonder you can kill such a powerful monster."

"In Toussaint, my mother told me the legend of the Wolf School when I was very young..."

"On the top of the towering snow-capped mountains in the north, there is an ancient castle where the most powerful demon hunter in the world lives..."

"They advocate the path of glory and never bully the weak..."

The compliments from the Toussaint people to the school made Vesemir raise his chest unconsciously.

At this time, Aylin came over with Mary.

Seeing the sincere and almost fanatical expression on the face of the Toussaint man named Dieter, Aylin and Yourongyan couldn't help but feel a little awkward.

Since going down the mountain.

This was the first time he heard praise for his school of thought from ordinary people.

"Werewolves, vampires, cyclops, even dragons..."

"No matter how fierce the monster is, it can only be decapitated under the silver sword..."

Dieter stepped forward excitedly, held Vesemir's hand excitedly, and said:

"I didn't expect that today, I would be lucky enough to witness the master demon hunter of the Wolf School hunting the Great Griffin..."

"It's not a worthwhile trip, it's not a worthwhile trip!"

Unexpectedly, I met a fanatic fan of the Wolf School in Toussaint.

Vesemir laughed a little uncomfortably as his hand was being held, and calmly took out his hands, shook his head and said:

"Perhaps you didn't see clearly just now, it wasn't me who killed the big gryphon..."

Vesemir pulled Aylin over, patted him on the shoulder and introduced:

"Aelin, the youngest master demon hunter in the history of the Wolf School. It was he who killed the Great Griffin just now."

"Besides, do you have any entrustment when you come here?"

After hearing Vesemir's words, Dieter subconsciously looked at Aelin's childish face covered in dust and blood.

The expression on his face gradually changed from confusion to shock.

"Ai...Master Ai Lin?"

Dieter's tone was a little uncertain.

He turned his head and looked at the body of the great griffon, which was as huge as a hill, and then looked at the childish Aylin.

He can distinguish between a griffon and a large griffin, so he naturally has a good grasp of monstrosities.

That's why he knew better how difficult it was to hunt a big griffon.


When he just walked over, even though he saw the master demon hunter named Aylin, he was closer to the great griffin than the older demon hunter in front of him.

He also subconsciously thought that it was this older witcher who hunted the Great Griffin.

Who...who would have thought that it was really him!

He...he's not yet sixteen, right?

Aelin also knew something about the profession of tutor, and knew that Vesemir was "expanding potential customers" for him.

So he didn't say much, just nodded and asked again:

"Excuse me, do you have any entrustment for coming here?"

At this time.

Dieter came back to his senses.

He smiled apologetically and seemed to have calmed down his emotions, but the shock remaining in his eyes could not be concealed:

"I'm sorry, Ai Lin...Master Ai Lin's age and strength are really surprising."

Vesemir and Aylin shook their heads slightly and motioned for him to continue speaking.

Dieter cleared his throat and said:

"The reason why I came here is to thank you for your life-saving grace."

"If you hadn't lured the Great Griffin away in time, the entire caravan would have been killed by the Great Griffin..."

Vesemir and Arryn were speechless.

They all know that the focus must be on the second half.


Dieter paused and pointed to the avenue not far away.

A lot of people were gathering there, some were waking up those who had fainted on the ground, and some were righting the overturned carriage on the ground.

In front of the carriage were the corpses of two horses that had been eaten by large griffins.

That was the caravan that was attacked by the Great Griffin before!

There's a problem!

Vesemir and Aelin looked at each other.

"The caravan that was attacked by the big gryphon invited me to be a tutor..." Dieter's tone paused imperceptibly, "Well... the students sent me to pick me up."

"You are all professional demon hunters. You must know that great griffins usually hunt and survive in the mountains."

"There is no accident. It is impossible to attack a caravan walking near a human city, so..."

"You want us to find out why the Great Griffin attacked you?" Aylin continued.

Although he felt a little strange looking at Erin's extremely young face, Dieter didn't show it on his face.

He shook his head and said:

"We have to hurry to Kaedwen, so we don't have that much time to stay here and search..."

"We just want to know whether this attack is an accident..."

"Of course..."

"It would be even better if we could find the cause and source in a short time!"

Without waiting for the two demon hunters to reply, Dieter pondered for a few seconds and then said:

"I know that demon hunters are paid for accepting commissions."

"How about one thousand orens?"

"If the cause is really found, I can also add another two hundred orens."

Deter paused and looked at the two demon hunters.


Erin didn't hesitate much, and nodded after looking at Vesemir.

None of the three mentioned the reward for saving lives.

Both demon hunters knew that the one thousand orens were actually the money for saving lives.

But it was just a nicer way of saying it.

After all, it was just a check of the convoy. Even with Vesemir and Aylin's status as witcher masters, it would not exceed twenty orens.

"Please follow me."

Seeing that Aylin accepted the commission, Dieter smiled and led the way in front.

Just as Aylin was about to catch up, Vesemir patted him on the shoulder and whispered:

"Go ahead, remember what I taught you about tracking, I'll go deal with all the materials of the great griffin, and I'll be back in a while..."

Then he brushed past him and walked towards the headless body of the great griffin.

As for Mary...

After her eyes stayed on the two witchers for a few seconds, she finally caught up with Aylin.

Compared to dealing with materials, detective adventures are more interesting.


Follow Dieter to the messy north-south main road of the kingdom.

Within the visible range of the entire avenue, only Dieter's convoy was packing up and bandaging the wounds of the injured members.

Dieter seemed to be very relieved about Aylin.

Seeing Vesemir turned around and walked to the big griffin, he didn't say anything, but continued to tell Ailin the situation at that time:

"The big griffin came suddenly, and before all of us could react, the two horses pulling the cart were attacked..."

"Fortunately, the beast only targeted the horses. The others were only injured by scratches and falls, which were minor injuries. They were not serious..."

Ailin listened carefully and looked around.

When he walked through the caravan members to the carriage, he always felt that these people always had a familiar feeling.

At first he thought he met someone familiar.

Taking the opportunity to observe the environment, he glanced at a seriously scratched and bloodstained wounded man, and then he found out what was wrong.

Except for a fat middle-aged man who looked like a businessman.

These injured people did not wail or scream.

They were disciplined and did their own things in an orderly manner.

This is not the quality that a caravan guard can have.

Not only that, those who can move freely, although they don't carry any weapons, mostly lean slightly to the left when they move.

This is the sequelae of wearing a long sword on the waist for a long time, which causes the body's center of gravity to be unbalanced.

Or it can be said to be an occupational disease.

Ordinary people may not be able to find it.

But Ailin is sensitive, and these differences from ordinary people are as obvious as torches in the dark in his eyes.

"The destination is Kaedwen, and there is this familiar feeling..."

After thinking for a while, Ailin had an answer that even he himself could not believe.

Are these people the king's guards of Haxor?


Haxor is dead...

Then they are...

"Master Ailin, where are you going to start?"

Dieter's voice interrupted his thinking.

Ailin did not rush to answer, he closed his eyes.

The great griffin has an extraordinary sensitive sense of smell and vision.

So after knowing the characteristics of this monster, if you want to find clues, you can only start from these two aspects.

It is impossible visually.

There are so many people on this north-south road. The big griffin is not very smart. Even if someone controls it, it can't distinguish the target.

Therefore, if there is an accident, it can only be smell.

Recalling the skills taught by Vesemir in Kaer Morhen, the magic power in Aylin's body flows rapidly.

The "doors" of the mutant organs on both sides of the nose were opened.

In an instant,

the smell of rust, sweat, grass and strong perfume...

Before countless smells could turn into colorful colors and appear in front of him, Aylin had easily found the target.

"Master Aylin, do you need me to find someone to cooperate?"

Dieter stood aside and saw that the demon hunter closed his eyes, thinking that he had encountered some problems.

"No need, I found it!"

The blue cat pupils opened, and Aylin nodded gently to Dieter.

"Okay, I'll arrange someone right away... What... found it?"

Dieter shouted in surprise, attracting the attention of the caravan members around him who were suspected to be the king's guards.

How did he find it after closing his eyes?

Is he lying to him?

Even though Dieter had a great influence on the Wolf School, he couldn't help but have some doubts at this time.

Even Mary, who was following Ailin like a shadow, stared at him with wide eyes in surprise.

Ailin didn't explain much, stepped on the broken wood left by the overturned carriage on the ground, followed the familiar smell, and walked around the carriage.

At the junction of the tawny dirt road and the grassland, a pile of beautifully decorated small wooden boxes fell to the ground.

Some small wooden boxes were smashed, and the boxes were opened to reveal crystal bottles containing light yellow liquid.

Some even had their crystal bottles broken.

These are expensive perfumes.

The fragrance Aylin smelled just now came from here.

I don’t know if the chamber of commerce where Dieter works really exists.

If this is true, then Hongshang must have suffered heavy losses on this trip.

"This smell...and this crystal bottle in the shape of a siren..."

“Are these perfumes Ms. Helena’s latest ‘Siren’s Kiss’?”

" many pieces were broken..."

After getting closer, Mary, who had a low presence, spoke up.

Extreme regret and distress were revealed uncontrollably from the crisp female voice.

Dieter looked at Mary for a moment, before he could speak.

A fat and kind-hearted businessman who was different from the other members came out from behind the crowd and praised them.

"This lady has such good taste. This is indeed the Siren's Kiss..."

When Mary heard this, she realized that everyone around her was looking at her.

He stuck out his tongue in embarrassment, said "Sorry", and then timidly retreated behind Aylin.

The fat businessman didn't speak to Mary when he saw her. Instead, he whispered in Dieter's ear:

"Master Dieter, the purchase price of a bottle of Siren's Kiss is four hundred and fifty orons..."

Dieter's eyes widened for a moment, then he looked at the businessman with a surprised look, and then looked at Mary.

Not everyone has seen a small bottle of perfume costing nearly five hundred orons...

The boy is the youngest master witcher. What is the identity of this girl?

But since neither of the two demon hunters took the initiative to introduce them.

After Dieter nodded to the fat businessman, he did not ask for trouble by asking about the identity of his female family member.

He is just a little curious now...

Could it be that these perfumes attracted the great gryphon?

to be honest.

If Master Ai Lin really said this, this reason would be a bit far-fetched.

But after all, they saved the lives of the entire "caravan" members, so even if Aylin really said that.

Dieter was also ready to admit it.


Aelin gently caressed several boxes piled on top and picked up a box hidden inside.

"This is it!"

Aylin did not open it, but handed it directly to Dieter, who had a confused look on his face.

Dieter took the beautifully decorated box and was about to open it after hesitating for a moment.

"Let me drive it, Lord Dieter!"

The fat businessman stretched out his hand to take away the small box.

But Dieter stopped him.

He glanced at Aylin, took a deep breath, and opened it directly.


The moment the box is opened.

A strong stench came to my face, as if fresh meat had rotted in a moist and warm place for three days and three nights.

"Killer whale!"

Mary exclaimed.

This smell is so familiar to her!

Killer whale?

The name sounds like a highly toxic poison.

Dieter was so frightened that he had no time to look carefully at the contents of the box. He immediately dropped the small box on the ground and asked eagerly:

“What is a killer whale?”

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