Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 224 The Monster That Brings Doomsday


The unknown countryside of Aden.

Two men and one woman were riding horses and lined up on a broad avenue.

There were many farmers and caravans coming and going on both sides, making this avenue very lively.

"Master Vesemir, isn't our destination Elland?" Mary raised her head and looked at the direction of the sun, "Why do we keep walking south?"

Elland is a vassal state of Temeria, naturally on the west side of Aedirn.

When leaving the Lomaco Mountains where Vergen is located, there is no problem heading south as it is a mountain road.

But this place is already full of plains, why should we continue heading south?

"To get to Elland faster and more easily."

Thinking that she had been following Ms. Vera and never came out, Vesemir continued to explain:

"It's different from how you wizards can use portals and other magic..."

"For ordinary people, you can walk wherever there is a road."

"Do you think it's a smooth road here? It seems like you can just ride your horse in the direction of Elland?"

"Isn't it?" Mary pulled the reins and looked at Vesemir with big watery eyes.

"Hahaha, of course not." Vesemir laughed.

"Aden is so big. If you walk around randomly, there are no road signs. How do you know where you are?"

"Even if you have a way to know, what about the road conditions along the way? Where are the bandits and monsters?"

"Although we are no longer in the era of rampant monsters, who knows how many monsters and monsters are hidden in the uninhabited mountains and forests?"

Hearing this, Mary suddenly felt that the originally endless green grassland on the right side of her body, which had been quiet for years, was filled with dangerous waves.

There seems to be a giant dragon and a cyclops hidden behind the gentle slope not far away.

She subconsciously retracted her gaze, shrank her neck, and changed the subject:

"Then where are we going?"

Vesemir saw Mary's timid look, and the corner of his mouth curled up:

"Let's go to Vengerberg, the royal capital of Aedirn, first, then find a caravan whose destination is Temeria, and follow them."

“Not only can I make some money, but my food and accommodation along the way can also be more comfortable.”

In fact, the detour is a bit detoured.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

If he had known that Radek and Bogdan would leave the team midway, Vesemir would not have chosen Vergen's path.

They can cross the Pontal River from Ban Green, pass through Haji Fortress, and finally pass through the floating port and reach Elland.

As for Aylin's Master Demon Hunter suit, they didn't need to come in person.

Before going down the mountain, Aelin had the dimensions measured at Kaer Morhen. Other materials and other materials could also be dragged there by other demon hunters.

But since they passed through Vergen, he happened to be going back to see Thomas Moreu and Macao off, so he simply brought the materials and deposit with him.

Of course.

After leaving Vergen, they could actually head directly towards Elland.

Although there were some wilderness along the way, it was not as scary as he said.

Moreover, even if it were true, if it were just the two of them, they could pass it safely with their strength.


In addition to him and Aylin, Mary was also traveling with him.

The two men just tolerated things like driving around the wilderness day and night. How could they let this girl suffer all the time?

Moreover, there is no need to be so hasty.

As long as Aylin's curse does not enter the portal, there will be no problem and it will not affect daily life.

The dangers facing the school also changed with the death of the king, and there was no shortage of those few days.

Don't destroy the potential fate when the time comes, then he will be guilty of a big sin.

Vesemir turned his head and glanced at Mary, who was shrinking in confusion, and then glanced at the apprentice who was pulling the reins and didn't know what he was thinking.

"I'm really worried about Aylin's future."

The corners of Vesemir's mouth raised slightly.

Well done sorceress!

Especially my childhood sweetheart, the sorceress.

Just look at Ms. Vera and the Chief.

Although they are separated and reunited, if the Wolf School is in trouble, why don't they come over as soon as possible?

She even took on a witcher as an alchemist apprentice.

Who would believe that he no longer has any ambiguous relationship with the chief?

As for Mary…

She is already a qualified sorceress at a young age.

Among wizards, such talent is almost as good as that of Aylin among demon hunters.

In time, there will be another "bloody red fox", and more importantly, Mary is still very well-behaved and seems to listen to Aylin's words...

Aylin seems to have a great affection for her too...

Thinking of the scene a few days ago, when Mary was leaning on Aylin's shoulder after coming out of the teleporters.

Vesemir's eyes narrowed with a smile.

Just when Vesemir was daydreaming about how Aelin and Mary would quarrel and get back together after they regained consciousness...


A series of neighing sounds from the surrounding horses interrupted Vesemir.

"What's wrong?"

Mary pulled on the reins somewhat hastily.

The horse beneath her, which originally belonged to Bogdan, suddenly got frightened for some reason and was shaking its neck restlessly.

The four hooves scratched the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

Mary, who had not been riding for a long time and was not good at riding, never expected that this would happen. Without paying attention, Mary was knocked out of the saddle.


She screamed instinctively and was so frightened that she closed her eyes tightly.

Just when her heart sank, she suddenly felt the collar behind her neck being picked up, and her whole body floated up like a cloud.

When she opened her eyes again, what she saw was the broad and reliable back of the young demon hunter.

"Didn't Ms. Vera teach you?"

"The more danger you encounter, the more you have to keep your eyes open!"

Aelin reprimanded a little harshly while using his magic power to calm down the restless horse with the Yaksi Mind Seal.

With Mary's ability, there are many ways to solve the problem of a runaway horse.

But she chose the worst one.

Do nothing!


Mary felt a little aggrieved.

Ms. Vera really never told her this, or in other words, Ms. Vera never took the initiative to teach her much knowledge...

Just let her read on her own.

But this is his own problem after all, and Aylin's words are also out of concern.

So she didn't refute, but said modestly.

Only then did Aylin realize that his words seemed to carry weight, but now he could only nod and said:

"'s okay, just pay attention next time!"

Then he turned his attention to the out-of-control horses around him.

Amidst the noise and panic, Aylin pulled Mary's horse to prevent it from being affected by the surrounding environment, and then turned his head and asked loudly:

"Master Vesemir, what is happening?"

"There is a monster!" Vesemir placed his right hand on the silver sword and looked at the grass on both sides of the road warily.

"And it's a pretty big monster!"

"Be careful, Aylin, be sure to protect Mary!"

"rest assured."

The blue pupils shrank slightly, and Aylin also held Elsa's hand, looking around for the source of danger.


A fierce wind blew up, causing the tall grass on both sides of the road to fall down.

The aura of strong magical favor was oppressed instantly.

Aylin knew without careful perception that the monster lurking in the dark was definitely a large monster.

And it is much more powerful than the Water Ghost King and the Giant Swamp Fairy.

But with such a strong aura, he must be quite big, so why haven't he been seen yet?

Aylin became increasingly wary.

The magic power in the body is flowing, the thumb and index finger of the left hand are slightly bent, and a triangle is drawn in front of the body.

Seal of Quen.

The translucent golden ball-shaped protective shield instantly enveloped Aylin and Mary.

At this moment.

"Look to the sky!"

"What's flying in the sky?"

"Ah, monster! Monster!"

Business travelers, pedestrians and farmers on the road shouted in panic.

Aylin, who was searching for traces of monsters, suddenly raised his head when he heard the sound.

In the blue sky, a dark cloud with light behind it floated quickly from a distance.


It's definitely not dark clouds that are "floating" so fast.

Ailin looked far into the distance, his blue pupils shrinking instantly.

He saw it clearly!

The eagle's crooked beak, the lion's claws.

And those huge wings that cover the sky and the sun...

It's a gryphon!

And look at the sparse feathers and the body that is almost as red as fire.

Definitely no ordinary gryphon!

"Be careful Aelin, it's the Great Griffin!"

Vesemir reminded loudly.


Amid the violent cries, all but three horses were comforted by Yaksi's seal.

All the other horses and livestock on this avenue were panicking and losing control.

Screams, cries, neighing...

The whole road seemed to have suddenly entered the end of the world.


This large griffon brought its wings that covered the sky, and did not fall down to attack, but passed directly over the demon hunter's head.

The strong pressure whipped up a strong wind, making people breathless.

After a long time.

The big griffin flew away, and the pressure gradually dissipated.

The sky was as clear as blue, as if nothing had happened.

However, the whole avenue was littered with broken pieces of vehicle frames and wailing crowds everywhere...

They all reveal traces of a top-notch large monster, second only to the giant dragon, flying past here.

Even if such a powerful monster is just passing by, it will cause huge harm to humans.

"Don't great gryphons usually appear deep in the mountains? How come they appear in a place like this?"

Maybe it's the sorceress's constitution that plays a role.

The psychological damage caused to her by the pressure of the passing large griffon was not even as good as the two sways of her horse just now.

She asked curiously as soon as the monster left.

Vesemir looked solemnly at the direction in which the great gryphon was going, and shook his head.

Mary was right.

This place is very close to Venger Castle, and they can reach the royal capital of Aedirn before dark.

This is not a few decades ago.

Ordinary griffins rarely appear near human cities.

Even if you want to find the Great Griffin, you have to go deep into the mountains to search for traces. It cannot appear in this place unless there is an accident.

"I...I don't know, maybe because my partner was killed?"

"Gryphons only have one mate in their lives. I once encountered griffins that attacked cities and humans. This is basically the reason why they come out of the mountains..."

Vesemir smiled reluctantly at Mary.

The demon hunter's duty made him want to rush over immediately, but Aylin and Mary beside him made him hesitate whether he should take this risk.

Aylin did not have as high a professional ethics as Vesemir.

But he also wanted to catch up.

It had been half a month since he had killed some large monsters of sufficient weight. To be honest, Aylin was a little itchy.

Moreover, large monsters like the Great Griffin were usually difficult to find even with a lantern and over mountains and ridges.

If he missed it now, he didn't know when he would have the chance to meet it again.

How much can the Great Griffin's Heart Essence improve?

What kind of treasures and drawings can be opened from the Great Griffin's treasure chest?

These two questions were like a kitten, scratching his heart.


Aylin tilted his head and looked at Mary.

He had never killed a Great Griffin, so he was not sure whether the two demon hunter masters could protect Mary.


The lesson Francesca taught him was too profound!

"You... why are you looking at me like this?"

Mary's keen sorceress intuition made her feel the sight of the two demon hunters.


Vesemir and Arryn replied in unison, then looked at each other in silence.

Mary frowned slightly, realizing something was wrong.

She rarely left Vera's side, but since leaving Aretuza, she really had been trying to figure out the human mind.

After a little thought, she figured it out.

"Don't worry about me, I'm a qualified sorceress and can protect myself!"

As she spoke, Mary's lips moved slightly, as if to prove herself.

Two seconds later, a blue magic shield appeared around her.

Vesemir and Arryn felt it a little and realized that the shield had strong defense and could withstand at least three attacks from the big griffin.

And this kind of shield should not be released by a sorceress of Mary's level.

Feeling the surprised eyes of the two demon hunters, Mary took out a sapphire necklace from her chest and said proudly:

"I am the apprentice of Ms. Vera. You have time to worry about my safety. Why don't you rush over and prevent the big griffin from hurting others..."


Mary's lips moved again, and the sapphire necklace flashed twice.

The same shield appeared on Vesemir and Aylin.

This is not over yet.

As the mysterious spell was constantly uttered from Mary's mouth, different lights flashed on the bodies of the two demon hunters.

Power surged in the muscles, the feet became light, and the brain was instantly clear...

A little bit of movement around was very conspicuous in their perception...

When Mary stopped the spell with a ruddy face, Aylin felt that he was at least twice as strong.

He looked at Mary in surprise.

After releasing so much magic, her mental power didn't seem to be exhausted at all.

"And I'm not the kind of sorceress who is powerless and can only hold back!"

Is this the future dean of Aretusa College, one of the founders of the Sorceress Gathering, and the legendary sorceress Margarita Laux Antille?

Love, love.

The fighting spirit in Aylin's mind was ignited.

The same goes for Vesemir.

In Mary's triumphant eyes, they looked at each other and could not find any reason to reject Mary's joining.


Mary suddenly felt lighter, and after a cry of surprise, she returned to her group of bay mares again.

Aylin raised the reins eagerly:

"Then don't waste time..."

"Let's rush over and kill that beast!"

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