
"Don't I have to go back?"

Mary was stunned.

The sorceress stroked her smooth forehead amusingly, and pulled Mary back in front of the portal:

"You brought so many things, didn't you just want to ask for advice on how to make new potions?"

"Go back now...are you lying to me?"

The sorceress pretended to be angry, which frightened Mary into taking two steps back and waving her hands repeatedly:

"No, no!"

"I'm just here to ask for advice... I'm just here to ask for advice..."

The sorceress turned her head to look at the young witcher and smiled gently:

"Aelin, I'll leave Mary to you."

"Don't worry, Ms. Vera." Aylin helped Mary unload all the packages on her body and promised, "I will protect her."


The sorceress nodded.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Aylin for a few more seconds before turning around and walking into the portal.


The portal disappears.

Mary and Erin were the only two people left in the camp.


The sorceress left not long ago.

Mary suddenly let out a strange cry, and her big eyes flashed with excitement and joy.

"Are you so happy to leave Kaer Morhen?"

Aylin gently placed the cauldron in his hand on the ground, looked at the excited girl, and asked with a smile.

"Hehehe~" Mary touched her forehead in embarrassment and defended:

"Of course the scenery in Kaer Morhen is beautiful, and the uncles from the Wolf School are also very kind to me..."

"Oh..." Aelin's tone rose and he said teasingly, "Not Kaer Morhen, nor a demon hunter..."

"Then it seems that leaving Ms. Vera makes you very happy..."

The words have not yet finished.

Mary was so frightened that she immediately stretched out her right hand and covered Aylin's mouth at lightning speed.

After secretly looking around with his big eyes, he gave the young demon hunter a vicious look with an expression that said "You want me to die."

Although the portal had disappeared, she still defended loudly after hesitating for a moment:

"How could leaving Lady Vera make me happy?"

"I like nothing better than to be with Ms. Vera."

Mary was careful, as if she was speaking to someone who was not present.

"But I'm always bored in one place. I'm either reading a book or refining potions every day. I'm bored to death...a bit boring..."

"Now the beautiful, wise and charming Ms. Vera, it is rare that she can let me out for some air. Of course I am very happy!"

Seeing Mary's serious and flattering look, Aylin asked curiously:

"The portal has disappeared. Can Ms. Vera still hear it?"

"Of course..." Mary glared at him again, rolled her eyes delicately and said, "Can't..."

Perhaps because he was being teased, he became angrier the more he thought about it.

Mary's delicate fist hit the Witcher's shoulder hard.

Too bad it doesn't hurt.

However, he still grinned cooperatively and covered his shoulders.

After some rough and tumble.

Mary finally remembered the purpose of coming here.

She pulled Aylin to sit on the ground and arranged the crucible and other equipment.

"Ai Lin, teach me white honey first!"

"You demonstrate it first, and I'll ask you if you don't know how to do it."

Aylin was a little helpless.

How could anyone stay up most of the night and learn how to make potions?

And this is still in the wild, so why can’t we go to the city and study again?

"There is some dwarf liquor, but it's dark now. Where can I find honeysuckle?"

The witcher thought of finding some excuse to fool him.

But Mary smiled "hehe" and opened her leather satchel. There were many golden and white flowers with slender petals neatly and fullly placed inside.

There are at least twenty copies of honeysuckle here.

Looking further inside, there are yellow flowers that look like golden butterflies.

There are also almost twenty parts of celandine, which is the material needed to prepare the swallow potion.

"All the materials you want are here. The water ghost brain for the swallow potion and the ghoul's heart are in another bag..."

Mary carefully introduced all the things she had carried to the witcher.

She really brought over all the materials needed for the three potion recipes.

Even dwarf liquor, which is an alchemical base that Aylin always keeps on hand, he carried three or four bottles with him.

"Is that enough?" Mary looked at Aylin with her hands on her hips, as if she was expecting it.

Everything that needs to be prepared is ready, can Ailin still refuse?

Aylin shook his head helplessly, picked up a bottle of dwarf liquor, and poured the liquor into the cauldron.

But it's just right.

Because of the rush to leave Kaedwen.

He hadn't had time to refine white honey and swallow, two very practical magic potions.

"I don't know where you came up with so many recipes..."

Mary glanced at the skillful, smooth and strange rhythmic movements of his hands.

Then he raised his eyes and stared at Ailin's head enviously, as if he wanted to change minds with him.

She sighed softly and exclaimed:

"How come you can play tricks on even a honeysuckle flower?"

"White honey...do you want to turn honeysuckle pollen into honey like a bee?"

"Didn't I send you the entire refining process?"

Aylin didn't look up, but picked up a few pieces of firewood nearby and put them into the long-extinguished bonfire.

Bend the index finger of your right hand and wave lightly.


The strong firelight instantly illuminated the small camp.

Then, Ailin hung the crucible with half of the wine on the bracket on the campfire and began to heat it.

Mary squatted beside him with her hands folded, and tried to fool him with a silly smile:

"Hehe~ I haven't had time to watch it yet."

She found that her junior brother was bullied by the wizard again.

Mary, who was filled with righteous indignation, would never listen to the whole smelly and long refining process at the end.

Ailin said "hmm" lightly and did not ask any more questions.

He took the air-dried honeysuckle in the bag and took it over.

"Look carefully, the treatment of honeysuckle is indeed the key to refining "white honey"..."

"White honey is a detoxifying medicine. In the refining process, it is very important to stimulate the effect of honeysuckle in clearing heat and detoxifying and evacuating wind and heat..."

"Therefore, the stamens of honeysuckle should be soaked with fire magic according to the rules..."


Ailin's speech speed was not fast, and Mary could hear it clearly.

However, due to the blessing of Alchemy LV4, his hand movements would unconsciously speed up.

Now it was night again, and the dim firelight was dancing, making it difficult to see clearly.

Mary had to get closer, closer...

Slowly, her little head was about to rest on Arryn's right shoulder.

After all, Mary was just an underage sorceress, not an energetic witcher.

She waited until late at night for Arryn's letter in Kaer Morhen, and then walked a long way for a long time before she got here.


After the excitement of seeing a friend who hadn't seen him for a long time gradually subsided, sleepiness began to take over.

She squinted.

The fingers of the young witcher skillfully flipped up and down, and in the dim firelight, they were like butterflies dancing.

How could she never find that Arryn's fingers were so slender and beautiful.

"Like the hands of a court painter..."

She thought to herself.

Although she had never seen what the hands of a court painter looked like.

But without beautiful hands, how could you draw beautiful paintings?

Mary had studied logic.

So she felt that there was nothing wrong with her logic.

As her thoughts flew, what Alin said became less important at some point.

The clear voice in her ear gradually became blurred.

"His voice seems to be quite nice..."


At a certain moment.

Alin suddenly stopped what he was doing and sighed.

He had missed the time.

The honeysuckle in his hand, which was soaked in fire magic, was no longer useful.


The dwarven alcohol in the pot was bubbling, exuding an intoxicating aroma of wine.

A steady breath blew across her right neck.

The faint orange fragrance, mixed with the wine aroma...

It smelled like freshly brewed orange wine.

Alin gently threw the honeysuckle in his hand aside, then took the crucible off the campfire and placed it on the sandy ground.

Feeling the warm weight on his back and shoulders, he knew that he would definitely not be able to make the white honey potion tonight.

But it didn't matter.

They still have a long, long time to spend.

Tir Na Lia.

This is an elf palace, or more precisely, the palace of the "Alder People" Ain El.

Unlike their relatives Ain Sheed.

The Ain El were warlike conquerors who ruled every new world they arrived at.

Then they emptied the wealth of these worlds to build this palace.

She was pure white, and from a distance it seemed that she was not marble and alabaster, but white lace.

Standing on the turquoise lake, looming in the mist.

It seemed that if a gust of wind blew at any time, the palace would disappear with the mist.

It was as if she was not a palace, but the soul of the palace.

And in a slender tower in the asparagus-like shape of this white palace.

A crystal ball, like a black hole, attracted all the attention of the two long-haired elves.

"Have you found it, Avallac?"

The elf wearing dark red rusty armor tilted his head and urged.

"Don't worry, Eredin, I'm looking for it!"

The elf named Avallac'k was wearing a white robe and was not affected by Eredin.

He closed his eyes and stroked the crystal ball slowly with his hands, seemingly searching for something.

"How can I not be anxious? Didn't you hear the call of the Gate of Ade Ges?"

"After losing the ability to freely travel through time and space, the long-lost magnificent gate is our only hope to avoid the white frost!"

"I heard it, I'm looking for it. We have lost the Gate of Ade Ges for nearly a thousand years. The time and space fluctuations through it are not so easy to predict..." Avallac'k has a good temper.

He was not angry when Eredin kept urging him, but explained patiently.

"But you have been looking for three days, how long do you want me to wait!"

"The white frost is coming, every day, every hour, every minute and every second is crucial, we don't have that much time!"

Eredin's voice became louder.

The voice was dull and echoed in the tower, as if thousands of troops were fighting.

"If it weren't for you, how could the Ancient Blood's plan fail if you didn't take good care of your fiancée?"

"Ain El's iron hoof would have stepped into the new world just like hundreds of years ago..."

Eredin knew he had said the wrong thing before he finished speaking.

"Sorry... I shouldn't say this..."

Avallac'h felt the pain brought by Laura Doron Aipu Shidahar much more deeply than all of them.

"It's okay, Lao... Laura is indeed my responsibility, there is nothing to shirk."

The elf with long hair and white robe sighed softly, without blaming Eredin.

They have known each other for hundreds of years.

This sharpest long sword of Ain El has always been so sharp and so direct.

Whether it is outward or inward.


This is Eredin's advantage, and it is also the reason why the King of Alder Oberon has always trusted and trusted him to lead the Red Knights to fight.



He is sorry for the Ain El who trusted him.

For some reason, the white jade tower was quiet for a moment.

Until the crystal ball that was shining white light suddenly covered with a thick layer of gray fog.

"Found it!"

Avallac'h suddenly reminded him.

But Eredin didn't need Avallac'h's reminder.

Although he was not proficient in prophecy.

But as a fellow Ain Savini, he knew what the abnormality of the crystal ball represented.

So Eredin immediately widened his eyes and stared at the vague gray mist in the crystal ball, which was like an elusive fate.

Avallac wiped the crystal ball with both hands, as if wiping his fate.

Until his forehead was covered with sweat and his palms trembled slightly, a picture suddenly appeared in the crystal ball.

Under the black sun.

Countless blue-skinned monsters were rampant in a human city.

After the line of sight was zoomed in.

Countless spire towers appeared, and among these towers, it seemed that there were large monsters different from blue-skinned monsters fighting with humans.


Before Eredin and Avallac saw clearly, the picture in the crystal ball suddenly turned to a snow-white and towering mountain.

There was a clear green lake rippling in front of the mountain.

This time the picture lasted for a shorter time.

The two elves only felt a flash of white light, and then it turned black again.

Immediately afterwards.


The dark screen disappeared, and the crystal ball suddenly cracked.

The next second.


The crystal clear sphere suddenly exploded.

Countless sharp fragments flew towards the two elves.


Eridin snorted coldly and stroked the black gem at the end of the long sword at his waist.

These countless fragments hit invisible ripples in the air and fell one after another.

"Thank you."

Avallac, sweating profusely, stood up and nodded slightly to Eredin.

Eredin waved his hand.

"If I'm not mistaken, these seem to be three places?" He looked at the empty table with some confusion.

"It's three places. This is where the Gate of Ard Gess appeared in the prophecy..."

Avallac took out a white silk and wiped the sweat on his forehead elegantly, affirming.

"But didn't the fluctuation of the Grand Gate only appear once?"

Eridin frowned.

"Forget it, I'll go find that human tower city first."

After he answered his own question, he bowed slightly to Avallac'h.

He then picked up the skull iron helmet and left the tower in a hurry.

Watching Eredin's back disappear at the door, Avallac'h knew...

The world that took away Laura Doron Aip Shidahar will be in flames again, and all the people will suffer.

I don't know what he thought of.

After a moment of silence.

He lowered his head and glanced at the somewhat unfamiliar and decadent man on the smooth white jade ground.

He closed his eyes and sighed faintly:



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