Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 213 White Widow

Ai Lin, who was tired of the journey, still didn’t know it at this time.

Because of the two apprentice wizards, Radek and Boddan, he and Vesemir once again became the targets of the wizard Ben Ard.

To avoid getting involved in the trouble of the king's death.

After leaving the fruit garden, they galloped on their horses.

Along the way.

In addition to bypassing the Royal City of Ad Kale, the two demon hunters changed their past habit of traveling while accepting commissions.

Not only did he not complete a single commission, but he never entered a large town with his two wizard apprentices, and only stayed briefly in small villages in the countryside.

After resting overnight and getting some dry food and horse feed, we set out day and night towards the southern border of Kaedwen.

And during the journey, we met the patrolling troops, the vigilant nobles and managers in the villages, and the rising prices of dry food...

All prove that Vesemir and Aylin's worries are not wrong.


Just two days after they left Baiguoyuan, the checkpoints and cities around Ban Ad were under martial law, and the army was patrolling in formation around the city in places that were difficult to seal off.

If Aelin and Vesemir had left Baiguoyuan a day or two later, they might have been captured and taken back to Ben Ade.

that's all.

Originally a journey of at least a month, it took Vesemir's team less than ten days to reach the border between Kaedwen and Upper Aedirn...

The largest river in the north - the Pontal River.

The weather is getting warmer and the ice and snow are melting.

The Pontar River, which originates from the majestic Blue Mountains, is in spring floods. The rapid water smashes the stones on both sides of the river and breaks them into white flowers.

Watch from a distance.

The whole river is like white satin.

"Leaving Kaedwen at last!"

Radek looked at the river flowing under the cliff behind him, used his free right hand to put the hair together, lifted the strands of hair away, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Yes, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief!"

Bogdan also looked back. The towering cliff made his legs weak.

He was so frightened that he quickly leaned inside.

"Don't want to die?"

"We have left Kaedwen, but the power of nature is no less powerful than the human army!"

"Don't relax, watch the road carefully, there is still a cliff here!"

"If you are a little careless, no one can help you collect the body!"

Vesemir turned his horse and cursed angrily.

Radek and Bogdan were not angry even after being scolded. They scratched their heads and smiled "hehe" before shutting up and leading their horses to follow the two demon hunters.

Aelin saw the faces the two wizard apprentices made towards Vesemir and shook his head slightly.

Vesemir's words were harsh, but he actually had no objection to the two wizard apprentices.

Although Radek and Bogdan were born into noble and wealthy businessmen, they were pampered.

The body that has been exercising for a long time is obviously not adapted to such a high-intensity journey.

But knowing the weight of the king's new death, they not only did not hold back during the journey, they did not even say a word of complaint.


In order to speed up the team's progress, he wisely helped Vesemir and Aylin a lot.

This made the four people gradually become familiar with each other.

Just some funny faces and jokes, nothing serious.

In fact, it's not just two wizard apprentices.

After leaving Kaedwen, Aelin's mood became much brighter.

"Master Vesemir, where did you know about this path?"

After walking for a while, the talkative Radek couldn't help but ask.

There is actually only one well-known route from Kaedwen to Upper Aedirn.

That was to cross the Pontar River via Kaedwen's Ban Grimm Fortress.

But obviously.

That was not the way they were walking.


Ben Green was far away from where they were, and they came out of a deep cave.

"Why do you care so much?"

Vesemir rolled his eyes impatiently.

However, after a few seconds, he still explained aloud:

"Decades ago, this was an almost open smuggling trail."

"Dwarves, elves, and humans smuggle contraband through this trail..."

"Then what happened?" Radek was obviously a good listener. "How did this trail become abandoned?"

Vesemir touched his beard and thought for a few seconds. After walking to a more open area, he said:

"Because there was a Cyclops in the cave we just walked through."

Speaking of this, Vesemil paused and glanced at Aylin.

Just when Aylin was confused, Vesemir withdrew his gaze and continued:

"That cyclops' name is Old Spearhead."

"Old Spearhead? Does Cyclops still have a name?" Radek scratched his head.

Vesemir did not answer the question.


"This is not the main reason, because the Cyclops was quickly dealt with by a group of demon hunters..."

"Deal with it? Isn't it just killing him directly?" Bogdan grasped the point and interrupted Vesemir.

"No, those demon hunters brought Old Spearhead back to Kaer Morhen..."

Vesemir shook his head and glanced at Aylin, who was concentrating on leading the horse, with a complicated expression:

"Of course, the Cyclops died in the end!"

"Did Master Vesemir kill him?" Radek asked curiously.

"'s not me," Vesemir shook his head, "But you also know that person..."

Do we know each other too?

Radek and Bogdan looked at each other.

Vesemir didn't keep them guessing for long:

"It's Aelin!"

"It was he who killed Old Spearhead during the trial!"


Radek and Bogdan looked at each other again.

The monster that roamed this smuggling trail decades ago was killed by a witcher who was obviously in his teens?

Could it be the witcher of the same name?

This was the first thought that came to both men's minds.

But then he remembered that Vesemir had said before that he was the witcher they knew.

Ben Ad's famous scumbag's brain is overloaded.

"Aelin, that Cyclops called Old Spearhead, was it really you who killed him?"

Bogdan asked in a low voice with some disbelief.

Aylin nodded slightly and nodded:

"I killed him, but I did it by some tricks!"

Oh my gosh!

It was actually Aylin who killed him!

Although they had all seen Aelin kill two large monsters.

But strange monsters are different from familiar monsters.

The monsters on the arena looked very powerful, but after being killed by Aylin for fun, Radek and Bogdan would only feel that those large monsters were not that powerful.

But Cyclops is different.

Monsters like the Cyclops were something they had heard about since childhood. They were the most common monsters in knightly novels besides dragons.

Moreover, Ban Ade Academy also has courses related to monsterology, explaining this kind of monster in detail.


The "hero" who killed the Cyclops in the books when they were children suddenly appeared in front of them, leaving them in disbelief for a moment.


Killed in a trial?

Aelin wasn't even an official witcher at that time!

Being stared at by Radek and Bogdan with fiery eyes, Aylin felt a little happy, but more of an embarrassment, with goosebumps all over his body.

So he changed the subject and asked:

"And what, Master Vesemir?"

"Since Old Spearhead was sent to Kaer Morhen by the witchers of the school, why is this place still abandoned?"

Vesemir held the horse and looked at Aelin's embarrassment with a smile.

After several seconds, he said:

"Because Haxor is in charge."

"He started targeting dwarves, elves, gnomes and all other non-human races."

"What kind of inhuman beings are used to bring prophecies like blood and fire to stir up the hatred of the common people of Kaedwen against these aliens..."

"At that time, the people who took this smuggling trail the most were the dwarves, followed by the elves, who were basically the objects of Kaedwen's hatred."

"After they were attacked a few times by mobs in Kaedwen, naturally fewer people took this route."

"Then Kaedwen and Aedirn become in-laws to each other, and the relationship eases. Human merchants can pay a small fee and travel to Kaedwen through Ben Green normally..."

"Then there seemed to be some internal strife among the alien smugglers..."

"As time goes by, there will be no more people here."

Vesemir sighed, seeming to think of something in the past, and shook his head.

"When there are fewer people, all kinds of monsters will increase. The roads are narrow and dangerous, so naturally no one will walk here."

Vesemir finished his words.

Aylin and several wizard apprentices were silent at the same time.

The only sound in the air was the clatter of horse hooves and the faint roar of the Patal River.

There is no such thing as death in the world of witchers.

Although Haxor looks like a villain in Vesemir's words.

However, Radek and Bogdan are both human beings, so naturally they will not empathize with the hated non-human race.

It's just that Vesemir's story is told gently.

But his words were filled with a strong smell of blood, whether it was "hatred for non-human races" or "infighting among smugglers."

People don't know how to proceed for a moment.

In this way, we walked for about three or four hours until the spring sun set in the west.

After Vesemir's team passed through a narrow mountain gap, they led their horses to a three-way intersection.

"Almost there!"

Vesemir wiped the sweat from his face, took off his black wide-brimmed hat, fanned himself, and pointed to the widest road among the three forks.

"Follow this road and you'll be on the main road before dark, and then you'll be in Vergen in a short time on horseback."

Vesemir put his hat back on.

He looked back at Radek and Bogdan, who had hair stuck to their scalps, pale faces, and beads of sweat on their faces, and asked:

"Are you going to rest for a while, or continue walking?"

He's not a demon either.

I had been on the road just to leave Kaedwen as soon as possible, and the mountain road before was too narrow and dangerous, and it was not suitable for rest.

It's safe now.

He didn't mind taking care of his little client's body and stopping here for a while.

Vesemir did not ask Aylin for his opinion.

Although his condition seemed a little worse than mine, he must have basically recovered after stopping to say these few words.

Radek and Bogdan looked at each other and couldn't help laughing after seeing each other's embarrassed looks.

Radek looked at Vesemir:

"Keep walking, I want to wait until I get to Vergen and lie down on a soft bed to rest!"

Bogdan also nodded in agreement.

"That's okay," Vesemir nodded, "but Vergen only has inns run by dwarves, and the beds there are not soft."

Vergen is an ancient city with a rich history that was first established as one of the mining colonies of Mahakam.


The main residents here are dwarves. Of course, there are also other non-human races and humans living here, but only very few.

The dwarves love minerals and like to sleep on hard beds.

It is said that he can feel the breath of Mother Earth and is very stubborn.

Therefore, dwarf inns are indeed not that livable for other races, especially humans.

"It doesn't matter, just find a place to rest quickly!"

Rarely summoning up the last remaining strength in his body, Radek impatiently led the horse to the front of the witcher.

After Vesemir was stunned for a moment, he shook his head with a smile and followed.

But it didn’t take long...



The badges in front of Aylin and Vesemir suddenly buzzed.


The silver sword is unsheathed.


Vesemir shouted, let go of the reins, raised his sword and ran in front of Radek.

Aylin's eyes were solemn, and he loosened the reins and stood in front of Bogdan.

The two hunters stretched out their right hands almost at the same time.

With your thumb and index finger slightly bent, draw a virtual triangle in front of you.

Two golden protective shields appeared, covering the demon hunter and the wizard apprentice respectively.

Radek and Bogdan did not hesitate to cooperate with the demon hunter to retreat.

Although the witcher did not accept the commission along the way.

But encountering monsters is not just once or twice. Both wizard apprentices know how to cooperate with the witcher.


The ground began to shake amid the hum of the badges.

It seemed like something huge was rushing over from far to near.

But Aylin and Vesemir widened their eyes and looked around intently, but no monster appeared.

The horses neighed, and the four mares were frightened by the sudden shock and ran away in panic.

However, the demon hunters and wizard apprentices now have no energy left to try to win them back.

"Is it invisible?"

In doubt, Aylin had a thought.

Mirage beads are suitable for breaking illusions and invisibility, but since absorbing the dead mirage bead, Aylin's mirage bead has never recovered.

Not available yet.


Aylin doesn't only have mirage beads as a means.

After communicating with the wolf emblem with his mind, Aylin saw something and quickly moved his eyes downward.

Four haloes of dim light suddenly appeared under the soil, but by the time he discovered it, the halo of light had almost reached the feet of several people.

"Be careful! Monsters are underground! Four of them!"

Aylin only had time to remind him loudly, then retracted his shield and quickly pounced on Bogdan.


There was an explosion.

Four monsters as tall as one person suddenly emerged from the ground.

Like a bomb detonating, sand, gravel and soil were thrown away, and smoke filled the air.


A strange sharp roar.

The centipede-like multi-legged monster with a black back and white sheath sticks straight into the ground like a sharp sword.

A pair of front legs that looked like a mantis shone with a cold light, slashing randomly like sharp blades.

"It looks familiar!"

With a thought, Aylin made an appraisal directly.

[Name: White Widow]

【Level: 47】

[Attributes: Strength 51, Agility 24, Constitution 96, Perception 41, Mystery 32]

White Widow?

Aelin was shocked.

Isn't this the Valley of the Nine in Toussaint in the game, the monster in the secret laboratory that obtained the second mutation of the witcher?

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