Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 199 The game is not over, but the Wolf School has won

The horn has just sounded.

The wizards and future wizards in the audience became noisy.

Among the crowd who stood up and cheered, several wizard apprentices were carrying plates and wandering around carefully avoiding the wizards who were maintaining order.

That was the wizard who made the offer in private.

As soon as a wizard took out the money and took the bet certificate, he was yelled at by his companion next to him:

"Bogdan, are you stupid? How did you buy the Wolf School to win in the first game?"

The wizard named Bogdan held the slip of paper and scratched his head:

"What's wrong, Radek?"

"Isn't the Wolf School the most orthodox witcher?"

"I heard that both the mutation formula and the training are much more powerful than the Cat School!"

"You read all this in books, right?" Radek also bought twenty orens, but he bought the Cat School's victory.

"That's not..." Bogdan glanced at Radek curiously and shook his head: "A few days ago, during the history class, the professor mentioned something. Could it be that he was wrong?"

Radek did not answer immediately, but asked: "How much did you buy?"

"Five Oren."

"That's okay, just think of paying tuition!" Radek nodded and explained:

"You're from Novigrad, so I don't know."

"Kedwin holds a fighting competition between the wolf school and the cat school every few years, as anyone who has watched the competition several times knows."

"The Wolf School is weaker than swordsmanship and stronger than hunting monsters."

"The Cat School is just the opposite."

"How many games have you seen?" Bogdan interrupted curiously. Those who can travel thousands of miles to Kaedwen to learn magic naturally don't lack those five orens.

So he didn't care when he heard that he must have lost.

"Both times, my father took me to see it." Radek stretched out two fingers and continued:

"Most of the time, the first and second games used to be one-on-one sword fighting and monster hunting."

“The winner of both competitions is fixed and there are very few surprises.”

"To hear my father tell it: these two competitions are not so much a fight for victory, a fight for the competition's bounty, but rather a promotion of their respective crafts by both schools."

"When it comes to hunting demons, go to the wolf school; when you want to kill people, go to the cat school."

"Of course, it is said that the relationship between the two schools is not that good. Maybe it is just a tacit understanding?"

Radek's tone was a little uncertain.

Bogdan nodded thoughtfully.

Radek's evaluation of the two rows of witchers is still very credible.

After all, his father was the earl west of Kaedwen, and he was also a great nobleman who managed his territory in an orderly manner.

"What about the melee?" Bogdan glanced at the center of the arena.

Demon hunters from both sides have begun tentative attacks.

It's just that at this time, it's not clear which side has greater advantages, the wolf school or the cat school.

The attacks of the Wolf School are slightly more conservative, but they can completely block the attacks of the Cat School.

Radke also stared at the center of the field.

He didn't look back and continued:

"The free-for-all is the real uncertainty in every fighting contest."

"Swordsmanship team battles, French seal team battles, with monsters and without monsters...even the knights of the third-party king's bodyguards joined."

"My father once said: These forms of melee can actually vaguely express certain attitudes and tendencies of the king."



Bogdan lowered his head and pondered.

The Wolf School is good at killing monsters, but not good at sword fighting, and the king uses this melee method...


"The tendency of this game..." Bogdan continued curiously, "Your king wants the Cat School to win?"

Arena main stand.

Looking at the Witcher of the Wolf School who was "cowardly" avoiding the attack, Haxor shook the crystal wine glass with satisfaction.

He actually didn't care about winning or losing in this game, but he couldn't help but feel sincerely happy when he saw the man next to him lose his school of thought.

The clear blood-red wine was under his control, shaking in the glass.

"And this is just the beginning," thought Haxor.

Soy would watch with his own eyes the apprentices of his school being killed one by one.

Then, when his mood swings were the most violent and he was least on guard, he was stabbed in the heart by the leader of the cat school he despised most!

He had envisioned this scene many times in the past few days.

Every time, I have to drink several more glasses of wine and eat several more bites of meat with excitement.

Even though this game was originally ranked last, Hacksaw couldn't help but move it up to first this morning.

He wants Soy and his Wolf School to disappear from this world as soon as possible, even if it's just for a moment!

He drank all the wine in the glass in one breath and took a look at the battle situation where the Wolf School was obviously at a disadvantage.

Hacksaw tilted his head, looked at Soy with some amusement, and asked:

"Grand Master, who do you think will win in this melee?"

Soy glanced at Haxo expressionlessly.

"I naturally hope that our wolf school can win, but the cat school is indeed stronger than us in swordsmanship..."

Haxo smiled even more, and the fat on his face was squeezed together.


"Speaking of Cat School, where is Teresus?"

Soy suddenly asked.

"You invited me, but didn't you invite him to come too?"

Did he find out?

Haxo's body trembled with fat.

After looking at Soy carefully, he pretended to be nonchalant, looked towards the middle of the arena and said:

"Of course I'm invited!"

"But he was rejected. Maybe he has other things to be busy with!"

"Ignore him, let's continue watching the game!"

Upon hearing this, Soi gave the King of Kaedwen a deep look.

He glanced at Vice Dean Jaynes next to him, wearing a pointed hat and smiling eyes, and also lowered his head to look into the arena.




The sound of gold and iron clashing kept coming from the field.

Guksat, who was standing on the edge, saw the demon hunters of the Wolf School being suppressed by their people.

There was no trace of joy on his face, but a frown on his face.

Wizards and kings do not understand the art of swordsmanship.

I only saw the demon hunters of the cat school attacking and the demon hunters of the wolf school defending, so I thought they had the upper hand.

But Guksat doesn't think so.

Looking at the smooth dodges and attacks of the Wolf School demon hunters in the field, he couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"What's going on?"

"How come these Wolf School demon hunters are so strong?"

"Did they cheat too?"

"The dexterity and fluency of this swordsmanship should not be possessed by a demon hunter who has just passed the trial!"

"Especially that witcher named Aelin!"

Guxat looked solemnly at the wolf school demon hunter with blue cat eyes.

Although the strength of other wolf school demon hunters, especially their swordsmanship, also exceeded his expectations.

But under the crushing power of the demon hunters of the Cat School, they could only rely on their excellent skills to barely dodge.

But Aylin is different.

While he was dealing with his own opponent, he still had the energy to help other companions withstand attacks.

Whether it is strength, speed, dexterity or swordsmanship, he is far superior to other demon hunters.

"Fortunately, I was ruthless this morning and made Baleka and the others take the pills. As the pills take effect, there is no chance that the Wolf School will win!"

Guksat pursed his lips and clenched his fists:

"If I were really merciful, I would definitely not even be able to accomplish the goals in my plan!"

"This must never happen!"


Gold and iron echo.

A flash of cold light was separated by Ai Lin's sword.

Feeling the violent force coming from the steel sword in his hand, Aylin was very surprised.

When tested before, the power of those cat-sect demon hunters was still at a normal level.

The swordsmanship is the LV1 two-handed sword of the Cat School, which did not surprise them.

But now.

The force of these demon hunters' sword swings is getting heavier and heavier.

And not just power.

The reaction speed is getting faster and faster.

The timing of dodge and attack is also more accurate.

Thinking like this, Aylin frowned.

Kick away the Cat School Demon Hunter in front of you.

With a thought, he gave the demon hunter of the Cat School in front of him an appraisal.

Although when the horn first sounded, he had already appraised all four demon hunters from the Cat School.

But now.

The four veins around him were bulging, his face was red, and his ears were red, and he was still panting heavily. At a glance, he knew that there must be other problems.

[Name: Baleka]

[Attributes: Strength 21 (+1), Agility 22 (+1), Constitution 18 (+1), Perception 26 (+1), Mystery 3]

The moment he saw the enemy's faceplate, his blue pupils shrank suddenly.


It's not an illusion!

Except for mystery, all attributes of these Cat School witchers are improving.

At this moment.

"Careful! Aelin!"

When Hughes' reminder came from behind, Aylin's ears twitched and he turned around with a sword.




The quick and crazy thrust was blocked by him accurately.

But the power Aylin felt from each sword was slightly stronger than the previous one.

The yellow and turbid cat pupils filled with bloodshot eyes were just around the corner, spreading and shrinking!

Extraordinarily weird.

The next moment.

The owner of this weird cat eye used Ai Lin's huge power to jump back.

Then he ducked sideways to avoid the long sword slashed by Hughes, and got entangled with Hughes again.

Aylin subconsciously gave him an appraisal.

[Name: Jeffrey]

[Attributes: Strength 23 (+1), Agility 26 (+1), Constitution 17 (+1), Perception 21 (+1), Mystery 6]

"This one too!"

Aelin quickly glanced at the other two cat school witchers.

No need to think about it, the other demon hunters must be the same.

"Despicable cat school scum!"

"Not only did he pretend to be his age, but he also took stimulants!"

Aylin gritted his teeth and cursed in his mind.

The demon hunters of the Wolf School have always relied solely on their own efforts!

This time.

The demon hunter, who was kicked away by Aylin, blushed and screamed "Ahhh" before slashing at him!

There was no sense of caution in his attacks, and they were always aimed at the vital points of Aylin's body, or at the joints and bones.



Where the swords collided, sparks flew everywhere.

This can't go on like this!

Aelin thought.

Feeling the heavier and heavier power transmitted from the steel sword.

Even if an attack with such force does not hit the vital parts of the neck or head, it will definitely break bones and cause loss of mobility.

He glanced at his companion.

Although Hughes, Bont and Fred relied on the two-handed swords of the Wolf School at LV3, they could barely block their opponents.

But obviously.

As the opponent's attributes continue to improve, there will always be a moment when he is hit.

Aylin originally wanted to hide his strength.

After all, for a demon hunter who had just passed the trial, his attributes and swordsmanship were a bit too shocking.

By the way, you can also use these demon hunters of the cat school to let Hughes, Bunt and Fred gain practical experience, and also let Bunt take revenge and relieve his knot.

But now.

If the strength of these cat school demon hunters can be improved, they will be improved.

Hughes, Bunter and Fred are very dangerous.

Although Vesemir is not far away, it is isolated by the wooden village gate, so it is impossible to really catch up in the melee.

The decision has been made.

at the same time.

The long sword of Baleka, the demon hunter of the Cat School, also flashed with a cold light and struck quickly.

Ailin's eyes were solemn, and his blue cat eyes suddenly shrank.

The heart beats faster, and all the muscles in the body expand instantly in a second.

Like a long-hungry lion suddenly seeing his prey.

And then in the next moment.

He kicked the ground with his hind legs, grasped the sword with both hands, and raised it suddenly.


Like a volcano erupting, the sudden violent force knocked the long sword in Baleka's hand away instantly.

Before he could react what happened.

The next moment.

The cold light that knocked away the sword in Baleka's hand suddenly fell.



Within one second.

The feline witcher's arms and legs were all broken.

"Plop" sound.

There was no time to feel any pain - perhaps even Baleka, who had taken unknown pills, could not feel it.

He fell into the yellow-brown dust and completely lost the ability to move.

Aylin knew that these cat school demon hunters must be fighting with the intention of killing them.

But after all, there are so many people here watching.

He didn't want the Wolf School to bear the reputation of killing his own kind.

Because some cat school scum are not worth it!

The days are long, let them go for now.

The noisy arena suddenly became quiet at the moment Baleka fell.


Everyone stared at this scene blankly.

It all happened so suddenly.

The eight people were going back and forth one second ago, and the demon hunters of the Wolf School were even the ones at a disadvantage.

How come a second later, a demon hunter from the Cat School suddenly had his legs and arms broken?


Unbelievable sounds came from the arena and the main stage at the same time.

The voice was made by King Haxor of Guxat and Kaedwen.

It is understandable that Guxart was standing in the waiting area of ​​the Cat School.

So everyone focused on Haxo.

Haxo himself also realized something was wrong.

After cursing in my mind "these rubbish of the Cat School".

Under the strange gaze of the great master of the Wolf School, he coughed lightly, clapped his hands, and praised with a stiff smile:

"Excellent game!"

"It's really wonderful!" Jaynes, the deputy dean of Ben Ade, also applauded in agreement.

The next second.

A strange sight appeared.

Obviously this game is not over yet, the contestants are still fighting fiercely.

But thunderous applause broke out one after another in the arena.

"Is the game over? Who won?"

The wizard apprentice Bogdan, who came to Kaedwen from Novigrad to study, had just woken up from the applause.

He got up too early today, the position he grabbed was too bad, and he was not interested in the sword duel with the demon hunters.

After the horn sounded to start the game, he fell asleep leaning against the wall not long after.

Radek looked complicated.

He turned to look at the few companions in the arena who had won by buying the Wolf School, sighed, and said:

"The game is not over yet, but the Wolf School has won."


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