Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 197 The Cat School is here!

My favorite book?

Ailin was stunned for a moment and noticed Robin's ambiguous look.

A unique book with a lambskin cover suddenly appeared in his mind - "The Witcher and the Night Stalker's One Thousand and One Nights".

His face suddenly turned red!

Fortunately, he was standing at the front and no one else noticed the change in his skin color.

Don't slander me!

When had I ever liked that kind of book? ! !

You obviously forced it on me before you left! ! !

Aelin quibbled loudly in his mind.

However, he faced the doubtful and curious looks of several other demon hunters behind him.

He barely maintained his composure, nodded expressionlessly, and spoke very quickly:

"Don't worry, Robin!"

"We will definitely win!"

Seeing that Aylin was full of confidence because of his commitment, and even a little anxious that he couldn't wait for tomorrow's game, Robin showed the gratified look of a fellow-minded person:

"He is indeed my best friend. As expected, he likes great works of art just like me..."

"I'll have to make a good choice when I get back!"

After Robin walked away, Hughes came over and asked curiously:

"Aelin, what's your favorite book?"

Before Aylin could respond, Fred confidently replied on his behalf:

"No need to ask, it must be a book on alchemy and magic!"

"How else could we create so many potions and magic items?"

Hughes nodded in realization.

Aylin's mouth twitched slightly, but he did not refute or admit.

Vesemir looked at Robin's back in the distance and sighed:

"You have such a good relationship!"

"He's here to deliver news and deliver books..."

"A book related to alchemy must be worth a lot of money!"

"Hmm... it should be... very expensive..."

Aylin hummed vaguely, looked at the sky, and changed the subject:

"Master Vesemir, it's noon now, let's eat quickly!"

When they left Baiguoyuan, not only the owner of the hotel gave them a large basket of buttery white bread.

Other villagers who had received help also sent several packages of dried fruits and dried meat.

Enough to feed several people for two or three days.

"Ding ding~"

Simple lunch fix.

The five demon hunters, including Aylin and Vesemir, all took out four bottles of ghoul heart essence from their respective reagent bags.

This was taken out from the Demon Hunting Notes four days ago after Aylin hid in his room pretending to tinker with it for a long time on the pretext of coming up with a new potion formula.

Drink the essence in one gulp.

The numb and warm feeling spreads from the stomach to the limbs and bones.

Although it felt good, my strength did not increase after I opened the Demon Hunting Notes with my mind.

"The limit of the ghoul's heart essence is twenty parts. Will it increase the strength attribute by five points?"

Aylin understood.

Use Identify to view several other witcher panels.

[Name: Hughes]

【Loyalty: 100】

[Attributes: Strength 13 (+5), Agility 8.4, Constitution 12, Perception 8.9, Mystery 4.6]

The panel data of several other young demon hunters are similar to Hughes.

The nearly 50% increase in strength is enough to offset the five years of growth of a demon hunter from the Cat School.

Coupled with the LV3 two-handed sword of the Wolf School, and all the seals that have reached the LV2 level.

This is why Aylin and Vesemir still had the confidence to compete unwaveringly even when they knew that the demon hunters of the Cat School were cheating.

Vesemir looked at the empty glass bottle and sighed:

"These magic potions made by Aylin are really powerful!"


This was already the fifth time he had taken the heart essence of a ghoul.

But the sense of fulfillment brought by the increase in strength makes people feel relaxed and intoxicated every time.

Being able to become stronger just by drinking medicine was something he couldn't even imagine in the past.

Even though there was a precedent for water ghost heart essence, he never thought that the hearts of the ferocious-looking ghouls that could be seen everywhere could also have this effect.


The heart essence of the water ghost...

Ghoul heart essence...

Vesemir pondered for a moment, looked at Aylin and asked:

"Can the hearts of all monsters be made into this strength-enhancing potion?"

"I don't know. It should be possible for most of them." Aylin said vaguely.

It can be regarded as a foundation for Aylin's future series of monster heart potions.

Vesemir nodded slightly.

He glanced at the young demon hunters who were immersed in the joy of increased strength, and was about to let them get up and practice sword practice to adapt to the sudden increase in strength.

At this time.

Suddenly a familiar male voice came from outside the door.

"This... is where we will stay today. You are on the third floor, and the Wolf School is on the second floor..."

The demon hunters of the Cat School are here!

Vesemir and Aylin looked at each other with solemn expressions.

"The demon hunters of the Wolf School are already here?" a thick male voice asked.

"They'll be here in the morning."


As soon as he finished speaking, the dull footsteps suddenly stopped on this floor.

About two seconds later, the thick male voice sounded:

"I am Guxart, the leader of the Cat School, the leader of this fighting competition..."

"Friends of the Wolf School, why don't you come out and meet me?"

The high voice echoed through Arzu's tower.

When Vesemir heard this, his brows furrowed even more.

Of course he didn't want to see these demon hunters of the Cat School, the scum that ruined the reputation of demon hunters.

What's more, they once disguised themselves as assassins and attacked secretly, trying to kill his apprentices.

It's a pity that in order not to lose the momentum and reputation of the school, he can't be so willful.

"Damn wizard, this is obviously just to provoke disputes between them!"

After Vesemir cursed in his heart, he led the young demon hunter out of the room and said coldly:

"I can't remember when I had friends like you?"

Aylin followed and looked towards the stairs.

A wizard wearing a black robe was leaning against the wall and watching this scene with a smile.

There was gloating written all over his face.

Aelin knew this wizard.

He was none other than Farouk, who came to Kaer Morhen with ill intentions a few months ago to deliver a message for King Haxor.

Standing next to him were several gloomy-looking demon hunters wearing light leather armor and carrying two swords.

Different from the different eye colors of the Wolf School, the Cat School's eye colors seem to be exactly the same turbid yellow due to the incomplete mutation formula.

It makes people feel very uncomfortable just looking at it.

What's even more uncomfortable is the look of indifference and disregard for life in their eyes.

It was as if in their sight, Aylin, Hughes, Bunt and Fred were already dead bodies.

Guksat obviously didn't pay attention to Vesemir's taunt.

He frowned and looked at the figures around Vesemir. After finding that there were only a few young demon hunters, he asked with some disappointment:

"Why don't you invite another master demon hunter to come out and meet you? I have admired him for a long time."

Another master witcher?

Vesemir was stunned.

How did they know Aylin's identity? Didn't the chief not inform him?


Aelin was standing next to me.

If he really knew Aylin's identity, he wouldn't ask this question.


Vesemir carefully observed Guksat's features, and indeed he looked very similar to the demon hunter of the Cat School who held him back that day.

"You are the witcher who attacked us that day!"

This is a statement rather than a question.

But the demon hunter from the cat school opposite chuckled.

No denial or admission.

You can do that kind of thing, even if it is discovered by the owner of the suffering, it will be fine, but it certainly cannot be admitted by yourself.

Especially when that commission was a complete failure.

"It seems that the time has not come yet. I hope to have the opportunity to see him in the future."


Guxat walked towards the third floor with a few cold-looking and somewhat unruly demon hunters from the Cat School.

Vesemir didn't say much.

His gaze followed these demon hunters until they all disappeared from sight.


Farooq, leaning against the wall, sighed.

It seems very regretful that the two schools of thought did not have a fight here.

He stood up and glanced at the faces of several demon hunters, about to follow the footsteps of the Cat School.

Suddenly I noticed a familiar face:

"Are you Aylin?" he asked.

Although two or three months have passed.


Whether the witcher who only knows how to spin and swing his sword learns alchemy, or the bloody red fox Professor Vera actually takes on a witcher as his apprentice.

Each of these two events was very memorable,

Even more so together.

Therefore, Farouk was deeply impressed by Aylin and recognized him after just two glances.


Guksat's voice suddenly came from the third floor.


Amidst the rapid footsteps, Guksat's turbid dark yellow cat eyes appeared again on the second floor of Arzu Tower.

"Which one is Aelin?"

Faruk was stunned for a moment, then pointed in the direction of the young demon hunter from the Wolf School:

"He is the boy with beautiful blue eyes next to Master Vesemir."

"He is the only demon hunter alchemy apprentice of Ms. Vera the Scarlet Red Fox..."

"Why, Guksat, have you heard of him too?"

Not a master witcher?

Guksat's pupils narrowed and he stared at the young demon hunter who was being protected by Vesemir.


The Alchemy Apprentice of the Bloody Red Fox...

Maybe Brett and Fredika died on a magic item?

Not right either!

Brett and Fredika both wear school badges. No matter how powerful the magic props are, they can at least escape if there are badge warnings...

Countless speculations and speculations came and went in Guksat's mind.

He couldn't think of anything.

How did a demon hunter apprentice who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old kill Brett and Fredika.

The most likely one is from the team of demon hunters from the Wolf School.

In addition to Vesemir, there is also a master hidden.

Guksat wanted to ask about the incident of the assassination.

However, he knew very well that Vesemir would definitely not tell them the truth, and would instead leave a clue.


After Guksat stared at Aylin deeply, he looked at Faruk and nodded:

"I've heard of this name..."

“And it’s impressive!”

Then, regardless of Faruk's response, he turned around and walked towards the third floor again.

Faruk didn't care when he saw this. He lowered his head and pondered for a few seconds, then smiled at Aylin and was about to speak.



There was a familiar explosion.

"Ah! What is this? Poison?"

"Why is there a magic trap? It must be those sanctimonious Wolf School hypocrites downstairs..."

"Calm down! It's just some simple magic tricks..."

Guxat didn't finish his words.


A continuous indecent sound interrupted him.

Vesemir and Aelin looked at each other, and their ears perked up tacitly.

"Deserve it!"

Fred gloated.

Bunt's fists that had been tightly clenched since the appearance of the cat school of demon hunters also loosened.

He could never forget what Fredika did that day.

As a result, he has a special dislike for all cat school witchers.

"There is a chance for revenge!" Hughes patted Bunt on the shoulder and comforted softly, "Just tomorrow, we will use our own swords!"

"It seems my distinguished guests need help..."

Farouk chuckled and said this, but he was not in a hurry to go upstairs.

He looked in the direction of the Wolf School's demon hunters and bent slightly:

"Aylin, please say hello to Ms. Vera for me. We Ben Ade have always admired her achievements in the field of alchemy."

"I will."

Farouk smiled and nodded, then slowly walked up the steps to the panicked third floor.

"Is this how you, Ban Ade, treat guests?"

Guksat's roar came from the stairwell.

"Relax, relax...this is just a kid's joke..."

There is no sincerity in Farooq's explanation.

at the same time.

Outside the Tower of Arzu, vulgar children’s laughter also came from:

"The witcher pooped his pants, the witcher pooped his pants..."


Ben Ard's wizard apprentices made no distinction between the schools of cats and the schools of wolves.

However, among the demon hunters of the Wolf School.

Fred then muttered, "He is a demon hunter from the cat school, not from the wolf school."

The others, who were enjoying the embarrassment of their opponents, generously let these ill-tempered wizard apprentices go.


For this behavior that adds fuel to the fire.

The person being pranked must not be in such a good mood as Aylin and the others.

"I'm going to kill them!"

The demon hunter from an unknown school of cats roared, as if he was about to jump down and teach those wizard apprentices a lesson.

After hearing this, several people from the Wolf School moved excitedly to the window and looked out.

But at the next moment, I was disappointed to hear Guksat yelling:

"Come back! Don't you feel embarrassed enough?"

Several masked wizard apprentices downstairs saw that the situation was not good, laughed and ran away.

Only a few demon hunters from the Cat School were left in a rage upstairs, cursing fiercely for a while before they stopped.

to be honest.

This was the first time Aylin heard so many curse words.

It’s true that it has increased my knowledge.

After that, no more accidents happened.

Although Ban Ade Academy has arranged a room for each of them, there is a precedent of sneak attacks by the Cat School, so it is naturally impossible for the Witchers of the Wolf School to sleep separately.

I randomly picked an empty room and sat cross-legged on the floor.

Aylin took a deep breath and looked at the companions around him who closed their eyes one after another.

He knows.

Wait until they open their eyes again...

It is the wolf and cat fighting competition that determines the fate of the school!

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