Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 195 Banard Academy

No. 1 Ade Academy

Ban Ade is indeed very close to the Hundred Fruit Garden.

Carrying the things sent by the villagers, it took less than half an hour to ride.

The tall green city walls and the ancient towering spires appeared in Ailin's sight.

Of course.

As these scenes got closer and closer, the disgusting and nauseating stench began to invade the keen sense of smell of the demon hunter.

"What an unpleasant city!"

Vesemir rode on his horse, frowned and sighed.

Because they were not in a hurry, the demon hunters set out early.

When they rode to Ban Ade, they just avoided the early morning queue to enter the city, when the flow of people was the most crowded.


Vesemir, who was pulling the reins, was stopped by two guards.

"The entrance fee is five coppers..."

Noticed the dark golden cat pupils under Vesemir's black wide-brimmed hat.

The guard's tone stagnated, subconsciously took a step back, and clenched the spear in his hand.

"What's wrong, Les?"

Another guard frowned and asked.

"Those damn freaks are back again!"

Although the voice of the guard named Les was very soft, it obviously could not escape the hearing of the demon hunters.

Even the young demon hunters behind Vesemir heard it clearly.

Hughes, Bonte and Fred, who were still chatting and competing with the villagers' praise just now, suddenly became quiet.

Half an hour ago,

they were warmly sent off by the villagers in the Hundred Fruit Garden.

Half an hour later,

but they were insulted as freaks by a group of guards they had never met before!

The gap is too big.

If Fred, who was a little impatient, had not been held down by Bonte, his right hand would have almost grabbed the steel sword.

"Can I go in?"

Vesemir had a stern face and looked unhappy.

But he still pointed behind him and handed the twenty-five copper coins he had prepared long ago to the guard.

"The five of us are together!"

The guard who was exposed in the front because of Les's retreat subconsciously accepted the purse.

He came back to his senses and saw Vesemir and several demon hunters behind him, staring at them with a pair of strange eyes like wild cats.

He instinctively leaned against the wall, covering his mouth as if avoiding the plague, and waved his hand, asking them to hurry in.


Amid the sound of horse hooves.

The demon hunters walked into Ban Ade.

The guards' uncomfortable and disgusting eyes kept wandering over the demon hunters.

At the same time, there were also bad words that they thought no one knew.

"Damn it, why are these damn monsters here again?"

"Don't you know that tomorrow is some kind of fighting competition between the Wolf School and the Cat School of Demon Hunters..."

"How did you know? What is the Cat School and the Wolf School? How can those monsters who should be punished by the gods have a school?"

"Ah, didn't you read the notice issued by the knight a few days ago?"

"Uh... I can't read... Let's not talk about this. Does this mean that these perverts will live in the same city with us in the next few days? Which idiot came up with the idea of ​​letting those monsters compete in Ban Ade? These freaks hated by the gods will bring bad luck to this city..."

"Shh! You are going to die! This is held by the king!"


The guards' gossip was gradually blown away by the wind.

Vesemir and the young demon hunter were not in a better mood.

The strong stench in the air, the human and animal feces everywhere on the ground, and most importantly...

The hostility from the streets and alleys was several times stronger than when they first came here.

"Those cat-eyed monsters are here again, don't get so close!"

"Watch out for the kids, I heard from the mother of a relative of a friend of my distant cousin who cleans at Ban Ade College..."

"These freaks can't have children themselves, so they like to steal other people's children."

"Can't have children? Oh my God, these monsters who blaspheme the gods, may the goddess Meliteli bless them..."

Ban Ade...

This city is hostile to them!

Amid the hostility of the entire city, the witcher led his horse forward silently, feeling more and more depressed and unhappy.

At this moment...



Who is calling me...Alin looked in the direction of the voice.

A man in a black robe stood behind the city wall, waving at him excitedly.


The man was Robin, a former apprentice of the Wolf School and the manager of the library in Kaer Morhen Castle.

"Hahaha, it's me, it's me!"

It can be seen that he was very happy to meet a friend he hadn't seen for a long time, and he ran over in two or three steps.

"Master Vesemir!"

After approaching, Robin greeted Vesemir in a reserved manner.

Then he looked at Arlin and said with a smile:

"I heard that you came to Ban Ade more than ten days ago. Why did you leave without coming to see me?"

Arlin was stunned for a moment.


"The last time I came to Ban Ade, the hotel was full and I couldn't find a place to stay...well...let's not talk about this..."

"Why are you here?"

"Did you come to pick us up?"

After Arlin briefly explained, he changed the subject.

To be honest, if Robin hadn't come this time.

He really couldn't remember that he actually had a friend in Ban Ade.

Could it be that because he had always had a bad impression of this city, he subconsciously felt that the place his friend longed for shouldn't be like this?

Or is his hostility towards wizards getting deeper and deeper, so he instinctively alienates his friends whose identities have changed?

after all……

The story of a sorceress and her elf friends falling apart because of their stance is really profound.

Aelin thought.

But look past it now.

With Robin's dull look, it was hard to imagine the circumstances under which Aylin would be able to confront him who was only obsessed with books.

"How can there be so many hotels in Ban Ad that they are full?"

Robin scratched his head and mumbled something strange, then he no longer thought about it, nodded and said:

"Yes, Farouk - the wizard who went to Kaer Morhen to pick me up - told me yesterday that you would come to Ben Ad today, and let me take you to familiarize yourself with Ben Ad Academy... …”

Aylin was not surprised that the wizards knew about their movements.

After all, ever since the king sent them the materials for the North Wind Bomb, and even earlier...

Their whereabouts have been exposed.

"Originally I just waited for you at the entrance of the college, but I thought you hadn't been here before, so I picked you up at the entrance..."


Robin led the way toward the inner city.

Along the way.

Several demon hunters felt the disgust from this city even more deeply.

However, after learning from Robin's mouth that those lunatics from the Cat School killed the owner of the hotel not long ago because he was not allowed to check in, the demon hunters were not so surprised.

Although the last time I came here, they were not much welcomed here.

Except for being more hostile to witchers.

It is obvious that half a month cannot change the face of a city.

Urine and feces, domestic garbage and suspicious brown spots can be seen everywhere, and they still appear openly in dark alleys, corners, and even on the streets.

This made several demon hunters very uncomfortable.

“What an unpleasant city!”

This is the consensus of all witchers.

After walking uptown, the smell faded a bit, but Robin's words gradually became less and less for some reason.

"Are you not used to it?" he asked.

Aelin nodded.

"The capital of Kaedwen, Ad Kalai, also smells like this. Someone told me that this is the smell of the city, the smell of prosperity..."

Fred couldn't help but interrupt Robin:

"Who said such nonsense? Isn't this the smell of feces?"

Robin adjusted his glasses after hearing this and smiled:

"This is what Farouk who brought me here said..."

"But I think the same as you!"

Aylin noticed something was wrong with Robin's state:

"What's wrong?"

"Isn't your life good here?"

Robin was silent for a rare moment and then said:

"I came here on the recommendation of Ms. Vera. Naturally, there are no problems in work and life."

That means there are problems in other aspects... Aylin patted Robin on the shoulder:

"We are friends. If you have anything, you can tell me directly. Maybe I can help?"

Robin turned around, hesitated for a moment, and looked at the demon hunters with a somewhat complicated expression:

"It's not that I have a problem... Aylin... it's you who have a problem!"

Several demon hunters looked at each other in shock when they heard this.

They've certainly been in trouble lately, a lot of it.

I just don't know which one you are talking about?

king? wizard? Or a witcher from the cat school?

Not noticing the strange expression of the demon hunter, Robin glanced around furtively, and after realizing that there was no one around, he whispered:

"Aelin, has the school offended the wizard or the king?"

"Ben Ad's wizard refined a batch of Eske's disguise potion and just gave it to your opponent a few days ago."

"Esk's disguise potion?" Vesemir frowned.

Robin nodded:

"Yes! It's the kind of magic potion that can disguise your age. After taking it, you can look three to five years younger."

"Although the effect of this potion is weak, it lasts extremely long and is difficult to detect."

Robin looked at Aylin with a rare expression of solemnity:

"In tomorrow's Apprentice Fighting Competition, your opponents are not demon hunters who have just finished the trial like you. They are all senior demon hunters of the Cat School!"

After Robin finished speaking, he expected Aelin to ask him questions in surprise.

But he didn't expect that not only Ai Lin, but also the five demon hunters didn't react at all.

"I'm serious, why didn't you react at all?"

Robin was a little anxious.

"I heard that the swordsmanship of the Wolf School cannot beat the Cat School. They are a school of demon hunters that specializes in killing people..."

"Ai Lin, why don't you just quit the competition!"

"This is too dangerous..."

"Hmph!" Aelin interrupted Robin with a slight snort.

The former wizard apprentice of the Wolf School only then noticed what he was talking about.

He glanced at Vesemir and several other young demon hunters, then laughed dryly and said:

"Well... after all, the wolf school is different from the cat school. Your swordsmanship is for protection and justice..."

"But this competition is too dangerous. It's really best for you not to participate!"

Looking at Robin's anxious expression.

Aelin felt warm all over.

Although he and Robin were friends, they had only known each other for a few days.

For Robin, who has defected to Ben Ade Academy, leaking secrets is tantamount to betrayal of the wizards.

Once discovered.

as a result of……

Well, in the eyes of Ben Ard's wizards, Robin should be Lady Vera's person.

Life safety can still be guaranteed.

But this still cannot erase Robin's friendship for taking a huge risk and coming to inform him of the news.

As for why several demon hunters were not surprised or worried by this news?

Naturally because they are sure.

He looks five years younger.

In other words, their opponents should all be around twenty years old, and as far as the Wolf School is concerned, they have just finished the travel trial.

What's there to worry about?

Based on the memories of the two demon hunters of the Cat School that Aelin had experienced.

Even the geniuses of the Cat School could not reach LV2 with two-handed swords of the Cat School in five years.

Not to mention the Dharma Seal.

So not only did Aelin, Hughes, Bunt, and Fred feel no pressure, even Vesemir, who was usually worried, wasn't worried at all.

"How did you know this news?" Vesemir changed the subject.

Robin raised his head and glanced around carefully before saying:

"After I came to the academy, because I was a wizard of the Witcher school, I was very familiar with the knowledge related to the mutation of potions."

"Faruk arranged for me to be in the potion warehouse to manage the magic materials."


"Maybe other people don't know where I'm from."

"A few days ago, several wizard apprentices came to my place to collect materials for registration."

"During the chat, they complained that their mentor asked them to go to the smelly lower city and give Esk's disguise potion to the lunatics of the Cat School..."

Secrets related to the king and wizards were leaked in casual conversations.


No matter in which world, seemingly high-level organizations are composed of a group of grassroots teams.

Full of errors and omissions.

Aelin thought.

But it may be that those wizards have never taken a liking to demon hunters.

After all, in the minds of most wizards, whether they are from the cat school or the wolf school.

As long as they are witchers, they are just creations of wizards.

Why would a wizard who claims to be the Creator keep secrets for his creations?

Aylin vaguely felt that maybe the latter was the truth.

"Don't worry!"

He patted Robin who was so anxious that he almost jumped up on the spot:

"Now that we know, we're sure everything will be fine."

"Thank you for sharing this news with us!"

Robin was a little worried when he saw this, but since Ailin said so, he stopped trying to persuade him.

"After all, I was born and raised in Kaer Morhen..."

"If I hadn't been much more talented in spells than you, and had much better luck than you, and was favored by the wizards of the school, maybe I would also be a demon hunter of the Wolf School now!"

"That's not necessarily the case," Aylin countered jokingly, "Maybe he will die in some trial..."

Robin shrugged, not angry:

"This is indeed more likely, but who knows?"

"Let's keep walking."

Back on the main road in the uptown area, Robin stopped mentioning the apprentice competition.

Instead, he told Aylin and the others some things to pay attention to in the academy.

that's all.

The group of people soon arrived at the only wizarding academy in the northern continent, surrounded by towers.

Ban Ade Academy.


At the entrance of the academy, Robin suddenly stopped and turned to look at several demon hunters:

"Beware Ben Ard's wizard..."

"Whether it's a wizard or an apprentice..."

"They might not be very friendly to witchers!"

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