Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 192 Do you still want to participate in the Apprentice Fighting Competition?

"What's not supposed to be an elf?"

Ailin was stunned for a moment and was about to ask.

Several young half-elves walked out of the wooden house, rubbing their sleepy eyes.

Seeing an outsider behind her, she timidly hid behind Lysa.

"Who are these people?" the sorceress asked curiously.

Aylin took two steps closer.

Attached to the sorceress's ear, she told Sadia's story and the agreement between him and Sadia.

The sorceress sighed softly after listening to the story.

There is no animosity between her and Sadia, and she certainly doesn't regret what she did.

But after knowing the hardships Sadia has experienced over the years, I feel a little sad.

After learning that these children are the sons of old friends.

Her eyes looked at the half-elf and Lysa much softer.

"Lady Vera, could you please teleport them to Kaer Morhen?" Aelin requested.

The sorceress nodded without hesitation:




A snap of the fingers.

An orange portal appears.

Aelin nodded to Lysa.

Lesa took a deep breath and entered the portal with several of Sadia's children.

"Aelin, think about my idea carefully."

"After sending off Sadia's child, I will go to Baiguoyuan to find you."

"You are a smart demon hunter and should not step into such a bright trap."


The sorceress nodded slightly to Aylin and walked into the portal.


The portal disappears.

After Ai Lin pondered for a moment, he rode on "Carrot" and headed towards Baiguoyuan.


As soon as he arrived at the inn, Aylin was stuffed with a large cloth bag by Vesemir.

"This is?"

"Open it and take a look!" Vesemir said with a smile on his face.

"Allspice, tapioca, and even juicy water..."

"These are all the materials needed to synthesize the North Wind bomb!"

Handle the material in the bag carefully.


At least three servings!

Aelin looked up from the bag and looked at Vesemir in surprise.

"I left in a hurry last night and couldn't make it to you in time. How about it?"

"Do these materials meet the requirements?"

"It meets the requirements." Aylin was stunned. "But these materials must be very expensive. Where did you get the money to buy them..."

Allspice is a spice.

Pearl powder is not only a skin care product for upper-class nobles and businessmen, but also a precious magic material.

Not to mention Jueshui.

This itself is a twice-processed potion base.

The total amount of materials in this bag is probably at least one thousand oren.

to be honest.

Although Vesemir is already saving money for his Elsa's ransom.

But it’s just the beginning after all.

He definitely doesn't have that much money on him.

"No money!" Vesemir interrupted.

No money spent?

How could this happen?

Aelin was suspicious.

“It really cost nothing!”

Hughes explained:

"Allspice and pearl powder were exchanged with the local nobles when we eliminated the demon spirits in a nearby haunted town."


Aelin got the point.


"The three of us did that task together."

Hughes, Bunter, and Fred immediately raised their necks, as if they were waiting for praise.

At this time, Aylin suddenly discovered that the faces of the three demon hunters basically had some bruises and abrasions.

None of these scars occurred more than three days ago.

"A demon spirit has made you look like this, and you still have the nerve to be proud of it!"

"Ai Lin easily killed six demon spirits in a row by himself..."


"Still without applying ghost oil!"

Vesemir gently patted the heads of the three young witchers.

However, Hughes and the others had obviously heard such words more than once, and they retorted directly:

"Don't compare us with him, Master Vesemir!"

"He is Aylin, the one who won someone's beloved silver sword in a bet and surpassed that person to become the youngest master demon hunter of the Wolf School!"

"Yes, yes!"

Fred's words were laced with gun and stick, and Hughes and Bunter echoed them, clearly irritating someone.

"Damn you bastards!"

"This is outrageous!"

Someone yelled and smacked his hands, but Hughes, Bunter, and Fred laughed and easily dodged it.

Ailin felt a little warm in his heart when he saw this scene.

With or without ghost oil.

According to the judgment of Demon Hunting Notes, monsters with a racial level of at least level 20 are not that easy to deal with.

High agility coupled with virtual teleportation is simply a nightmare for newcomers to the Demon Hunter.

That is to say, Hughes, Bunt, and Fred were all strengthened by him, and they also fought together many times.

Otherwise, you will definitely be seriously injured.

at the same time.

He looked at Vesemir, who looked angry but had a smile on his face.

The tapioca and passion fruit come from Hughes.

Naturally, the Juishui can only come from Vesemir.

With the master witcher's disgust towards Ben Ad and the wizards, there would be no acquaintances with him here.


What price did Vesemir pay?

Aelin thought.

But since Vesemir deliberately didn't mention it, he didn't intend to ask further questions.


Aylin's voice was soft.

It was quickly lost in the noisy hotel.

However, the people present were all demon hunters with keen hearing, so Vesemir, Hughes, Bunt, and Fred all heard it.

At the same time, they stopped fighting.

"Aelin," Vesemir stopped smiling and interrupted seriously, "We are also demon hunters of the Wolf School!"

“These things are not just for you.”

"Kaer Morhen is also our home. To protect our home, these are what we should do."

"Yes, Aylin!" Hughes continued:

"When you are fighting for the future of your school, don't forget that we are behind you!"

"Although we are not strong enough now, there are still things we can do."

Bunt and Fred nodded vigorously at the same time.

The scene became a little sensational for a while.

This made Ailin, an old man who was already in his thirties, turn his head with some discomfort.

Fortunately at this time...


An orange portal opened at the door of the hotel.

The sorceress walked out of the portal.

"Ms. Vera!"

Vesemir said in surprise.

The sorceress nodded to him and stepped out of the way.

The next second.

Carrying two swords on his back, the demon hunter with silver hair and silver eyes walked out of the portal.



A snap of the fingers.

A spherical soundproof shield appeared, covering the sorceress and several demon hunters at the same time.

"No need to gossip!"

The sorceress vigorously interrupted the greetings of Vesemir, Hughes and others:

"Have you told them about the current situation?"

"I just came back and haven't had time to talk yet," Aylin said.

The sorceress nodded slightly and turned her head to look at Vesemir:

"To put it simply, the apprentice fighting competition between the Wolf School and the Cat School is in danger. Do you want to continue to participate?"

Vera's female skills are too simple to say!

Aelin complained in his mind.


Vesemir and Xius looked at each other in confusion after hearing the sorceress's words.

"Isn't the Apprentice Fighting Competition inherently dangerous?"

Vesemir asked rhetorically.

Before the sorceress could speak again, Aylin quickly summarized everything that had happened recently.

The general meaning is:

First: Not only Ben Ard's wizards, but also the King wants to destroy the Wolf School.

The reason why they didn't take action directly was probably because they were afraid that if they dealt with us directly, it would ruin the reputation of Ban Ard Academy and Kaedwen.

Second: The apprentice fighting competition between the Wolf School and the Cat School is a conspiracy.

The original purpose should be to eliminate the effective force of the Wolf School and make the Wolf School and Cat School hostile.

And now that the plan to assassinate the chief has failed, the king and the wizard will definitely plan to kill Soy again in the fighting competition.

"Then Chief, you shouldn't agree!"

Vesemir interrupted Aylin with a solemn expression and looked at Soy.

Suo Yi shook his head when he heard this:

"I know Haxo. If I don't stay, even if I win the Apprentice Fighting Competition..."

"In order to vent his anger, Haxo will definitely find an opportunity to kill you."

Everyone was silent.

Aelin also knew the Chief's subtext.

If he stays, it doesn't matter whether Hacksall's plan succeeds or not.

These apprentices have to deal with only the apprentices of the Cat School.

Even if the chief is really dead.

In order to gain a good reputation, Haxo will definitely protect them hypocritically.

"Then why are you still participating in this game?" Hughes asked doubtfully.

Bont and Fred's faces were also filled with confusion.

When Aylin invited them to participate in the competition, he only vaguely mentioned the crisis.

There is no mention of what they are actually facing.

Or rather.

Aylin himself didn't know it at the time.

Compared with the wizards of Ben Ad, Haxor is actually the most hostile to the Wolf School.

At that time,

He also felt that Haxo might be a force that could be fought for.

So Hughes and the others knew even less.

"If we give up the game, the king of Kaedwen will be disgraced and will be justified in sending troops to attack Kaer Morhen."

"At that time, what the Ancient Sea Fortress will face is Kaedwen's tens of thousands of regular troops, powerful siege equipment and wizards."

“But if we figure out how to survive this game.

"No matter how unwilling or eager the king of Kaedwen is, he will only encourage some bandits and mobs, and at most some monsters created by wizards."

Just like when Kaer Morhen was destroyed in the original novel and game.

Aylin added in his mind.

"So, do you still want to participate in this competition?" the sorceress said, "There is such an obvious trap!"

The sorceress tendencies are obvious.

Several demon hunters looked at Soy at the same time.

"It's up to you whether you want to compete or not."

Soy shook his head and looked at the few young demon hunters participating in the competition.

But Aelin could feel it.

The chief's eyes stayed on him for the longest time!

The next second.

"I listen to Aylin!" Hughes said immediately.

"Yes, we all listen to Aylin!"

Bunt and Fred responded.

The sorceress opened her mouth slightly in surprise when she heard Bunt and Fred's words.

Then he glanced at Ai Lin, closed his eyes, and sighed quietly.

Just as the sorceress's inclination is obvious.

Alin's inclination on this matter is also clear at a glance.

Whether to participate in the competition or not, the interests are actually very clear.


It is beneficial to the school, but the lives of the five witchers will be in danger.

Do not participate.

Although the powerful chief who is feared by Hackso and the wizards will definitely survive, it seems to be beneficial to the Wolf School.

But it is obviously unable to offset the possible harm caused by not participating.

So the sorceress brought in the three young witchers, Hughes, Bonte and Fred, hoping that they would oppose.

But she didn't expect.

Her child has such a high status in the hearts of these three people, and even some blind worship.

Sure enough.

After taking a deep breath, Ailin glanced at the sorceress apologetically:

"I choose to continue participating!"

"Let the Kaedwen army join in legitimately, Kaer Morhen will definitely not be able to defeat them."

"In addition..."

"The Wolf School needs time!"

"It takes time to popularize the water ghost heart extract and train the witcher apprentices."

"The Wolf School is getting stronger every day!"

"And our elven allies also need time to prepare..."

Speaking of this.

Ailin subconsciously glanced at the chief.

The chief looked at him with a smile, as if encouraging him to continue.


Ailin turned his gaze back to Vesemir and several young witchers.

"The commission I made when I left won us the help of the elves."

"They promised to help us when we need it."

"So we are not fighting alone."

"It turns out that Arlin left this time to find allies for the school..." Fred muttered, "But the Wolf School is not neutral..."

"Shut up!"

Bunter hit the talkative Fred's waist with an elbow, making him grit his teeth in pain.

"Even the chief didn't say anything, which side are you on, and why do you care so much?"

Fred didn't dare to look back at the wounded who had just been seriously injured, so he had to grit his teeth to endure the pain and said:

"Of course I am on Arlin's side, just talking..."

Then he stopped talking and continued to listen to Arlin.


"Hakso and the wizards of Kaedwen obviously don't know that their intentions have been exposed."

"As long as we are prepared, we can definitely get away with it."

After speaking.

The soundproof shield was silent for a few seconds.

"I agree with Arlin's idea."

Vesemir looked at the apprentice who made him most proud with pride.

The tone was firm and without hesitation.

"I agree too!"

Fred immediately expressed his position, proving his unwavering stance.

"I agree too!"

Bunter and Seuss followed closely behind.

Soi looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

He turned his head and looked at the sorceress:

"Vera, Aylin is right."

"We all know their conspiracy, how could we really be fooled?"

The sorceress was silent.

Although her plan was shattered.

But Vera found that there was no dissatisfaction in her heart.


Even the worry that had been tightly wrapped around her heart and made her often breathless was much calmer.

Instead, it was replaced by a strong sense of pride.

She stared at Aylin, who was surrounded by Vesemir, Seuss, Bonter, and Fred, and glanced at Soi who was confused.

Vera discovered.

At this moment, Aylin, who was admired, supported, and loved by everyone.

More like the leader of the witcher than Soi.

This is her child!

Her miracle child!

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