Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 18 Destiny (Thanks to the monthly ticket from book friend

Chapter 18 Destiny (Thanks to book friend "Yezou·Ubinie" for his monthly ticket)

Good guy!

Which master witcher has such a good time?

Because there were people around him, Aylin resisted the curiosity to open the book.

He lowered his head and happened to look into a pair of awkward eyes.

After Aylin handed the book over, he smiled, followed Hughes's example, tilted his head and said:

"What is the name of this master witcher?"

"What kind of monster is the Night Stalker?"

"Is there really a battle that lasted more than a thousand days?"

Of course Aylin knew about the female night devil with horns and hooves.

An intelligent creature similar to a succubus from a previous life.

They make a living by absorbing the essence of men, and some people think that they are simply obsessed with the pleasure between men and women.

However, in order to avoid the embarrassment of meeting a stranger for the first time, Aylin chose to play nice.


There is no female night demon in the memory of the original body Aylin.

Vesemir's "Monsterology" has not yet learned the lesson of the Night Stalker.

Of course, that's if "Monsterology" has this lesson.

After the man heard Aylin's question, he looked at his expression carefully.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said perfunctorily: "This has nothing to do with you, what are you here for?"

Aylin didn't care about his perfunctory, the key was to quickly find the information.

"I'm looking for experimental records on the Demon Hunter's Eyes."

"I don't know about the Witcher's Eyes? But all the experimental records of your Wolf School are at the very back of the library." The man said as he led Aylin deeper into the reading room.

"You are from the wolf school? Aren't you from the wolf school?"

"It used to be, but since my teacher broke up with the chief ten years ago, it has gradually changed." After the man explained casually, he cursed helplessly, "He is really an old bastard. He left without saying anything. Take your apprentice away."

This man looks cold and perfunctory, but he is surprisingly easy to get along with and is a talkative person.

Unconsciously, Aylin gained a lot of information.

For example, the demon hunters of the Wolf School and the wizards of the School actually had a falling out!

Before the journey was over, Aylin quickly inquired: "Then what are you doing now? Managing the library?"

"That's not true. I was just kicked out of the alchemy room by Ms. Vera, so I came here to stay for a while." The man shrugged, "After the Spring Equinox, I will go to Ben Ade to teach."

According to Vesemir, you are the wizard apprentice who can only prepare simple reagents.

But how come you, a wizard apprentice, go to teach at Ban Ade College?

"Going to teach at Ban Ade? What are you going to teach?"

"have no idea."


Those who teach don’t know what they are teaching?

"I have a letter of recommendation from Ms. Vera." The man seemed to see the disbelief in Aylin's eyes, and proudly explained, "After she mentioned it, someone will naturally arrange it."

"So you believe it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? That's Ms. Vera, the bloody red fox." The man glanced at Aylin sideways and did not explain any more.

In silence, they walked forward for a moment, and after passing through more than a dozen rows of bookshelves, they stopped in front of a bookshelf.

This is an ancient looking bookshelf.

The dark growth rings are like decorative patterns engraved on the bookshelf. Three rows of books are neatly placed, and a thick layer of dust has fallen on all the books.

"Here we are, all the experimental materials of the Wolf School are here. You can find them slowly by yourself."

Aylin glanced at the bookshelf, searching for experimental records, when he suddenly discovered a large gap in the middle of the second floor.

Have any experimental records been taken away?


Aylin quickly pulled back the man who had already taken a few steps, pointed at the empty space on the bookshelf and asked:

"Where are the experimental records here?"

The man looked at the center of the bookshelf impatiently, thought for a moment and said:

"Ms. Vera's apprentice came last night. I saw her take a few books and leave. They should be the experimental records here."

Ai Lin was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Mary came to get the experimental records, which the sorceress must have wanted to see.

Seeing that Aylin had nothing else to ask, the man walked towards the door impatiently.

After Aylin stood there and thought for a moment, he turned around and left without touching the information on the bookshelf.

There is no need to read these experimental records.

The experimental information about the Witcher's Eye must have been taken away by the sorceress.

But why would a sorceress study the Eye of the Witcher? Because of curiosity?

What exactly is the Eye of the Demon Hunter?

Walking to the door of the library, Aylin suddenly discovered:

He obviously came to the library to solve problems, but why did he end up with more and more problems after this visit?

The unknown temporary library manager moved the wooden chair back and became obsessed with the strange books again.

Before leaving, Aylin glanced at the book.

Just at this glance, I saw two special uses of the black wide-brimmed hat.

Aylin was immediately shocked and left the library with a few more questions.

After leaving the library, Aylin walked straight to the tower on the south side of the main castle.

Although it was still early, he had nowhere else to go, so he might as well go to the alchemy room to see if he could start class in advance.

Arriving at the door of the alchemy room, Aylin was about to knock on the door.


The door opened by itself.

After Aylin walked in, he looked around the alchemy room.

Carpets, murals, lace curtains and alchemy tables...

Compared to yesterday, there is nothing less or more.

The experimental records of the Demon Hunter's Eye are not in this room.

"What are you looking for?"

Alin looked in the direction of the voice and almost didn't recognize that this was the sorceress from yesterday.

A simple gray linen dress, a high-necked snow-white sweater, and brown riding boots.

The outfit is quite conservative.

If it weren't for the dark red hair, Alin would have thought he had entered the wrong door.

"The experimental records of the Demon Hunter's Eye." There was nothing to hide about the experimental records, and Alin said directly, "The wizard in the library told me that they were taken away by Mary."

By the way, where is Mary?

"Mary is sorting out the experimental records in the inner room."

Damn, this sorceress can really read minds.

"I didn't read your mind, your thoughts are written on your face." Vera smiled playfully and continued, "It's rare to see a demon hunter who likes to read books and study as much as you do."

"I'm just curious about the demon hunter's eye."

"Ordinary demon hunters won't look through the experimental records out of curiosity. There are no interesting stories in them."

After pausing for a few breaths, Vera suddenly asked;

"Alin, has anyone ever told you that you should be a wizard instead of a demon hunter?"

"No one has ever said that," Alin shrugged and asked back, "Besides, I don't have a choice, do I?"

Who wants to be a warrior when you can be a wizard?

But who made him a demon hunter as soon as he crossed over.

The sorceress looked at Alin's beautiful blue cat eyes, was silent for a long time, and then sighed and said:


"In front of fate, we have no choice..."

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