Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 168 Damn reckless elf!

"Of course, we can only cooperate now, right?"

Francesca was stunned for a moment.

It seemed that she didn't expect that Aelin would agree so easily, and the words of apology and persuasion in her mouth were useless.

"You agreed?" Francesca was still a little unbelieving.

After Aelin sighed, he looked in the direction of the cave entrance and whispered:

"You didn't give me a, I agreed."

Didn't give him a choice?

Francesca subconsciously followed the demon hunter's gaze.

The huge cave entrance was blocked by several flames.

Squinting her blue eyes, the elf's natural keen vision could even let her see more.

The cold spears, the shiny leather armor, and the neatly blocked queues...

It was obvious that these soldiers were the elite troops of Kaedwen.

The figure holding a torch that was gradually moving away must have reported to the camp's leader that there was an invasion by outsiders.

So it won't be long before there will be many more elite soldiers at the cave entrance.

And... it was she who caused this situation.


"No need to apologize, we don't have much time. When the guards in the camp are alarmed, they will definitely come in to search... So let's get down to business now."

"How do you plan to find your target?"

"How do you plan to cooperate when our goals are inconsistent?"

Aylin interrupted.

If apologies are useful, Francesca might as well apologize directly to the soldiers outside.

See if they can pretend that nothing happened, ignore them, and continue patrolling as usual.

Of course, he just kept these words in his heart and didn't say them.

Francesca's tone was stagnant after being interrupted. After lowering her head and thinking for a moment, she said:

"Just hide here... wait..."

"Very good, it seems that you don't have any effective plan."

Aylin interrupted again, causing Francesca to frown, and regardless of the fact that she didn't have much guilt in her heart, she asked:

"Then do you have an 'effective' plan?"

A mere demon hunter, what's so arrogant?

They were all driven in by the guards in the camp. Now that the cave entrance is blocked, can't they just hide and wait?

Could he have a good idea?

Francesca was a little indignant.

"Yes, I do."

Ailin ignored the unbelievable look of Daisy of the Valley, glanced at the fire at the entrance of the cave, and turned to walk deep into the cave.

"Come with me, reckless elf..."

Francesca stared at Ailin turning around, walked several steps, and then came back to her senses and followed him.

She didn't care about the offensive name from the demon hunter, and asked quickly: "Where are you going?"

"To find my human couple and your elf."

"Do you know where they are?" Francesca asked again.

"Yes, I know where my couple is. As for yours, since you want to cooperate with me, the elves and humans must be in the same place..."

"How do you know..."

"Shh!" The demon hunter turned around, with his index finger raised to his lips, interrupting Francesca's string of questions, and said, "Don't ask, just follow me."

"I will make up for your recklessness just now and take you to the target..."

"Before the guards in the camp catch us, before everything is too late..."


Francesca was silent.

A faint purple light enveloped the demon hunter, making this figure who was almost as tall as her particularly mysterious.

This wolf school demon hunter named Ailin didn't seem to be very old.

Is he really reliable?


Francesca shook her head to herself.

He should be reliable, otherwise Ian Savini would not have chosen him.

And he is also very skilled.

Francesca instinctively touched her right wrist, which was aching slightly.

Although the two long swords of the demon hunter in front of her were put back into the scabbard, she knew that as long as she made the slightest movement.

One of the swords would definitely be against her throat before she could react.


While she was thinking about it, her name was suddenly called, and Francesca was so scared that she felt as if her throat had been pointed at by a long sword, and she quickly took two steps back.

"What's wrong?" Ailin heard the strange sound and turned back, and saw the reckless elf's right hand covering his throat, and asked curiously.

"Nothing," Francesca put down her right hand in a panic, "Why did you suddenly call my name?"

"Since we have cooperated, I think it is necessary to get to know each other's abilities."

Ailin did not care about Francesca's strange behavior, and said:

"Let's start with me, the wolf school demon hunter two-handed sword, Quen, Igni, Alder..."

He continued to move forward along the trajectory of the black magic point, while demonstrating his swordsmanship and various seals.

They didn't know what was waiting for them at the end of the black magic point trajectory. There were three or four hundred elite Kaedwen soldiers and knights outside the cave, waiting covetously.

He needed to understand the capabilities of his partners.

As for whether he would expose his own strength and cause Francesca to be unfavorable to him.

On the one hand, with Daisy of the Valley's current state of being a young and fugitive princess, it was really unlikely.

On the other hand, even if there would be a disagreement between the two later.

As long as the Ice Spear Curse was not exposed, Aylin only had to pay for information that most forces knew about the characteristics of the Wolf School's two-handed sword and the effect of the seal.

But he didn't know what spells Francesca knew or what abilities the props on her body had.

So by exchanging two and two, Aylin made a lot of money.

Francesca watched with curiosity as the Witcher bent his middle finger forward with his right hand, pushed out a telekinetic shock wave, and then bent his index finger forward...

In an instant,

The dark cave was suddenly illuminated by the hot fire.

It turns out that this is the magic hunter's seal written in the book. It is indeed not very powerful but the casting speed is very fast.

Very suitable for witchers to use with melee swordsmanship.

Francesca crossed her arms with a reserved posture, but her beautiful blue eyes widened, revealing the curiosity and excitement in her heart.

After a while,

Aylin followed the trajectory and climbed up a rocky slope with Francesca, passed through the gap in the cave wall, and arrived at an open area with many tall rocks piled up.

At this time, except for the Ice Spear Curse, he demonstrated almost all combat skills.


After coming down the rocky slope, he stood there and looked at Francesca who seemed a little excited for some reason.

"What was the ability that made you invisible before?"

She asked when she saw Aylin stopped his demonstration.

Aylin, who had long expected to be asked this question, pulled out the mirage bead from his collar and said:

"That's not invisibility, but an illusion, relying on this magic item."

"Magic props..." Francesca glanced at the crystal clear round gem, nodded clearly, and said:

"It turns out to be an illusion... No wonder the invisibility effect is so rough..."

Before Francesca finished speaking, the spiritual link belonging to the mirage in Aylin's mind moved, and there was a burst of dissatisfaction.

After a little comfort, he stopped and looked at Francesca intently, waiting for her to demonstrate her ability.

After a "no reservations" demonstration, the underlying hostility and unfamiliarity between the two people obviously subsided a lot.

"Witcher, how old are you?"

Francesca asked curiously.

Aylin really didn't expect that the rash elf would ask such a question. He was stunned for two seconds and frowned:



Francesca thought that Aylin must be young, but she didn't expect him to be so young.

Can a fourteen-year-old human... no... a fourteen-year-old demon hunter learn so many skills?

And everything is so skillful...

Francesca's exclamation made Aylin feel inexplicably unhappy, and he asked rudely:

"How old are you, Elf?"

Francesca was not upset by Aylin's tone.

Instead, as if he had put down some baggage and completely relaxed his vigilance towards Aylin, he winked his right eye playfully:

"Anyway, he is much older than you...many, many...little demon hunter..."

Then, without waiting for Aylin's reply, she raised her head proudly:

"Watch it, Demon Hunter..."


The wolf emblem trembles.

"Aine verseos!"

The mysterious spell passed through the black mask and vibrated back and forth in the empty cave.


Aylin, who was looking at Francesca attentively, suddenly exclaimed and suddenly covered his eyes with his hands.

Between the fingers, a dazzling light flickered on Francesca's right hand.

"You did it on purpose!"

Aylin gritted his teeth.

"Sorry, sorry, I accidentally forgot!" Francesca apologized, but there was no sincerity in her tone.

The witchers could tell from the folds on the lips of her mask that this reckless and damned elf must be smiling happily.

She did it on purpose!

Aylin put down his hands and frowned.

This place is already deep in the cave, and he has gone around and around many times and passed through several forked roads, so he is not worried that the light here will be discovered, but this attitude...

Aelin found out.

Since learning his age, Francesca's attitude has become very casual, even daring to joke with him - a witcher who once stuck a dagger at her throat.

How unpleasant!

Fortunately, Francesca also knew that the situation was urgent. After making a simple joke, she recited the spell again.

"Aenye aen'drean Aenyell'hael...Aenye aen'drean Aenyell'hael..."

This time the spell was chanted for significantly longer than the last time.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

The ferocious wolf emblem danced violently on the leather armor.

Aylin became alert and glanced at the lavender shield on his body.

【bite! Your skills: Otrop Seal LV1 has been upgraded to Otrop Seal LV3 (0/2500)]

【bite! Your level has been upgraded to level 30, you have obtained 1 special skill point, and your current special skill point is 2 points]

You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must not have the intention of guarding against others.

He and Francesca are just strangers. Although their goals seem to be the same now, they still need to be cautious.

At least this rash elf would be prevented from "accidentally" falling on him with the very powerful magic he was chanting just by feeling.

Frowning slightly, he absorbed the knowledge about Otlop's seal.

After upgrading to LV3, the color of the lavender magic shield created by the Othrop Seal suddenly deepened a lot, and the strength was at least doubled.

And like the Quen Shield, a new effect was added: after successfully defending against offensive spells, a small amount of magic power can be absorbed from the spell.


Aylin thought.

Then he continued to focus on Francesca.

Francesca's spell took a long time to chant.

After the demon hunter absorbed all the upgraded knowledge of the Othrop Seal, it took about another minute for the spell echoing in the empty cave room to end.

Such a long chanting time is basically worthless in actual combat, at least in the cave scene.

However, Aylin still patiently watched Francesca finish the spell.

This is basic respect.

"Huh?" Aylin tilted his head in confusion, looking at Francesca, who was bent over and panting.

The spell was finished.

Then what?

Why didn't anything happen?

"You are lost..." The demon hunter was about to ask.

He saw Francesca stand up, raise her right eyebrow at him, and push her right palm towards the biggest rock in the corner of the cave.


The frequency of the wolf emblem's buzzing reached the extreme.


Ailin looked at Francesca in confusion.

Although she was so tired that even her black mask was wet with sweat, she still held her head high, with a proud emotion like a child showing off new toys and new skin.



The demon hunter looked at the corner of the cave in shock.

Under the huge rock pile like a hill, a hot red light emerged in a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the whole cave was like a volcanic eruption. The ground shook continuously, and molten magma four or five meters high was ejected in an instant, falling on the hill like a rain of fire.

The gurgling hot breath came along the cave wind.

At least 20 to 30 meters away, Aylin's exposed skin could feel a burning pain.

"How is it, demon hunter?"

"This is the advanced magic 'Baptism of Fire', is it to your liking?"

A smug voice that was completely inconsistent with the voice of a clear spring in the valley came from behind him.

Aylin did not turn around to respond.

But he had to admit that this magic was indeed good.

It completely matched Aylin's imagination of fire magic.

"It's just that the chanting time is a bit long," he objectively evaluated in his mind, and then turned around, "Reckless elf, what else can you do..."

At this moment.


There were sudden strong vibrations on the ground. Even Aylin, who had many earthquake experiences, had a hard time stabilizing his body because of the suddenness of the incident.

What's going on?

Is the baptism of fire not over yet?

This spell is so powerful?

Damn it!

This reckless elf is playing tricks on me again. He didn't even remind me before it was over. Is it fun to do it once or twice?

Ailin raised his head suddenly and glared at Francesca who was so proud... and fell to the ground in a mess.

The blue pupils on the mask revealed extreme confusion and panic.


Not this reckless guy?

That was...


A terrifying roar came from behind.


The witcher's body froze.

At this time.

Opposite him, confusion and panic had disappeared from the elf's pupils.

Fear! Fear! Fear!

This was the only emotion in the trembling beautiful eyes.

The witcher turned around stiffly like a rusty clockwork doll, and when he saw the owner of the roar, he couldn't help but curse loudly:

"Francesca, you damn reckless elf!"

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