Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 150 Do you also know Viscount Hudson?


The sharp blade broke through the air.

The ground covered with gravel and weeds was plowed into a deep gully.

The dark soil, the cut earthworms, and the messy roots of plants were just a palm away from Ailin's eyes.

Being hit up, being cut down.

The stench of the soil mixed with the fragrance of the grass juice was inhaled into the nose with the intense breathing.

After the attack rhythm was disrupted, Ailin had almost no way to fight back.

Unlike in the game, the time from the green light to the flash of the demon spirit was almost the same.

In reality.

The interval between the demon spirit's flash is always half a second to one second, making it difficult to predict the timing.

The most important thing is that the demon spirit, which should not have wisdom.

The body that appears and disappears from time to time still retains the memory before death.

The demon spirit holding the short-handled sickle is not bad, just waving the weapon randomly like mowing grass.

The outrageous one is the one holding the long sword.

This demon spirit was like a swordsman, attacking Ailin's most difficult part with every move.

When the short-handled sickle attacked, he took advantage of every opportunity.

Often, just as the sickle chopped his right arm, the next moment, a long sword made of unknown material chopped his back with the sound of a sharp blade slashing through the air.

The timing was very good.

This made Ailin unable to find a breathing space, and he didn't even dare to raise his sword to block, for fear that the rusty blade would pierce from a place he didn't notice.

"No wonder the knight was seriously injured at the beginning of the battle." Ailin thought.

The strength of this longsword demon spirit far exceeded that of other demon spirits.


Another roll to avoid the attack of two demon spirits.

Ailin felt like a ball, being passed around by the demon spirits.

The golden light of Quen's shield burst and restored.

The LV3 Quen shield explosion special effect that he had expected, after pushing away the two demons, only won him time to release the next Quen seal.

Damn it!

What should I do?

His heart was pounding wildly, and Ailin's mouth and nose were panting like a bellows.

He didn't have enough physical strength!

At this time.

"Apprentice demon hunter, come over here!"

The shout of the middle-aged knight suddenly came to his ears.

Ailin did not hesitate, and after a glance from the corner of his eyes, he immediately rolled three or four meters in the direction of the sound.


Sparks flew!

A cold steel sword blocked the demon's long sword that was slashing at him.

However, when the steel sword was paused, it could be seen that the middle-aged knight was struggling.

After taking a half step back to relieve the force, he took the sword steadily.

However, in the two or three consecutive swords of the long sword demon, the middle-aged knight took each sword more easily than the previous one.

"Awesome!" Ailin's eyes lit up.

Even though his strength was obviously inferior, his body movements and swordsmanship still allowed the middle-aged knight to control the longsword spirit tightly.

He was worthy of being the king's personal guard, or the swordsmanship champion of Kaedwen, and his reputation was well-deserved.


Amid the sound of metal clashing, Ailin flicked away the sickle, and gently stroked the ground with his right hand, surging with magic power.

Aden Seal!

The lavender magic trap slowed down the speed of the sickle spirit again, limiting the spirit's flashing ability.


As the spirit roared hoarsely and slowly, he used the heart essence of the water ghost to restore his physical strength.

After taking a long breath, Ailin had the spare energy to scan the surroundings with his peripheral vision.

Vesemir still controlled the three spirits steadily, and from time to time, he stared at one of them and slashed two or three times with his sword.

Judging from the transparency of the spirit, the first spirit would be worn to death by him in about three or four minutes.

This is what a demon hunter without ghost oil and moon dust is like.

The only way to consume and purify the spirits is to rely on the reaction between silver and spirits.

Especially since Vesemir only had an ordinary fine silver sword in his hand.

If it was Elsa, at least half the time could be saved.

The two king's guards fought one spirit each, because they were not wielding silver swords, and could hardly cause any damage to the spirits.

However, because of their skillful swordsmanship and body movements, after slowly getting familiar with the flash of the spirits, they were able to control the two spirits steadily.

Just looking at their eyes that glanced at Vesemir from time to time, and their slightly trembling arms, they thought that they would not be able to hold on for long under the huge power of the monsters.

"It's time to end!"

Alin's mind turned.

Demon hunting!

Time stopped in an instant, and the smoke and dust raised in the sun slowed down the dancing posture.

Perhaps it was because the sickle spirit was already weak.

Two bright silver lights flashed.


[Demon Hunting] 100%


Rhythmic footsteps on blood-red footprints.

After bending sideways and dodging the attack, Ailin stomped on the ground and jumped up, flashing behind the sickle spirit.

A thin line of blood appeared.

Ailin followed with one foot as the axis and turned half a circle.


The cold light overlapped with the blood line.

The spirit that should have no substance and would only be dissolved by pure silver turned out to be a physical body.

The head with the dark yellow hood was chopped off, and before falling to the ground, it turned into a ball of black dust with the body.

"One..." Ailin muttered, and then used a portion of essence to restore his physical strength.

The middle-aged knight could still hold on, but the young knight's sword could no longer be held steady under the continuous huge force of the spirit.

"Save Bowen first..." he thought.

Start hunting demons again.

Alin stepped into the young knight's battle circle in two or three steps, and under the knight's horrified eyes, he beheaded the grass fork demon spirit with four swords.

Drink medicine, hunt demons, behead, drink medicine...

In the weed-covered main road of the castle, Alin was a storm flashing with silver light and cold light.

Wherever he went, the sharp blades whistled through the air, and the metal clashed.

[Demon Hunting] is very useful for dealing with monsters like demon spirits as long as it is one-on-one.

Perhaps because he lost the protection of his physical body, when his mental power blended with the aura of the spirit's favor, the progress bar of the demon hunting state increased very quickly.

Even if he did not attack, it increased by 1% every three seconds.

After the silver sword attacked the spirit, the progress of each sword increased by more than 30%.

In a moment.

The demon spirits were beheaded one after another in the murmur of "two, three, four..."

After the shrill scream of "Ah!", it turned into black powder.


[Monster Group "Demon Spirit" Lv37 Crusade! ]

[Rewards: Defeat the enemy, basic rating D, kill above the level +3-C, beheading deterrence +3-B]

[Final rating: B]

[Loot: Purification Spirit of Demon Spirit*6, Experience Bead*9, Treasure Box of Demon Spirit*4]

[Ding! Hunting mission: Demon Spirit I (kill demon spirit 0/50) has been activated, do you accept it? ]

Purification Spirit of Demon Spirit?

Not the heart essence?

After being surprised, Ailin thought about it and understood it immediately.

That's right, demon spirits don't seem to have so-called hearts. They are just a group of spiritual creatures. After being killed, they are also a pile of black ashes.

I just don't know what attributes this purification spirit improves?

Thinking of this, his heart warmed up.

His strength can be improved again.

Looking forward to it!


Ailin exhaled a breath of turbid air, accepted the mission casually, made a sword flower, and sheathed the sword.

"Hunter...Hunter...Witcher Apprentice, do you also know Viscount Hudson?"

The sudden surprised voice interrupted Ailin's thoughts.

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