Demon Hunter: School of the Wolf

Chapter 146 The Viscount and the Mysterious Human Couple


Ailin grasped the key words and stopped closing the door instantly. He leaned against the door and listened carefully.

Vesemir: "Human?"

Bob: "Yes, a human couple."

"I know the man. His name is Hod. He is a middle-aged knight under Master Hudson."

"He was originally Master Hudson's groom like me. He was promoted after several military exploits."

"I have never seen that woman. Although she looks plain, she is elegant and generous. She looks more like a lady from an aristocratic family than Miss Lysa - Miss Lysa is Master Hudson's daughter. She must have eloped from a noble family."

Mary added at this time: "She does look like a noble lady. "The lady of the family."

"That woman never goes out, so Bob, who was in charge of the stables at the time, didn't know. "

"But in addition to preparing meals with Lady Reina, I also cleaned the rooms of the host and guests."

"Every time I cleaned the couple's room, the woman would straighten her body, raise her head, and look at me with her nose when she thanked me, as if thanking me was a great gift."

"Even the Viscountess and Miss Lysa would not treat me like this..."

It can be heard that even after so many years, Mary still has a lot of resentment towards the unidentified woman.

Vesemir grasped the key point: "Elopement?"

It can be heard that he doesn't believe this guess. The drama of the lady of the noble family eloping only appears in the stories made up by the bard.

Besides, the two had said before that the woman was picked up from the battlefield.

Vesemir asked in confusion: "Which battle did Viscount Hudson accept the conscription eight years ago? Who was the enemy?"

This question seemed to stump Mary and Bob.

About a minute later, Bob said in an uncertain tone:

"I'm not sure about this. The king has launched frequent conflicts in recent years, but the enemy should be either elves or Aedirn."

Vesemir didn't dwell on this point. It had been a long time, and for the servants of the two nobles, these were not things they needed to care about.

So he continued to ask: "But what is the relationship between this couple and Viscount Hudson's castle?"

"It can't be that the entire castle is gone because of two humans?"

There was a silence.

Perhaps Bob and Mary were organizing their words.

"We suspect that it was that woman who brought disaster to Master Hudson... The master is such a good person, such a rare and upright nobleman, and the lady and the lady..."

Mary's voice was filled with sobs as she spoke.

After Bob and Vesemir comforted each other for a long time, Vesemir tried his best to get back to the topic:

"What disaster did they bring?"

Bob said: "I...we don't know. It was almost the autumnal equinox ten years ago, and we had just married with the blessing of the goddess Meliteli."

"The Viscount seemed to have anticipated something. After giving us this hotel as a wedding gift, he arranged for us to move out of the castle."

"Many servants were also driven out of the castle by Master Hudson. Then a few days later, the castle suddenly caught fire. People in the castle died or disappeared overnight. No one survived."

"When we wanted to go back to find the remains of the Viscount and his wife and wanted to bury them properly, news of the castle being haunted came."

"I...we had little Mike at the time, so we didn't dare to go in."

After listening to Vesemir, An "You were right not to go in. Even if Hudson knew, he wouldn't blame you."

"But why do you need to go and look for the bones? What about the other people in the Viscount's family? What about the Council of Nobles of Kaedwen?"

After another silence, Bob lowered his voice and trembled in his tone, as if he was afraid of being heard by someone:

"It's just... it's strange that no noble knights came... um... only a group of wizards in robes came..."

"But we didn't dare to ask them because of their gloomy and terrifying appearance..."

Mary interrupted again: "Vesemir, do wizards like to use fresh human hearts to make soup? Do they like the blood of babies to prolong their lifespan?"

"Uh... I haven't heard of this. Go on." Vesemir said helplessly, trying to get the topic back to the point.

Bob said: "Oh~"

"We suspect that the woman must be the daughter of some noble who eloped with that silly boy, otherwise how could a family as big as Viscount Hudson not come."

"It must be the revenge of that noble. After they took their daughter away, they killed Mr. Hudson's family and burned the castle to vent their anger."

"The news of the haunting must be the angry and unwilling souls of Mr. Hudson and his family!"

"Holden, that silly boy, should have been killed too." Mary added.

"Vesemir, you are a demon hunter, you should be able to find the bodies of Mr. Hudson's family, right?"

"They are all good people. We want to entrust you to let them rest in peace and then bury the bones in the cemetery of the goddess Meliteli."

After a pause, Bob asked a little embarrassedly: " much does the commission cost..."

Vesemir interrupted: "No need, Viscount Hudson is also my friend, and I have received a lot of care from the Viscount's family in those years."

After pondering for a moment, he made up his mind:

"Well... after a little preparation, I'll go to the castle to check the situation."

After listening to all the content, Ailin found that he had listened, but it seemed that he had not listened.

There was a lot of information in the conversation, but the couple he was most concerned about only had the husband's name, and the information about the suspicious woman was all Bob and Mary's guesses and conjectures.

The most important thing is that the couple's whereabouts are unknown.

To sum up, Viscount Hudson took in a couple on the battlefield. Some major changes may have happened in the middle, which made the Viscount realize that the situation was not good and arranged for Bob and Mary and other servants to leave the castle.

In the end, there was a big fire in the castle. After the rumors of haunting, no one came to clean up the bodies of the Viscount's family.

This is indeed strange. The castle is a very valuable asset for the nobles. This is a village near Ban Ade, not a place of war on the border, plus the hundred fruit garden fiefdom under the castle.

Viscount Hudson's noble relatives couldn't even grab it, so how could it be shelved for so many years?

"Unless there is a more powerful person or force that makes them dare not do so." Ailin thought.

In Kaedwen, near Ban Ade, such forces seem to be only wizards... No, the king is more likely...

Viscount is already a very high title, and even if there are many conflicts within the aristocracy, it is impossible to allow wizards to kill... At least there will be no trouble afterwards...

In addition...

"Is this couple the red-haired elf is looking for?"

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